codeblock exe keeps crashing instantly - c

I have made a c program with codeBlocks on windows 10, but the exe crashes as soon as I open it, actually it does not matter the program all exe produced by codeblocks won't run, maybe there are some problems with the settings? Cause if I run the program from inside codeBlocks it runs without problems, any suggestion?

You are compiling "command line programs", which don't open a window on their own. Since they apparently don't expect any user input they run to the end quite happily and quit.
If you want to run this type of programs, you need a shell, which provides a window.
This is a simple way to get one: Open a file explorer window and navigate to the directory containing your program. Click into the address bar so that it changes into a textual representation of the path. Replace all of it with the word cmd and press enter. Now the shell's window opens, commonly with white text on a black background. Enter the name of the program, and it will run.


C VS console opens for a very brief time while openng in exe

When I open a program in C from the VS editor (I mean pressing the green button "Local windows debugger") the console opens, stays open and the program finishes noramlly.
However, when I try to run the program manually from the .ext file created, the program runs but the console opens for a brief time and closes immediately. How can I fix it?

CLion not running in Terminal

There's this bug with the placement of certain characters in the embedded terminal in CLion (the Run tab that pops up when you click the Run button), and I figured out that if I changed the terminal in CLion, that wouldn't happen. I changed the terminal to cmder, and it is all working now, except one thing: I can't figure out how to make CLion run the program to that terminal.
I tried changing the configuration, but all it did on run was open cmder but not execute the program (I had to run it manually, by writing the file name).
I wonder, what's the way to fix this, and make CLion directly run C programs on the terminal, instead of the Run tab?
Thank you.
The CLion run configuration always runs in the integreted run window. That is not a terminal emulator, and it cannot be changed so that it runs in an actual terminal emulator (like cmder).
Your best bet is to try to fix the "character placement" in the run window. Maybe ask a different question where you explain the issue, or if it's a clear bug, file a bug report for it.

Redirect programs directly to eclipse console

I am using eclipse cdt oxygen with mingw64 7.2.0 on windows 10 to write programs in c. Whenever I write programs that only outputs like:
The output got printed into the console. However when I write programs that asks for inputs, like:
c = getchar();
rather than going to the console, eclipse instead opens a terminal. I believe that is where you will type the input. This doesn't usually bother me, however my eyes are destroyed, I am using a screen reader and this terminal is somewhat inaccessible. It is usable, but can be very hard to use sometimes (E.G. my screen reader JAWS does not speak what I'm typing).
Is there a way for eclipse cdt to put all inputs and outputs directly to the console?
Unfortunately in this case eclipse console is read only. Better once compile and build your code go to the folder where it created your exe file and run that exe in command prompt and test.
open command prompt window (type cmd)
cd C:\path_to_your_exe\
This will also help you in case your program takes command line parameters.

How to detect Console or Windows Application?

I am trying to write a icon changing program like resource hacker. I am able to change icons of windows programs but not console programs and I think thats quite obvious. So I want to write a code in my program that will check if the argument exe file is a console program or windows program before it tries to change the icons.
So how do I check if an exe file is a console program or windows program. I am writing program in C using visual studio.
The Subsystem value inside the Portable Executable header of the file will give you the info:
WINDOWS_CUI 3 Runs in the Windows character subsystem (a console app)

VB.NET Application which can compile and run C programs

These days I'm working on a VB.NET application which can be used to edit, compile and run C programs. Can someone tell me how I can call a cl.exe process from within my VB program and also that how do I run the program in the console widow itself.
Presently I have only the editor ready. With that one can type in a program and save it with a ".c" extension. Now there are 2 buttons on my form - "Compile" and "Run". When the user clicks on the "Compile" button, the program should be passed to the cl.exe process and the errors should be displayed in another textbox or the DOS(black screen itself). And when the user clicks on the "Run" button, the ".exe" file which just got created should get executed.
Is there any way to attach some files along with my program so that the people who do not have "C" installed in their computers can also edit, compile and run C programs using my application?
You can use the System.Diagnostics.Process class to do this.
You can launch any executable using the Start method. You an pass arguments, etc, just like you would from the command line.
You can redirect the output of the program using the Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput property.
There are similar methods for redirecting errors, input, etc.
To capture the output of the compiler or the compiled and linked program, use the System.Diagnostics.Process.StandardOutput property to retrieve a System.IO.StreamReader instance.
