Display processes that access a folder - c

I am trying to write a simple program, preferably in C, that will watch a given directory. Whenever a process accesses that directory, I just want to print out the name of that process. It seems simple, but I am coming up short for solutions on MSDN. Does anyone know which library calls I will need for this, or any helpful advice? I have considered repeatedly querying for what processes have handles on the given directory and just watching for additions to that list.This approach just seems very intensive and I am hoping there is an easier way. Thanks.

I'm not sure if there's an easier way, but one way is to use a file system filter driver. Or easier a file system minifilter driver.
You can filter, log, track, control, ... all IO.

There is no supported way to do this from user mode. You can use the FindFirstChangeNotification API to tell when a file or directory has changed, but that doesn't tell you who did it. You might be able to hook some things to obtain this information... but that is of course not supported.
If you can use a driver, you can use Event Tracing for Windows for this information. This is what Sysinternals ProcMon uses. But installation of a driver is a very invasive process, bugs in your driver cause BSODs, and installation of a driver requires administrative rights. Something to keep in mind.


C multiple write access to a log file (linux env)

I have a set of independent programs that I wrote in C. I would like all of them to write their log to the same file. Obviously comes the issue of control access. Two or more of them could end up writing simultaneously.
What is the most pragmatic way to achieve this?
I came across solutions using pthread/mutexes/etc but that sounds overkill implementation for something like that.
I am also looking at syslog but wonder if this is really for the purpose of what I need to do?
I feel that I need a daemon service taking the message and control when they are written. I wonder if that already exists.
I am also looking at syslog but wonder if this is really for the purpose of what I need to do?
I feel that I need a daemon service taking the message and control when they are written. I wonder if that already exists.
It exists in the Unix derivatives (including Linux) and is called... syslogd
More seriously, the syslog function is intended to pass a message to a syslogd daemon that will route it according to its configuration file. Most common uses include writing it down to a file or to the system console (specially for panic level messages when nobody can be sure whether the file system is still accessible). The syslog system may come with more features than what you are asking for, but it is an extremely robust and extensively tested piece of software. In addition, it is certainly already active on your system, so you should have a strong reason to roll your own instead of using it.
You have two way :
First : Using something that already exist.
For the logging part, syslog (and syslog-ng) are well-know and well-used.
From that point, you can parametre syslog-ng to listen to an ip connection, and scan a dir for new file.
Your program can, when they will want to log, either connect to syslogng directly and send the log, and if the connection fail, write a new file in the directory that syslogng watch.
That allow to not have the loss of the log is syslog-ng are interrupted for a reason or another.
Second : Develop something really similar to syslog-ng.
In that case, it's up to you.

Prevent unauthorised write access to a part of filesystem or partition

Hello all I have some very important system files which I want to protect from accidental deletion even by root user. I can create a new partition for that and mount it with readonly access but the problem is that I want my application which handles those system files to have write access to that part and be able to modify them. Is that possible using VFS? As VFS handles access to the files I could have a module inserted in the VFS layer which can see if there is a write access to that part then see the authorization and allow it or otherwise reject it.
If not please provide me suggestions regarding how can such a system be implemented what would I need in that case.
If there exists a system like this please suggest about them also.
I am using linux and want to implement this in C, I think it would be possible in C only.
Edit: There are such kind of programs implemented in windows which can restrict access to administrator even, to some important folders, would that be possible in linux?
My application is a system backup and restore program which needs to keep its backup information safe and secure. So I would like to have a secured part of a partition which could not be accidently deleted in any way. There are methods of locking a flashdrive can we use some of those methods for locking a partition in linux also ? so that mount is password protected ? I am not writing a virus application, my application would give user option to delete the backups but I don't wanna allow them to be deleted by any other application.
Edit: I am writing a system restore and backup program for ubuntu, I am a computer engineering student.
Edit: As I have got opinion from Basile Starynkevitch that I would be committing worst sin of programming if I do anything like this, but you could provide me suggestions considering this as a experimental project, I could make some changes in the VFS layer so that this could work.
You could use chattr, e.g.
chattr +i yourfile
But I don't think it is a good thing to do that. People using root access are expected to be careful. Those having root access can still issue the command undoing the above.
There is no way to forbid people having root access, or people having physical access to the computer, to access, remove, change your file, if they really want to (they could update & hack the kernel, for instance). Read more about trusted compute base
And I believe it is even unethical (and perhaps illegal, in some countries) to want to do that. I own my PC, and I don't understand why you should disallow me to change some data on it, because I happened to install some software.
By definition of root on Linux, it can do anything... You won't be able to prohibit him to erase or alter data... People with root access can write arbitrary bytes at arbitrary places on the disk.
And on a machine that I own (or perhaps just have physical access to), I will, thanks God, always be able to remove a file (even under Windows: I could for example boot a Linux CDROM and remove the file from Linux accessing an NTFS, and then reboot the Windows...).
So I think you should not bother and take even a minute to find out how to make root altering your precious files more difficult. Leave them as other root files...
The unix philosophy has always been to trust the system administrator (while protecting newbie users from mistakes), that is the root user. The root is able to do anything (this is why people avoid being root, even on a personal machine). There have never been strong features to prohibit root doing mistakes, because the system administrator is expected to know well the system, and is trusted.
And Unix sysadmins understand this fact: it is part of their culture. (This is probably in contrast with Windows administration culture). They know when to be careful, they don't expect software to prevent mistakes as root.
In order to use root squashing (which makes it so that root can't even see files for a local user) you can set up a local nfs. This forum page explains how to mount an nfs locally. The command is:
mount -t nfs nameofcomputer:/directory_on_that_machine /directory_you_should_have_already_created
nfs has root squashing enabled by default, which should solve your problem. From there, you just make sure your program stores its files on the nfs mount.
Sounds to me like you're trying to write a virus.
No doubt you will disagree.
But I'm willing to bet the poor people that install your software will feel like it's a virus, because it will be behaving like one by making itself hard to remove.
Simply setting r/w flags should suffice for anything else.

Monitoring folders for changes

I'm working on a project that will require an application that watches a list of directories the user specifies for changes. Also, I'd like to give the users the option of running the application as a service or on an individual basis. Since users can choose to run it on an individual basis I don't think listening for some operating system event triggered by the addition or deletion of files (if such events exist) would be sufficient. I thought about maybe calculating a checksum for the deepest folder and then building up. I could then compare these checksums on subsequent scans to try and pinpoint where the changes have occurred. Would that be an appropriate solution; if not what would be the best way of doing this in an efficient manner?
Also, I'm not quite sure what to tag this as so if you have any recommendations let me know and I'll as them as I see fit.
EDIT: I'll need this method to work on Windows, OS X, and ideally Linux
On Mac OSX, you can use FSEvent, which is similar to inotify interface on Linux.
There exist several methods for tracking changes.
The simplest is to scan the directory on timer and compare timestamps and file sizes. However this is resource-consuming and some changes can be missed (eg. if the file changed twice between checks, first change will be missed).
Next, one can use FindFirstChangeNotification Windows API function (it has it's own limitations, though).
And the most sophisticated and most reliable method is to use a filesystem filter driver. On Windows our CallbackFilter can be used. On MacOS X it's possible to create a filter driver, but I don't know about any ready-to-use product similar to CallbackFilter. On Linux, one can use inotify.
If the filesystems supports CIFS/SMB protcol, you may consider change notification feature in protocol.
Refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa302188.aspx for CIFS overview.
man kqueue
(at least, that's how i'd do it on my most oft targeted OS - but you should specify this in your post)

Problem in process hooking

I have a process (say, for example, MyProcessA), hooked an exe and injected my dll (MyDll.dll) into the process space of MyProcessA, so even if it's gonna create n number of child processes it will be process hooked as well. I have no problem in hooking and injecting the dll into the process. I have hooked all file and process dependant functions, but somehow I am not able to achieve complete hook of any setup (any application setup). I suspect if am missing any process related APIs or it might be some UAC problem, currently I am using CreateProcess(A&W), NtCreateProcess, ShellExecute(A&W). What could be the problem?
I suspect that the answer is related to the "Windows Installer Service". I'm guessing that your hooks wouldn't catch any interactions with a service, which even if launched as a result of FireFox's setup is going to be created by a different System process. I haven't had much experience with Windows Installer, but the documentation here should have more details than you could possibly wish for, given the time to find it.
UAC might also cause you issues, but you should be able to rule that out by launching the hooking code with administrative privileges to start with.
Is this research for uni? Either way good luck, it sounds like an interesting problem.

Tricking programs in C

Say I launch a program from the program I make. Is it possible to trick the launched program into thinking the windows directory is in a different place?
If it uses the %windir% or %systemroot% environment variables to determine the Windows directory, it would certainly be easy to change these. But if it uses an API call, you'll have to hook that call, as ChrisW suggests. You might take a look at Detours.
Faking the location of the windows directory is generally not something that is done. My own reaction is similar to those above, that its a recipe for disaster if it were even possible.
If you could explain your situation in more detail (possibly in a new question), there might be better suggestions to solve your actual underlying problem.
It would be difficult. There are several system APIs which the program might be using to determine the path of the windows directory. To trick it you would need to intercept the program's calls to whichever API it is, and return a different result.
There are many articles about intercepting APIs on Windows: here's the first one I found using Google: API hooking revealed.
The location of Windows directory is in the Registry. Vista may let you change it per user, but as far as I know it's impossible to do per-process.
