WPF: Launch ModalDialog control from within XAML? - wpf

I'm building WPF client application. I'm following MVC pattern.
The project solution has many items, so I created „Views“ and „Controllers“ separate assemblies. „Views“ assembly references „Controllers“.
Problem: I need to load ShowModalDialog user control from withing controller instance which has no reference to View dialog control.
Is there a way to launch ModalDialog control from within XAML ?

I ran into that same problem a while ago and there wasn't a built-in solution. This is a workaround I used: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WPF/XAMLDialog.aspx


Best Starting Point for WPF Revit Add in

I am wanting to rewrite one of my Revit Add ins so that it utilizes WPF with MVVM because I like the look and functionality of WPF better than Windows Forms.
I have used the Revit Template Wizzard from Jeremy Tammik for the Form based add in, but adding a WPF user control seems not to work (a run time error that the xaml resource cannot be found).
I found a WPF MVVM revit add in example (AddMaterials, here is the github link, which will add materials from an Excel spreadsheet) but it does not follow what I am expecting to see at the top level.
Revit Add ins have an app.cs file which tells Revit how to register and access the DLL (ribbon panel buttons etc).
A windows WPF app will have app.xaml as the top level entry point.
The Add Materials project has neither which tells me that it must be
a class library, however the views are not using UserControls
rather they are Windows which I prefer. However Visual Studio does not
let you add a Window for a Class Library type project.
The third issue is easily solved by simply copying windows from a WPF application project into a class library project. But I don't really understand how the class library will instantiate in Revit without following the app.cs code from the template. Is anyone else creating add-ins this way, and if so can you let me in on any tricks or discussions that will help? Has anyone created a WPF Revit addin template for Visual Studio?
When I add a WPF window and try to instantiate it I get an error that it cannot find the xaml resource (System.IO.IOException: Cannot locate resource 'xxxx.xaml'). I have tried to fix this according to advice found when googling for this error, but to no avail. I am thinking it comes from being in a form based project, and that I may have to just start with a new project without the form stuff.
I have now verified that indeed you can start with the Revit AddIn Wizzard and use WPF . . . I started from scratch and copied in a window created in another project and got it to run (after adding the various references, namespaces, etc). So my problem seems to just be with the original project which already had a bunch of form stuff added.
Yes, I'm using WPF to create Revit Addins. It works well. You can easily create your own WPF template from the SDK samples:
Start with one of the Autodesk-provided SDK samples. I used the "DockableDialogs" sample. I know this one works, your mileage may vary with the others. If you're looking for windows rather than docked panes in the UI, another sample (perhaps the AddMaterials sample) is probably simpler.
I used Visual Studio to turn the sample into a template. File - Export Template -> select "DockableDialogs" or other WPF sample project.
Create a new project based on the template you just created. This was the easiest method I could find to get the WPF internal bits wired up correctly.
I'm not specifically familiar with the AddMaterials project, but to clarify your bullet points.
Revit Addins - It's not the file name (app.cs) but rather they must extend IExternalApplication or IExternalCommand. If you are creating a xaml interface (rather than just running a command from a ribbon button) you'll use 'IExternalApplication' as your entry point. Look for something like this in the sample:
public class ThisApplication : IExternalApplication ...
I don't used a top level app.xaml, but instead have page.xaml pages which are called by the Revit app. In my case these are Pages rather than Windows, which extend the IDockablePaneProvider class. These must be registered with the application which can then can be show, hide, etc your Panes. I imagine this is simpler with Windows, but haven't done it myself. For the dockable panes, your xaml.cs should start out something like:
public partial class MainPage : Page, Autodesk.Revit.UI.IDockablePaneProvider ...
Yes, the project is a class library in the sense that it is a collection of classes, at least one of which extends IExternalApplication or IExternalCommand. Remember that you're not creating a standalone application, but adding functionality to an existing Windows application (Revit). Revit will instantiate the ThisApplication class and then call its .OnStartup() method when the Revit application starts. This shouldn't stop you from adding .xaml or .cs files to the project, though. I can do it using VS Community 2015 using Ctrl-Shift-A.
Hopefully this gets you started - I've been able to implement a WPF UI in Revit without any prior WPF experience, and I'm not even a real programmer, so it's definitely possible. Good Luck!
If you want to add WPF elements to an existing revit addin, you can follow the instructions here: How can I connect xaml and xaml.cs files
Ultimately I found it easier to migrate my addin code into a template made from a working sample, you may want to try this approach as well.

User controls are not available in the toolbox in VS2010

I have created the WPF user control and WPF window in class library project. Controls are public.
These controls are available for other project of the same solution. I can see them in the toolbox of the VS2010 when i add project reference from the WPF application project.
However, when i create some WPF application project outside the solution and add reference to the my user control library project, the controls do not appear in the toolbox! (My applications XAML file is open when I try to see them in toolbox to drag-drop on the application's main XAML)
What makes the controls avilable to the outside world when their assembly is referenced by the consumers?
Try right clicking on the toolbox and selecting Choose Items From that form click browse and select your DLL. That should put the controls in the toolbox for you.
I think the problem is that in your new WPF project you need to set an XML namespace where you reference your user control library. Then you can use your controls in the XAML.
For example :
thats an xml namespace definition in the XAML:
And how you can use a control from this control library
< toolkit:ListPicker />
I hope this will help you.
Right click inside the toolbox and select "Show All".

WPF Component in Windows Application

i have created one component in WPF. its working fine with WPF but when i tried to use it in windows application i am getting one issue.
i have one textbox in that control so in when the control hosted in windows applicaion and i try to type something in that textbox its not working.
i tried to put some messageboxes in "KeyPreview", "KeyDown" and "Textxchanged" events any of these events have not been fired.
so is there any limitation for WPF usercontrols usage in windows application??
one more thing i have used Dispatcher timer in the usercontrol.
This MSDN walkthrough shows how to use a WPF user control in Windows Forms. It may help you in your query.

windows application user control in wpf

I have created a user control in windows application and used it in wpf.
The user control is in a seperate project and solution than that of wpf.
I have exposed some properties in the user control and tried to use it in a wpf form.
I have used it in the WindowsFormsHost element and also added WindowsFormsIntegration reference.
I am facing the following problems:
I am able to see the user control in the toolbox but it is disabled.
I am able to design the user control in xaml and give values to properties. I am also getting the properties in intellisense but the same is not getting reflected/applied during design as well as run time.
I am not able to see the control in the properties window even after selecting it. I am just able to see WindowsFormsHost in the property window.
I am not able to find any sample project or explanation of this in code project. If there is any then please do let me know.
Also I am able to use this user control in a windows application very easily and it is working fine. Am i missing anything for wpf?
I can give the source code if required but i dont think it will be of much help as i have not done anything fancy.
Is the control project compiled or just added in the solution?
Is the control project compiled as Debug or Release?
What language is the control compiled in?
"Walkthrough: Hosting a Windows Forms Control in WPF"
Possible help:

How do I present Prism module views?

I'm writing a prism application, I've just created my 1st module, fired it all up and amazingly - it works.
The application is going to grow soon(TM), and I'll be facing the need to host those modules in separate GUI elements.
What type of GUI elements would you recommend to host the modules?
Is it possible to data-bind a module to some control like a tab-control? How is it done?
Is there some kind of a dock manager (similiar to AvalonDock) for Silverlight?
Have you looked at StockTrader sample project provided with PRISM? It has in Shell.xaml AnimatedTabControl (inherited from TabControl) to which are bound modules: WatchModule (look at WatchListController.cs file) and PositionModule (look at PositionModule.cs file).
Take a look also at Prism Explorer sample project, which is using TabControl in Shell.
There IS dock manager, check silverlight toolkit ( it is installed with sl4 or you can take it here )
Also there is an example of binding controls to tab control tabs with MEF on channel 9
