Running Multiple Google App Engine Apps from one Domain - google-app-engine

I would like to have the following:
Is this possible? I know I could just make /app1 be handled by app1, but then the redirects and everything wouldn't work unless I explicitly used redirect('/app1') instead of the current redirect('/').
Is there a way I can just upload my current apps (app1, app2, etc.) to the root site and have them work regularly?
Thanks in advance

You can only have one application per site. This means you'll need:

You can register one App Engine application ID and have each subdirectory do different things. For example, have all URLs under /app1 do one thing, and all URLs under /app2 do another thing.
However, they'll have to be deployed together, and will eat away at the same quota. They will, in fact, be one application, with URLs that do two completely different things.
Otherwise, what Taylor says is correct, you can only have separate subdomains (either on or as subdomains on your own domain)

You can't have multiple apps on a domain without a reverse proxy - but you can have multiple 'subapps' - just configure each one independently using app.yaml / web.xml. They'll share the same datastore and memcache, but otherwise can be treated as separate components.


can i make a subdomain to point a different app in GAE?

i am a newbie to Google app engine web application.there are two seperate gae web applications in which one application intended for staging and the other application used for live production purpose.we bought a domain for eg: which we point to staging as is working fine). what i want to do is that with the same domain name can i make it to point to the live production app like for eg: is it possible?.if its possible please tell me how?. your answers will be very appreciable.
thanks in advance
Please be aware that and are two completely different and independent domains apart from the fact that they are both .com domains.
Since app engine does not support naked domain redirection with SSL (, would not work with SSL) you have to use subdomains anyway, like and
And yes that is possible and basically the exact same steps for each app. Since you set that up for your staging domain this should be a piece of cake for you. The steps are described in here, but the highlights are:
Create a CNAME record for your subdomain which points to
Add the custom domain in your apps project custom domain settings.

Setting up custom domains (with subdomains) on Google App Engine with SSL with different versions of app

Problem I want to solve
I want to be able to send different users to different versions of my Google App Engine application, on a custom domain, with SSL enabled. This needs to be done in a controlled way, i.e., even landing page should be different, and it has to work on multiple units for the user.
Solution I can't get to work
I am trying to setup a custom domain with sub-domains, and want to be able to access different versions of the application. For example, I have, and I want to run one version (alpha) on, and one version (beta) on (where alpha is default).
I use the Google Developers Console to set up custom domains, using, and * as custom domains.
This works perfectly as long as I don't try to add on SSL as well, i.e., serves the version named beta. When I set up SSL I start by adding my application to Google Apps, (per and then set up my domain to point to my app. First I add, then, and last
When that is done start to serve the default version instead. Except that it sometimes also serves the beta version (this happens one in every 20 tries or so, I assume it's a glitch for now).
My questions:
a) Should I set up my domains in both Google Apps and Google Developer Console? Or should I remove the setup from Google Developer Console? I tried both, seems to give the same results.
b) It seems like it is possible to get it done by using modules as indicated in
Google App Engine custom domains, subdomains and SSL and in Appengine modules dispatch.xml routing with custom domain. Is this the only way, or am I doing something wrong in my setup?
Suggestions I have received so far
One suggestion is to use traffic splitting and set a unique cookie depending on what version I want the user to end up with. I did not know about this, and it will solve some other issues I have been looking at. It does not solve my current problem though, as I need to have this set before log in. The answer is useful though.
I'll answer with what I did to make this work for me.
Instead of sending users to different versions of the app, I created a new module called alpha, and directed users using to that module using dispatch.xml.
I set up custom domains in the App Engine Console ( under Compute->App Engine->Custom Domains, for * and I also added the URL to the accepted URLs for my App Engine app on Google Apps ( This allowed me to run over SSL as well.
I intend to run the app under another domain (domain alias to my primary domain), so I tried that as well. To make this work I ONLY added the domain alias in Google Apps as and, because if I added it to Google App Engine custom domains I got an error message ("We are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later. (Error #1000)"). I have no idea why it that did not work out.
The easier approach is to do traffic splitting on a cookie level compared to setting up extra subdomains AND extra SSL certificates.
The domain name to access your alpha version does not have to change using this approach.
from the docs :
The response from your app does not already contain a Set-Cookie:
GOOGAPPUID=... header. This allows your app to control which version a
user gets.

Does Google App Engine have any support for cookieless domains?

It seems like static files can only be served from the same domain as the app.
I could create a new app for hosting static files but I'm a little nervous that that would a violation of the terms of service.
You don't need to serve your static content from a different app, you just need to use a different hostname. App Engine makes it pretty easy to have many different hostnames that point to the same app.
With wildcard subdomains you don't even have to create a DNS entry. If your app lives at, you can also reach it through any subdomain, like If you're using your own domain, you'll need to configure it manually.
"4.4. You may not develop multiple Applications to simulate or act as a single Application or otherwise access the Service in a manner intended to avoid incurring fees"
"You may not develop" but, you can "Enable Billing" for multiple application. An example:
Section 4.4 of the terms of service prohibit one from splitting one logical app into two pieces - so hosting your dynamic content and static content in two separate GAE apps would violate the terms.
However, you could host static files on another web hosting service - anything from a simple shared hosting solution all the way up to a big CDN. This approach enables your site to serve static content from domains other than your app's domain.

deploy multiple appengine apps to one appspot subdomain

I don't want to waste any more of my 10 subdomains for test projects. Is there an elegant way to have multiple appengine apps, each to its own folder, e.g., I want the configuration to be identical or very close to the actual deployment configuration at a subdomain's root.
Just ask for more apps. Google would rather give you more apps than have you work around the limit. See here
What you could maybe do is (ab-)use the different versions for completely different projects. In this case you do not have to change anything in web.xml. for myapp1 for myapp2
They do share the same datastore and memcache and task queues, but you would have the same situation with separating the paths. And if the table names do not collide, that should not be a problem.
You do get different admin consoles (log viewers etc) for each version.
You could always create a new Google account and get 10 new apps, right?
You could use dummy Google accounts for your test projects, and add your original Google account as a developer to a project you decide to actively work on... That way your original Google account doesn't get "polluted" by test projects.

How are people using Google App-Engine apps with their own domains?

I've been fooling around with the Google App Engine for a few days and I have a little hobby application that I want to write and deploy.
However I'd like to set it up so that users are not directly accessing the app via
Is hosting it through Google Apps and then pointing it at my own domain the only way to go? I looked at that a little bit and it seemed like a pain to implement but maybe I'm just missing something.
My other thought was to write the app-engine piece as a more generic web-service.
Then I could have the user-facing piece be hosted anywhere, written in any language, and have it query the url.
Anyone have any luck with the web-service approach?
The reason Google Apps is required is because you need somewhere to a) verify you own the domain (otherwise, you might point it at app engine, then I might hijack it by adding it to my account) and b) set up domain mappings (which subdomains point to which of your appengine apps).
Since this stuff already exists in Apps, it seems silly to duplicate it in AppEngine.
As has been pointed out, it doesn't cost anything, and you do not need to "move" anything to Google. You simple created a cname record with a random name to verify you own the domain, and a cname for the subdomain you wish to point at App Engine. This only takes a few minutes, and once it's done, it's done forever.
Note: If you host your site elsewhere and use webservices, you need to scale the site/frontend. If you host on app engine, you get this for free :-)
I wrote an article on my blog about redirecting * domains to your custom domain to keep your branding:
To do this, I believe you need to be using Google Apps and have a custom domain setup for Google Apps. Then, you deploy your app into your Google Apps domain.
Here is google's official instructions on how to do that:
I have used this process for a couple of sites and it is easy and painless, provided you have control on the DNS records for your domain (you should).
OK, we're now at the end of 2017 and things are a lot different regarding App Engine and custom domains. It's easy now!
Go to the app engine dashboard for your app and choose Settings, then go to the Custom Domains tab. From there, choose Add custom domain.
The tricky part is that Google needs to verify that you control the domain, so they ask you to put a TXT record in the DNS for your domain. Once you do that and Google it, you become "verified" as the owner of the domain.
After that, Google will give you a bunch of A and AAAA (for IP6) records to put in your DNS. Once you've done that, you should be good to go.
It can be easily done using request.getRequestURI() method. If the URL doesn't include your domain, just redirect it to the desired URL using
resp.sendRedirect("<your domain>")
Otherwise load a error page using
request.getRequestDispatcher("<error-page>").forward(request, response);
