Why is this list not being displayed correctly in IE7? - internet-explorer-7

I can't figure out why this list is not displaying properly in IE7.
The website: http://ada.kiexpro.com/html/about.html
The background image is covered by the div below and the div in the bottom is not displayed.
Thanks in advance!

Change the z-index of div#aboutbutton to 2. So, it will not be hidden under the div#abouttop. It should solve the problem


Bootstrap-select render dropdown ontop

unfortunately I have the issue that once you have a bootstap-select inside a DIV with overflow hidden, the options gets hidden as well.
I guess there has to be a fix out there to render / show the dropdown on the highest layer (document or body). Is someone aware of this issue?
Did you try this? (data-container="body")

Angular dialogue box not resizing correctly

So I am using a angular dialogue box, however, setting custom size for this dialogue box ruins the format inside the box.
I have created a plunkr for this. http://plnkr.co/edit/yXf1kNMqhAdo3iM8dFBy
If you look at the "save" and "cancel" buttons, they appear somewhere near center of the page even though they are part of modal-footer.
Does anyone know how to resolve this.
Thanks in advance
They are appearing to the right because modal-footer has a css property set as text-align: right. They flow off of the plunker because model-body is being set as 800px in your code here: modal.css("width",'800px');.
You can add a style to override this if you want:
Updated plunker
Hope this helps.

Z-index issues in IE7

I have a login form in popup in header of my page and below it i have a navigation when i have open the popup the navigation links are showing above the popup. I have set the z-index of navigation 1 and z-index of popup is 10 but is not working in IE7. Anyone can help me
It is a known bug of IE7. Doesnt work in IE7 and IE8(compatibility view). Work around for this is: You need to check the hierarchy. Both pop-up and should be in the same stacking context/or you can say must have parent child relationship. and keep the parent/popup as relative and the z-index should be greater than the child.
you can also check the following link from where i got its example
You ll need to set the popup position as relative, IE reads z-index only when its position is set to relative, just give it a try

Superfish vertical dropdown menu z-index problem in ie7

I found many questions about this issue and i tried all of the solution i found (z-index to parent, relative position to parent, the corner plugin etc...), but nothing seems to help. Here is the demo:
Works in all browser, except IE7. Any idea?
Ok, i found a solution:
aside nav li{
aside nav li.sfHover {
So basicly i just need to add more z-index to the list element that has dropdown menu inside.

IE7 causing disappearance of background image on scroll

I'm having an IE7 issue with a website i'm working on - www.mini-meals.co.uk
Basically, the background image is not showing on behind the form on the 'Free Trial'
panel, and is disappearing when I scroll down on the others.
I've tried adding position:relative; on a bunch of elements but it doesn't seem to
make a difference.
Any ideas anyone? thanks.
Add this style to your page to see if you are experiencing an issue with hasLayout:
.panel .panel-wrapper { zoom: 1; }
If this does correct your issue than a more "standard" way of correcting the background rendering would be to set an explicit width to those same ".panel-wrapper" items.
