app-engine-patch and pyFacebook not working - google-app-engine

I am trying to write a facebook app using app-engine-patch and pyFacebook.
I am using nothing but the examples provided with each tool and for some reason it will not work.
I have combined the two just as described in the accepted answet here:
Facebook, Django, and Google App Engine
app-engine-patch seems to work just fine but when I try to use #facebook.require_login() I get this from GAE's logs:
Exception in request:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/base/data/home/apps/app-name/1.339079629847560090/common/zip-packages/", line 92, in get_response
response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File "/base/data/home/apps/app-name/1.339079629847560090/facebook/djangofb/", line 87, in newview
if not fb.check_session(request):
File "/base/data/home/apps/app-name/1.339079629847560090/facebook/", line 1293, in check_session
self.session_key_expires = int(params['expires'])
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'None'
This happends no matter which view I decorate with #facebook.require_login()
I am using the latest from both projects and I have no idea why it wont work.
Many thanks for your time.
UPDATE: I made a quickfix for pyFacebook, but I just forgot to put it back in the thread.
Now also as an answer, since it seems to be the only way.
If you change facebook/ line 1292+ from this:
if params.get('expires'):
self.session_key_expires = int(params['expires'])
To this:
if params.get('expires'):
if params['expires'] == 'None':
params['expires'] = 0
self.session_key_expires = int(params['expires'])
It will work, but it is a hack and maybe it could be done more elegantly, but it works.
Gotta point the pyFacebook devs to this thread, maybe they will have a better solution.

You should not use pyfacebook's decorator #facebook.require_login() when using pyfacebook with facebook-connect. The decorator is meant to be used for a facebook application, as it redirects the user to the facebook site if they are not logged in, but you really want to redirect the user to your login page on your site if they are not logged in.
To check if someone is logged in with facebook-connect and pyfacebook with the djangofb middleware, you call request.fb.check_session(request). If check_session returns True then they have a valid session. If it returns False then you need to redirect the user to your login page so they can click the facebook connect login button you (should) have placed on that page.

If you change facebook/ line 1292+ from this:
if params.get('expires'):
self.session_key_expires = int(params['expires'])
To this:
if params.get('expires'):
if params['expires'] == 'None':
params['expires'] = 0
self.session_key_expires = int(params['expires'])
It will work, but it is a hack and maybe it could be done more elegantly, but it works.


Convert email to username in Jupyterhub from c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.username_claim = 'unique_name'

I am facing a peculiar issue with using Jupyterhub config c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.username_claim = 'unique_name' . Due to the way our AzureAD is configured this returns an email like . However we want to convert this to local username fname.lname without the while Spawning jupyterhub-singleuser. Since the enhancement to Refactor oauthenticators #526 is not yet released we cannot use a function like c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.username_claim = 'get_username_from_userinfo' to convert email to username. If we use a mapping like c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.username_map = { '': 'fname.lname'} then it spawns correctly as fname.lname . But we dont want to keep adding these hardcoded maps for any new users added to jupyterhub. How can we handle this issue by changing some code in the jupyterhub version 3.1.0. Which module can we do a small change to remove the domain
There is a similar issue logged here:
UPDATE: Below posting is a solution that worked for this issue:

Quickbooks Authorization error

i have got Access token from "" using rest api in apex. when i pass the response to the authorizaiton url as shown below
i get this error
Oops! An error has occurred.
Please close this window and try again.
Error Code: no_such_database
Message: Application not found by appToken
Any kind of help will be much appriciable
I am not sure if you figured it out but the URL for authorization actually seems different from documentation :
I used this url for authorization and it worked.
Instead of old user authorization link ( ) use the new link (
After generating the request token and secret , redirect to the new link. This will lead to the user authorization pages. Once authorized it will redirect back to our callback url.
Code Example :
$userAuthUrl = "";
$signedUrl = "{$userAuthUrl}?oauth_callback={$callBackUrl}&oauth_consumer_key={$consumerKey}&oauth_nonce={$nonce_random}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp={$timestamp}&oauth_token={$reqToken}&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature={$signature}";
Authorized URL is not correct.
It should be like -
Here oauth_token is actually request_token (not request_secret) which you get as part of the first call OAuth1.0a flow.
Please refer this sample Java code which shows all the 3 steps required to generate accessToken and accessSecret (OAuth1.0a).

D3 Connection issue using mvsp java api

I am trying to connect to D3 Database with MVSP java api. So far:
I have downloaded the mvapi.jar
added it in project lib folder
written the sample code for connection inside main method
String url = "jdbc:mv:d3:hostname:portNo";
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("username", "");
props.setProperty("password", "");
String account = "AGCO";
String password = "";
MVConnection connection = null;
try {
// Getting error at this point
connection = new MVConnection(url,props);
MVStatement mvStatement = connection.createStatement();
MVResultSet results = mvStatement.executeQuery(query);
com.tigr.mvapi.exceptions.MVException: server error with errorCode 1023.
I checked the console but I'm not able to figure out the actual cause or whether I am entering the wrong username, password.
Please suggest what I am doing wrong.
First, you have to set a breakpoint or trace which function is throwing the errors. Then check the routes, (FileName) probably you will have much more experience than I do, but keep in mind that giving the full route ("account,filename," where the last comma is important) is never a bad idea while keep you safer and is mandatory if the filename is in a different account that you are logged to.
And like always please verify these things:
You have enough licenses. Try to close any terminal you have opened for testing your queries. Yes you know is true. One connection one license. Sometimes MVSP let you two under the same IP but chek this.
MVSP service is running. See Pick D3 documentation.
Your USER and ACCOUNT are both ENABLED to access in the MVSP server otherwise you won't be able to access these files or login with the user through the API. See the documentation to enable in the MVSP.Menu account.
I hope this helps.

ACAccount Facebook: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user

I am using iOS 6 Social framework for accessing user's Facebook data. I am trying to get likes of the current user within my app using ACAccount and SLRequest. I have a valid Facebook account reference of type ACAccount named facebook, and I'm trying to get user's likes this way:
SLRequest *req = [SLRequest requestForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook requestMethod:SLRequestMethodGET URL:url parameters:nil];
req.account = facebook;
[req performRequestWithHandler:^(NSData *responseData, NSHTTPURLResponse *urlResponse, NSError *error) {
//my handler code.
where url is #""; In my handler, I'm getting this response:
error = {
code = 2500;
message = "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.";
type = OAuthException;
Shouldn't access tokens be handled by the framework? I've found a similar post Querying Facebook user data through new iOS6 social framework but it doesn't make sense to hard-code an access token parameter into the URL, as logically the access token/login checking should be handled automatically by the framework. In all examples that I've seen around no one plays with an access token manually:
iOS 6 Facebook posting procedure ends up with "remote_app_id does not match stored id" error
I am using the iOS6-only approach with the built in Social framework, and I'm not using the Facebook SDK. Am I missing something?
You need to keep a strong reference to the ACAccountStore that the account comes from. If the store gets deallocated, it looks like it causes this problem.
Try running on an actual device instead of a simulator. This worked for me.
Ensure that your bundle id is input into your Facebook app's configuration. You might have a different bundle id for your dev/debug build.

Windows Phone 7 Silverlight Service References CommunicationException: "Server returned an error: Not Found"

I am developing an application for Windows Phone 7. I am trying to use services which are provided by the web site I am trying to get information from. I am using an asynchronous request. So if I try to get information from a web site without any authentication I use this code:
EventSrv.EventSrvSoapClient client = new EventSrv.EventSrvSoapClient();
client.GetAppointmentsCompleted += new EventHandler<EventSrv.GetAppointmentsCompletedEventArgs>(events_completed);
and it works fine. But as soon as I want to use a service from a web site which requires authentication I get a
CommunicationException: _innerException:"Server returned an error: Not Found"
public L2P.DocumentsService.GetDocumentsResponse EndGetDocuments(System.IAsyncResult result)
object[] _args = new object[0];
//Between this line
L2P.DocumentsService.GetDocumentsResponse _result = ((L2P.DocumentsService.GetDocumentsResponse)(base.EndInvoke("GetDocuments", _args, result)));
//and this line
return _result;
I am passing the credentials the following way:
DocumentsService.BaseServiceSoapClient docClient = new DocumentsService.BaseServiceSoapClient();
docClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = Variables.username;
docClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = Variables.password;
docClient.GetDocumentsCompleted += new EventHandler<DocumentsService.GetDocumentsCompletedEventArgs>(getDocumentsCompleted);
It actually doesn't matter if I pass the credentials or not, I get the same exception. I don't really know what the problem is, maybe it has nothing to do with the authentication. I've read all the articles here on CommunicationException but they couldn't solve my problem.
Any help will be appreciated!
I've finally figured it out! The server uses Basic Authentication and the header is set to "POST" by default. So I needed to modify the Header, set it to "Basic" and add the credentials as well. Furthermore the
CommunicationException: "Server returned an error: Not Found"
always appear if there is any unhandled exception. So you need to debug and check the _innerException for more information.
