nested Navigation Frame in Silverlight - silverlight

I created one master page with navigation frame. In a child page also containing one navigation frame once Child page loaded the outer next prev buttons are not working...

instead of using the hyperlinks, create a button with a click event. Then call
this.subframe.Navigate(new Uri("/Views/AboutContent/AboutPage1.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
subframe is the name of your nested frame. That should do it
you may also have to set this property in your nested frame:


Silverlight - How to close a page in Navigation Framework

How do you close a page on a Frame when using Navigation Framework? On a Frame I can only find methods GoBack and GoFoward, but no Close or something like that.
I think you can't do that straight, but you can approximate it by using a blank page and collapsing the Frame.
In other words: create an empty Page, with minimal XAML. When you want to 'close' your current page, navigate to your empty page instead (to unload your current page) and set the Visibility of your Frame to Collapsed. This should do what you want.

WPF Custom Navigation Buttons and calling one page from another

I have a window which contains a Frame which references a 'home' page that has buttons on it. When a button is clicked I want another page to show depending on which button was pressed. I attempted to use
and that works however, I want to use a customized navigation panel. I call
this.ShowsNavigationUI = false;
on my 'home' page but the bar still shows. Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do?
My page with the frame is a window so I do not know how to disable the Navigation bar there where I guess it is coming from.
Further testing shows that the ShowsNavigationUI property is false yet the nav bar shows itself in the parent window once there is a second page to go to (showing the 'home' page in the history.
if i understand you correctly you want to hide the navigation chrome of a Frame, to do so set
<Frame Name="hostFrame" NavigationUIVisibility="Hidden"/>

Silverlight Navigation Application

Is there anyway I can have one mainpage, with tabs, which load child pages in the content area, but also have within the child page another navigation menu which loads siblings into the same content area it itself is in?
This is just a nested navigation frame situation really.
Do not create a second navigation frame. Simply set the datacontext of the hyperlink button on the nested page to the page where your navigation frame is, that way it can be targeted.

Frame Navigation in Silverlight app

I have a WebRibbon control for a menu. I have a TabControl on the page that holds all content. As you click on a menu I create a TabItem, add a frame to the tab item, navigate to a specific xaml page in that frame and then add the frame to the tab item. It works fine for the first page. The content of the xaml page displays correctly in the frame. A problem arise as soon as I navigate to a second and third page. All the frames on all the tab items navigate to the last selected menu items corresponding xaml content.
frame1.JournalOwnership = JournalOwnership.OwnsJournal;
This solved my problem...

How do I can close/hide a frame based upon a button click event in wpf?

I have two frames I need to a load the second frame based on the button click event which is there in the first frame, and need to hide the first frame once the second frame is loaded.
Why don't you Navigate simply?
you can use NavigationService.Navigate() on button click event and navigate inside the same frame, you don't need a separate frame then. Do you have any specific requirement that you are using 2 different frames?
