How to conditionally determine which functions are called at compile time? - c

I'm working on implementing a very, very basic component system in C, but now I am at a point where I want to 'dynamically' call some functions. The set-up is very easy: the main program is simply an endless while loop, in which some conditions are checked and in which a "process" function is called for each enabled component.
For example, now it works like this:
while (1) {
But I want to separate it into separate components, and somehow define in a central place which parts are used. This could be done with simple defines, like so:
while (1) {
As you can see this is alright for 1 or maybe only a few components, but if I want to do this for all of these (input, network and graphics) and additional components in the future, I would have to put separate #ifdefs in there for each of them, and that's quite tedious.
In pseudo code, what I'm trying to accomplish is the following:
components = {'input', 'network', 'graphics'}
foreach component in components
execute component_process()
This way components could easily be added in the future.
I don't really mind if the checking is done compile time or run time (although I obviously prefer compile time, but I can imagine run time is easier to implement). I have no idea how to even start.

You need pointers to functions, create an array of pointers to functions and index it dynamically.
Here link about function pointers.

Compile-time solution: a pre-build step and include directive inside that loop, e.g.
while (1) {
#include "components.generated.c"
A basic script to generate that file might look like (Python):
components = ('input', 'networking', 'graphics')
# this could also be e.g. a glob on a directory or a config file
with open('components.generated.c', 'w') as fp:
for component in components:
print >>fp, '%s_process();' % component
Any decent build system will allow you to do that.

What's wrong with the ol' if condition?
if (hasNetwork)

Function pointers are great!
typedef void (*process_fun)(void);
process_fun processes[] =
{ input_process, network_process, graphics_process };
#define NELEMS(A) (sizeof(A) / sizeof((A)[0]))
while (1) {
for (int i = 0; i < NELEMS(processes); i++)
The NELEMS macro, which I learned from Dave Hanson, is also one of my favorites.
P.S. Avoid #ifdef at all costs :-)

At compile time with an X macro :
component.x is a file containing :
COMPONENT( graphic , "3D graphics rendering" )
COMPONENT( network , "Network" )
COMPONENT( other , "usefull stuff" )
Use it with :
#define COMPONENT( what , description ) what ## _process();
while (1)
#include "components.x"
And in another place for instance :
std::cout << "We use :\n" ;
#define COMPONENT( what , description )\
std::cout << #what << " : " << description << "\n" ;
#include "components.x"
and with this you can place the HAS_ defines in a single place in component.x :
COMPONENT( graphic , "3D graphics rendering" )
COMPONENT( network , "Network" )
#ifdef HAS_OTHER
COMPONENT( other , "usefull stuff" )

You can do this with an array of function pointers.Generally I try to avoid function pointers like the plague, but it may be your best bet.
Alternatively, you can create a component process function that takes an int argument, and then has a nasty switch statement... but for this to work, you need to keep adding to the component_process function.
Alternatively-alternatively, you could do this in C++, create a virtual Component class, that just has one method "process", with a bunch of subclasses, and you run through an array of components (actually objects of the subclasses) and call the process method.

your components should be an array of pointers to functions
enum components
void process_audio()
void process_network()
void process_graphics()
void (*process_component[num_components])();
process_component[0] = &process_audio;
process_component[1] = &process_network
process_component[2] = &process_graphics;
for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++)

Here's an example of the syntax to do this at runtime with an array of function pointers:
void f( void ) { puts( "f" ); }
void g( void ) { puts( "g" ); }
void h( void ) { puts( "h" ); }
void (*array[])(void) = { f, h, 0 };
int main(void) {
void (**t)(void);
for( t = array; *t; t++ )

Another possibility: Keep the loop as is, ie
while (1) {
and add the following preprocessor directives to the file header:
#define network_process() ((void)0)
#define graphics_process() ((void)0)


C Macro for defining test methods with callbacks

So you can dynamically define a method with its own name like this:
#define test(name) void name() { print("#name"); }
Then you can call it like:
I'm wondering though if you can make a "callback"-style form, like this:
#define test(name, body) void name() { print(#name); body(); }
Where it invokes a body that is defined as sort of a "block" like this:
test(dosomething, {
int a = add(1, 1);
assert(a == 2);
But more than that, I would like to pass a callback for async functions to say they are complete, like this:
test(dosomething, { (done)
int a = add(1, 1);
assert(a == 2);
In addition, I am defining these outside of the main, so it would be defined in the same scope as a normal function. Because of that, the tests aren't going to automatically run. They need to be iterated over. As such, they probably need to be pushed into an array of some sort. So wondering how that could be done, if macros allow you to sort of capture stuff into an array, or to build up an enum one #define at a time.
#define test(name, body) void name() { \
print(#name); \
} \
TESTS[CURRENT_TEST++] = &name \ // push the test into a TESTS array.
So then in main you can iterate over them:
main() {
iterate over TESTS...
To summarize, I am wondering how to #define this at the file body level (i.e. not in main, but at the level of functions):
void afunction() { printf("Foo"); }
test(dosomething, { (done)
int a = add(1, 1);
assert(a == 2);
void anotherfunction() { printf("Bar"); }
such that I can iterate over the tests in main.
This suggests blocks are possible in macros.
Looks like you're building some sort of mini test framework using the c preprocessor.
There's a caveat for the bodies; to the C preprocessor, curly brackets and square brackets are just tokens. Parenthesized expressions are recognized (i.e., parentheses are matched), and commas are recognized as delimiters. So for example, this macro invocation:
test(dosomething, { int a = add(1, 1); assert(a == 2); })
...has two arguments despite having two commas (because the second comma is "hugged" in a parenthesized set), but that's a bit misleading. This invocation:
test(dosomething, { enum { red, green, blue }; assert(red+1==green); })
...has four arguments: 1: dosomething, 2: { enum { red, 3: green, and 4: blue }; assert(red+1==green); }. If you're going to do this, you probably want to cover cases like this... there are basic strategies: (a) hug the body in parentheses (you can unwrap it in expansion), or (b) use variadic macros.
They need to be iterated over.
Sounds like a job for x-macros (below I'll be using the parameterized-macro flavor of x-macros).
But more than that, I would like to pass a callback for async functions to say they are complete, like this: can't add an argument in the middle, but the braces don't have to be part of this (they don't help anyway, since the preprocessor ignores them). So for the above, we probably want to pick the hug option. That leaves your invocations looking like this:
test(dosomething, (int a=add(1,1); assert(a==2);), done)
However, since we're ripping the curly braces out, we can put them in arbitrary places in our expansion and do arbitrary things in between. Since I'm guessing you want the same kind of async thing going on, we could just put that thing in the expansion that generates the definition rather as an argument.
Here's roughly what it would look like, using a parameterized macro version of x-macros, and applying an async on expansion (using semaphores to demonstrate how arbitrary this could be):
#define APPLY_TEST_MACROS(macro) \
macro(test_add, (int a=add(1,1); assert(a==2); )) \
macro(test_sub, (int a=sub(5,2); assert(a==3); )) \
macro(test_mul, (int a=mul(3,4); assert(a==12); ))
#define UNWRAP(...) __VA_ARGS__
void NAME_() { \
sem_wait(&test_sem_ctl); print(#NAME_); sem_post(&test_sem_ctl); \
sem_wait(&test_sem_ctl); \
if (0==--tests_remaining) sem_post(&test_sem_done); \
sem_post(&test_sem_ctl); \
#define COUNT_TESTS(NAME_, BODY_) +1
sem_t test_sem_ctl;
sem_t test_sem_done;
void init_semaphores() {
sem_init(&test_sem_ctl, 0, 1);
sem_init(&test_sem_done, 0, 0);
// iterate over tests to count them
unsigned int tests_remaining = APPLY_TEST_MACROS(COUNT_TESTS);
// define the tests
...and so forth (I'm stopping here because the idea is to convey the idea, not code it for you). The x-macro layout allows you to iterate in the preprocessor, so you can do something like spawn a thread per test; you could also just use this same approach to build an array of test functions if, say, you want to feed your tests to a thread pool.

C is there a workaround to allow dynamic function calls?

I have read that C does not support dynamic function calls. My program has an ever growing number of test cases implemented as separate functions like -
int testcase1(void);
int testcase2(void);
int testcase3(void);
Each time I add a new test case, I also have have to add the call to my main function like -
int main(int argc, char **argv){
I would prefer to call something like assert(!testcase*()) where * matches any string which resolves to a valid function name in my program.
Can you think of a more convenient solution?
If you all your testcases have same signature then you can use an array of function pointers:
void (*func[])() = { testcase1, testcase2 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(func)/sizeof(func[0]); i++) {
The best solution is likely to write a few extra lines of code when you add new test cases - it really isn't a big issue. I would recommend something along the lines of the function pointer array, as suggested in another answer.
However, just to show that everything is possible in C if you throw ugly macros at the problem, here is a not recommended alternative:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define TEST_CASES \ // list of "x macros"
X(testcase1) \
X(testcase2) \
#define X(func) bool func (void); // declare function prototypes
#undef X
bool (*const test_cases[])(void) = // array of read-only function pointers
#define X(func) &func, // point at each function
#undef X
int main (void)
for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof(test_cases)/sizeof(test_cases[0]); i++)
bool testcase1 (void) { puts(__func__); return true; }
bool testcase2 (void) { puts(__func__); return true; }
bool testcase3 (void) { puts(__func__); return false; }
Assertion failed!
For each new test case, you would only have to write a function definition and then add it to the "x macro" list TEST_CASES. However, you need very good reasons to introduce ugly tricks like these in production code!
You can use function pointers. Read also about closures (but C99 or C11 don't have them) and callbacks.
Many operating systems provide dynamic loading. On POSIX operating systems (such as Linux or MacOSX) you can get a function pointer (actually an address) from its name in some library (or in the program executable) using dlopen & dlsym. Other operating systems may provide similar functionalities.
At last, you should consider having your testing main function be generated by some script (or some program emitting C code), using metaprogramming techniques. So you would write something which generates the C code of your testing main having a long sequence of assert, and improve your build procedure (e.g. your Makefile if using make) to run appropriately that specialized C code generator. Details are of course specific to your code. You might add some conventions (e.g. add some special comment to be parsed by your test generator, etc...).
I decided to follow #Nominal Animal and #Basile Starynkevitch's approach. In mymainprog.c, I added -
int runtests(void){
void *testh;
int (*testp)(void);
char *dlmsg;
int rc;
char funcname[8];
int testnum;
testh = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
if (!testh){
printf("%s\n", dlerror());
return 1;
for (testnum =1; testnum < 1000; testnum++){
sprintf(funcname,"testcase%d", testnum);
*(void **) (&testp) = dlsym(testh, funcname);
dlmsg = dlerror();
if (dlmsg == NULL) {
rc = (*testp)();
printf("%s called, rc=%d\n", funcname, rc);
return 0;
I add my testcases to a separate file (testcases.c) like this -
int testcase1(void){
return [some testcase expression]
int testcase2(void){
return [another testcase expression]
and then compile it as a shared library with position-independant code (-fPIC) to The advantage is slightly less typing since I don't need to code a call to testNNNN() after adding the implementation of a new functionint testcaseNNN(void) to testcases.c

Array of macros in c -- is it possible

I was wondering if it is possible to create something like an array of macros.
I've implemented the following code which works:
struct led_cmds_
ioport_pin_t *commands[LED_COUNT] ;
struct led_cmds_ the_led_cmd_ ;
void populate() {
the_led_cmd_.commands[0] = SPECIFICPIN(0);
and in main:
int main(void)
SPECIFICPIN(x) is macro defined as:
What I was hoping for is a way to is a way to do something like this:
#define ioport_pin_t* ARR_LED[LED_COUNT] \
for (int j = 0; j < LED_COUNT; j++) ARR_LED[j] = SPECIFICPIN(j);
and then only need to call the following when I want to use the specific pin
when I try to do that I get an ARR_LED undeclared (first use in this function) error.
When I try to call SPECIFICPIN(x) where x is an int iterator in a for loop for example, I get an error saying something like 'LEDx_PIN' undeclared...
You need to work on your terminology. An array of macros is not possible. Macros are no data type, but rather pure text replacement before your program is actually compiled.
I guess " populate an array using macros " is what you want to do. But it is not possible to do that in a compile-time loop - What you seem to want to achieve with your ioport_pin_t macro attempt. Macros do not have the capability to expand to more instances of text elements than you have initially given. There is no such feature as looping at compile time through macro expansions and do repetitive expansion of macros.
Your for loop loops at run-time, while the macro is being expanded at compile-time. Once you have made yourself aware what is done by the preprocessor what is done by the compiler, and what is done at run-time by the finished program, you will see that will not work.
Something like
#define P(X) {(LED##X##_PIN)}
ioport_pin_t *commands[LED_COUNT] = {
P(0), P(1), P(2),......}
#undefine P
Would be the closest thing possible to what you seem to want. Note the main use of the pre-processor is not to save you typing effort - You would be better off using copy & paste in your editor, achieve the same thing and have clearer code.
An array as tofro's answer is the way to go. However in cases that couldn't be solved simply with an array then there's another way with switch
void setpin(int pin, int value)
switch (pin)
case 1:
SPECIFICPIN(1) = value;
doSomething(); // if needed
case x: ...
default: ...

Generate two functions with C Preprocessor

I have a project, and a case where I have a few often-changed preprocessor #defines that control how it works--ex:
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content) {
#ifdef FEATURE_X
This works fine, although it does have to be recompiled each time, so it's in the "stuff that has to be recompiled each time" file. I would like to push it into a [static] library instead. I'm ok with changing how it's called (already have a function pointer for picking myFunction), so I'd like that to turn into
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content) {
void myfunction_featureX(int num, mystruct* content) {
I need to do this in a couple places, so using a separate library (one with and one without -D FEATURE_X) for each isn't an acceptable option. I could do it with copy/paste, but that results in code reuse that carries a risk of fixing a bug in one copy but not the other.
Have the featureX versions of functions call the mainline functions. In your example myfunction_featureX would call myfunction and then do its own thing.
Surely, this is the point at which you change the activation of Feature X from a compile time issue into a run-time issue:
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content)
if (FeatureX_Enabled())
The FeatureX_Enabled() test might be a full function, or it might be simply test an appropriately scoped variable that is defined outside the function — a static variable in the file, or an external variable. This avoids having to futz with the function pointers; it's the same function called as now. Changing a table of function pointers is equivalent to changing a single variable — it involves changing the value of something stored outside the function to change the behaviour of the function.
Would it help if you put myfeature_x in a function table instead?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
int x,y;
} mystruct;
typedef void (*fn_ptr)(mystruct* content);
fn_ptr vtable[10];
void feature_x(mystruct *content)
printf("y: %d\n", content->y);
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content) {
printf("x: %d\n", content->x);
if (vtable[FEATURE_X_INDEX]) {
int main(void)
bzero(vtable, sizeof(vtable));
mystruct s;
s.x = 1;
s.y = 2;
myfunction(0, &s);
if (1) {
//Of course you'd use a more sensible condition.
vtable[FEATURE_X_INDEX] = feature_x;
myfunction(0, &s);
return 0;
x: 1
x: 1
y: 2
Then all you need to do is populate the virtual function table with NULLs if that feature is not to be used, and with function pointers if it is to be used. This you can do from wherever you want - your static library for example.. or you can compile feature_x into a dynamic library, load it at runtime and if the loading succeeded populate the function table, and clear the table when the dynamically linked library is unloaded.
I think the only benefit this really gives you over Jonathan Leffler's method is that the code for feature_x doesn't actually need to be linked into the same binary as your other code. If all you need is a runtime switch to turn the feature on or off, a simple if statement should do the trick, as Jonathan Leffler suggested. (Incidentally, there's an if here, too - it checks the function table's content :) )

Scope Guard in C

I would like to use scope guard in C in order to do profiling.
I would like to know how much time I spend in a function. Here is what I do:
int function() {
... do stuff ...
if (something)
return 0;
return 1;
I need to place a toc statement each time I exit the function. I would like to do that without having to copy paste toc everywhere. Is there a generic way to do that, using a macro or something ?
Also I don't want to change the way the function is called, as there are many functions I have to profile.
This doesn't change the way the function is called. Probably not much use if you want to be able to profile every single function, though.
static inline int real_function() {
// previous contents of function(), with no tic or toc
int function() {
int r = real_function();
return r;
As everyone else says: use a profiler, it will save you a lot of effort in the long run. As they don't say: if your platform has one.
If it doesn't, then the easiest might be to say (as a coding rule) that functions must have only one exit point, and that exit point must be via your macro. Then you can manually instrument all your functions with code at entry and exit. Legacy functions with multiple returns can be wrapped up as above.
Also, bear in mind when you're doing anything like this that your compiler can mess you up. You might write this:
int i = something_else();
return i;
If the compiler determines that something_else has no side-effects, then even though something_else takes significant time, it might turn the code into this:
return something_else();
And your profile data will under-estimate the time spent in your function. Another reason it's so good to have a real profiler - it can co-operate with the compiler.
You could define a macro like:
#define TOC_RETURN(x) \
do { \
toc(); \
return x; \
} while(0)
which should work anywhere you put it. Then you can automate replacing return *; with TOC_RETURN(*).
Why not use an actual profiling tool, like gprof?
You could just "redefine" return via a macro: (please see Disclaimer)
#include <stdio.h>
void tic() { printf("tic\n"); }
void toc() { printf("toc\n"; }
#define return toc(); return
int foo() {
return 0;
#undef return
int main() {
return 0;
Disclaimer: This can be considered ugly and hacky because:
It won't work for void functions unless you use return;-statements.
It might not be portable/standard, even though it works on MSVC8.
One shouldn't define keywords.
I am very late to the party, but there is another way to do scope guarding in C using the GCC extension cleanup attribute. The cleanup attribute attaches a function to a variable declaration that is run when the variable goes out of scope. Originally intended to perform memory deallocation for dynamically allocated types, it can also be abused as a scope guard.
void cleanup_toc(int *ignored __attribute__((__unused__))) { toc(); }
int function(void) {
int atexit __attribute__((__cleanup__(cleanup_toc))) = 0;
//... do stuff ...
if (something) {
return 0;
return 1;
This solution does not use macros, but you can of course wrap this into a macro. For example:
#define CONCATENATE_IMPL(x, y) x ## y
#define ATEXIT(f) int CONCATENATE(atexit, __LINE__) __attribute__((__cleanup__(f))) = 0
int function(void) {
ATEXIT(cleanup1); // These are executed in reverse order, i.e.
ATEXIT(cleanup2); // cleanup2 will run before cleanup1.
I wouldn't recommend a macro for this. You profile the code just once in a while, and replacing 'return' with some special macro just for that purpose makes code less readable.
Isn't it better to do as follows?
This automatically handles "all exit points" from the function.
P.S. Why don't you use a profiler?
A real profiler doesn't need you to modify the code, just to compile it with profiling enabled.
Hmm, maybe wrap the function call in a macro (family of macros, really)? Here is one which takes no arguments and returns Retval:
// define the wrapper for name
#define DEFTIMECALL0(Retval,name) \
Retval timed##name() \
{ \
Retval ret;
tic(); \
ret = name(); \
toc(); \
return ret; \
You'll need macros for every arity of function calls you make, with a Retval and void returning version.
Edit Maybe there isn't even a point in defining the wrapper function, and better to just have a family of macros (again, for each arity and return type/void versions) which wrap a function call in a tic/toc directly at the callsites
Don't be afraid of instrumenting profilers, which essentially do this for you.
