How to create a link in an iif condition in reporting services - sql-server

I want to create a link in a condition in reporting services.
i have something like
iif(SomeField = "Canceled",SomeFiled,SomeField & link)
So the output would be:
Download Report (with link
to report)
But if i put html code like:
It just spits out the html code, and no link is created.
So, how do i make a link?

The text box has properties that can be used to control this (called different things in each version).
Anyhow, the URL etc are properties that can be an expression that takes IIF.
SSRS 2008 "Go to URL"
SSRS 2005 "Jump to URL"
SSRS 2000 "Jump to URL":
You should be able to make it open in a new window: I've done it before but can't look at what I did just now.

How to create a hyperlink in Reporting Services that opens in a new window
I was at a client and the question came up "Can I jump to another web based tool from my report?". The answer seemed obvious ... YES. What was not straightfoward was how to open the other web based tool in another window. Here is a solution a found (someone else's idea) that helped.
When designing the report:
Open up a text box properties window
Go to Navigation
Enable Jump to URL
In the URL enter javascript:void( '', '_blank')
Mike brown's blog not mine.


Salesforce Case Feed - Creating/Adding Custom Tools

Within the console on a feed layout, we can add tools to the page such as the inline article tool. The feed view setting options with the page layout edit suggest (i.e. help text says "select the tools to make available in the center column of the page") that more than one tool can be created using code and added to the page layout (i.e. within the feed directly below the publisher actions but above the feed items). There is even a multi-select control to move the tools from available to selected, but...
I cannot find any documentation that discusses how to create the tools or how to make them available within the setup menu. Can you provide any insight to if this is possible and if so how to do it?
See example screens below...
Please chk it -
Hope it helps.

How to make full screen setup wizard in winform?

Some of application Installation wizard's are in full screen. like below one. This look say "I am a big Program".
But winform setup installation is like a form only. how can i get like the above installation wizard.
Is possible in Visual Studio 2010.
Advanced Installer supports something like this:
I don't know if there are other tools which support it, but you can check them out:
Another solution is to write your own custom action which shows the background images.

How do I recreate this design of silverlight?

I have a silverlight sample code that looks like this simple design of just an APP and a PAGE file. I want to recreate this sort of setup from scratch to create a project that ouputs a silverlight program yet it only has these couple of files along with some support files. I went through the creation of a number of Silverlight creations and none produced such a simple and small design. How do I create such a formation that is just an App and a Page and such a few additional files from scratch and still have it output as a silverlight app?
First of all, to create this kind of project - I see you are using Visual Studio 2010, simply go to : file-new-project. On the left window there should be a tab for the templates. Select Silverlight (it will be under Visual C#). In the main window, select "Silverlight application". Once you named your project and click ok, you will be prompted on whether to host the page in a new website. Untick the checkbox and click ok. Now you will have your project exactly as it looks in your image.
Just note though, as you run it in VS, it will automatically generate a page for the app to run in, but since you indicated that it should not create a website to host it in, when wanting to deploy, you will have to create your own page and add the required markup yourself.

How can I make a Windows Explorer file preview screen in WPF?

I'm working on an application that will have attachments, and I would like to create a type of display like in windows Explorer, where you choose a "Details" view, and also show the preview pane.
I would like to be able to show a thumbnail view of the attached file currently selected, based on the file extension.
Does anyone know where I can start to look for examples on how to pull this off?
I know Outlook 2007 can also do something similar using preview handlers. I think that’s going to be the direction I want to go in, but I'm not sure where to start.
Many thanks.
All Hail the Glory of the Hypnotoad!
While you could do it in WPF, you should not do it.
Seriously: don't do it! - you would break many apps (including one of mine).
To do this without .NET, see here for a nice guide.
I think you can start here
(the code is partially black on black, at least for me, but you can disable the styles or just copy it)

How to display the report icon in Firefox for the SQL Server Reporting Services Report Viewer control

It seems that due to ActiveX that Firefox can't display the print icon/button on the Report Viewer control in SQL Server Reporting services. Has anybody figured out a way to work around this or gotten this to work?
If it's not possible, does anybody know of a way to add a standard button that would trigger the print behavior on the report viewer control?
As you state, the print functionality is ActiveX, so it will not work in Firefox.
You could place a button in the "msrs-buttonHeaderBackground" div using a javascript button.
I found the div using the firebug firefox extension - it's great.
You could possibly find the other divs you'd like to hide and put them in a print style sheet, so they don't show up when going to print.
I agree with the author that ctrl-p could simply be pressed for a similar result instead of adding a button - but the print style would still help in that.
You know what...I just realized something. You will not be able to print a page that is more than one page! Ouch.
I know this is a very old questions, but we came across this and chose the following solution.
We downloaded an IE Tab extension(this is one there are several more) for FireFox and then configured that extension to use IE to render the report server URL by default.
You could easily create a how-to web page,pdf, or maybe even create a dummy report that shows the instructions on how to do this to your end users and then you're all set.
So now every time the report server website is accessed it's being rendered in IE so the print button shows up. Every windows machine already has IE so no compatibility issue there, unless you're not using windows. :)
My best suggestion would be from within Firefox export it to PDF and then print it from your PDF viewer. In my experience this is a better way to print the reports anyway.
Hope that helps!
