Are PackageMaker installations with preinstall scripts broken on Snow Leopard? - osx-snow-leopard

Everything worked on 10.5, but now my PackageMaker installation project is broken. I've been fighting a problem for a few days now, and either
Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.1) has broken PackageMaker installations
I am lacking a very, very basic tidbit of knowledge
To narrow down the problem, I've gotten to this point:
Create a new PackageMaker installation
Have it install a jpeg image into my home directoy
Define a preinstall script that does nothing
exit 0
Run the above...and watch it fail with the below error message like clock work
Sep 14 15:09:45 manoa installd[5620]: PackageKit: ----- Begin install -----
Sep 14 15:09:45 manoa installd[5620]: PackageKit: request=PKInstallRequest <1 packages, destination=/>
Sep 14 15:09:45 manoa installd[5620]: PackageKit: packages=(\n "PKLeopardPackage <file://localhost/Users/stu/Desktop/asdf.pkg>"\n)
Sep 14 15:09:46 manoa installd[5620]: PackageKit: Extracting /Users/stu/Desktop/asdf.pkg (destination=/var/folders/Hb/HbXJFyEpFaupt5QyLN-pTk+++TI/-Tmp-/PKInstallSandbox-tmp/Root/~, uid=501)
Sep 14 15:09:46 manoa installd[5620]: PackageKit: Executing script "./preinstall" in /private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.cmlS2H/Scripts/test.test.5year_header.pkg.PFrHNB
Sep 14 15:09:46 manoa installd[5620]: PackageKit: *** launch path not accessible
Sep 14 15:09:46 manoa installd[5620]: PackageKit: Install Failed: PKG: pre-install scripts for "test.test.5year_header.pkg"\nError Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 UserInfo=0x100149430 "An error occurred while running scripts from the package “asdf”." {\n NSFilePath = "./preinstall";\n NSLocalizedDescription = "An error occurred while running scripts from the package \U201casdf\U201d.";\n NSURL = "file://localhost/Users/stu/Desktop/asdf.pkg";\n PKInstallPackageIdentifier = "test.test.5year_header.pkg";\n}
Sep 14 15:09:46 manoa Installer[5614]: install:didFailWithError:Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 UserInfo=0x1195917c0 "An error occurred while running scripts from the package “asdf”."
Sep 14 15:09:46 manoa Installer[5614]: Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
Sep 14 15:09:47 manoa Installer[5614]: IFDInstallController 144040 state = 7
Sep 14 15:09:47 manoa Installer[5614]: Displaying 'Install Failed' UI.
Sep 14 15:09:47 manoa Installer[5614]: 'Install Failed' UI displayed message:'The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.'.
There is no file in /private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.cmlS2H/Scripts/test.test.5year_header.pkg.PFrHNB/, which makes me think the problem is with PackageMaker, and not me. But I'm new to the world of OS X software installation, so doubts remain.
So, the question: Is PackageMaker with a preinstall script broken on OS X 10.6? Or is there some requirement regarding preinstall scripts that I do not understand?

I had the same problem and setting the executable permissions for the scripts solved it for me!
pkgutil --expand my.pkg my
chmod +x my/inner.pkg/Scripts/preinstall
pkgutil --flatten my my-fixed.pkg
Found this solution in this thread at golang-nuts groups

"launch path not accessible" may very well have to do with which software is zipping and/or unzipping the PKG.
So, I was having the problem that my postflight script was not running and was causing my PKG to fail. Looking at the installer log (to see this run the PKG in question, then menu item 'Window > Installer Log' and select 'Show All Logs' from drop down) I saw the dreaded 'launch path not accessible' when it was trying to run script (renamed by PackageMaker to 'postflight').
The problem was only showing up on my customer's systems. It was a real stumper as both of my Mac test machines had no problem running the PKG and their environments appeared to be the same as the customer's machines.
Then in an obscure post on a Symantec website I saw that someone discovered that this problem has something to do with how the PKG is being zipped and/or unzipped.
Sure enough. My customer was downloading the PKG from DropBox and the way that DropBox was zipping it corrupted something inside the PKG.
The solution was for me to ZIP the PKG on my system before uploading to DropBox and then everything worked swimmingly.

I had the same problem. Check the first line of your script. In my case the ! was missing
from the #!/bin/sh


Unable to install SQL Server (setup.exe)

I used SQL Server 2019 express version on my laptop butI uninstalled. Now I am trying to install SQL Server 2019 Developer edition but I get an error:
Exit code (Decimal): -2068119551 Exit message: Cannot find registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\150\ConfigurationState'.
Error description: Invalid command line argument. Consult the windows installer SDK for detailed command line help.
Environment: Dell/Inspiron/Windows 10 Home/16gb ram/256 SSD / 1TB HDD /Corei7
Can anyone help me how to solve the problem? Thanks
PS: attaching screenshot for kind reference
You can try below options, based on the reference article
Run the setup.exe again, repair the installation.
Run the Setup.exe as administrator
See whether you have clearly uninstalled the previous SQL Server setup and try again.
Did you modify the registry setting earlier. If so, please revert the changes and try the installation. Eg., changing the default installation to D:, instead of C: etc.
I fed up the below problem
Unable to install SQL Server (setup.exe).
Exit code (Decimal): -2068119551 Exit message: Cannot find registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\150\ConfigurationState'. Error description: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
I fixed the above problem
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DR-2033 answered • Dec 21 2021 at 4:03 AM | EricK-0825 commented • Mar 21 2022 at 3:20 AM
Unable to install SQL Server (setup.exe)

Ubuntu mssql server Corruption detected in persistent registry: \SystemRoot\

I started having this issue today on our production sql server. I have tried a variety of different fixes proposed online. We are using MSSQL server 2017 (14.0.3257.3-13). I'm out of ideas on what could be causing the server to crash. Below is the recent crash log.
This program has encountered a fatal error and cannot continue running at Sat Feb 1 14:21:21 2020
The following diagnostic information is available:
Reason: 0x00000007
Status: 0xc000014c
Message: Corruption detected in persistent registry: \SystemRoot\
Stack Trace:
Process: 8815 - sqlservr
Thread: 8819 (application thread 0x4)
Instance Id: e5a2f812-0426-4d92-b9b2-1db1e60d957c
Crash Id: 60073e70-4042-4275-9fcd-a05ae84d26f5
Build stamp: 9726a6583fe7826f57b03fd1c7adf12bebe7692cb64630fccb0541c06820af4d
Distribution: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Processors: 9
Total Memory: 8589934592 bytes
Timestamp: Sat Feb 1 14:21:21 2020
Last errno: 2
Last errno text: No such file or directory
Thank you for the ideas, Toret.
I have faced the same issue, but I solved it just by deleting the file.
rm /var/opt/mssql/.system/system/
After that the mssql-server service started normaly.
After working through multiple proposed solutions online nothing worked. Some of the things I tried:
Upgrading mssql-server to latest version.
Repairing missing files or dependencies.
Changing access permissions to the directory.
Elevating access permissions for the mssql user.
Changing user access to root for the .hiv files located in the mssql .system/system folder
The only way to for me to get it to work was to:
Delete all the folders manually from /var/opt/mssql/ except for the
data folder.
Re-link python from 3.5 to 2.7
Then I downgraded the mssql-server version to Microsoft SQL Server 2017 14.0.3192.2.
Run the sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup
**Python Re-link**
sudo rm /user/bin/python
sudo ln -s /user/bin/python[version] /user/bin/python
After that everything worked again.

Configuring MSSQL Server on ubuntu - Cannot open or read the persistent registry: \SystemRoot\

I'm using the following guide to install MSSQL server on my ubuntu 16.04 machine
when I'm running:
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup
no matter what kind of SQL Server edition I choose, I'm getting the following error:
Confirm the SQL Server system administrator password:
Configuring SQL Server...
This program has encountered a fatal error and cannot continue running at Mon Apr 1 16:06:07 2019
The following diagnostic information is available:
Reason: 0x00000007
Message: Cannot open or read the persistent registry: \SystemRoot\
Process: 19600 - sqlservr
Thread: 19604 (application thread 0x4)
Instance Id: 7ebfcf27-db60-460d-afd3-6d852b70069e
Crash Id: d99ba388-d323-43f3-b758-e116f42bb2e8
Build stamp: 70437f6583b8ef39b1ef70539ef84690980315dc7a4436c9c40015f28610e4aa
Distribution: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Processors: 8
Total Memory: 16673366016 bytes
Timestamp: Mon Apr 1 16:06:07 2019
Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Capturing core dump and information to /var/opt/mssql/log...
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
Users in the 'systemd-journal' group can see all messages. Pass -q to
turn off this notice.
No journal files were opened due to insufficient permissions.
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
Users in the 'systemd-journal' group can see all messages. Pass -q to
turn off this notice.
No journal files were opened due to insufficient permissions.
/usr/bin/tail: cannot open '/var/log/syslog' for reading: Permission denied
Attempting to capture a dump with paldumper
Captured a dump with paldumper
Core dump and information are being compressed in the background. When
complete, they can be found in the following location:
Initial setup of Microsoft SQL Server failed. Please consult the ERRORLOG
in /var/opt/mssql/log for more information.
also I found this post, which look like this guy had a similar problem, but sadly no solution
does any one knows how to solve my problem?
Thank you
after implementing the answer I got another error:
Confirm the SQL Server system administrator password:
Configuring SQL Server...
Initial setup of Microsoft SQL Server failed. Please consult the ERRORLOG in /var/opt/mssql/log for more information
To make some clean in the mess that I had in the log folder I decided to delete it completely using
sudo rm -rf /var/opt/mssql/log
and re-run the setup, Apparently that solved my last problem and finally:
Setup has completed successfully. SQL Server is now starting.
You'll find further information in
Mine said:
"reason": "0x00000007",
"processName": "sqlservr",
"pid": "5773",
"instanceId": "d7df749c-50e6-4f3b-b894-2aa7c743f33d",
"crashId": "281e772a-5946-4349-aa9e-671cd0a3772c",
"threadId": "5777",
"libosThreadId": "0x4",
"buildStamp": "70437f6583b8ef39b1ef70539ef84690980315dc7a4436c9c40015f28610e4aa",
"message": "Cannot open or read the persistent registry: \\SystemRoot\\",
"last_errno": "13",
"last_errno_text": "Permission denied",
"distribution": "Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS",
"processors": "4",
"total_memory": "16732037120",
"timestamp": "Fri Apr 12 22:02:44 2019"
So I ran locate to see where "systemroot" is located:
I didn't know which permissions should be applied, so I just gave read&write to "others".
then the same with
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup
and then, sql-server starts, plus the permissions for others are gone again.
By the way, you can run sql-server without service, then it works even if the service fails:
In my case (#Mine) it was not only
My /var/opt/mssql/.system/instance_id was somehow destroyed and there were more files with owner root.
After deleting /var/opt/mssql/.system/instance_id and changing all root.root files to mssql.mssql (chown mssql.mssql /var/opt/mssql/.system/system/*), I was able to rerun "/opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup"
Afterwards mssql runs fine again
I very goog hint was that "/var/opt/mssql/.system/instance_id" runs on his own.

Cannot succesfully install TimescaleDB on Postgres 10 (Windows Server 2016)

I am having trouble getting TimescaleDB to work on my windows server 2016 machine with Postgres 10.
I open up a fresh windows server 2016 instance with AWS and I install Postgres using the windows GUI installer. (C:\Postgres).
The installer automatically updates the path to include the bin directory (C:\PostgreSQL\pg10\bin).
I stop postgres.
I run the TimescaleDB windows installer file and it says it's successfully completed.
I update the conf file. (shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb').
I restart my computer and start postgres, but postgres never sucessfully starts. The windows event yells at me, saying I 2018-03-29 17:01:35 UTC [952]: [1-1] user=,db=,app=,client= FATAL: could not load library "C:/POSTGR~1/pg10/../pg10/lib/postgresql/timescaledb.dll": The specified module could not be found.
Any idea whats going on?
This may be related to which is caused by a missing dependency, Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.

Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed

After installing Oracle Linux 6:
uname -a
Linux ponos 2.6.39-400.109.1.el6uek.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 4 23:21:51 PDT 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
and making sure that all the pre-required packages are present, I downloaded "Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( for Linux x86-64", followed the pre-installation instructions and launched the installer.
The installer runs smoothly up to the "Execute Root Scripts" step.
During the "Oracle Database configuration", the "Oracle Net Configuration Assistant" throws error:
[INS-20802] Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed.
The error log is empty:
-rw-rw----. 1 oracle oinstall 1197690 Jul 8 14:45 installActions2013-07-08_02-18-05PM.log
-rw-rw----. 1 oracle oinstall 0 Jul 8 14:30 oraInstall2013-07-08_02-18-05PM.err
-rw-rw----. 1 oracle oinstall 114 Jul 8 14:30 oraInstall2013-07-08_02-18-05PM.out
Has anyone encountered the same problem and managed to resolve it?
Is this configuration essential to install/run the database?
Without closing the installer, try to do retry. It should work second time.
