Why does Blend add [d:LayoutOverrides="Height"] and should I care? - silverlight

Quite often when coming back to Visual Studio from Expression Blend 3, I see that Blend has helpfully added a "d:LayoutOverrides" property to my XAML. Growing up with ASP.NET designers, I naturally distrust anything I wouldn't type myself, so remove them as soon as I see them.
I know that "d:" properties are designer-only and don't impact runtime, but can anyone offer any insight into what this property does and why Blend would be so insistent that I have them all over my markup?
<Border d:LayoutOverrides="Height" />

That's just there so that Blend knows how to display your XAML in design mode. Specifically, if you've got a fluid layout that stretches to fill its container, there's no clear way for Blend to know how tall your design should be; LayoutOverrides defines that.
Those LayoutOverride settings entries are added when you (or another person running Blend) manually resizes the elements in the design surface. If you're seeing them all over your code (such as in a Border element):
You can usually delete them without any noticable affect
You might look at how you're using Blend - specifically, you should size the parent cotainer to a good size (UserControl / LayoutRoot), then set the child sizes based on fluid layout - e.g. padding and margin or * sizes
Note that Blend's ignorable attributes are stripped out at compile time and have no affect on your application's performance. So while you may want to remove them to improve code readability, they don't affect how your application runs.

If a property is set to a fixed value at runtime, but you want to override it at designtime, you can use the d:LayoutOverrides attribute. All properties that should be ignored at designtime can be listed, separated by a semicolon.
(source: http://wpftutorial.net/DesigntimeVsRuntime.html)


How to change element in xaml that are in visual tree

I'm new to WPF and tyring to uderstand the best way I can modify any given control attributes. What I was trying to achieve is to show tooltip for a cell. Yes a quick google and can see xaml of how to do it. But I want to understand how can one learn to figure out this out using some tool.
I came across Snoop that can show visual tree of a control very easily (CTRL+SHIFT Mouse over). What I'm trying to understand is if one knows of visual tree, how can one change it? For example, let's say I use WPF DataGrid and bind it to a source and display column using DataGridTextColumn.
<DataGridTextColumn Header="First Name" Binding="{Binding FirstName}">
Now let's say I want to show tooltip for each cell. So I fire up Snoop and CTRL+SHIFT mouse over the cell. Snoop shows me that its a DataGridCell that is using Border and withing it ContentPresenter which ends up using TextBlock to show the value. So that means that if I can somehow access that textblock, I can set its tooltip property using binding. Issue is that I don't know how I can access it in xaml.
In other words, knowing a visual tree, how can one access it in xaml for any given control. This will also be very handly for 3rd party controls.
Your'e asking quite a bit here, and i'm not sure I completely understand your intention, so I hope I got this right. Your'e asking if you can access the complete visual representation of each control and change it using xaml. The answer to that is yes, but you shouldn't.
I'll get to what I mean in a bit, but first I'd like to clarify some concepts, since i'm not sure you're using them correctly.
Xaml is the declarative markup representation of your views and nothing more. Xaml syntax directly corresponds to it's respective classes and their properties. Xaml maps tags to classes and attributes to properties. It's a small distinction, but it's important to think this way. Everything you can do in xaml you can also do in code (although it would often be much more work). Again: xaml refers to markup code only.
<ClassA PropertyA="Value">
<ClassB />
Default property value
Logical tree:
The logical tree is the runtime representation of your xaml code. it consists (mostly) of the controls you set in your xaml files.
Visual tree:
The visual tree is the visual representation the logical tree. It contains much more since it contains the concrete visual representation of everything displayed in your view. Most of the logical tree can't be directly displayed. WPF uses Data and Control Templates together with Styles to determine exactly how each object is supposed to look. In case of data templates that can also mean simple data objects and not only WPF controls.
Now for your question: so can you access the concrete visual representation of each control?
Yes, but you'll have to use control templates to manipulate it's visuals. Also, control templates are usually applied to control types and not specific controls, so you'll have to deal with that as well.
And that's why you shouldn't access it. The xaml representation usually gives you all you need to modify your control, and even if you do use templates you shouldn't change every last piece of it. Templates are used to style a control, so only write enough to show it as you wish. There's no need specify everything.
However you can access the entire visual tree more easily using procedural code, if you use the VisualTreeHelper class (that's how snoop does it, by the way). Using it you can traverse the visual tree and access all it's classes and members. If you really want to access every single visual object you'll do it much more easily with the VisualTreeHelper.

How do I add a movable container to a WPF form?

WPF newbie so please be gentle.
Looking to rewrite an existing VFP app in C#/WPF
All forms have containers which in turn contain textboxes, labels, etc, etc.
Using this configuration allows the user to move the container and contained controls with the mouse, set up focal points within the container to enable zooming in and out of the form, etc.
So instead of adding controls directly to the WPF form, a movable container needs to be added first and the controls added to the container.
So where to begin?
You can try the AvalonDock library to see if it can satisfy your requirement.
It sounds like one of the main things you're looking for is to add drag-and-drop ability for standard WPF panels/containers. As Mash said, AvalonDock could be of use to you, especially if you're interested in docking the panels in certain positions. But I would also suggest you taking a look at options to just add dragability to standard WPF panels. This would be a lighter-weight option to get you started quickly, without having to worry about AvalonDock's constraints.
There are certainly many ways that you could implement drag-and-drop, but a very handy capability that I think is a good fit for this task is the concept of Attached "Behaviors". Attached Behaviors basically allow you to "add on" capabilities to existing WPF controls without needing to alter or extend the actual control. There are two basic types of attached behaviors. One uses WPF Attached Properties, and the other uses what is commonly referred to as "Blend" behaviors. If you just want to get started using a bahavior to solve your immediate problem, you don't necessarily need to understand all the nuances of these two approaches, but eventually you will probably find that both of these approaches have their place, so I'd suggest reading this post about them.
In particular, there is a Blend behavior called MouseDragElementBehavior that allows you to add drag-and-drop capability to WPF panels (the "e" and "d" here are xmlns namespace prefixes):
<Border Background="LightBlue" >
<TextBlock Text="Drag me around!" />
In a similar vein, you mentioned zoomability, and there is another Blend behavior that may be of use for you for that as well.
Blend behaviors are very easy to add an element if you're using Expression Blend, but you can also use them with Visual Studio. To explain how to do this, see part of Laurent's post about his magnify behavior.

Is hard coded XAML faster than code-behind generated XAML?

I have a WPF usercontrol which contains a number of textboxes and buttons. Currently these textboxes and buttons are all created and loaded dynamically into an ItemsControl through the code behind, whenever an instance of the control is created. The only hard-coded XAML is the declaration of the ItemsControl.
This can be a bit sluggish sometimes. Would it be any quicker if I got rid of the ItemsControl and hard-coded the textboxes and buttons into the usercontrol's XAML?
It's generally better to follow best practices for the platform you're working on; generating items 'by hand' in code-behind certainly isn't one of them in WPF. Look into using DataTemplates and leave the hard work for the framework. It's not hard-coding - you will still provide items (in code behind if you must, but preferably through bindings), and the ItemsControl will 'dress up' the items provided into its ItemsSource with the proper DataTemplates. This will usually work faster, even if only because virtualization is handled automatically (depending on the actual control you're using, but most ItemsControls do).
Two options: Use code to generate the object graph, or use XAML.
Code generated:
1) The compiler converts your code to IL
2) Your IL is interpreted at runtime by the CLR
3) Your object graph is created as your code executes
XAML generated (essentially a mix of code and XAML that makes up your UserControl):
1) The compiler converts the code part to IL and the XAML to BAML
2) Your IL is interpreted at runtime
3) Your class is constructed from the BAML file at runtime
4) Unicorns and magic merge the two
The second version is actually a little slower at runtime (or so I've heard). Of course, this is a big simplification of the process, but you can see that the second version is a little more involved and has more unicorn content. But the fact is that they are, from a UI perspective, pretty much equivalent.
I think your slugishness might be caused by something else. Perhaps you're actually seeing the JIT lag from first execution, or other factors in your code may be causing the process to take longer.
Regardless I'd suggest you create your WPF forms the WPF way. Use binding, and if you need to dynamically create your UI look into ItemsControls and DataTemplates. Its much easier than you'd think.
Well certainly there is no great speed difference, but for development, debugging etc code behind is little better.
Try Xaml Generator, and see it for yourself.

When should I use adorners?

WPF is great because there are many ways to achieve your goals. For example, from what I understand, adorners can add some controls to a UI element, but I think that the same behavior can be achieved through a custom control that contains the additional element.
So, my question is: when should I prefer adorners to a more complex (but I think, more flexible) custom control?
Please consider that I'm extensively using MVVM pattern and I would like to bind commands to the additional element.
In particular, I'm designing a diagram designer application and I would like to add connection points to my shapes. Another example where I should decide between a custom control and an adorner is a line which shows a label automatically positioned to "follow" the line.
Thank you
Adorners require a little more work than using ControlTemplates for most purposes. If you want the additional functionality that adorners provide, use them. Otherwise use ControlTemplates.
Here are the main features that Adorners bring to the table:
Because adorners are on a separate layer, the visual can extend beyond the adorned element, even if the adorned element is clipped.
Because adorners are on a separate layer, they are generally not obscured by the AdornedElement's container or by sibling controls.
Adorners are automatically notified of all changes in the size and location of the adorned element, allowing responses to layout changes that are not as easily achieved with ordinary controls.
Adorners can be applied to panels and to existing controls without making any changes to their templates or otherwise. This makes them good for providing manipulation handles or visual feedback on arbitrary controls.
In many scenarios you will create adorners only for a few "active" items out of hundreds or thousands. Implementing the same functionality using ControlTemplates can be dramatically less efficient if you have to add an additional Panel to the template: Every single instatiation of the template will have the extra panel, whereas there would be just one adorner.
Here are some of the potential costs associated with using adorners as opposed to ControlTemplates:
You must write code to call .GetAdornerLayer() and .Add() and to manage the lifetime of the Adorner
You must either write rendering code for your Adorner or add code to include a Control as a child of the adorner so you can use a ControlTemplate with it
You'll generally do your custom measure/arrange calculations in code (unless you are using a ControlTemplate within your adorner)
You'll need to forward RoutedEvents to the AdornedElement if you want them to be handled by the target control
You'll need to add a DataContext="{Binding AdornedElement.DataContext}" if you want to bring the DataContext across
It appears that visible Adorner is scanned on every layout pass, so having many thousands of adorners onscreen at once can result in noticeable slowdowns. (Ordinary visuals only have their measure/arrange code called when something that directly affects them changes.)
Having more than 144 adorners is not supported, so control templates are more suitable if there's any risk of getting close to this limit.
In your particular examples, there are no clear-cut right answers.
I'd lean toward using a ControlTemplate for connection points since you will presumably need a way to specify the locations of the connection points, and the ControlTemplate is already defining the layout the item itself. On the other hand, if the connection point information is data-driven and only appears on the active control (or the control being dragged over) it might be better to use adorners to get the performance advantages and simplify the individual ControlTemplates.
An automatically positioned label could be a good fit for an adorner from a measure/arrange calculation point of view if the lines are anything but simple straight lines, but if you will potentially have ten thousand of these visible at once I would be concerned about performance.
Without knowing more about your application it is hard to say more than this.

Should I be using Expression Blend to design really dynamic UIs?

My company's product is, at its core, a framework for developing metadata-driven UIs. I don't know how to characterize it less succinctly than that, and hope I won't need to for purposes of this question, but we'll see.
I've been trying to come up to speed on WPF, and have been building UI prototypes here and there, and recently I decided to see if I could use Expression Blend to help with the design of these UIs. And I'm pretty mystified at this point.
It appears to me as though Expresssion Blend is designed with the expectation that you already know all of the objects that are going to be present in the UI at design time. But our program generates these object dynamically at runtime.
For instance, a data row might be presented in a horizontal StackPanel containing alternating TextBlocks (for captions) and TextBoxes (for data fields). The number of these objects depends on metadata about the number of columns in the data row. I can, pretty readily, write code that runs through a metadata record and populates a StackPanel dynamically, setting up the binding of all of the controls to properties in either the data or metadata. (A TextBox's Width might be bound to metadata, while its Text is bound to data.)
But I can't even begin to figure out how to do something like this in Expression Blend. I can manually create all these controls, so that I have a set of controls that I can apply styles to and work out the visual design of the app, but it's really a pain to do this.
I can write code that goes through my data model and emits XAML for all these controls, I suppose, and then copy and paste it. But I'm going to feel really stupid if it turns out there a way to do this sort of thing in Expression Blend and I've dropped back and punted because I'm too dim to figure out the right way to think of it.
Is this enough information for someone to try formulating an answer?
I think expression blend is a very good choice ESPECIALLY if you want to design dynamic, datadriven UIs. You can use Blend to desgin DataTemplates that define how a single dataobject is to be presented to the screen. For example, if you have an object of type Person you can define the controls like textboxes, border etc. that then are to be generated automatically for each Person in your list.
You can then fill your ItemsControls (DataGrid, ListView, TreeView ...) with those dynamic databojects and WPF knows how to render them. If a Persopn is removed form the list, the generated visual item will be removed too. This is just a simple example the whole notion of dynamic data is deeply baked into WPF and you can access these features using blend.
To be able to design the datatemplates in expression blend you need to provide sample designtime data.
Also to be effective with all this it is of high advantage if you stick with the MVVM design.
