Is there any way of getting a XAML Editor, either build or download? - wpf

In my current project (presentation, slide software) I need to be able to make some simple XAML, text images, movies and stuff like that.
If it were HTML I would go with fckeditor or another free editor, but what to do in XAML?
Anyone know if its possible to make one yourself (like executecommand to a IE)? or download one from anywhre on the net?

Take a look at this question: Designing WPF Windows for Free?
The leading answer recommends Kaxaml, XAMLpad and several more options.


dymamic text binding in a WPF TextBlock

Sorry for the noob question.... but
I have a rather large unilingual application that I have to make multilingual, meaning no resource file. I don't have the option of using the culture information but need to do it more on the fly at runtime so that the user can change languages either on startup or menu pick while in the application. I can handle that part ok. I realise there are traditional ways to set these values but I'm hoping to find a better solution.
What I'd like to be able to do is the following
First of all is this even possible? I've taken a pretty good look around and didn't really find anything close to what I'd like to do. I would even be willing create a few user controls if that was the solution. In the end I'll have to do this for buttons, labels, datagrid headers and messages(these are easy lol)
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Yes it is possible. Try this article: Creating an Internationalized Wizard in WPF.
Specifically look at the startup code for the application where CurrentCulture is modified for the CurrentThread.
Do not feel locked out of using per-culture resources by WPF. Different resources can be used via the "PublicResXFileCodeGenerator" as described in the article.
The MSDN Docs - CultureInfo.CurrentCulture Property may help.

WPF Docking like chrome?

I'm trying to find a docking library for WPF that works more like google chrome. Where a user with two chrome windows open can take a tab from one and drop it in another.
I've been trying with AvalonDock but it only lets a DockableContent have one docking manager and I can't find a nice way to swap the manager when it moves over a different one.
Anyone know of a way to do this with AvalonDock or any other library?
I think that your requirements are a bit too special purpose just to find a library lying about. It sounds like AvalonDock does kind of what you want, so maybe it would be best just to modify its source for your needs. That or just roll your own from scratch.

Bread-crumb style navigation for Winforms

Does anybody know of a bread-crumb style navigation for Winforms like the one from DotNetBar.
I really like that control. However I am using a other UI library already and just for this control I do not want a reference to another 4 MB lib. I just need this control. Does anybody if something like this is available as a standalone control?
I have used the Bread Crumb control of Krypton Toolkit, but you mentioned, that you don´t want an other UI library.
But maybe this source can help you, to build your own Bread Crumb control Creating A Breadcrumb Control
Try this one i haven't used it but (i use the one from Krypton) but i guess it will be good for you.
The one Jehof gave you is way better.
However take a look at Krypton suite, i always use it with the DevExpress XtraEditors. together you can create some great looking apps. i know you said that you don't want a huge library, but it's worth it.

silverlight wrappanel

I want to create/design the similar to above site/url using silverlight.
For this I have created separate user controls(Xaml files). Please advice me the steps/way to proceed in silveright. I am using silverlight versin 2.
I am thinking to use Wrappanel to adjust all the xmal files in Home page/default page. so that I can navigate to any page.
You can grab the XAP from your internet cache, open it with any zip tool and then use something like reflector to look in the DLLs to get the XAML out, should you desire to see how they did it themselves.
There's actually a project on codeplex which demonstrates how to do this dashpart effect with full source code called blacklight, so the above is probably not necessary.

How can I make a Windows Explorer file preview screen in WPF?

I'm working on an application that will have attachments, and I would like to create a type of display like in windows Explorer, where you choose a "Details" view, and also show the preview pane.
I would like to be able to show a thumbnail view of the attached file currently selected, based on the file extension.
Does anyone know where I can start to look for examples on how to pull this off?
I know Outlook 2007 can also do something similar using preview handlers. I think that’s going to be the direction I want to go in, but I'm not sure where to start.
Many thanks.
All Hail the Glory of the Hypnotoad!
While you could do it in WPF, you should not do it.
Seriously: don't do it! - you would break many apps (including one of mine).
To do this without .NET, see here for a nice guide.
I think you can start here
(the code is partially black on black, at least for me, but you can disable the styles or just copy it)
