Office SQL Query long runtime - sql-server

I've got a database View in SQL Server 2008 and when I run it from Query Analyser, it runs within a couple of seconds. When I run it in Excel 2007, it loads the data just fine. But when I run it in Word 2007 on a mail merge, it just seems to take a very long time to run (literally minutes to run).
If anyone has an idea how to solve this, could they let me know?

SQL 2008 will allow you to run a Profiler trace on the query. Start the trace before you kick off the Word query and see how long it takes. My guess is it's the mail-merge that's slow.
If it were slow in Excel too, you'd be looking at your indexes.


MS SQL Server: prevent execution plans going out-of-date

My application has some queries (complex ones with fulltext-search). The queries usually run fast and often (let's say 30x/h). But periodically (lets say every two or three weeks) it looks like Sql Server drops the execution plan and the queries are extremely slow.
After running "EXEC sp_updatestats" the queries are fast again.
Anyone has an idea of what I can do to find the reason for this problem?
Installed SQL Server version is 13.0.4224.16, running on Windows Server 2016. The application doesn't make use of stored procedures.

How to retrieve the long query in SQL Server

May I ask how to get the whole statement query from running session?
I'd like to check its actual execution plan of it and need to complete query, but sometimes it's too long for Management Studio’s monitor or dynamic view.
Any advice would be so helpful.
Use SQL Profiler and run a trace against the related database.

How can I run SQL Profiler to a SQL SERVER from an external computer?

I want to run sql profiler to see the performance of my database Sql Server 2008, but I'm afraid that running the profiler in the same machine it will affect the performance of the server, and I don't want to slow down ther server.
A long time ago I heard from a DBA than he run the profiler from his laptop connected to the sql server, in a way that it does not affect the performance of the server.
Si bassically my question is How to run Sql profiler from an external computer without causing slow performance of the sql server?
Any database being profiled has to do work in order for profiling to be possible - there is no way around it. Generally speaking, observation of a system always induces a load to that system. However, SQL Server Profiler and other similar tools also do ADDITIONAL work outside of the target db, and this additional work can be offloaded to another computer.
To offload what you can, you just run SQL Server Profile from ANY machine that is not the database server. When you start a New Trace, you tell it to connect to the database on whatever server the database is running on. That's all there is to it. Your target db will incur some additional load (unavoidable), but you will be offloading as much work as you can to whatever machine you run Profiler on.
If you are able to connect to the computer from external computer,then there would be no issues running profiler remotely as well..
So basically my question is How to run Sql profiler from an external computer without causing slow performance of the sql server?
When you run profiler for long periods of time ,it affects performance,since it has to keep track of all events in memory and log it before discarding ..So running profiler for long periods of time is not recommended..
You also can use extended events starting from SQL2008(very light weight relative to profiler) to track events similar to Profiler ..
Profiler can be initiated from any computer with appropriate permissions and access, but it ALWAYS runs on the actual SQL Server instance. There is no way around this. You can minimize the operations that are logged and filter by a specific user to mitigate performance issues, but that's about it.
The DBA in question may have run a server side trace, which can be less impactful, but it's still inititated ON the appicable instance.
I am a DBA and I am not aware of any performance issues by running SQL Server Profiler on the server itself. That said when you run SQL Server Profiler It loads just like SSMS where you can select which server to use.
If you have a query that is running so long that its killing SQL resources yes running it at all will still use up resources but regardless of where the source of the profiler is.
See screenshot of SS Profiler
If you are concerned about performance on the SQL Server instance don't run Profiler in production during peak hours.
If you want to minimize the impact of SQL Trace then it is the best to use the server-side tracing:
Like that you can record the SQL commands into a trace file and SQL Profiler is closed. When you are done with the SQL command collection, you can copy the trace file and open it using SQL Profiler in some other computer. It is much better than runing SQL Trace directly through SQL Profiler (which is called the client-side tracing).

SQL Server Agent Job Running Slow

I am executing a stored procedure using SQL Server Agent Job in SQL Server 2005.
This job was running fast until yesterday. Since yesterday this job is taking more than 1 hour instead of 2 mins.
I executed the stored procedure in SSMS, it just took less than 1 minute to execute.
I could not figure out why it is taking more than 1 hour when executed as a SQL Server Agent job?
After some time commenting and assuming that the SP performs with the same input parameters and data well when executed in SSMS, I finnaly think I can give a last tip:
Depending on what actions are performed within the SP (e.g. inserting/updating/deleting a lot of data within a loop or cursor), you should set nocount on at the beginning of your code.
set nocount on
If this is not the case or does not help, please add more information, already mentioned in the comments (e.g. all settings of the Job and each Jobstep, what has been logged, what is in the Jobhistory, check SQLerrorlogs, eventlogs,....).
Also take a look at the "SQL Server Logs" maybe you can gather some info here. Also a look into the Application/System eventlo of the Databaseserver is always a good idea.
To get a basic overview you can use the Activitymonitor in SSMS, by selecting the Databaseserver and selecting "Activity monitor" from contextmenu and search for the sql agent.
My last try would be to try to run a sql trace for the agent. In this case you would start a trace and filter e.g. by the user that the SQLAgent Service runs. There are so many options you can set for traces, so I would recommend to google for it, search on MSDN or ask another question here on stackoverflow.
We have a large proc that runs in 88 seconds in SSMS and 30-45 minutes in SQL Server Agent. I added the dbo. prefix on all the table names and now it runs just as fast as SSMS.
I've noticed that SQL Agent jobs ignore the server's MAXDOP setting and run everything with a MAXDOP of 1. If I run a stored procedure in a query windows, it obeys the server settings and uses 4 processes. If I use SQL Agent, any stored procedure I run uses only one process.
I have a similar issue with a script that calls a number of UDFs that I created. The UDF's themselves normally run subsecond under SSMS. Likewise, running the reports I generate with them is bearable under SSMS (30d data in 8s, 365d data in 22s). I've always done NOCOUNT ON with my SQL Agent jobs as they normally generate text files out for pickin up by other processes or Excel and I do not want the extra data at the end, so it was not a solution for me.
In this case, when we run the exact same script under SQL Agent as a job, my times grow exponentially. My 8s script takes 2m30s and my 22s script takes 2h20m. This is the same whether I run it midday with other user activity and jobs or after hours with no user activity, nor jobs or backups running. Our server is idle and at best I get one of the 8 cores being utilized when run. DB is only about 10GB running on SSD with a cached RAID card and 16 of 32GB RAM is free. Since my SQL runs efficiently in SSMS, I am pretty well of the belief that I am hitting a threading limit of some sort. I have researched and tried adjusting MAXDOP just prior to the scripts in the SQL Agent with no luck.
Since this is an activity I want to schedule, it needs to be automated one way or another. I could let these scripts take the hours they need to run as SQL steps in SQL Agent jobs, but I decided to run from command line instead and I get the same performance I see in SSMS.
sqlcmd -S SQLSRVRHost -i "C:\My Script Loc With Spaces.sql" -v MyVar="VarValue" >"C:\MyOutputFile.txt"
So I created a batch script with the SQL jobs run from sqlcmd. Then I run the batch script from a SQL Agent job, so I still have the same management and control in place. My 4 SQL jobs that collectively took over 3 hours to run complete in 1 min and a few seconds from a single batch script executed by SQL Agent.
I hope this helps...

SQL Server job (stored proc) trace

I need your suggestion on tracing the issue.
We are running data load jobs at early morning and loading the data from Excel file into SQL Server 2005 db. When job runs on production server, many times it takes 2 to 3 hours to complete the tasks. We could drill down to one job step which is taking 99% of the total time to finish.
While running the job step (stored procs) on staging environment (with the same production database restored) takes 9 to 10 minutes, the same takes hours on production server when it run at early morning as part of job. The production server always stuck up at the very job step.
I would like to run trace on the very job step (around 10 stored procs run for each user in while loop within the job step) and collect the info to figure out the issue.
What are the ways available in SQL Server 2005 to achieve the same? I want to run the trace only for these SPs and not for certain period time period on production server, as trace give lots of information and it becomes very difficult for me (as not being DBA) to analyze that much of trace information and figure out the issue. So I want to collect info about specific SPs only.
Let me know what you suggest.
Appreciate your time and help.
Use SQL Profiler. It allows you to trace plenty of events, including stored procedures, and even apply filters to the trace.
Create a new trace
Select just stored procedures (RPC:Completed)
Check "TextData" for columns to read
Click the "Column Filters" button
Select "TextData" from the left hand nav
Expand the "Like" tree view, and type in your procedure name
Check "Exclude Rows that Do Not Contain Values"
Click "OK", then "Run"
What else is happening on the server at that time is important when it is faster on other servers but not prod. Maybe you are running into the daily backup or maintenance of statistics or indexes jobs?
