MVVM (ICommand) in Silverlight - silverlight

Please, don't judge strictly if this question was discussed previously or indirectly answered in huge nearby prism and mvvm blogs.
In WPF implementation of RelayCommand or DelegateCommand classes there is a such eventhandler
/// <summary>
/// Occurs whenever the state of the application changes such that the result
/// of a call to <see cref="CanExecute"/> may return a different value.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }
but in SL subset of namespaces there are no CommandManager class. And this is where I'm stuck. I haven't yet found an workaround for this in MVVM adoptation for SL (PRISM is so complex for me yet). Different simple HelloWorldMVVM apps don't deal with at all.
Thanks in advance and sorry for my English -)

There is no support for commands in Silverlight. When the user manipulates controls in your view you will have to write code (e.g. event handlers) that modifies the view-model in the code-behind for your view. This might be something as simple as calling a method on the view-model when the user clicks a button in the view. By using PRISM you are able to create attached properties in the XAML for your view to get rid of these event-handlers, but if you would rather not use PRISM you can simply stick to using event handlers.
One other aspect you will have to handle is modifying the view when the view-model changes. In particular you will want to enable and disable controls based on the state of the view-model. To achieve this you will have to bind the IsEnabled property of a control to something in the view-model that reflects if a certain operation is allowed. Implementing custom IValueConverter objects that converts to boolean values are often useful. For instance, if your view-model has a property that represents a count and you want a particular control in the view to only be enabled when the count is greater than zero you can create a value converter that converts to true when the number is greater than zero and use this value converter in the binding.
If you try to adapt a WPF example of an MVVM application you will have to get rid of all uses of commands and substitute your own code. The code in your example is not meaningful in Silverligt, but in WPF it is involved in the process of determining if a control in the view is enabled, visible etc.

Silverlight 4.0 supports the ICommand interface and thus will provide a WPF like commanding infrastructure.


Is dependency property same as a CLR property which emits a PropertyChanged event as callback?

The question is related to WPF Data Binding and MVVM pattern.
I am bit confused now distinguishing between the Dependency property defined in the XAML.cs file as well as a CLR property defined in the view model which is bound to some property of a component
For example say, I have a textbox in MyPage.xaml. So I created a dependency property to bind the textbox text property in the MyPage.xaml.cs maybe some String. The next time, I created a viewModel MyPageViewModel.cs which implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and
created a CLR property there(String), which emits an event PropertyChanged when it changes or the property is set with a new value. So are these both the same? Is there any difference?
I have 3 questions
Is the Dependency Property same as CLR property which emits a PropertyChanged event when it changes?
Whether Dependency property is written in the view itself(MyPage.xaml.cs) or can it be included in the view
In MVVM pattern, we use the CLR properties more which emits an event during property change. So can dependency property be replaced
by such kind of CLR properties?
Thanks in advance.
An dependency property is on a DependencyObject from which all WPF UI elements derive from (and only works there), as it's static and saves it's value in a kind of collection assigned to a specific DependencyObject (on which the dependency property is defined). Dependency properties can be defined in a class outside of the actual DependencyObject to extend it's functionality without modifying the original user control class.
When you write a user control and want a ViewModel to allow to bind a value and receive notifications when it's changed, then you create a dependency property.
Imagine it like an USB cable, where you have a male plug and a female receptacle. The CLR property is like the plug and the dependency property is like the receptacle.
A dependency property allows you to store that's associated with a control but isn't part of the instance. As you can see on the MSDN Examples
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsSpinningProperty =
"IsSpinning", typeof(Boolean),
public bool IsSpinning
get { return (bool)GetValue(IsSpinningProperty); }
set { SetValue(IsSpinningProperty, value); }
the dependency property is static and GetValue and SetValue are methods of DependencyObject (base class on which all WPF UI elements are based on).
Depencency Properties (and attached properties/attached behavior) can also be used to extend the functionality of a UserControl without inheriting from the actual user control type, i.e. notifying the ViewModel when a certain value changes which is not provided by the original user control.
Is the Dependency Property same as CLR property which emits a PropertyChanged event when it changes?
No, it's not the same. They are both 2 sides of the databinding engine. A DP is defined on the view to allow a view model to bind a INPC Property (Property that rises PropertyChanged event)
Whether Dependency property is written in the view itself(MyPage.xaml.cs) or can it be included in the view model(MyPageViewModel.cs)?
DP are part of the View-Layer as they depend on DependencyObject, which is part of the WPF framework and hence view concern. While technically nothing prevents you from using them in the ViewModel, this causes a tight coupling of your ViewModel towards a certain View technology, so it doesn't fully comply MVVM pattern.
Be aware though that unit testing Dependency Properties may be quite difficult as they don't store the values on the class they are defined on but in some kind of dictionary where the GetValue/SetValue methods warp around.
Last but not least, since DependencyObject is the base class of all UI it is as well as most of the classes that derive from it thread affine, which means you can only access it from the thread you created which may cause you much pain in both unit test (especially if the tests run in parallel like MSTest used to do. Dunno if its still true as of today) and in your code.
In MVVM pattern, we use the CLR properties more which emits an event during property change. So can dependency property be replaced by such kind of CLR properties?
In ViewModels you could and you should use INotifyPropertyChanged. If you are developing a user control, you shouldn't replace DPs with "CLR" properties, because this makes the property not work with databinding in XAML.
If your UI elements should expose a property which can be used with data binding you have to use dependency properties (or attached properties which are pretty similar, but you place attached properties on i.e. the child elements. Grid.Row and Grid.Column are examples of attached properties).

WPF MVVM Problems with View

I want to use WPF with MVVM pattern in my project, but i am confused about some points regarding MVVM pattern. Please help me to clarify these points.
I am using DataTemplate for ViewModel, but i want specific control to be keyboard focused.
How can i focus specific control after ICommand Executed.
How can i move focus to not validated control.
Is there any way to separate DataTemplate depending on ViewModel property value.
How can i validate all controls before ICommand
Is there any other better approach to ask any confirmation from ViewModel with MessageBox
I highly suggest you have a look at caliburn (or caliburn.micro) which exposes different UImanager interfaces so your viewmodel can do such things without losing unit testability.
To set the foucs on control use codebehind. MVVM doesn't say don't not use codebehind.
Write a method on code behind to set the focus and call this method from view model.
public interface IView
void setFoucs();
//Code Behind
public class MyWindow : Window, IView
public void SetFoucs()
public class ViewModel
public IView _view { get; set; }
public ViewModel(IView view)
_view = view;
public void SomeMethod()
For question no 4 - I think your are looking to selecte specific datatemplate based on your some logic. To achieve this use DataTemplateSelector class.
Question 1:
Not clear what you mean/want. Generally the TabIndex controls the focus flow in your application, with silverlight it is however not as easy to configure as in windows forms. Silverlight also does a good job at setting the tab sequence automatically.
However, you should note that all controls inheriting from Control receive, by default, the focus. This incudes some controls that may be used as a container for other controls (e.g. ContentControl). This behaviour might lead to some unwanted effects. Use the IsTabStop property to remove these controls from the tab order.
Question 2:
Well, it depends on how decoupled you want your application (the more decoupled the better). #pchajer's approach is one way of doing it, however it couples the view to the view model and this - although abstracted via an interface - is IMHO not a good idea for the following reasons:
Usually the view model is pulled from a locator in order to allow for blendability. Now if I have to use code behind to pass the View to the ViewModel this might break it. Better would be if it could be injected into the ViewModel via a constructor parameter and this would then break the locator.
The code becomes less testable as it now depends on the view. To make it testable you need to inject an implementaion of IView into the ViewModel, and this breaks the locator again.
Therefore, I would advise you to use Messaging to send a message to your view once the Command is complete. Then you can set the focus in the message handler. However, be aware that your might have to use the Dispatcher as the message handler could run in a separate thread.
Question 3:
You could capture the BindingValidationError on the control and then set the focus. Again be aware of possible threading issues.
Question 4:
Not sure, but if you mean that you want to use different DataTemplates based on whether a property has a certain value or not a TemplateSelector might help you. See
Question 5:
The controls are validated when the property change event is fired, usually on the lost focus event. Your Model/ViewModel can implement IDataError to do the validation, and your can access this value from the CanExecute method associated with your command. However, you should try to keep the code in the CanExecute method as quick as possible as this method is called quite frequently.
Question 6:
You can implement your own Window that provides a custom layout. However, using the message box is a lot simpler. Again you should think of using messaging or a dialog service (e.g. to decouple your View and ViewModel. In fact there is even a DialogMessage in MVVMLight.

WPF - Handling events from user control in View Model

I’m building a WPF application using MVVM pattern (both are new technologies for me). I use user controls for simple bits of reusable functionality that doesn’t contain business logic, and MVVM pattern to build application logic. Suppose a view contains my user control that fires events, and I want to add an event handler to that event. That event handler should be in the view model of the view, because it contains business logic. The question is – view and the view model are connected only by binding; how do I connect an event handler using binding? Is it even possible (I suspect not)? If not – how should I handle events from a control in the view model? Maybe I should use commands or INotifyPropertyChanged?
Generally speaking, it is a good MVVM-practice to avoid code in code behind, as would be the case if you use events in your user controls. So when possible, use INotifyPropertyChanged and ICommand.
With that said, depending on your project and how pragmatic you are, some times it makes more sense to use the control's code behind.
I have at a few occasions used something like this:
private void textBox1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
MyViewModel vm = this.DataContext as MyViewModel;
You could also consider Attached Command Behaviour, more info about this and implementations to find here:
Firing a double click event from a WPF ListView item using MVVM

WPF Collections and Databinding

I am new to WPF and trying to wrap my head around WPF's framework, what it does and does not do for you.
To clarify this, I would like to know what is the difference between this:
public List<MyCustomObject> MyCustomObjects
get { return (List<MyCustomObject>)GetValue(MyCustomObjectsProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyCustomObjectsProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyCustomObjectsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyCustomObjects", typeof(List<MyCustomObject>),
typeof(Main), new UIPropertyMetadata(new List<MyCustomObject>()));
and this:
public ObservableCollection<MyCustomObject> MyCustomObjects { get; set; }
public Main ()
MyCustomObjects = new ObservableCollection<<MyCustomObject>();
Ok, we must put some order into things, there's a few concepts mixed in together here.
First of all, you're asking what the difference is between a field-backed property and a dependency property. Google would be your best friend, however I recommend this blog post by WPF's vanguard Josh Smith: Overview of dependency properties in WPF
In short: dependency properties support the richness that is WPF: Styling, animation, binding, metadata, and more.
Secondly, you're asking what the difference is between a List and an ObservableCollection. Well the latter provides change notifications (in the forms of events) on any change to the collection (addition, removal, change of order, clearing, etc.), and the former does not. You can read more about that here: The ObservableCollection Class
In short: ObservableCollection provides change notifications which are required for the UI to automatically reflect changes in the view model.
In addition to Aviad and Reed's answers, I would like to point out a serious bug in your first code sample :
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyCustomObjectsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyCustomObjects", typeof(List<MyCustomObject>),
typeof(Main), new UIPropertyMetadata(new List<MyCustomObject>()));
The new List<MyCustomObject>() used as the default value will be created only once, so by default all instances of your type will share the same List<MyCustomObject> instance, which is probably not what you want... The only sensible default value here is null
In the first case, you're setting up a Dependency Property containing a List<T> instance.
In the second, you're making a normal CLR property, but having it setup as an ObservableCollection<T>.
For WPF Data Binding, there are some differences here.
Typically, you want all of your properties in the DataContext (which is the object that, by default, things "bind" to) to either implement INotifyPropertyChanged or to be a Dependency Property. This lets the binding framework know when changes are made to that object. Normally, though, you'd only use a Dependency Property if your working with a custom control - it's usually a better idea to have your object to which your data bound be a separate class, assigned to the DataContext. (For details here, see Josh Smith on MVVM or my recent detailed post on MVVM...)
However, with a collection, you typically also want the binding system to know when the items within the collection change (ie: an item is added). ObservableCollection<T> handles this by implementing INotifyCollectionChanged.
By using the second approach (using an ObservableCollection<T>), your UI can tell when items were added or removed from the collection - not just when a new collection is assigned. This lets things work automatically, like a ListBox adding elements when a new item is added to your collection.
You're using a dependency property to "tell" the framework when that property is changed. This will have the following consequences for your binding:
MyCustomObjects.Add(new MyCustomObject()); //Wont update the view through databinding
MyCustomObjects = new List<MyCustomObject>(); //Will update the view through databinding
You could gain the same databinding functionality by implementing INotifyPropertyChanged on which ever class exposes the property, but dependency properties a capable of much more than just notifying about changes. These are rather advanced features though, which you aren't likely to come across in your average joe app :)
You're using an observable collection, which implements INotifyCollectionChanged for you, to tell the databinding whenever the content of the collection has changed. This will have the opposite consequences than #1:
MyCustomObjects.Add(new MyCustomObject()); //Will update the view through databinding
MyCustomObjects = new ObservableCollection<MyCustomObject>(); //Won't update the view through databinding

INotifyPropertyChanged vs. DependencyProperty in ViewModel

When implementing the ViewModel in a Model-View-ViewModel architecture WPF application there seem to be two major choices how to make it databindable. I have seen implementations that use DependencyProperty for properties the View is going to bind against and I have seen the ViewModel implementing INotifyPropertyChanged instead.
My question is when should I prefer one over the other? Are there any performance differences? Is it really a good idea to give the ViewModel dependencies to WPF? What else do I need to consider when make the design decision?
Kent wrote an interesting blog about this topic: View Models: POCOs versus DependencyObjects.
Short summary:
DependencyObjects are not marked as
The DependencyObject class overrides and seals the Equals() and
GetHashCode() methods
A DependencyObject has thread affinity – it can only be accessed
on the thread on which it was
I prefer the POCO approach. A base class for PresentationModel (aka ViewModel) which implements INotifyPropertyChanged interface can be found here:
According to the WPF performance guide, DependencyObjects definitely perform better than POCOs that implement INotifyPropertyChanged:
The choice is totally based on your business logic and UI abstraction level. If you dont want a good separation then DP will work for you.
DependencyProperties will be applicable mainly at the VisualElements level so it won't be good idea if we create lot of DPs for each of our business requirements. Also there is a greater cost for DP than a INotifyPropertyChanged. When you design a WPF/Silverlight try to design UI and ViewModel totally separate so that at any point of time we can change the Layout and UI controls (Based on theme and Styles)
Refer this post also - . The link has a lot of reference to Model-View-ViewModel pattern, which is very relevant to this discussion.
From an expressiveness standpoint, I thoroughly enjoy using dependency properties and cringe at the thought of INotifyPropertyChanged. Apart from the string property names and possible memory leaks due to event subscription, INotifyPropertyChanged is a much more explicit mechanism.
Dependency properties imply "when this, do that" using easily-understood static metadata. It is a declarative approach that gets my vote for elegance.
Dependency properties are intended to supports binding (as a target) on UI elements not as a source to data binding, this is where INotifyProperty comes in. From a pure point of view you shouldn't use DP on a ViewModels.
"In order to be the source of a binding, a property does not need to be a dependency property; you can use any CLR property as a binding source. However, in order to be the target of a binding, the property must be a dependency property. For a one-way or two-way binding to be effective, the source property must support change notifications that propagate to the binding system and thus the target. For custom CLR binding sources, this means that the property must support INotifyPropertyChanged. Collections should support INotifyCollectionChanged."
All dependency objects cannot be serialised (This could hamper the use of ViewModels and DTO (POCO)'s.
There are differences between DP within Silverlight compared to WPF.
INotifyPropertyChanged when used also gives you the ability to add more logic in the code of your getters and setter of your properties.
DependencyProperty example:
public static DependencyProperty NameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "Name", typeof( String), typeof( Customer ) );
public String Name
set { SetValue( NameProperty, value ); }
get { return ( String ) GetValue( NameProperty ); }
In your getter and setter --- all you can do is simply call SetValue and GetValue respectively, b/c in other parts of the framework the getter/setter is not called, instead it directly calls SetValue, GetValue, so your property logic wouldnt reliably be executed.
With INotifyPropertyChanged, define an event:
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
And then simply have any logic anywhere in your code, then call:
// ...
// Something cool...
// ...
if( this.PropertyChanged != null )
PropertyChanged( this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs( "Name" ) );
// More cool stuff that will reliably happen...
This could be in a getter/setter, or anywhere else.
Is it really a good idea to give the ViewModel dependencies to WPF?
.NET 4.0 will have System.Xaml.dll, so you won't have to take a dependency on an arbitrary framework to utilize it. See Rob Relyea's post about his PDC session.
My take
XAML is a language for describing objects, and WPF is a framework whose described objects are UI elements.
Their relationship is similar to C#, a language for describing logic, and .NET, a framework which implements particular kinds of logic.
XAML's purpose is declarative object graphs. The W*F technologies are great candidates for this paradigm, but XAML exists independently of them.
XAML and the entire dependency system were implemented as separate stacks for WF and WPF, probably to leverage the experience of different teams without creating a dependency (no pun intended) between them.
I too had to consider this decision recently.
I found that the INotifyPropertyChanged mechanism suited my needs better because it allowed me to glue my GUI to an existing business logic framework without duplicating state. The framework I was using had its own observer pattern and it was easy to forward one level of notification on to the next. I simply had a class which implemented the observer interface from my business logic framework and the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
With DP you cannot define the backend that stores the state yourself. I would have had to let .net cache a copy of every item of state I was binding to. This seemed like an unnecessary overhead - my state is large and complicated.
So here I found INotifyPropertyChanged better for exposing properties from business logic to GUI.
That being said where I needed a custom GUI widget to expose a property and for changes to that property to affect other GUI widgets DP proved the simple solution.
So there I found DP useful for GUI to GUI notification.
Dependency properties are the glue of custom control creation. If you are interested in using Intelli-sense to show your properties in the properties window at XAML design time you must use Dependency properties. INPC will never show a property in the property window at design time.
It seems that Dependency Properties should be used in controls that you create such as Buttons. To use properties in XAML and use all the WPF features, those properties must Dependency Properties.
However, your ViewModel is better off using INotifyPropertyChanged. Using INotifyPropertyChanged will give you the ability to have getter/setter logic if you need to.
I recommend checking out Josh Smith's version of a base class for a ViewModel that already implements INotifyPropertyChanged:
I think this is an excellent example of how to do a ViewModel.
I think DependencyProperty and INotifyPropertyChanged are used for two different things in Binding : the first for enabling a property to be a target of a binding and receive the input from another property (use {Binding ...} to set the property), the last when you want the value of a property to be used as the source of a binding (name in the Binding Path Expression).
So the choice is merely technical.
I prefer a more direct approach, which I blogged about in Presentation Model Without INotifyPropertyChanged. Using an alternative to data binding, you can bind directly to CLR properties without any bookkeeping code. You just write plain-old .NET code in your View Model, and it gets updated when your Data Model changes.
There is only one thing why to prefer a DependencyObject - Binding will work better. Just try an example with a ListBox and TextBox, populate list with data from INotifyPropertyChanged property vs. DependencyProperty and edit current item from TextBox...
If you want to expose properties to other controls you must use Dependency properties... But good luck because they take a while to figure out...
