WPF UserControl TreeView Height - wpf

I have a user control which contains a StackPanel and TreeView.
All controls have the Height="Auto"
When I use the Custom control on a window and set Height, say Height=800
The Stack Panel grows to this height, But the TreeView does not auto height adjust.
<UserControl x:Class="WPFDataBinding.ucCompanyTreeView"
Height="200" Width="300" Loaded="UserControl_Loaded">
<TextBlock Background="#505050" Foreground="Gold">Companys</TextBlock>
<TreeView Name="myTreeView" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DetailTemplate}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<local:ucCompanyTreeView Width="400" Height="600">
The height of the stackpanel inside the usercontrol grows, but the Tree view does not.
I have tried placing the tree view in a grid, same
Setting Height="Auto" everywhere, same
Setting VerticalAlignment="Strech" everywhere, same
The Treeview was data bound, so I thought it was auto sizing after the data was bound, but removing this data binding same results.
I can do it through sizing events.... but I have had this issue before and just want to understand the logic behind height inheritance of "some" controls.

If you were to replace the StackPanel in the User Control with a DockPanel, the TreeView would fill the DockPanel by default...
<TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Top" Background="#505050" Foreground="Gold">Companys</TextBlock>
<TreeView Name="myTreeView" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DetailTemplate}">
How to: Choose Between StackPanel and DockPanel


WPF XAML treeview in a stack panel - no scrolling?

so I have a TreeView control in my XAML. It works fine. If I extend the treeview to be larger than the user control it resides in, I get a scroll bar, which is good. However, inside this user control I want some other things. So I put the treeview in a stack panel with some other things, and this time I don't get the scroll bar if the treeview expands to be larger than the user control it's in.
Is this something other people have come across, and is there a fix for it?
Embed your stackpanel inside a ScrollViewer: stackoverflow.com/a/6250287/7517676. You also might have to explicitly set VerticalScrollBarVisibility and HorizontalScrollBarVisibility, depending on your need.
Here's a code sample:
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<StackPanel ... />
Based on this answer a StackPanel isn't the right container for a TreeView, but a Grid is. So this will enable scrolling inside the TreeView, by mouse and scrollbar:
<RowDefinition Height="30"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<Label>Some descriptive label.</Label>
<TreeView Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding SomeSource, Mode=OneWay}">
<HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyNodeType}" ItemsSource="{Binding Children}">
<Label Content="{Binding NodeName}"/>

wpf layout help

I have the following xaml which resides in a wpf user control -
<RowDefinition Height="30" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="30" />
This control is nested within a grid in a view. I would like to have the text box be a set height at the top of the grid, the label at the bottom showing as a fixed height at the bottom of the grid. I want the list view to fill the rest of the screen area.
The problem that I am having is the listview does not size correctly. If I have too many records that show up in it, it extends beyond the window and no scroll bars are available to scroll down. I therefore cannot get to the bottom to see the vertical scroll bar if the data stretches off to the right of the screen.
I was able to set the listview to a fixed height and that worked, but I would like it to be more dynamic and resize with the window if possible.
Does anyone have any tips that might get the sizing correct?
Thanks for any thoughts.
EDIT - Here is the xaml for the containing grid in the mainwindow view. this was adapted from the article by Josh Smith here
Style="{StaticResource MainBorderStyle}"
Content="{Binding Path=Workspaces}"
ContentTemplate="{StaticResource WorkspacesTemplate}"
I do have the scrollviewer properties set as mentioned in some of the answers below.
Here is the datatemplate for the workspace
<DataTemplate x:Key="WorkspacesTemplate">
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ClosableTabItemTemplate}"
Can you just add these properties to the listview?
ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll = "True"
ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" <!-- or "Auto" -->
Everything else looks ok to me. You have the 3 rows, 2 of which are absolute, the other stretching. You also have the listview in the 2nd row, so it should stretch with it.
if that doesn't work, try wrapping the ListView in a scrollviewer
What is the VerticalAlignment of a ListBox by default? You might need to set the vertical alignment to Stretch.
I was able to get it working. If I change the containing grid in the main window to use a ContentControl instead of a HeaderedcontentControl, it works as expected.
Thank for any help.

Minimum resizing

Inside a grid have a ContentControl inside a Grid where I load a UserControl.
I want the user to resize the window, but how can I prevent resizing-down the window so it will be less the the user control?
In other words, user control should be always visible on the window.
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=THeModel}">
Use the MinWidth and MinHeight properties of the Window to set a minimum width and height.
<Window MinWidth="200" MinHeight="200" ... > ... </Window>
If it depends on its content, you can try binding these properties to the ActualWidth/ActualHeight of another control:
<Window MinWidth="{Binding ElementName=MyControl, Path=ActualWidth}" ... > ... </Window>
But this will only work well if MyControl has a fixed size - if it grows with the window, then the results will not be ideal.

How to make controls resize in WPF equivalently to Windows Form's anchor/dock properties?

I've read so many solutions to this problem. Every one of them fails to solve my problem. No matter what container I put the control into or what properties I set on the control/container it will not budge.
I have a scroll viewer with a control within. I want it to resize with the window when the user resizes it at runtime. All I need is anchor=top, bottom, left, right. I don't understand why this is so elusive in WPF and why container objects and all kinds of property assignments need to be involved to accomplish what a single property can in Windows Forms. But every solution to this problem still results in my control staying at exactly its design time size as the window is resized at runtime. What's the simple way to get a grip on dynamic control sizing in WPF?
This has caused me grief as well and AlexK helped me see the light. The trick is NOT to set the Height and Width.... Set these to AUTO and use the MARGIN to set the size. Set the HORIZONTALALIGNMENT and VERTICALALIGNMENT to STRETCH and then the anchor functionality works.
The control needs to stretch, that's all there should be to it:
<MyControl HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"/>
Stretch replaces setting anchors to both respective sides.
For help on panels see this overview. Also see the documentation of the layout system.
Most controls automatically stretch, if you have a DataGrid it should stretch too, this example contains a DataGrid and a TextBlock which shows its size:
<Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
<RowDefinition />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<DataGrid Name="grid">
<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Name}" Header="Name"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Tag}" Header="Occupation"/>
<FrameworkElement Name="Skeet" Tag="Programmer"/>
<FrameworkElement Name="Gravell" Tag="Programmer"/>
<FrameworkElement Name="Steve" Tag="Coffee Getter"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}, {1}">
<Binding ElementName="grid" Path="ActualWidth"/>
<Binding ElementName="grid" Path="ActualHeight"/>
If you size the window down the DataGrid's ScrollBars should appear.
I assume the control that does not resize is your custom control.
Use DockPanel as a container.
Remove explicit Width and Height properties from your control.
If you work in VS2008, then this causes inconvenience, because you control would collapse to the minimal size when viewed in the designer.
Expressions Blend and starting from VS2010 both respect designer namespace, so you can specify design time only control size.
For that add the following to your control:
<UserControl ...
d:DesignWidth="WWW" d:DesignHeight="HHH">
d:DesignWidth and d:DesignHeight specify the design time width and height.
This question is old but, since I found my here I thought I would throw out my solution. The code below is for a tab control with two tabs and each tab contains a control to fill the tab. I removed the explicitly set width and height, and set the horizontal and vertical alignments to auto on all the controls I wanted to resize. The tab control stretches wit the main window. The controls in the tabs stretch to fill the tabs. The information came from the answers here. I just put up a complete example.
Hope this is useful to someone.
<TabControl HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
Margin="91,0,0,0" Name="tabControl1"
VerticalAlignment="Stretch" >
<TabItem Header="DataGrid" Name="tabItem1">
<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False"
Margin="6,6,0,0" />
<TabItem Header="Log" Name="tabItem2">
Margin="6,6,0,0" Name="txtLog"
TextChanged="txtLog_TextChanged" />
I've came across this issues as well.
and Attempted at binding to parent controls ActualHeight and ActualWidth properties except this only works if you do it via code behind not by XAML.
<MyParentControl x:name="parentControl" SizeChanged="parentControl_SizeChanged">
<ChildControl x:name=childControl" />
in the .cs code behind
private void parentControl_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
childControl.Height = parentControl.ActualHeight;
childControl.Width = parentControl.ActualWidth;

Having trouble getting contents of ListBox to resize with it

I tried the suggestion here regarding Stretching, but it didn't work for me.
I have a TabItem that hosts a UserControl that is essentially just a ListBox with an ItemsPanel. The ItemsPanel forces the ListBox to display its contents horizontally. The contents of the ListBox are databound to an ObservableCollection<StackPanelContents>, which is another UserControl. StackPanelContents itself basically just contains a List of objects with some visual representation (they contain a UIElement for visualization).
In general the code works properly in that it renders all of the data that I have contained in the ObservableCollection, but the problem is that the items don't resize as the window is enlarged or shrunk.
Here's an overview of what the class hierarchy looks like:
And here are the results:
The XAML for the main window just has the TabControl and TabItem:
<Window x:Class="ResizeStackPanelInListBox.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<TabItem Header="Test" x:Name="MyTabItem">
<!-- contents are set in code behind -->
The ListBoxContainer XAML that displays the StackPanelContents looks like this:
<UserControl x:Class="ResizeStackPanelInListBox.ListBoxContainer"
Height="Auto" Width="Auto">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
<TextBlock>ListBox with StackPanels as its ListBoxItems:</TextBlock>
<ListBox Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding StackPanels}" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Width="Auto" Height="Auto" />
And the StackPanelContents UserControl looks like this:
<UserControl x:Class="ResizeStackPanelInListBox.StackPanelContents"
Height="Auto" Width="Auto">
<TextBlock Text="StackPanel"></TextBlock>
<StackPanel x:Name="MyStackPanel">
Can anyone explain why this isn't resizing automatically, and how I can go about resolving this? Am I going to have to write my own custom panel to deal with this, and use MeasureOverride and Arrange?
The problem is that you're using StackPanels to arrange items in both directions so you're losing any sort of stretching. StackPanel allows its children to stretch only in the direction opposite the Orientation. The other direction will only be given as much space as it needs in order to allow the rest of the items as much space as possible. So for a default Vertical StackPanel anything you put inside will stretch horizontally but squeeze toward the top vertically. Since you have Vertical StackPanels inside a Horizontal StackPanel you're items are getting squeezed both ways.
There are a few options depending on what you want your items to do. Changing to a DockPanel will allow the last item to stretch and fill the space (the vertical one would need to set DockPanel.Dock=Top in the ItemContainerStyle). A Grid with * sized Rows and Columns works well for normal layouts but not in the case of ItemsControls since the Row and Column need to be set for each item (it can be done using ItemsControl.AlternationIndex but it's a pain and fragile). Using a 1 row/column UniformGrid (as in the answer you referenced) will evenly divide the available space and doesn't require any additional settings on the items.
If you need some more complex layout strategy with different items getting different amounts of space or stretching behavior you'll need a custom Panel.
try set in window
