Minimum resizing - wpf

Inside a grid have a ContentControl inside a Grid where I load a UserControl.
I want the user to resize the window, but how can I prevent resizing-down the window so it will be less the the user control?
In other words, user control should be always visible on the window.
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=THeModel}">

Use the MinWidth and MinHeight properties of the Window to set a minimum width and height.
<Window MinWidth="200" MinHeight="200" ... > ... </Window>
If it depends on its content, you can try binding these properties to the ActualWidth/ActualHeight of another control:
<Window MinWidth="{Binding ElementName=MyControl, Path=ActualWidth}" ... > ... </Window>
But this will only work well if MyControl has a fixed size - if it grows with the window, then the results will not be ideal.


How to re-height border for windows resize in XAML WPF

I have a more StackPanels in my XAML. Every StackPanel has a border inside.
When I modify the Main Window the width follows the resizing. But the height follows only in one the bigger direction. If I make the Window smaller the height of the borders doesn't follows. So the effect is the Botton border line isn't visible. How can I do this ?
<Window x:Class="MyStackPanel"
Title="MyCombobox" Height="356" Width="475">
<StackPanel x:Name="STP"
<Border x:Name="STPB"
Height="{Binding ElementName=STP,Path=ActualHeight}"/>
!border normaly Looks like
Use a Grid instead of a StackPanel then the border will stretch to the
Grids height and width on resizing
<Grid x:Name="STP"
<Border x:Name="STPB"
CornerRadius="10" />
Window after your changes, Looks like the same after reize (make smaller) without your changes.

WPF ScrollViewer resize problem

I've got a scrollviewer in a WPF window that is resizing according to its contents no matter what I do. This is kind of a problem since it will resize my window as well, and in my opinion defeats the purpose of a scrollviewer.
The window in question has its SizeToContent set to "WidthAndHeight" which I know can be set to "Manual" to resolve the scrollviewer issues, but then I have to go and fiddle with my window layout.
Is there any way to get the best of both worlds here? All I want is for the scrollviewer to stay the same (its current) size any time its content changes.
If you really need to see it.....
<Window SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight">
<Grid Width="200" Name="ThinkBeforeSpeaking">
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBars="Auto" HorizontalScrollBars="Auto">
<ContentControl Content={Binding AnythingYouCanImagine}"/>
Doesn't need to be a content control inside of the viewer, just anything bigger than the window in either dimension.
I've just come across this problem myself, and I've found a suitable solution in wrapping the ScrollViewer in a Canvas, so that it doesn't take part in the measuring pass, and telling the ScrollViewer to use the ActualHeight and ActualWidth of the Canvas so that it takes up all the space the Canvas has been given:
<Window SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight">
<Grid Width="200" Name="ThinkBeforeSpeaking">
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBars="Auto" HorizontalScrollBars="Auto"
Height="{Binding Parent.ActualHeight, Mode=OneWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
Width="{Binding Parent.ActualWidth, Mode=OneWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}">
<ContentControl Content={Binding AnythingYouCanImagine}"/>
As it stands, there's nothing telling the window to have any height at all, so either one of the existing controls (Window, Grid or Canvas) needs a defined Height/MinHeight, or other controls need to be added which will provide their own Height/MinHeight.
I'm assuming you want your Window to start sized large enough to fit it's content, but then if the content changes it will not resize.
If so, you'd need to reset the SizeToContent option when the Window is loaded, like so:
public MainWindow() {
this.Loaded += (s, e) => { this.SizeToContent = SizeToContent.Manual; };
In your example you're using the WidthAndHeight behavior for your Window. The Window's Width will expand to the 200px you set on your Grid, but then you have no control to dictate which Height the Window needs to have.
Consequently, the Window's Height will resize to the ScrollViewer's content, unless you specify a fixed Height or MaxHeight for your ScrollViewer or Grid (Or any other container between the Window and the ScrollViewer).
<Window SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight">
<Grid Width="200" Height="150" Name="ThinkBeforeSpeaking">
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBars="Auto" HorizontalScrollBars="Auto">
<ContentControl Content={Binding AnythingYouCanImagine}"/>
Think of it, which Height would the Window have otherwise? None? Infinite? There's nothing in your XAML that specifies it.

Prevent WPF control from expanding beyond viewable area

I have an ItemsControl in my user control with a scroll viewer around it for when it gets too big (Too big being content is larger than the viewable area of the UserControl). The problem is that the grid that it is all in just keeps expanding so that the scroll viewer never kicks in (unless I specify an exact height for the grid). See code below and thanks in advance.
<UserControl x:Class="BusinessObjectCreationWizard.View.TableSelectionPageView"
<GroupBox FontWeight="Bold" Height="300px"
<ItemsControl FontWeight="Normal"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=AvailableTables}">
<CheckBox Content="{Binding Path=DisplayName}"
IsChecked="{Binding Path=IsSelected}"
Margin="2,3.5" />
This user control is loaded here
<Border Background="White" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0">
<HeaderedContentControl Content="{Binding Path=CurrentPage}"
Header="{Binding Path=CurrentPage.DisplayName}" />
I would like to not specify the height.
If you remove the Height from your GroupBox (which, as far as I understand, is what you want to do), then it will fill its container, unless there's a panel upstream that imposes its own sizing rules.
I used this simplified version of your XAML. I removed the template and the binding, and hard-coded some items, to make this stand alone; those changes won't affect the way layout is done.
<Window xmlns="">
<GroupBox FontWeight="Bold" Header="Tables" Padding="2">
<ItemsControl FontWeight="Normal">
Run it, and you'll see that the content does indeed size to fit the window, and the scrollbar only enables when the window gets too small to see all three items. I believe this is what you want.
So the problem is most likely one of the parent panels, one you're not showing in your sample XAML. The problem you describe could occur if your GroupBox appears inside a StackPanel:
<Window xmlns="">
<GroupBox FontWeight="Bold" Header="Tables" Padding="2">
<ItemsControl FontWeight="Normal">
Now the GroupBox appears at the top of the Window, sized to exactly fit its contents. If you shrink the Window enough, the GroupBox will be cut off -- because it's sized to fit its content, not its container. This sounds like the problem you're describing.
The reason is that StackPanel asks its children what their ideal height is (based on their content), and uses that height. Without StackPanel (or something similar), the default is to respect the control's VerticalAlignment, and if that's set to the default value of Stretch, then the control is stretched to fill its parent. This means it won't be taller than its parent, which sounds like what you want.
Solution: remove the StackPanel (or whatever else is causing you problems) and use something else. Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, you might have better luck with a DockPanel or a Grid. Hard to tell without knowing more about your layout.
Edit: Okay, it looks like the problem is indeed the HeaderedContentControl parent -- but not directly. HeaderedContentControl isn't a panel, so it doesn't do any layout of its own (and its descendant, GroupBox, doesn't have this same problem). The problem is its default template -- which includes a StackPanel. The good news is, you're free to use a different template, let's say one with a DockPanel instead:
<Window xmlns=""
<Style TargetType="{x:Type HeaderedContentControl}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type HeaderedContentControl}">
<ContentPresenter ContentSource="Header" DockPanel.Dock="Top"/>
<GroupBox FontWeight="Bold" Header="Tables" Padding="2">
<ItemsControl FontWeight="Normal">
If you leave off the <HeaderedContentControl.Style> part, this reproduces your problem; but with the style in place, it allows the GroupBox to fill its container, so the ScrollViewer will get a scrollbar when you want it to.
If the previous answer doesn't fix the problem, you could also try binding the Width, Height of your grid to the ActualWidth, ActualHeight of your parent UserControl. Something like:
<Grid Height="{Binding ElementName=UserControl, Path=ActualHeight}"
Width="{Binding ElementName=UserControl, Path=ActualWidth}" />
In this case you aren't setting an explicit width and height but you are limiting the Grids width/height to the constraints of the UserControl it sits in.
I had the same issue, after reading this response I replaced all StackPanels with Grids in UserControl. It resolved the Scrollbar issue.
Try removing the grid entirely and setting the HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment directly on the GroupBox. If a layoutpanel has only one child, it's often redundant... this migth be true in your case.
If that doesn't work... what's the parent of your grid control?
Why not just use a listbox instead of an itemscontrol, that has a built in scrollviewer.
They are different. If you do not want to have the items selectable, then don't use a ListBox. It is going to be heavier, and will also have the deselect a selection everytime the user clicks on an entry. Just put the ItemsControl in a ScrollViewer
I had the same problema with ListBox, it wasn't expanding and the scroll viewer didn't appear. I solved it as follows:
<UserControl x:Class="TesteView"
<Grid MaxHeight="710">
<ListBox MaxHeight="515"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Teste,Mode=TwoWay}">

WPF: GroupBox dynamic height

I have a textbox and datagrid inside of a dockpanel that is in a WPF groupbox.
<GroupBox Margin="8,142.04,1.783,230.4" Height="Auto" Header="Desired Meeting Outcomes (decisions or actions)?" MaxWidth="635" MinWidth="550" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="13.333" BorderBrush="#FFD5DFE5" MinHeight="106" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch">
<DockPanel Margin="0">
<local:TextboxControl Margin="0" d:LayoutOverrides="Height, HorizontalMargin" Width="538.217" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" DockPanel.Dock="Top"/>
<local: Height="Auto" HorizontalAlignment="Left" MinHeight="25" MinWidth="538" DockPanel.Dock="Top"/>
I am adding rows in the datagrid dynmaically from the textbox causing the datagrid to grow. However, my groupbox's height is not growing dynamically even though its height is set to Auto. How can I get my groupbox to grow and shrink based upon the size of the contents that it holds?
You have margins set on all 4 sides with a VerticalAlignment of Stretch. In a Grid this will basically give you a GroupBox that sizes with its parent but not its content. Remove the margin from the right and bottom and change the VerticalAlignment to Top.
The margins are the order of L, T, R, B. So zero out the last two. Height=Auto and VerticalContentAlignment=Stretch are the defaults so you can get rid of those too. Try to keep the XAML as clean as possible.
It's clear from the markup that you're using Blend or Visual Studio's designer. I would suggest using the designer for "preview" mode rather than editing. Although it's gotten much better I find the layout behavior of the designer in both products to be very frustrating. Getting familiar with creating XAML by hand pays dividends in the long run.
As per the comments, I'm adding an example of how you would have a DataGrid that causes its parent elements to automatically grow based on height. Notice that only the Window itself has a fixed size. For a Window, if you wanted to make it grow based on height you could set SizeToContent=Height. Notice how you only need to set VerticalAlignment=Top on the outermost element.
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication2.MainWindow"
Width="640" Height="480">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Green" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Border Margin="5" BorderBrush="Yellow" BorderThickness="4">
<GroupBox Header="Data Grid" Background="Orange">
<DataGrid x:Name="dg" AutoGenerateColumns="True" />
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow( )
InitializeComponent( );
var items = new ObservableCollection<DateTime>( );
dg.ItemsSource = items;
var timer = new DispatcherTimer( );
timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2 );
timer.Tick += ( s, e ) => items.Add( DateTime.Now );
timer.Start( );
What is the container of the GroupBox ? It could prevent it from growing.
For example, if the container is the Windows, does it have SizeToContent="Height" ?

WPF UserControl TreeView Height

I have a user control which contains a StackPanel and TreeView.
All controls have the Height="Auto"
When I use the Custom control on a window and set Height, say Height=800
The Stack Panel grows to this height, But the TreeView does not auto height adjust.
<UserControl x:Class="WPFDataBinding.ucCompanyTreeView"
Height="200" Width="300" Loaded="UserControl_Loaded">
<TextBlock Background="#505050" Foreground="Gold">Companys</TextBlock>
<TreeView Name="myTreeView" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DetailTemplate}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<local:ucCompanyTreeView Width="400" Height="600">
The height of the stackpanel inside the usercontrol grows, but the Tree view does not.
I have tried placing the tree view in a grid, same
Setting Height="Auto" everywhere, same
Setting VerticalAlignment="Strech" everywhere, same
The Treeview was data bound, so I thought it was auto sizing after the data was bound, but removing this data binding same results.
I can do it through sizing events.... but I have had this issue before and just want to understand the logic behind height inheritance of "some" controls.
If you were to replace the StackPanel in the User Control with a DockPanel, the TreeView would fill the DockPanel by default...
<TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Top" Background="#505050" Foreground="Gold">Companys</TextBlock>
<TreeView Name="myTreeView" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DetailTemplate}">
How to: Choose Between StackPanel and DockPanel
