realtime system database use - sql-server

Given a .NET environment with Windows CE, can you persist thousands of records per second in a local database (SQL Server 2008 - standard or CE).
What are the performance issues with persisting realtime instrument data in a database versus a log file?

SQL Server 2008 standard is more than capable of those insertion rates PROVIDED you have hardware capable of supporting it.
The question you really need to be asking is do I require the ability to search the captured data quickly?
This SO answer might be of interest: What does database query and insert speed depend on?
The number (and width) of indexes on a table will obviously have an impact on insertion rate.
If you are considering open-source, then MySQL is often cited as being able to handle high volumes.


Loading data from SQL Server to Elasticsearch

Looking for suggesting on loading data from SQL Server into Elasticsearch or any other data store. The goal is to have transactional data available in real time for Reporting.
We currently use a 3rd party tool, in addition to SSRS, for data analytics. The data transfer is done using daily batch jobs and as a result, there is a 24 hour data latency.
We are looking to build something out that would allow for more real time availability of the data, similar to SSRS, for our Clients to report on. We need to ensure that this does not have an impact on our SQL Server database.
My initial thought was to do a full dump of the data, during the weekend, and writes, in real time, during weekdays.
ElasticSearch's main use cases are for providing search type capabilities on top of unstructured large text based data. For example, if you were ingesting large batches of emails into your data store every day, ElasticSearch is a good tool to parse out pieces of those emails based on rules you setup with it to enable searching (and to some degree querying) capability of those email messages.
If your data is already in SQL Server, it sounds like it's structured already and therefore there's not much gained from ElasticSearch in terms of reportability and availability. Rather you'd likely be introducing extra complexity to your data workflow.
If you have structured data in SQL Server already, and you are experiencing issues with reporting directly off of it, you should look to building a data warehouse instead to handle your reporting. SQL Server comes with a number of features out of the box to help you replicate your data for this very purpose. The three main features to accomplish this that you could look into are AlwaysOn Availability Groups, Replication, or SSIS.
Each option above (in addition to other out-of-the-box features of SQL Server) have different pros and drawbacks. For example, AlwaysOn Availability Groups are very easy to setup and offer the ability to automatically failover if your main server had an outage, but they clone the entire database to a replica. Replication let's you more granularly choose to only copy specific Tables and Views, but then you can't as easily failover if your main server has an outage. So you should read up on all three options and understand their differences.
Additionally, if you're having specific performance problems trying to report off of the main database, you may want to dig into the root cause of those problems first before looking into replicating your data as a solution for reporting (although it's a fairly common solution). You may find that a simple architectural change like using a columnstore index on the correct Table will improve your reporting capabilities immensely.
I've been down both pathways of implementing ElasticSearch and a data warehouse using all three of the main data synchronization features above, for structured data and unstructured large text data, and have experienced the proper use cases for both. One data warehouse I've managed in the past had Tables with billions of rows in it (each Table terabytes big), and it was highly performant for reporting off of on fairly modest hardware in AWS (we weren't even using Redshift).

Oracle performance when doing bulk inserts from Delphi

We have a Delphi application which can connect to either Oracle or SQL Server. We use Devart components to connect to the databases, and everything is very generic when it comes to database access. i.e. we use the lowest common denominator. Ultimately we use the databases as data stores and do not use any of the more "advanced" features which maybe specific to the database.
However we have a serious performance issue with Oracle. It is to do with inserting data. I know that inserting data by running off a load of insert statements is not great for performance, but due to some business logic that needs to be done on the raw data before it gets uploaded to the database, we are a little restricted to multiple inserts. To get an idea of performance differences, a recent test we did, inserts 1000 items into our database and takes 5 minutes in SQL Server (acceptable) but 44 minutes in Oracle.
Is there anything we could do to improve performance? The inserting of data needs to be done by the user and NOT an Oracle DBA, so absolutely no Oracle skills is one of the pre-requisites for any solution. Basically, the users need to press a button and everything is done.
Edit: Business Logic happens before the insert (although there is a little going on during the actual insert, so more realistic number would be 2 minutes for SQL Server and 40 or so minutes for Oracle. Bear in mind we are inserting a few large blobs per record, so perhaps that explains the slowish performance, but not why there is such a difference. The 1000 items are part of a transaction.
Oracle supports array DML, which can speed up performance. Also if BLOB are involved, performance may depend on caching settings, and how the BLOB are setup in the destination table. Some db client parameters tuning may be also beneficial to increase network speed.
Anyway, without knowing which version of Oracle you're using, how it is configured, your table(s) deinition (and its tablespaces), how large are the BLOBS, and the SQL actually used (did you trace it?), it's very difficult to diagnose the real problem.
Oracle has some powerful diagnostic tools to identify bottlenecks, but they may not be easy to use and require to know enough about how Oracle works. From the Enterprise Manager Console you can access some of them in a more readable format - did you check it?
Update: because I can't comment to other answers, Oracle support differet type of LOB storage:
LOBs stored into the database (under transaction managment)
BFILES, external file system LOBs yet still managed by Oracle (LOB data not under transaction)
SecureFiles (11g onwards, alike BFILES but with transaction support and other features)
Oracle is designed for and can manage large LOBs - just it needs to be configured properly. Parameter that will affect LOB performance:
PCTVERSION/RETENTION (especially for updates and deletes)
TABLESPACE (usually, a dedicated tablespace for lobs is advisable)
These parameters needs to be set taking into account the average LOB size, how LOBs are accessed, amd how often are modified. There's no "one size fits all".
But there are also the client side: OCI can buffer LOBs client side, so small read/write operations are cached, minimizing the number of network roundtrips and LOB versioning - that's up to the OCI wrapper you're using.
Array DML (only available with FireDac, ODAC, DOA and our SynDbOracle unit afaik) won't change much if your problem is about blob transfer.
First idea is to compress the data before transmission.
Try several access libraries. Our open source SynDBOracle directly accesses the oci.dll client but may be slightly faster.
But perhaps the problem may be on the server side. Oracle does not like transactions with huge data, since it tends to overflow its wal files. Try to tune the write ahead log files of the table.
IMHO a rdbms is not the best option to store huge blobs. Plain files, indexed via a rdbms for metadata is usually better. Or switch to a big SQL storage, like key/value stores or mongodb blob api.
Remember that both Oracle and mssql do ask money proportional to the data size....

What is the best database technology for storing OHLC historical prices?

Just for End-Of-Day data there will be billions of rows. What is the best way to store all that data. Is SQL Server 2008 good enough for that or should I look towards NoSQL solution, like MongoDB. Any suggestions?
That would be cool to have one master db with read/write permissions and one ore more replications of it for read only operations. Only master database will be used for adding new prices into the storage. Also that would be cool to be able replicate OHLC prices for most popular securities individually in order to optimize read access.
This data then will be streamed to a trading platform on clients' machines.
You should consider Oracle Berkeley DB which is in production doing this within the infrastructure of a few well known stock exchanges. Berkeley DB will allow you to record information at a master as simple key/value pairs, in your case I'd imagine a timestamp for the key and an encoded OHLC set for the value. Berkeley DB supports single master multi-replica replication (called "HA" for High Availability) to support exactly what you've outlined - read scalability. Berkeley DB HA will automatically fail-over to a new master if/when necessary. Using some simple compression and other basic features of Berkeley DB you'll be able to meet your scalability and data volume targets (billions of rows, tens of thousands of transactions per second - depending on your hardware, OS, and configuration of BDB - see the 3n+1 benchmark with BDB for help) without issue.
When you start working on accessing that OHLC data consider Berkeley DB's support for bulk-get and make sure you use the B-Tree access method (because your data has order and locality will provide much faster access). Also consider the Berkeley DB partitioning API to split your data (perhaps based on symbol or even based on time). Finally, because you'll be replicating the data you can relax the durability constraints to DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC as long as your replication acknowledgement policy is requires a quorum of replicas ACK a write before considering it durable. You'll find that a fast network beats a fast disk in this case. Also, to offload some work from your master, enable peer-to-peer log replica distribution.
But, first read the replication manager getting started guide and review the rep quote example - which already implements some of what you're trying to do (handy, eh?).
Just for the record, full disclosure I work as a product manager at Oracle on Berkeley DB products. I have for the past nine years, so I'm a tad biased. I'd guess that the other solutions - SQL based or not - might eventually give you a working system, but I'm confident that Berkeley DB can without too much effort.
If you're really talking billions of new rows a day (Federal Express' data warehouse isn't that large), then you need an SQL database that can partition across multiple computers, like Oracle or IBM's DB2.
Another alternative would be a heavy-duty system managed storage like IBM's DFSMS.

Transaction level, nolock/readpast and concurrency

We have a system that is concurrently inserted a large amount of data from multiple stations while also exposing a data querying interface. The schema looks something like this (sorry about the poor formatting):
Data insertion is done in a "Synchronization" and goes like this (we only insert data into the system, we never update)
INSERT INTO SyncTable(StationID, MeasuringTime) VALUES (X,Y); SELECT ##IDENTITY
INSERT INTO DataTable(SyncID, TypeID, DataColumns) VALUES
(SyncIDJustInserted, InMemoryCachedTypeID, Data)
... lots (500) similar inserts into DataTable ...
And queries goes like this ( for a given station, measuringtime and datatype)
SELECT SyncID FROM SyncTable WHERE StationID = #StationID
AND MeasuringTime = #MeasuringTime
SELECT DataColumns FROM DataTable WHERE SyncID = #SyncIDJustSelected
AND DataTypeID = #TypeID
My question is how can we combine the transaction level on the inserts and NOLOCK/READPAST hints on the queries so that:
We maximize the concurrency in our system while favoring the inserts (we need to store a lot of data, something as high as 2000+ records a second)
Queries only return data from "commited" synchronization (we don't want a result set with a half inserted synchronization or a synchronization with some skipped entries due to lock-skipping)
We don't care if the "newest" data is included in the query, we care more for consistency and responsiveness then for "live" and up-to-date data
This may be very conflicting goals and may require a high transaction isolation level but I am interested in all tricks and optimizations to achieve high responsiveness on both inserts and selects. I'll be happy to elaborate if more details are needed to flush out more tweaks and tricks.
UPDATE: Just adding a bit more information for future replies. We are running SQL Server 2005 (2008 within six months probably) on a SAN network with 5+ TB of storage initially. I'm not sure what kind of RAID the SAn is set up to and precisely how many disks we have available.
If you are running SQL 2005 and above look into implementing snapshot isolation. You will not be able to get consistent results with nolock.
Solving this on SQL 2000 is much harder.
This is a great scenario for SQL Server 2005/2008 Enterprise's Partitioning feature. You can create a partition for each StationID, and each StationID's data can go into its own filegroup (if you want, may not be necessary depending on your load.)
This buys you some advantages with concurrency:
If you partition by stationid, then users can run select queries for stationid's that aren't currently loading, and they won't run into any concurrency issues at all
If you partition by stationid, then multiple stations can insert data simultaneously without concurrency issues (as long as they're on different filegroups)
If you partition by syncid range, then you can put the older data on slower storage.
If you partition by syncid range, AND if your ranges are small enough (meaning not a range with thousands of syncids) then you can do loads at the same time your users are querying without running into concurrency issues
The scenario you're describing has a lot in common with data warehouse nightly loads. Microsoft did a technical reference project called Project Real that you might find interesting. They published it as a standard, and you can read through the design docs and the implementation code in order to see how they pulled off really fast loads:
Partitioning is even better in SQL Server 2008, especially around concurrency. It's still not a silver bullet - it requires manual design and maintenance by a skilled DBA. It's not a set-it-and-forget-it feature, and it does require Enterprise Edition, which costs more than Standard Edition. I love it, though - I've used it several times and it's solved specific problems for me.
What type of disk system will you be using? If you have a large striped RAID array, writes should perform well. If you can estimate your required reads and writes per second, you can plug those numbers into a formula and see if your disk subsystem will keep up. Maybe you have no control over hardware...
Wouldn't you wrap the inserts in a transaction, which would make them unavailable to the reads until the insert is finished?
This should follow if your hardware is configured correctly and you're paying attention to your SQL coding - which it seems you are.
Look into SQLIO.exe and SQL Stress tools:
SQLIOStress.exe simulates various patterns of SQL Server 2000 I/O behavior to ensure rudimentary I/O safety.
The SQLIOStress utility can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web site. See the following article.
• How to Use the SQLIOStress Utility to Stress a Disk Subsystem such as SQL Server;en-us;231619
Important The download contains a complete white paper with extended details about the utility.
SQLIO.exe is a SQL Server 2000 I/O utility used to establish basic benchmark testing results.
The SQLIO utility can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web site. See the following:
• SQLIO Performance Testing Tool (SQL Development) – Customer Available

SQL Server and Oracle, which one is better in terms of scalability? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
MS SQL Server and Oracle, which one is better in terms of scalability?
For example, if the data size reach 500 TB etc.
Both Oracle and SQL Server are shared-disk databases so they are constrained by disk bandwidth for queries that table scan over large volumes of data. Products such as Teradata, Netezza or DB/2 Parallel Edition are 'shared nothing' architectures where the database stores horizontal partitions on the individual nodes. This type of architecture gives the best parallel query performance as the local disks on each node are not constrained through a central bottleneck on a SAN.
Shared disk systems (such as Oracle Real Application Clusters or Clustered SQL Server installations still require a shared SAN, which has constrained bandwidth for streaming. On a VLDB this can seriously restrict the table-scanning performance that is possible to achieve. Most data warehouse queries run table or range scans across large blocks of data. If the query will hit more than a few percent of rows a single table scan is often the optimal query plan.
Multiple local direct-attach disk arrays on nodes gives more disk bandwidth.
Having said that I am aware of an Oracle DW shop (a major european telco) that has an oracle based data warehouse that loads 600 GB per day, so the shared disk architecture does not appear to impose unsurmountable limitations.
Between MS-SQL and Oracle there are some differences. IMHO Oracle has better VLDB support than SQL server for the following reasons:
Oracle has native support for bitmap indexes, which are an index structure suitable for high speed data warehouse queries. They essentially do a CPU for I/O tradeoff as they are run-length encoded and use relatively little space. On the other hand, Microsoft claim that Index Intersection is not appreciably slower.
Oracle has better table partitioning facilities than SQL Server. IIRC The table partitioning in SQL Server 2005 can only be done on a single column.
Oracle can be run on somewhat larger hardware than SQL Server, although one can run SQL server on some quite respectably large systems.
Oracle has more mature support for Materialized views and Query rewrite to optimise relational queries. SQL2005 does have some query rewrite capability but it is poorly documented and I haven't seen it used in a production system. However, Microsoft will suggest that you use Analysis Services, which does actually support shared nothing configurations.
Unless you have truly biblical data volumes and are choosing between Oracle and a shared nothing architecture such as Teradata you will probably see little practical difference between Oracle and SQL Server. Particularly since the introduction of SQL2005 the partitioning facilities in SQL Server are viewed as good enough and there are plenty of examples of multi-terabyte systems that have been successfully implemented on it.
When you are talking 500TB, that is (a) big and (b) specialized.
I'd be going to a consultancy firm with appropriate specialists to look at the existing skill sets, integration with existing technology stacks, expected usage, backup/recovery/DR requirements....
In short, it's not the sort of project I'd be heading into based on opinions from stackoverflow. No offence intended, but there's simply too many factors to take into account, a lot of which would be business confidential.
Whether Oracle or MSSQL will scale / perform better is question #15. The data model is the first make-it or break-it item regardless of if you're running Oracle, MSSQL, Informix or anything else. Data model structure, what kind of applicaiton, how it accesses the db etc, which platform your developers know well enough to target for a large system etc are the first questions you should ask yourself.
I've worked as a DBA on Oracle (although some years back) and I use MSSQL extensively now, although not as a formal DBA. My advice would be that in the vast majority of cases both will meet everything you can throw at them and your performance issues will be much more dependent upon database design and deployment than the underlying characteristics of the products, which in both cases are absolutely and utterly solid (MSSQL is the best product that MS makes in many peoples opinion so don't let the usual perception of MS blind you on that).
Myself I would tend towards MSSQL unless your system is going to be very large and truly enterprise level (massive numbers of users, multiple 9's uptime etc.) simply because in my experience Oracle tends to require a higher level of DBA knowledge and maintenance than MSSQL to get the best out of it. Oracle also tends to be more expensive, both for initial deployment and in the cost to hire DBAs for it. OTOH if you are looking at an enterprise system then Oracle would have the edge, not least because if you can afford it their support is second to none.
I have to agree with those who said deisgn was more important.
I've worked with superfast and super slow databases of many different flavors (the absolute worst being an Oracle database, but it wasn't Oracle's fault). Design of the database and how you decide to index it and partition it and query it have far more to do with the scalability than whether the product is from MSSQL Server or Oracle.
I think you may more easily find more Oracle dbas with terrabyte database experience (running a large database is a specialty just like knowing a particular flavor of SQL) but that could depend on your local area.
oracle people will tell you oracle is better, sql server peopele will tell you sql server is better.
i say they scale pretty much the same. use what you know better. you have databases out there that are that size on oracle as well as sql server
When you get to OBSCENE database sizes (where over 1TB is really big enough, and 500TB is frigging massive), then operational support must come very high up on the list of requirements. With that much data, you don't mess about with penny pinching system specifications.
How are you going to backup that size of system? Upgrade the OS and patch the database? Scalability and reliability a concern?
I have experience of both Oracle and MS SQL, and for the really really big systems (users, data or importance) then Oracle is better designed for operational support and data management.
Every tried to backup and restore a 1TB+ SQL Server database split over multiple databases on multiple instances with transaction log files being spat out everywhere by each database and trying to keep it all in sync? Good luck with that.
With Oracle, you have ONE database (so I disagree with the "shared nothing" approach is better) with ONE set of REDO logs(1) and one set of archive logs(2) and you can just add extra hardware nodes without changing (i.e. repartitioning) you application and data.
(1) Redo logs are, of course, mirrored.
(2) Archive logs are, of course, stored in multiple locations.
It would also depend on what is your application meant for. If it uses only Inserts with very few updates, then I think MSSQL would be more scalable and better in terms of performance. However if one has lots of updates, then Oracle would scaleup better
I very much doubt that you are going to get an objective answer to that particular question, until you come across anyone that has implemented the same database (schema, data, etc.) on both platforms.
However given the fact that you can find millions of happy users of both databases, I dare say it's not too much of a stretch to say either will scale just fine (I've seen a snappy Sql 2005 implementation of 300 TB that seemed pretty responsive)
Oracle like a high-quality manual film camera, which needs the best photographer to take the best picture while MS SQL like an automatic digital camera. In old days, of course, all professional photographers will use film camera, now think about how many professional photographers use automatic digital camera.
