Transaction level, nolock/readpast and concurrency - sql-server

We have a system that is concurrently inserted a large amount of data from multiple stations while also exposing a data querying interface. The schema looks something like this (sorry about the poor formatting):
Data insertion is done in a "Synchronization" and goes like this (we only insert data into the system, we never update)
INSERT INTO SyncTable(StationID, MeasuringTime) VALUES (X,Y); SELECT ##IDENTITY
INSERT INTO DataTable(SyncID, TypeID, DataColumns) VALUES
(SyncIDJustInserted, InMemoryCachedTypeID, Data)
... lots (500) similar inserts into DataTable ...
And queries goes like this ( for a given station, measuringtime and datatype)
SELECT SyncID FROM SyncTable WHERE StationID = #StationID
AND MeasuringTime = #MeasuringTime
SELECT DataColumns FROM DataTable WHERE SyncID = #SyncIDJustSelected
AND DataTypeID = #TypeID
My question is how can we combine the transaction level on the inserts and NOLOCK/READPAST hints on the queries so that:
We maximize the concurrency in our system while favoring the inserts (we need to store a lot of data, something as high as 2000+ records a second)
Queries only return data from "commited" synchronization (we don't want a result set with a half inserted synchronization or a synchronization with some skipped entries due to lock-skipping)
We don't care if the "newest" data is included in the query, we care more for consistency and responsiveness then for "live" and up-to-date data
This may be very conflicting goals and may require a high transaction isolation level but I am interested in all tricks and optimizations to achieve high responsiveness on both inserts and selects. I'll be happy to elaborate if more details are needed to flush out more tweaks and tricks.
UPDATE: Just adding a bit more information for future replies. We are running SQL Server 2005 (2008 within six months probably) on a SAN network with 5+ TB of storage initially. I'm not sure what kind of RAID the SAn is set up to and precisely how many disks we have available.

If you are running SQL 2005 and above look into implementing snapshot isolation. You will not be able to get consistent results with nolock.
Solving this on SQL 2000 is much harder.

This is a great scenario for SQL Server 2005/2008 Enterprise's Partitioning feature. You can create a partition for each StationID, and each StationID's data can go into its own filegroup (if you want, may not be necessary depending on your load.)
This buys you some advantages with concurrency:
If you partition by stationid, then users can run select queries for stationid's that aren't currently loading, and they won't run into any concurrency issues at all
If you partition by stationid, then multiple stations can insert data simultaneously without concurrency issues (as long as they're on different filegroups)
If you partition by syncid range, then you can put the older data on slower storage.
If you partition by syncid range, AND if your ranges are small enough (meaning not a range with thousands of syncids) then you can do loads at the same time your users are querying without running into concurrency issues
The scenario you're describing has a lot in common with data warehouse nightly loads. Microsoft did a technical reference project called Project Real that you might find interesting. They published it as a standard, and you can read through the design docs and the implementation code in order to see how they pulled off really fast loads:
Partitioning is even better in SQL Server 2008, especially around concurrency. It's still not a silver bullet - it requires manual design and maintenance by a skilled DBA. It's not a set-it-and-forget-it feature, and it does require Enterprise Edition, which costs more than Standard Edition. I love it, though - I've used it several times and it's solved specific problems for me.

What type of disk system will you be using? If you have a large striped RAID array, writes should perform well. If you can estimate your required reads and writes per second, you can plug those numbers into a formula and see if your disk subsystem will keep up. Maybe you have no control over hardware...
Wouldn't you wrap the inserts in a transaction, which would make them unavailable to the reads until the insert is finished?
This should follow if your hardware is configured correctly and you're paying attention to your SQL coding - which it seems you are.
Look into SQLIO.exe and SQL Stress tools:
SQLIOStress.exe simulates various patterns of SQL Server 2000 I/O behavior to ensure rudimentary I/O safety.
The SQLIOStress utility can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web site. See the following article.
• How to Use the SQLIOStress Utility to Stress a Disk Subsystem such as SQL Server;en-us;231619
Important The download contains a complete white paper with extended details about the utility.
SQLIO.exe is a SQL Server 2000 I/O utility used to establish basic benchmark testing results.
The SQLIO utility can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web site. See the following:
• SQLIO Performance Testing Tool (SQL Development) – Customer Available


Long loading time after creating Availability Groups and migrating in SQL

so I have this issue. Our client using MS SQL databases. Two months ago they migrated their databases to the SQL Enterprise 2019 from earlier version and Standard edition.
They major reason was to secure high availability through feature in MS SQL - Availability groups.
After that our application get really slowed. In the simply way to tell, customer startup an app select workspace and then its takes like 15 seconds to load data.
First step is just sending request to database to select data - no inserts, deletes or any high performance processes.
App is using and working with geographical and geometry data, every geo objects is saved in database as geometry data type. The first huge, major select is causing the slow issue.
When I was looking at activity mon under wait categories is only one thing suspicious to me and its type Other.
In database I dont see any high cost queries and availability group mode is set to synchronous.
If Im getting this right, the synchronous mode should not be the cause of this problem because this database is clearly for reading a data not as I mentioned modifying.
I made changes to some instance parameters and set Optimize for Ad hoc workloads to True and and threshold for parallelism from 5 to 20.
Other thing which I tried was create a new app source database and database which contains geo data inside of that SQL instance and didnt add them to availability groups.
From application we are using, for test causes, a connection to the one instance with new test databases.
Neither of this settings work. So guys if you have any idea or any experience with this please help me.
Here is a screen of top 10 waits from sys dmv.
1 - Stats recompute...
When you are going from a SQL version to a higher one, you must first change the compatibility level (to have some performance benefits) and then recompute all statistics in the database with a FULLSCAN. Why ? Because each version of SQL Server come with a new optimizer that have new operators, new algorithms and many improvements... To stick to this new version of the optimizer the method of computing statistics and the form of the results of these calculations, is rethought with each modification of the engine ... so much so that if we use the old statistics with a new engine, it is like taking the census of the population in 1930, to plan the construction of roads, schools and hospitals for the current actual population ....
2 - SQL Server Editions...
When upscaling SQL Server from Standard to Enterprise, you need to increase the "hardware" (even if it is a VM) because many of the features that runs under Enterprise version, and does not exists in Standard, needs some more computationnal resources. As an example, using the AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC will use automatically one more thread to the detriment of other processes... In comparison, using a Rolls Royce or a Hummer, instead of a VolksWagen is arguably more comfortable, faster ... but requires more oil and more expensive insurance!
3 - Synchronous AVG...
Synchronous AlwaysOn availability groups must have a very fast and faultless network .... If this is not the case, the replication of update requests can drag performance down, especially if you are in pessimistic lockdown (default mode).
4 - Transaction logs...
One common global lack of performances can be the latency to write the transaction log.
5 - Tempdb files...
Another current global lack of performances can be the latency to access tempdb files.
For those two file problems, use the Glenn Berry latency file query that will give you a indice... Good values are under 7 ms for reads and 15 ms for writes...
Many other factors can contribute to slow down you system. But without no more information, we cannot help you...

Oracle performance when doing bulk inserts from Delphi

We have a Delphi application which can connect to either Oracle or SQL Server. We use Devart components to connect to the databases, and everything is very generic when it comes to database access. i.e. we use the lowest common denominator. Ultimately we use the databases as data stores and do not use any of the more "advanced" features which maybe specific to the database.
However we have a serious performance issue with Oracle. It is to do with inserting data. I know that inserting data by running off a load of insert statements is not great for performance, but due to some business logic that needs to be done on the raw data before it gets uploaded to the database, we are a little restricted to multiple inserts. To get an idea of performance differences, a recent test we did, inserts 1000 items into our database and takes 5 minutes in SQL Server (acceptable) but 44 minutes in Oracle.
Is there anything we could do to improve performance? The inserting of data needs to be done by the user and NOT an Oracle DBA, so absolutely no Oracle skills is one of the pre-requisites for any solution. Basically, the users need to press a button and everything is done.
Edit: Business Logic happens before the insert (although there is a little going on during the actual insert, so more realistic number would be 2 minutes for SQL Server and 40 or so minutes for Oracle. Bear in mind we are inserting a few large blobs per record, so perhaps that explains the slowish performance, but not why there is such a difference. The 1000 items are part of a transaction.
Oracle supports array DML, which can speed up performance. Also if BLOB are involved, performance may depend on caching settings, and how the BLOB are setup in the destination table. Some db client parameters tuning may be also beneficial to increase network speed.
Anyway, without knowing which version of Oracle you're using, how it is configured, your table(s) deinition (and its tablespaces), how large are the BLOBS, and the SQL actually used (did you trace it?), it's very difficult to diagnose the real problem.
Oracle has some powerful diagnostic tools to identify bottlenecks, but they may not be easy to use and require to know enough about how Oracle works. From the Enterprise Manager Console you can access some of them in a more readable format - did you check it?
Update: because I can't comment to other answers, Oracle support differet type of LOB storage:
LOBs stored into the database (under transaction managment)
BFILES, external file system LOBs yet still managed by Oracle (LOB data not under transaction)
SecureFiles (11g onwards, alike BFILES but with transaction support and other features)
Oracle is designed for and can manage large LOBs - just it needs to be configured properly. Parameter that will affect LOB performance:
PCTVERSION/RETENTION (especially for updates and deletes)
TABLESPACE (usually, a dedicated tablespace for lobs is advisable)
These parameters needs to be set taking into account the average LOB size, how LOBs are accessed, amd how often are modified. There's no "one size fits all".
But there are also the client side: OCI can buffer LOBs client side, so small read/write operations are cached, minimizing the number of network roundtrips and LOB versioning - that's up to the OCI wrapper you're using.
Array DML (only available with FireDac, ODAC, DOA and our SynDbOracle unit afaik) won't change much if your problem is about blob transfer.
First idea is to compress the data before transmission.
Try several access libraries. Our open source SynDBOracle directly accesses the oci.dll client but may be slightly faster.
But perhaps the problem may be on the server side. Oracle does not like transactions with huge data, since it tends to overflow its wal files. Try to tune the write ahead log files of the table.
IMHO a rdbms is not the best option to store huge blobs. Plain files, indexed via a rdbms for metadata is usually better. Or switch to a big SQL storage, like key/value stores or mongodb blob api.
Remember that both Oracle and mssql do ask money proportional to the data size....

Index/Statistics on volatile tables

One of my application has the following use-case:
user inputs some filters and conditions about orders (delivery date ranges,...) to analyze
the application compute a lot of data and save it on several support tables (potentially thousands of record for each analysis)
the application starts a report engine that use data from these tables
when exiting, the application deletes computed record from support tables
Actually I'm analyzing how to ehnance queries performance adding indexes/stastics to support tables and the SQL Profiler suggests me to create 3-4 indexes and 20-25 statistics.
The record in supports tables are costantly created and removed: it's correct to create all this indexes/statistics or there is the risk that all these data will be easily outdated (with the only result of a costant overhead for maintaining indexes/statistics)?
DB server: SQL Server 2005+
App language: C# .NET
Thanks in advance for any hints/suggestions!
First seems like a good situation for a data cube. Second, yes you should update stats before running your query once the support tables are populated. You should disable your indexes when inserting the data. Then the rebuild command will bring your indexes and stats up to date in one go. Profiler these days is usually quite good at these suggestions, but test the combinations to see what actully gives the best performance gains. To look as os cubes here What are the open source tools and techniques to build a complete data warehouse platform?

A huge data storage problem

I'm starting to design a new application that will be used by about 50000 devices. Each device generates about 1440 registries a day, this means that will be stored over 72 million of registries per day. These registries keep coming every minute, and I must be able to query this data by a Java application (J2EE). So it need to be fast to write, fast to read and indexed to allow report generation.
Devices only insert data and the J2EE application will need to read then occasionally.
Now I'm looking to software alternatives to support this kind of operation.
Putting this data on a single table would lead to a catastrophic condition, because I won't be able to use this data due to its amount of data stored over a year.
I'm using Postgres, and database partitioning seems not to be a answer, since I'd need to partition tables by month, or may be more granular approach, days for example.
I was thinking on a solution using SQLite. Each device would have its own SQLite database, than the information would be granular enough for good maintenance and fast insertions and queries.
What do you think?
Record only changes of device positions - most of the time any device will not move - a car will be parked, a person will sit or sleep, a phone will be on unmoving person or charged etc. - this would make you an order of magnitude less data to store.
You'll be generating at most about 1TB a year (even when not implementing point 1), which is not a very big amount of data. This means about 30MB/s of data, which single SATA drive can handle.
Even a simple unpartitioned Postgres database on not too big hardware should manage to handle this. The only problem could be when you'll need to query or backup - this can be resolved by using a Hot Standby mirror using Streaming Replication - this is a new feature in soon to be released PostgreSQL 9.0. Just query against / backup a mirror - if it is busy it will temporarily and automatically queue changes, and catch up later.
When you really need to partition do it for example on device_id modulo 256 instead of time. This way you'd have writes spread out on every partition. If you partition on time just one partition will be very busy on any moment and others will be idle. Postgres supports partitioning this way very well. You can then also spread load to several storage devices using tablespaces, which are also well supported in Postgres.
Time-interval partitioning is a very good solution, even if you have to roll your own. Maintaining separate connections to 50,000 SQLite databases is much less practical than a single Postgres database, even for millions of inserts a day.
Depending on the kind of queries that you need to run against your dataset, you might consider partitioning your remote devices across several servers, and then query those servers to write aggregate data to a backend server.
The key to high-volume tables is: minimize the amount of data you write and the number of indexes that have to be updated; don't do UPDATEs or DELETEs, only INSERTS (and use partitioning for data that you will delete in the future—DROP TABLE is much faster than DELETE FROM TABLE!).
Table design and query optimization becomes very database-specific as you start to challenge the database engine. Consider hiring a Postgres expert to at least consult on your design.
Maybe it is time for a db that you can shard over many machines? Cassandra? Redis? Don't limit yourself to sql db's.
Database partition management can be automated; time-based partitioning of the data is a standard way of dealihg with this type of problem, and I'm not sure that I can see any reason why this can't be done with PostgreSQL.
You have approximately 72m rows per day - assuming a device ID, datestamp and two floats for coordinates you will have (say) 16-20 bytes per row plus some minor page metadata overhead. A back-of-fag-packet capacity plan suggests around 1-1.5GB of data per day, or 400-500GB per year, plus indexes if necessary.
If you can live with periodically refreshed data (i.e. not completely up to date) you could build a separate reporting table and periodically update this with an ETL process. If this table is stored on separate physical disk volumes it can be queried without significantly affecting the performance of your transactional data.
A separate reporting database for historical data would also allow you to prune your operational table by dropping older partitions, which would probably help with application performance. You could also index the reporting tables and create summary tables to optimise reporting performance.
If you need low latency data (i.e. reporting on up-to-date data), it may also be possible to build a view where the lead partitions are reported off the operational system and the historical data is reported from the data mart. This would allow the bulk queries to take place on reporting tables optimised for this, while relatively small volumes of current data can be read directly from the operational system.
Most low-latency reporting systems use some variation of this approach - a leading partition can be updated by a real-time process (perhaps triggers) and contains relatively little data, so it can be queried quickly, but contains no baggage that slows down the update. The rest of the historical data can be heavily indexed for reporting. Partitioning by date means that the system will automatically start populating the next partition, and a periodic process can move, re-index or do whatever needs to be done for the historical data to optimise it for reporting.
Note: If your budget runs to PostgreSQL rather than Oracle, you will probably find that direct-attach storage is appreciably faster than a SAN unless you want to spend a lot of money on SAN hardware.
That is a bit of a vague question you are asking. And I think you are not facing a choice of database software, but an architectural problem.
Some considerations:
How reliable are the devices, and how
well are they connected to the
querying software?
How failsafe do
you need the storage to be?
How much extra processing power do the devices
have to process your queries?
Basically, your idea of a spatial partitioning is a good idea. That does not exclude a temporal partition, if necessary. Whether you do that in postgres or sqlite depends on other factors, like the processing power and available libraries.
Another consideration would be whether your devices are reliable and powerful enough to handle your queries. Otherwise, you might want to work with a centralized cluster of databases instead, which you can still query in parallel.

RDBMS data-relation burden

Our in-house system is built on SQL Server 2008 with a 40-table 6NF schema. Most of the tables FK to 3 others, a key few as many as 7. The system will ultimately support 100s of employees working with 10s of 1000s of customers and store 100s of 1000s of transactional records -- prime-time access should peak at 1000 rows per second.
Is there any reason to think that this depth of RDBMS inter-relation would overburden a system built using modern hardware with ample RAM? I'm attempting to evaluate whether we need to adjust our design or project direction/goals before we approach the final development phase (in a couple of months).
In SQl Server terms what you describe is a smallish database. With correct design SQL Server can handle terrabytes of data.
This is not to guarantee that your current design may perform well. There are many ways to construct poorly performing t-SQL and many bad database design choices.
If I were you I would load test data to twice the size you expect the tables to have and then start testing your code. Load testing might also be a good idea. It is far easier to fix database performance problems before they go to production. Far, far easier!
