Dependency property in app.xaml.cs - wpf

I am new to WPF and the below question may look silly for many, please pardon me.
How can I create a dependency property in app.xaml.cs?
Actually, I tried to created it. The below code,
public static DependencyProperty TempProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Temp", typeof(string), typeof(App));
public string Temp
get { return (string)GetValue(TempProperty); }
set { SetValue(TempProperty, value); }
throws the below compile time errors:
The name 'GetValue' does not exist in the current context
The name 'SetValue' does not exist in the current context
Can anybody help me in this?
Thank you!

DependencyProperties can only be created on DependencyObjects, and since Application (which your App class inherits from) doesn't implement it, you can't create a DependencyProperty directly on the App class.
I assume you want this property to support binding. If this is the case, you have two options:
Implement INotifyPropertyChanged in App.xaml.cs
Create a DependencyObject derived class with your properties on it, and expose it as a standard read-only property of your App. The properties can then be successfully bound by "dotting-down" to them.
i.e if your new property is called Properties, you can bind like so:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Properties.Temp}" />
If the property needs to be the target of a Binding, then option #2 is your best bet.

You class that contains dependency properties must inherit from DependencyObject.


Updating source using DependencyProperty in custom usercontrol

I got a binding source not being updated when the targeted DependencyProperty of a custom UserControl changes.
The source is a ViewModel loaded with MEF into the DataContext of my custom UserControl.
My binding looks like this in the root XAML of MyUserControl
// MyUserControl.xaml
<MyUserControlBase x:Class="MyUserControl" MyDependencyProperty="{Binding ViewModelProperty}">
If i use the MyDependencyProperty with a FrameworkPropertyMetadata and use the callback function when the property changes i can do the following which works fine
// MyUserControlBase.cs
private static void MyDependencyProperty_Changed(DependencyObject depObj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var filter = (UserControl )depObj;
var vm = (ViewModel)filter.DataContext;
vm.ViewModelProperty= (VMPropType)args.NewValue;
Registration of the DependencyProperty in MyUserControlBase which inherit UserControl.
// MyUserControlBase.cs
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyDependencyPropertyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MyDependencyProperty",
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, MyDependencyProperty_Changed));
But why can't i get the simple two way binding to work when done in the XAML?
Output window show no binding failurs. I can see the ViewModel.ViewModelProperty getter is being called. Just not the setter once MyDependencyProperty changes.
It don't appear to be a problem with the ordering of events. The ViewModel is created long before DependencyProperty is changed for the first time.
I've also looked at Setting up binding to a custom DependencyProperty inside a WPF user control
But his problem seems slightly different since i actualy inherit from my own Base class which holds the DependencyProperty.
Thank you for any help.
Edit: with link to example solution.
Solution zip here
Sorry for the scary looking link, I don't know alot of quick fileshareing sites. If its bad post comment and I will remove it asap, but it seems ok.
Answer updated / irrelevant info deleted
After looking at the code in your sample I saw what the problem is. You have this "selector" control. In the BindDependencies method you set a binding on the MyControlBase.MyDependencyProperty. But at the same time you also bind this property to your control's datacontext (in MyUserControl.xaml). Effectively this means that in the BindDependencies method you are overwriting the binding to your viewmodel thus it is not active after that method - you can see this yourself by breaking into before and after the SetBinding call and calling BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(control, MyUserControlBase.MyPropertyDependencyProperty) - the bindings are different. This is why your code does not work. I guess you will have to find another way of transferring the value there :)
Some additional info
In WPF a property can be a target of only one binding. This is actually very logical - if a property is bound to two sources - which one should it use? The fact that the binding is marked as OneWayToSource does not really matter in this situation as it still counts as a binding that targets the control's property.
One way you can investigate and see if it works for you is the MultiBinding - it does allow to bind the control's property to several sources by implementing your own IMultiValueConverter. You can find more info on this on MSDN in the link provided.
Do you expose the ViewModelProperty as a regular property..
Usually you do the following....
public static readonly DependencyProperty ViewModelPropertyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ViewModelProperty",
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, ViewModelProperty_Changed));
public VMPropType ViewModelProperty {
get { return (VMPropType)GetValue(ViewModelPropertyProperty); }
set { SetValue(ViewModelPropertyProperty,value); }
EDIT -- After comment.
When are you checking that the property has changed? By default WPF bindings only update the values when they lose focus, you change change the UpdateSourceTrigger property of the binding to alter this behaviour.

Silverlight: How to add a Dependency Property to multiple controls?

Is it possible to create a Dependency Property for multiple controls without resorting to subclass every one of it?
I thought about using Attached Properties but they nest only one level deep as far as I understand it.
I want something like this to be possible:
<!-- MyDataGrid implements the new Attached Properties SourceData and TargetData -->
<TextBox MyDataGrid.SourceData="{Binding Somewhere}" MyDataGrid.TargetData="{Binding Somewhere}" />
<CheckBox MyDataGrid.SourceData="{Binding Somewhere}" MyDataGrid.TargetData="{Binding Somewhere}" />
This won't work since the Attached Properties wouldn't be found in the TextBox since it's no direct descendent of MyDataGrid.
Background is that I try to automatically convert an old Xaml-like Gui-syntax into real Xaml and with the old system it was possible to set different sources and targets for changed data. Now I'm searching for a Xaml-solution that doesn't involve subclassing every control there is.
Thanks in advance.
are you sure you are using Attached property correctly?
public static readonly DependencyProperty SourceDataProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
"SourceData", typeof (string), typeof (MyDataGrid), new PropertyMetadata("test"));
public static void SetSourceData(DependencyObject obj, string sourceData)
obj.SetValue(SourceDataProperty, sourceData);
public static string GetSourceData(DependencyObject obj)
return (string) obj.GetValue(SourceDataProperty);
This worked for me.Though SetSourceData was not get called, but data was there.
To retrive data.
Where tbox is the instance of your TextBox.

How should I expose a collection on a UserControl?

I'm creating a UserControl which will be used in various scenarios. I need to expose a collection of strings from the UserControl and I'm not sure how to do it.
The two possible uses I see are:
a control on its containing control binds to the collection, e.g. a ListBox;
a property on the containing control's ViewModel needs to bind to the collection.
I can get the former to work with a public ObservableCollection<String> property on the UserControl but it won't work for the latter. (I get "Object of type 'System.Windows.Data.Binding' cannot be converted to type 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[System.String]'.")
Is there a solution that will work for both?
This is my stab at a UML diagram showing what I'm doing:
I think the problem is just that the binder can't understand generics. You should be able to get around that by inheriting from ObservableCollection<string> to make a non-generic class. You can use something like this:
class StringCollection : ObservableCollection<string> { }
Since you are using that property as a target of a binding, you must declare it as a DependencyProperty:
class ObjectSelectorView
public StringCollection ObjectNames
get { return (StringCollection)GetValue(ObjectNamesProperty); }
set { SetValue(ObjectNamesProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for ObjectNames.
// This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty ObjectNamesProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ObjectNames", typeof(StringCollection),
typeof(ObjectSelectorView), null);
I would suggest that the error you are seeing is actually the result of your not implementing this property as dependency property. You should be using a dependency property here.
Don't expose the property on your control as a concrete ObservableCollection of anything. Instead expose the property as a simple non-generic IList.
In your control's constructor assign an initial empty instance of ObservableCollection<String> to this property. However the property should have a public setter and therefore your initial collection instance may be replaced by some other implementer of IList. Therefore you should limit your usage of this property internally to IList or gracefully degrade behaviour if the current instance does not have the other interfaces you might want.

Silverlight databinding question

Let's say I have a Class called ModelBase
public class ModelBase
public string Name
get { return "one"; }
and I have a property named Model of type ModelBase.
Now to the question how do I Bind to the Name property? The c# code would be this.Model.Name.
I've been trying to get this to work a long time, can some one enlighten me?
Not sure why you are having trouble with this.
You should be able to set the object that the Model property is on as the DataContext for your control, then simply bind using {Binding Model.Name}...
What have you tried to do so far?
(You can definitely bind to properties in Silverlight BTW)
You need to assign Model to the datacontext property before you can do any data binding, an example would be:
this.DataContext = Model;
In xaml, setup binding in this way:
<TextBlock Text={Binding Name}/>
Note: The way you declare the Name property only allows one time binding, to allow OneWay/TwoWay binding, look at dependencyproperty or INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
You can definitely databind to properties.
If you want more, you can use dependency properties of silverlight.
Check this URL.
Silverlight doesn't allow binding to properties. You'll need to expose a property on your viewmodel that returns the value of the models properties to bind correctly.

How to Add Custom Silverlight XAML Attributes?

Is it possible to introduce 'custom' attributes into different UI Elements in XAML ? Also to read them later like we add attributes for server controls in ASP.NET ?
I intend to read specific attributes and operate on them together.
It sounds like you're trying to find Attached Properties.
An attached property lets you add in a property, definable in Xaml, which can be "attached" to any UIelement. You then retrieve them in code like any other Dependency Property.
Here is the approach I tend to take with this.
Create a new class file called Meta:-
namespace SilverlightApplication1
public static class Meta
#region SomeValue
public static string GetSomeValue(DependencyObject obj)
return (string)obj.GetValue(SomeValueProperty);
public static void SetSomeValue(DependencyObject obj, string value)
obj.SetValue(SomeValueProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty SomeValueProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("SomeValue", typeof(string), typeof(Meta),
new PropertyMetadata(null));
#end region
#region SomeOtherValue
// Boilerplate code from above.
#end region
A value can now be attached in XAML like this:-
<TextBox x:Name="txt" local:Meta.SomeValue="Hello, World!" />
At some point in code this value can be retrieved with:-
string value = Meta.GetSomeValue(txt);
Note you don't have to stick with String as the type of the property you can pretty much use any type you like with the limitation that if you can to attach it in XAML the type must be compatible with the way XAML constructs objects (for example requires a default constructor).
The way I've accomplished that is by creating a new class that inherits the base control.
For example, I have a class called WebTextBox that inherits TextBox. And inside WebTextBox are some custom properties and events. By doing this you're inheriting all the behaviors of the TextBox control. But you can get creative here if you choose, even modifying the behavior by overriding events and such.
Anyway, after you create the class you'll then have to add the namespace for the project to the XAML. Something like this:
And then you can add a WebTextBox (or whatever you call it) like this:
<me:WebTextBox CustomAttribute="cool stuff" />
