Any scalable OLAP database (web app scale)? - database

I have an application that requires analytics for different level of aggregation, and that's the OLAP workload. I want to update my database pretty frequently as well.
e.g., here is what my update looks like (schema looks like: time, dest, source ip, browser -> visits)
(15:00-1-2-2010,,, safari) --> 105
(15:00-1-2-2010,,, firefox) --> 110
(15:00-1-5-2010,,, firefox) --> 110
And then I want to ask what is the total visit to from a firefox browser last month.
I understand Vertica system can do this in a relatively cheap way (performance and scalability wise, but not cost-wise probably). I have two questions here.
1) Is there an open-source product that I can build upon to solve this problem? In particular, how well does a Mondrian system work? (scalability, and performance)
2) Is there an HBase or Hypertable base solution (obviously, a naked HBase/Hypertable can't do this) for this? -- but if there is a project based on HBase/Hypertable, scalability probably won't be an issue IMO)?

You can download a free edition (the single node edition) of the greenplum database. I haven't tried it myself but I think/guess it is a powerful beast. Read here:
Another option is MongoDB, it is fast and free and you can write MapReduce functions with JavaScript to do analytics.
My reputation here is to low to add a hyperlink to mongodb, so you have to google . I can add only one hyper link per post.

The zohmg project aims to solve this problem using Hadoop and HBase.

Facebook also built Hive on-top of Hadoop. Pretty simple to get going - reasonable query API too.

Is your data model more complex than that? If it isn't you might be beter of just writing custom code for it. Then you can really tune it to your data. Real products have to offer a lot of flexibility, need a lot of complexiy to achieve that, and suffer in speed as a result.
Your question is not clear in one aspect: when you talk about scalable, what do you mean by that? Are you collecting data from lots of sites but only have a limited amount of query users, or do you also have a lot of users? That situation leads to a significantly different model.


DB recommendation - Portable, Concurrent (multiple read only, one write)

I'm looking for a portable database solution I can use with a website that is designed to handle service outages. I need to nightly retrieve a list of users from SQL Server and upsert their details into a portable database. It's roughly about 250,000 users (and growing) and each one has probably 25 fields that are required. Of those fields, i'd say less than 5 need to be searched on. The rest just need retrieving.
The idea is, in times of a service outage, we can use a website that's designed to work from the portable database rather than SQL Server. Our long term goal, is to move to the cloud and handle things in an entirely different way, but for the short term this is our aim.
The website is going to be a .Net Core web api so will be being accessed by multiple users in multiple threads. The website will only ever need read access, it will not be updating these details what-so-ever.
To keep the portable database up-to-date i'm thinking of having another application that just runs nightly to update the data. Our business is 24 hours (albeit quieter overnight), so there is a potential this updater is in use while the website is in use. While service outage would assume the SQL Server is down, this may not be the case. There are other factors in play that could cause what we would describe as outages. This will be the only piece of software updating the database.
I've tried using LiteDB but I couldn't get it working in a way that worked with my concurrency requirements. It did seem to do some of the job, and was easy to get running. However, i'd often run into locked files due to the nature of web api. I did work out a solution for that, but then the updater app couldn't access the database file.
Does anyone have any recommendations I can look into?
Given the description of the problem (1 table, 250k rows with - I assume - relative fast growth rate) and requirements, I don't think a relational database is what you are looking for.
I think nosql databases, or, more specifically, document oriented databases are more fitted to meet your requirements. There are many choices: Mongo, Cassandra, CouchDB, ... the choice is yours.
Personally I have some experience with ElasticSearch (, that is quite easy to learn, is portable (runs on Linux, Windows, Containers, etc...), is scalable, and it is fast. I mean, really, really fast, you can get results in 10-20 milliseconds (even less, sometimes).
The NEST nuget package acts as a high level client for working with ElasticSearch (

CUBRID database

I have received a message about CUBRID database they said that it's better than MySQL in performance, so any one heard about it.
Is that correct
I use CUBRID in most of my projects. The idea of being "better than MySQL", I think, depends on the situation, on the needs of your application. For some CUBRID is really nice, for some MySQL, or some other one. For example, CUBRID has very nice features optimized for Social Networking Services where you have heavy traffic often on one page, use lots of indexes, and take advantage of covering index. They provide some nice examples how to design your database schema and how to tune queries to obtain the best performance (link).
What's your case? If you expect simultaneously several hundred users who generate some thousands of new records every day, CUBRID can easily handle all these. This is what database systems are created for.
You should also consider the environment you are developing in. Is your app developed on PHP, Python, or what? We use PHP and Java on our sites. CUBRID has many Drivers. I believe you can find the necessary driver on their site.
You should also look at the community support. If you have some questions or issues with their database, it's often faster to directly write on their Q&A site or forum.

What is the production ready NonSQL database?

With the rising of non-sql database usage in high traffic website, I'm interested to use it for my project. Now I've heard several names like Voldermort, MongoDB and CouchDB. But which are among these NonSQL database that is production ready? I've seen the download pages and it seems that none of them is production ready because is not version 1.0 yet. Is there any other names other than these 3 that is recommendable to be used in production?
What do you mean by production ready? As far as I know, all of them are being used on live systems.
You should make your choice based on how the features they provide fit your needs.
You can also add Tokyo Cabinet to the list as well as the mnesia database provided by the Erlang VM.
I think you need to start out from your project requirements to see what kind of database you really need. There are many non-relational DBMS:s out there and they differ a lot in what kind of problems they are good at solving. I think the article Should you go Beyond Relational Databases? by Martin Kleppmann is a good starting point for finding out what you need. There's also a lot of stackoverflow threads on similar topics, these are my favorites:
The Next-gen Databases
Non-Relational Database Design
When shouldn’t you use a relational
Good reasons NOT to use a relational
When you have narrowed down what you actually need you can take a deeper look into the alternatives to see which DBMS are production ready for your use case. Production readiness isn't a yes/no thing: people may successfully deploy some solution that for example lacks in tool support - in another project this could be a no-go.
As for version numbers different projects have a different take on this, so you can't just compare the version numbers. I'm involved in the graph database project Neo4j and even if it has been in production use for 5+ years by now we still haven't released a version 1.0 final yet.
I'm tempted to answer "use SIRA_PRISE".
It's definitely non-SQL.
And its current version is 1.2, meaning that someone like you must definitely assume it's "production-ready".
But perhaps I shouldn't be answering at all.
Nice article comparing rdbms with 'next gen' and listing some providers:
Is the Relational Database Doomed?
I will suggest you to use Arangodb.
ArangoDB is a multi-model mostly-memory database with a flexible data model for documents and graphs. It is designed as a “general purpose database”, offering all the features you typically need for modern web applications.
ArangoDB is supposed to grow with the application—the project may start as a simple single-server prototype, nothing you couldn’t do with a relational database equally well. After some time, some geo-location features are needed and a shopping cart requires transactions. ArangoDB’s graph data model is useful for the recommendation system. The smartphone app needs a lean API to the back-end—this is where Foxx, ArangoDB’s integrated Javascript application framework, comes into play.
Another unique feature is ArangoDB’s query language AQL — it makes querying powerful and convenient. AQL enables you to describe complex filter conditions and joins in a readable format, much in the same way as SQL.
You can model your data in several ways:
in key/value pairs
as collections of documents
as graphs with nodes, edges, and properties for both
You can access data in ArangoDB:
using the general HTTP REST API via curl/wget, or your browser
via the ArangoDB shell (“arangosh”)
using a programming language specific client library
Server requirements for ArangoDB:
ArangoDB runs on Linux, OS X and Microsoft Windows.
It runs on 32bit and 64bit systems, though using a 32bit system will limit you to using only approximately 2 to 3 GB of data with ArangoDB.

Django database scalability

We have a new django powered project which have a potential heavy-traffic characteristic(means a heavy db interaction). So we need to consider the database scalability in advance. With some researches, the following questions are still not clear to us:
coarse-grained: how to specify one db table(a django model) to a specific db(maybe in another server)?
fine-grained: how to specify a group of table rows to a specific db(so-called sharding, also can in another db server)?
how to specify write and read to different db?(which will be helpful for future mysql master/slave replication)
We are finding the solution with:
be transparent to application program(means we don't need to have additional codes in
should be in ORM level(means only needs to specify in
compatible with the current(or future) django release(to keep a minimal change for future's upgrading of django)
I'm still doing the research. And will share in this thread later if I've got some fruits.
Hope anyone with the experience can answer. Thanks.
Don't forget about caching either. Using memcached to relieve your DB of load is key to building a high performance site.
As alex said, django-core doesn't support your specific requests for those features, though they are definitely on the todo list.
If you don't do this in the application layer, you're basically asking for performance trouble. There aren't any really good open source automation layers for this sort of task, since it tends to break SQL axioms. If you're really concerned about it, you should be coding the entire application for it, not simply hoping that your ORM will take care of it.
There is the GSoC project by Alex Gaynor that in future will allow to use multiple databases in one Django project. But now there is no cross-RDBMS working solution.
There is no solution right now too.
And again - there is no cross-RDBMS solution. But if you are using MySQL you can try excellent third-party Django application called - mysql_replicated. It allows to setup master-slave replication scenario easily.
here for some reason we r using django with sqlalchemy. maybe combination of django and sqlalchemy also works for your needs.

Anyone using CouchDB? [closed]

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I've followed the CouchDB project with interest over the last couple of years, and see it is now an Apache Incubator project. Prior to that, the CouchDB web site was full of do not use for production code type disclaimers, so I'd done no more than keep an eye on it. I'd be interested to know your experiences if you've been using CouchDB either for a live project, or a technology pilot.
After 18 Months of prototypes, testing and waiting for CouchDb to get ready we moved an internal application over to CouchDB in December 2008. So far I'm very happy with that move. It gets rid of a lot of filesystem objects for us (PDFs and JPEGs, now stored as attachments in CouchDB). This enables us to get rid of NFS and easier cluster/replicate our frontend webservers.
To what degree CouchDB is ready for you depends very much on the culture of your organization. We have an in-house development team maintaining several internal Erlang applications. Since CouchDB is written in Erlang and the codebase is of quite decent quality we felt confident that we could fix show stopper issues in CouchDB should the need arise - or at least get our data back out. We also hired one of the CouchDB core team as an consultant - just in case.
But CouchDB for sure isn't 1.0 yet. There are crashes in the Web worker processes all the time (if you misuse them). Replication breaks for us and we don't get error messages about it. Documentation is still very lacking. Still I'm confident that it will not eat our data and development moves forward with reasonable pace.
To give you an idea about our application: currently our biggest database is about 512000 records taking 7.5 GB of diskspace.
I use the CouchDB to power a Facebook application (over 35k monthly active users). For a while it was using MySQL but after porting the entire project over from Perl to Erlang, I decided to go for the gold and migrate all of the data into CouchDB and use that instead.
CouchDB has been a great data store to work with. I think that it is on track to becoming a major player in web-based services.
I got to know one of the people (Jan) working on it a while ago (like 6 months) and have been playing with it ever since. I found the community around CouchDB to be both very knowledgable and helpful so that whenever I ran into an issue it was resolved in a matter of minutes or hours at least.
We just kicked off a project the other week which basically requires us to store data in the non-relational way and due to CouchDB's document oriented store we selected it as one of the technologies to use. So this is actually the first time that I will run it in production, but I'm still pretty confident about it. :)
Just an update here (2009-10-25):
Our first CouchDB install is 20 GB, it hosts 40 million records. It's been running in production since January 2009, and it's been great. Read (GET) speed is outstanding and we use it as a store for complex data, and then it's just pull.
Our second couchdb installment has two databases, one is 160,000,000+ documents (210 GB), and growing between 150,000-300,000 documents a day. The other is only 35,000,000 documents (7 GB). This setup has a lot more reads and writes and initial tests are performing very well.
View building on the 160,000,000 document database took roughly a week, but since then we upgraded to a larger Amazon EC2 instance and we are also getting ready to update to CouchDB 0.10.x (from 0.9.1) as this release includes a lot of performance improvements in view building.
I am using couchdb in a few scenarios, as a document store for (under development) and in a much larger scale as a template store for a distributed email delivery system.
CouchDB is very slick for what it does, but I was not able to get it to run at as high of a concurrency level as I would have expected. Also note that the maximum document size is fairly limiting at 1MB due to the hardcoded max input buffer size in mochiweb. You can however alter a header file and recompile to get around this limit.
I'm using CouchDB to store (and serve) article ratings on my blog. It's not exactly heavy traffic but it's been rock solid so far.
Also planning on adding comments sometime which I'll most likely also store in CouchDB.
I've found it quite easy to get started with, on OSX you can just download CouchDBX to get started quickly. I use a Sinatra backend with RestClient to interact with 'the couch' through straight HTTP verbs and such.
Great fun.
At the moment I'm working with CouchDB for a computer science thesis. I'm writing about my progresses and opinions on my blog, I think the project is well done, but the existing documentation isn't organized as it should. A quick tutorial about the Futon web interface could be really useful for starters IMHO :)
I used couchdb twice in production. First was the wiki likes project and I think that couchdb was perfect candidate for that role. Saving the version of all docs helps a lot.
The second project was quite query loaded and idea was dumping social data first, then query it with various filters. It was looked like standard CouchDB query features looks a bit pure for our needs. But we add Lucene like a full text indexer and after that doing many queries during Lucene part. And that solution looks good enough.
