EJB3Unit testing no-tx-datasource - database

I am doing tests on an ejb3-project using ejb3unit http://ejb3unit.sourceforge.net/Session-Bean.html for testing. All my Services long for #PersistenceContext (UnitName=bla). I set up the ejb3unit.properties like this:
everything works with the in-memory-database.
So now i want additionally test another servicebean with #PersistenceContext (UnitName=noTxDatasource) that goes for a defined in my datasources.xml:
How do I tell ejb3unit to make this work:
Object object = InitialContext.doLookup("java:/noTxDatasource");
if (object instanceof DataSource) {
return ((DataSource) object).getConnection();
} else {
return null;
Currently it fails saying: javax.NamingException: Cannot find the name (noTxDataSource) in the JNDI tree Current bindings: (ejb/MyServiceBean=com.company.project.MyServiceBean)
How can I add this no-tx-datasource to the jndi bindings?

I hate answering my own questions, but I had some simple thought:
public void setUp() throws Exception {
OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource();
ds.setDatabaseName("database"); // SID
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
ic.add("noTxDatasource", ds);
This will additionally allow you to make the following lookup work:
Object object = InitialContext.doLookup("java:/noTxDatasource");
delivering a datasource (in this case oracle).


Flink JDBC Sink part 2

I have posted a question few days back- Flink Jdbc sink
Now, I am trying to use the sink provided by flink.
I have written the code and it worked as well. But nothing got saved in DB and no exceptions were there. Using previous sink my code was not finishing(that should happen ideally as its a streaming app) but after the following code I am getting no error and the nothing is getting saved to DB.
public class CompetitorPipeline implements Pipeline {
private final StreamExecutionEnvironment streamEnv;
private final ParameterTool parameter;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CompetitorPipeline.class);
public CompetitorPipeline(StreamExecutionEnvironment streamEnv, ParameterTool parameter) {
this.streamEnv = streamEnv;
this.parameter = parameter;
public KeyedStream<CompetitorConfig, String> start(ParameterTool parameter) throws Exception {
CompetitorConfigChanges competitorConfigChanges = new CompetitorConfigChanges();
KeyedStream<CompetitorConfig, String> competitorChangesStream = competitorConfigChanges.run(streamEnv, parameter);
//Add to JBDC Sink
"insert into competitor_config_universe(marketplace_id,merchant_id, competitor_name, comp_gl_product_group_desc," +
"category_code, competitor_type, namespace, qualifier, matching_type," +
"zip_region, zip_code, competitor_state, version_time, compConfigTombstoned, last_updated) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
(ps, t) -> {
ps.setInt(1, t.getMarketplaceId());
ps.setLong(2, t.getMerchantId());
ps.setString(3, t.getCompetitorName());
ps.setString(4, t.getCompGlProductGroupDesc());
ps.setString(5, t.getCategoryCode());
ps.setString(6, t.getCompetitorType());
ps.setString(7, t.getNamespace());
ps.setString(8, t.getQualifier());
ps.setString(9, t.getMatchingType());
ps.setString(10, t.getZipRegion());
ps.setString(11, t.getZipCode());
ps.setString(12, t.getCompetitorState());
ps.setTimestamp(13, Timestamp.valueOf(t.getVersionTime()));
ps.setBoolean(14, t.isCompConfigTombstoned());
ps.setTimestamp(15, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
new JdbcConnectionOptions.JdbcConnectionOptionsBuilder()
return competitorChangesStream;
You need enable autocommit mode for jdbc Sink.
new JdbcConnectionOptions.JdbcConnectionOptionsBuilder()
It looks like SimpleBatchStatementExecutor only works in auto-commit mode. And if you need to commit and rollback batches, then you have to write your own ** JdbcBatchStatementExecutor **
Have you tried to include the JdbcExecutionOptions ?
(statement, value) -> {
/* Prepared Statement */
new JdbcConnectionOptions.JdbcConnectionOptionsBuilder()

How to test fluent migrations with an in-process migration runner and a in memory SQLite database

I have just started to use FluentMigration for my current project. I wrote my first migration but I have some trouble writing a unit test for it.
Here is some sample code:
private ServiceProvider CreateServiceProvider()
return new ServiceCollection()
.AddLogging(lb => lb.AddFluentMigratorConsole())
builder => builder
.WithGlobalConnectionString("Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;")
private void PerformMigrateUp(IServiceScope scope)
var runner = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
public void ShouldHaveTablesAfterMigrateUp()
var provider = this.CreateServiceProvider();
using (var scope = provider.CreateScope())
// here I'd like to test if tables have been created in the database by the migration
I don't know how (or if it is possible) to access the current database connection so I can perform a query. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
Ok, I found a solution. I have to use the Process method of the runner's processor to perform my own sql query.
It looks like this:
private ServiceProvider CreateServiceProvider()
return new ServiceCollection()
.AddLogging(lb => lb.AddFluentMigratorConsole())
builder => builder
.WithGlobalConnectionString(#"Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;")
public void ShouldHaveNewVersionAfterMigrateUp()
var serviceProvider = this.CreateServiceProvider();
var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope();
var runner = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
string sqlStatement = "SELECT Description FROM VersionInfo";
DataSet dataSet = runner.Processor.Read(sqlStatement, string.Empty);
Assert.That(dataSet, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0], Is.EqualTo("Migration1"));
This is an old question but an important one. I find it strange that I couldnt find any documentation on this.
In any case here is my solution which I find to be a bit better as you dont need to rely on the runner. Since you dont need that the options open up hugely for constructor arguments.
Firstly make sure you install Microsoft.Data.Sqlite or you will get a strange error.
SQLite in memory databases exist for as long as the connection does - and 1 database per connection on first glance. Actually though there is a way to share the database between connections as long as at least 1 connection is open at all times according to my experiments. You just need to name it.
So to begin with I created a connection that will stay open until the test finishes. It will be named using Guid.NewGuid() so that subsequent connections will work as expected.
var dbName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var connectionString = $"Data Source={dbName};Mode=Memory;Cache=Shared";
var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionString);
After that the crux of running the migrations is the same as previously answered but the connection string uses the named database:
var sp = services.AddFluentMigratorCore()
.ConfigureRunner(fluentMigratorBuilder => fluentMigratorBuilder
var runner = sp.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
Here is a class I use to inject a connection factory everywhere that needs to connect to the database for normal execution:
internal class PostgresConnectionFactory : IConnectionFactory
private readonly string connectionString;
public PostgresConnectionFactory(string connectionString)
this.connectionString = connectionString;
public DbConnection Create()
return new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);
I just replaced this (all hail dependency inversion) with:
internal class InMemoryConnectionFactory : IConnectionFactory
private readonly string connectionstring;
public InMemoryConnectionFactory(string connectionstring)
this.connectionstring = connectionstring;
public DbConnection Create()
return new SqliteConnection(connectionstring);
where the connection string is the same named one I defined above.
Now you can simply use that connection factory anywhere that needs to connect to the same in memory database, and since we can now connect multiple times possibilities for integration testing open up.
Here is the majority of my implementation:
public static IDisposable CreateInMemoryDatabase(Assembly AssemblyWithMigrations, IServiceCollection services = null)
if (services == null)
services = new ServiceCollection();
var connectionString = GetSharedConnectionString();
var connection = GetPersistantConnection(connectionString);
MigrateDb(services, connectionString, AssemblyWithMigrations);
services.AddSingleton<IConnectionFactory>(new InMemoryConnectionFactory(connectionString));
return services.BuildServiceProvider()
private static string GetSharedConnectionString()
var dbName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
return $"Data Source={dbName};Mode=Memory;Cache=Shared";
private static void MigrateDb(IServiceCollection services, string connectionString, Assembly assemblyWithMigrations)
var sp = services.AddFluentMigratorCore()
.ConfigureRunner(fluentMigratorBuilder => fluentMigratorBuilder
var runner = sp.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
private static IDbConnection GetPersistantConnection(string connectionString)
var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionString);
return connection;
Then here is a sample test:
public Test : IDisposable {
private readonly IDisposable _holdingConnection;
public Test() {
_holdingConnection = CreateInMemoryDatabase(typeof(MyFirstMigration).Assembly);
public void Dispose() {
You may notice that the static factory returns a custom interface. Its just an interface that extends the normal tooling I inject to repositories, but also implements IDisposable.
Untested bonus for integration testing where you will have a service collection created via WebApplicationFactory or TestServer etc:
public void AddInMemoryPostgres(Assembly AssemblyWithMigrations)
var lifetime = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetService<IHostApplicationLifetime>();
var holdingConnection= InMemoryDatabaseFactory.CreateInMemoryDapperTools(AssemblyWithMigrations, services);
lifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(() => {

Populating a table from a file only last column is populated JavaFX [duplicate]

This has baffled me for a while now and I cannot seem to get the grasp of it. I'm using Cell Value Factory to populate a simple one column table and it does not populate in the table.
It does and I click the rows that are populated but I do not see any values in them- in this case String values. [I just edited this to make it clearer]
I have a different project under which it works under the same kind of data model. What am I doing wrong?
Here's the code. The commented code at the end seems to work though. I've checked to see if the usual mistakes- creating a new column instance or a new tableview instance, are there. Nothing. Please help!
//Simple Data Model
public class Stock {
private SimpleStringProperty stockTicker;
public Stock(String stockTicker) {
this.stockTicker = new SimpleStringProperty(stockTicker);
public String getstockTicker() {
return stockTicker.get();
public void setstockTicker(String stockticker) {
//Controller class
private ObservableList<Stock> data;
private TableView<Stock> stockTableView;// = new TableView<>(data);
private TableColumn<Stock, String> tickerCol;
private void setTickersToCol() {
try {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();//conn is defined and works
ResultSet rsltset = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ticker FROM tickerlist order by ticker");
data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
Stock stockInstance;
while (rsltset.next()) {
stockInstance = new Stock(rsltset.getString(1).toUpperCase());
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(WriteToFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.println("Connection Failed! Check output console");
tickerCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Stock,String>("stockTicker"));
/*Callback<CellDataFeatures<Stock, String>, ObservableValue<String>> cellDataFeat =
new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Stock, String>, ObservableValue<String>>() {
public ObservableValue<String> call(CellDataFeatures<Stock, String> p) {
return new SimpleStringProperty(p.getValue().getstockTicker());
Suggested solution (use a Lambda, not a PropertyValueFactory)
Instead of:
aColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Appointment,LocalDate>("date"));
aColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().dateProperty());
For more information, see this answer:
Java: setCellValuefactory; Lambda vs. PropertyValueFactory; advantages/disadvantages
Solution using PropertyValueFactory
The lambda solution outlined above is preferred, but if you wish to use PropertyValueFactory, this alternate solution provides information on that.
How to Fix It
The case of your getter and setter methods are wrong.
getstockTicker should be getStockTicker
setstockTicker should be setStockTicker
Some Background Information
Your PropertyValueFactory remains the same with:
new PropertyValueFactory<Stock,String>("stockTicker")
The naming convention will seem more obvious when you also add a property accessor to your Stock class:
public class Stock {
private SimpleStringProperty stockTicker;
public Stock(String stockTicker) {
this.stockTicker = new SimpleStringProperty(stockTicker);
public String getStockTicker() {
return stockTicker.get();
public void setStockTicker(String stockticker) {
public StringProperty stockTickerProperty() {
return stockTicker;
The PropertyValueFactory uses reflection to find the relevant accessors (these should be public). First, it will try to use the stockTickerProperty accessor and, if that is not present fall back to getters and setters. Providing a property accessor is recommended as then you will automatically enable your table to observe the property in the underlying model, dynamically updating its data as the underlying model changes.
put the Getter and Setter method in you data class for all the elements.

How do I use Activator.CreateInstance to do the following please

I use a similar style of code many times in my application to read in records from a database
WorkoutResultsRecord is inherited from a class called BaseRecord. One of the base constructors takes a IDataReader parameter to read fields into the class (as seen below).
What I want to do is define a generic function that will do the following for any/all of my 60+ xxxRecord type classes ie I can pass in a type as a parameter and it will return the correct type of objects as a typed List. Is it possible with Activator class? I've not used it before and my results just wouldn't compile
protected List<WorkoutResultsRecord> ReadRecordList(string sql,
IDbConnection connection)
var results = new List<WorkoutResultsRecord>();
using (IDbCommand command = GetCommand(sql, connection))
using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
results.Add(new WorkoutResultsRecord(reader));
return results;
My really bad, failed attempt :(
private void sfsdf(Type type)
List<typeof(type)> lst = new List<type>();
}// function
this should work:
private void sfsdf(Type type)
Type genericType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type);
System.Collections.IList theList = (IList) Activator.CreateInstance(genericType);
// do whatever you like with this list...
Note: as the type is known at runtime only, it's not possible for you to declare a List when you write the code, so rather, use IList interface instead, but the created object theList should be of the expected type...
The following is the full function with all the generics done as I wanted. This will save a lot of typing!! thanks very much
allResults = (List<WorkoutResultsRecord>)FillList(typeof(WorkoutResultsRecord),
sql, connection, new KVP("FROMDATE", fromUtf.Date),
new KVP("TODATE", endDate.AddDays(1).Date));
IList FillList(Type type,string sql,IDbConnection connection,
params KVP[] parameters)
Type genericType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type);
IList results = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(genericType);
using (var command= Command(sql,connection))
foreach(KVP parameter in parameters)
using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
return results;

Nullpointerexception throws when inserting entity using Auto-generated Classendpoint insert method

I am confused to using auto-generated endpoint class. I want to use generated endpoint to insert new object into datastore. But, an exception is throwing.
fooEndpoint.insertFoo(foo); // throws null pointer exception
My entity class is similar with the given example at this source: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/datastore/jpa/overview.
Here is my entity:
public class Foo {
private Key ID;
Here is the stack trace:
at org.datanucleus.api.jpa.JPAEntityManager.find(JPAEntityManager.java:318)
at org.datanucleus.api.jpa.JPAEntityManager.find(JPAEntityManager.java:256)
at com.FooEndpoint.containsFoo(FooEndpoint.java:150)
at com.FooEndpoint.insertFoo(FooEndpoint.java:96)
On the other side, I can insert new object when I use the EntityManager persist method. Because, this does not check exist or not on the datastore.
I expect that, classEndpoint insert method should save the object and assing auto key to ID field.
Or I need to initialize the ID field.
Here is auto-generated endpoint class insertFoo method.
* This inserts a new entity into App Engine datastore. If the entity already
* exists in the datastore, an exception is thrown.
* It uses HTTP POST method.
* #param foo the entity to be inserted.
* #return The inserted entity.
public Foo insertFoo(Foo foo) {
EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager();
try {
if (containsFoo(foo)) {
throw new EntityExistsException("Object already exists");
} finally {
return foo;
Here is the containsFoo method
private boolean containsFoo(Foo foo) {
EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager();
boolean contains = true;
try {
Foo item = mgr.find(Foo.class, foo.getID()); // exception occurs here
if (item == null) {
contains = false;
} finally {
return contains;
foo.getID() is null. Because, it is new object. I am expecting that, app engine creates a key for it. Or I need to explicitly create a key for it?
Other fields in Foo class are simple types such as String and booleans.
Thanks for your time.
I had exactly the same problem.
I will present the way I worked around it.
Original auto-generated Endpoints class relevant code:
private boolean containsFoo(Foo foo) {
EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager();
boolean contains = true;
try {
Foo item = mgr.find(Foo.class, foo.getID());
if (item == null) {
contains = false;
} finally {
return contains;
Changed relevant code to include a null check for the entity object that is passed as an argument.
private boolean containsFoo(Foo foo) {
EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager();
boolean contains = true;
try {
// If no ID was set, the entity doesn't exist yet.
if(foo.getID() == null)
return false;
Foo item = mgr.find(Foo.class, foo.getID());
if (item == null) {
contains = false;
} finally {
return contains;
This way it will work as supposed, although I'm confident that more experienced answers and explanations will appear.
I was having the same exact problem after using the Eclipse Plugin to autogenerate the cloud endpoints (by selecting "Google > Generate Cloud Endpoint Class").
Following your advice, I added:
if(foo.getID() == null) // replace foo with the name of your own object
return false;
The problem was solved.
How is that Google hasn't updated the autogenerated code yet as this must be a highly recurring issue?
Thanks for the solution.
