Program to synchronize data and schema in two SQL server 2005 database - sql-server

I need a software that let me compare and synchronize two database on two different server.
I found this, and was great until i deploy the site and put the database online.
Now I can't connect to remote server.
The standard port of SQL server is opened to my IP.
Anyone use it?
Do I miss something?
Does anyone know a better software?
I've tried to get support but after 5 days still no answer on the forum.
Please, any help appreciated.

Red Gate offer some very good tools for this.
Red Gate SQL Compare
Red Gate Data Compare

For schema management (versioning, continuous integration & automated migrations) you can try Wizardby.
It allows you to apply migrations to multiple database instances in a controlled and consistent manner.

It's a guess, but the most likely cause of your problem seems to me to be that the synchronisation process has amended either the password or the permissions of the login you are using to connect to your remote site. It's impossible to know without more details of exactly what you did with sqldelta.
Try using a username/password combination which works on your local machine. If this doesn't work, you will probably need to request some help from the DBA of the remote machine, either to recreate your original login or restore the database to a pre-synchronisation state.
I'm not sure that this is down to the tool - it would be possible to do this with any of the database comparison tools for SQL server which include permission/login synchronisation.


Compare Databases in SQL Server 2008

I had to provide a web application creatde in and C# to my client. After some time he wants to make changes in that product. I have to update in code and database. So please provide some idea or guidance that how to compare the database using SQL Server 2008.
Or can I do this with other software?
I have googled but I got not enough satisfaction. Thanks...
We use SQL Compare by Redgate.
It's very easy to use - it will show you the differences between two databases and allow you to select which objects you want to synchronise. A synchronisation script is then generated that you can run on the target database.
Easy peasy!

Azure Database Installation Error "Invalid Object name 'Categories' "

I am completely ignorant in relation to databases and servers etc. Please bear with me.
I am trying to install a program called RealProspect 2009 which allows both local and remote sql database installation. Both types are done using the program installation .exe.
I have an azure account on which I have set up a server, and a database. During the program installation I am asked to provide the SQL server address, SQL server name, SQL username and SQL password. Using the information provided in the Azure online tools, I input all of this information into the fields and the program commences installing the database on the remote location. If I use incorrect information in these fields the installation returns an error and tells me it cannot log in, or the IP is not allowed etc., so I know it's actually attempting to connect and verifying the connection credentials.
When I use the correct server and login information the program proceeds. It spends several minutes "Creating the Tables". When it finishes doing that it attempts to begin "Installing Default Data (Categories)". At this point the program stops and I get the error in the subject line of this post "Invalid Object name 'Categories' "
I don't know enough to tell you what I don't know about this process.
I just signed up for Azure specifically because hosting the database with Azure is like $5-10 per month and I want myself and several other participants to be able to use the software with a common database. I created the server and database using the gui "tools/how to" from within the online Azure portal and I have never written a script, or accessed the server/database using anything other than the online GUI.
Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to provide. I hope i'm not too much of a speed bump to your day.
P.S. - For what it's worth you can download a free trial of the software from and see if you could install it on a remote server. Maybe you can better see what I see and tell me how to do it on my own?
SQL Azure is VERY similar to SQL Server but there are a few features that SQL Azure doesn't support. That said, I'd be surprised if the app's installer is using any of the features that are unsupported by SQL Azure. My guess is that there's a bug in their installation scripts that might fail on more modern versions of SQL Server (note, their app installs on SQL Express 2005 which is no longer in mainstream support).
Just a couple of other thoughts for you: You get keys to install the app on two machines but:
"If you would like to install on more than two computers, then after you order your copy of RealProspect you can login to your customer account on this website and order additional activation keys for only $97 each."
Because you're going to be paying several hundred dollars anyway, and because (you yourself admit) you're not a database expert, it may be less cost, stress and hard-work to use their $27 per month database hosting service. That way you can concentrate on building your business while they take care of the technology.
[Update: 3/27/2013 # 23:05]
Another option Chris presented was to install the app and database locally and then migrate the database to Azure.
While this is potentially feasible, it requires some finesse to execute.
Microsoft provides a DB migration guide presenting several (pretty manual) options.
You might also want to read this thread which discusses how to migrate your DB via a DACPack.
Another option is to download and use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard which should do most of the heavy-lifting for you and make your DB migration simpler.
However, note that it is possible that the DB the app uses may use features of SQL Server that are not supported on SQL Azure. Hopefully this isn't the case, but be aware that this may be an issue.
Good luck :)
I think SQL Database Migration Wizard v3.9.10 & v4.0.13 will solve your problem, I have used this tool several time to migrate db from local machine to sql azure, the most beauty of this tool it also highlights the error or sql which couldn't be migrated to Azure, so we can easily find alternate syntax of such sql queries

Are there alternatives to ODBC for MS Access/SQL Server Connection?

My question is this: Are there alternatives to ODBC that would allow us to connect our SQL Server to MS Access?
Here's the situation: My company works with a proprietary, SQL database (ProVenue) that up and decided to "no longer support ODBC" to MS Access, our front-end tool, without telling us.
We are currently migrating away from ProVenue, but in the meantime , we're stuck with a vendor, which "no longer supports" our ODBC connection(s). The vendor also has no incentive to help since we're leaving in several months.
I've devised a workaround where I manually export the ProVenue tables (ASCII), proof (yes, the export utiliy pulls unreliably), convert and upload on a daily basis into Access. That said, it is unreasonably time consuming given the number of tables. This work-around could be a full-time job.
Do you know of any alternatives?
Do NOT consider using ADP. It has been dropped from Access 2013 and hence is a technology with no future.
From what you're saying, you don't "own" your own MSSQL database - you're simply connecting to an instance that the provider manages, correct? I would guess that they've disabled ODBC connections to MSSQL because they don't like the load placed on their servers and/or that they've decided they want to change some underlying structures and don't want to have to cope with anybody whining about those changes.
That said, do they allow direct MSSQL connections? Via SQL Management Studio, for example? If so, you should be able to define an export & import process which is less buggy than theirs, and simply re-point your Access database to the local copy of data. True, this would still require some (possibly automated) import process, so you'd be out of synch with the server, but it'd give you the solution.
You might try connecting an .adp file to the server, to see if they'll still let you access things in that manner. That would possibly require significant modifications to your Access solution, but would also be a bit easier on their servers than linked tables via ODBC.
You could have a look at Access Data Projects (ADP) which are tied directly to one SQL Server database. I don't think they use ODBC at all, but they have their own limitations, and of course, aren't available in older Access versions.

Querying a remote MSIDXS via T-SQL

I think this question better fits here rather than ServerFault, but if I'm wrong, please correct me.
I have a system which has a database that also queries Windows Indexing Services. The queries are done via T-SQL using the OpenQuery(Linked_Server_Name, ...) function.
When the DB and the Indexing Services are on the same server, everything works perfectly.
Now I need to scale my system up, which means I'll have to separate the DB server from the Indexing Services server. The problem is, I couldn't find a way to remotely query the Indexing Services.
Did anyone succeed with a similar setup?
If no, what alternatives would you suggest?
I had a similar problem in my company and I googled, that remote indexing is impossible. But we found a solution. Now we have one server with DB and another server with IIS and attachments which are indexed. The solution was to share attachments folder (or maybe whole disc) that DB server could see them. Unfortunatly, I changed position in the company and I don't have permissions anymore to connect to servers to check for configuration, so I can't write what and where exactly must be done.
It really does seem impossible to remote query MSIDXS. I ended up writing a web service that wraps the MSIDXS and is called remotely.
Performance aren't as good, though.

uploading a realtime database into the web

Hi everyone I hav a small problem in uploading my database. I have created a localhost website on my pc for a vehicle tracking system and now i have no clue in uploading it. It's got two Microsoft Access databases in my pc which is used in the website and they get updated at very regular intervals(almost every second) it has to be uploaded to the web real time. Right now I use ODBC on a localhost..
Does anybody have any idea how to do it?
Please help if so...
Depending on your traffic using ACCESS in a webserver multi user environment will be a real pain. (File in access, etc). Perhaps try to build a webservice to make changes directly on the server?
If you don't want to use ODBC you may have a look at ADO connectionstrings ( is a goot starting point).
I would concur with #Sascha I wouldnt even bother wasting the time trying to run your site with access.
Depending on your host you should have access to a free mysql or mssql database. Use this instead. Write a new page that takes parameters and writes them to your online database, that way you can set up a relay on your machine that pushes the changes from your local machine to the web.
This is definitely not easy, but it can be done. You would need to run a SQL Server database on the web server, and then push the data from Access to SQL Server, or pull it from SQL Server.
We've got a couple of links talking about it at SQLServerPedia:
How can I synchronize data between MS Access and SQL Server databases?
How can I link a SQL Server database to MS Access using link tables in MS Access?
Again, it's not easy - judging by the way you worded the question, you're not going to like the answers that you'll read about. You may want to bring in someone who's experienced with web-based databases and replication in order to bring you up to speed and set your expectations about how challenging this will be.
