How to sign amazon web service requests from the python app engine? - google-app-engine

I use Amazon web service api from within my Google app engine application. Amazon have said that they will only accept signed requests from Aug 15, 2009. While they have given simple instructions for signing, I am not so knowledgeable of Python libraries for SHA256. The app engine documentation says it supports pycrypto but I was just wondering (read being lazy) if anyone has already done this. Any code snippets you could share? Any issues I might be missing here?

Here is an example of a REST request based on lower level (then boto) libraries. Solution was taken from
All you need is valid entries for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
def amazon_test_url():
import base64, hashlib, hmac, time
from urllib import urlencode, quote_plus
TEST_ISBN = '9780735619678' #
base_url = ""
url_params = dict(
#Can add Version='2009-01-06'. What is it BTW? API version?
# Add a ISO 8601 compliant timestamp (in GMT)
url_params['Timestamp'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
# Sort the URL parameters by key
keys = url_params.keys()
# Get the values in the same order of the sorted keys
values = map(url_params.get, keys)
# Reconstruct the URL parameters and encode them
url_string = urlencode(zip(keys,values))
#Construct the string to sign
string_to_sign = "GET\\n/onca/xml\n%s" % url_string
# Sign the request
signature =
# Base64 encode the signature
signature = base64.encodestring(signature).strip()
# Make the signature URL safe
urlencoded_signature = quote_plus(signature)
url_string += "&Signature=%s" % urlencoded_signature
print "%s?%s\n\n%s\n\n%s" % (base_url, url_string, urlencoded_signature, signature)

Pycrypto will work fine - it's supported on App Engine, though the public ciphers are implemented in Python rather than C. You also ought to be able to use one of the existing AWS libraries, now that urlfetch/httplib are supported on App Engine.
I have an app that uploads images to S3, and I've implemented the request signing myself, but mostly because I wrote it before urlfetch/httplib were available. It works just fine, however.

Got this to work based on code sample at
Here is a minor improved version that lets you merge a dict of call specific params with the basic params before making the call.
keyFile = open('accesskey.secret', 'r')
# I put my secret key file in .gitignore so that it doesn't show up publicly
def amz_call(self, call_params):
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-key>'
AWS_ASSOCIATE_TAG = '<your-tag>'
import time
import urllib
from boto.connection import AWSQueryConnection
aws_conn = AWSQueryConnection(
aws_secret_access_key=Amz.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, is_secure=False,
aws_conn.SignatureVersion = '2'
base_params = dict(
Timestamp=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()))
params = dict(base_params, **call_params)
verb = 'GET'
path = '/onca/xml'
qs, signature = aws_conn.get_signature(params, verb, path)
qs = path + '?' + qs + '&Signature=' + urllib.quote(signature)
print "verb:", verb, "qs:", qs
return aws_conn._mexe(verb, qs, None, headers={})
Sample usage:
result = self.amz_call({'Operation' : 'ItemSearch' , 'Keywords' : searchString , 'SearchIndex' : 'Books' , 'ResponseGroup' : 'Small' })
if result.status == 200:
responseBodyText =
# do whatever ...

See for a GAE Python signing service webapp. Uses native Python libraries.

I wrote another simple example that uses only the core python 3 libraries (not boto) and uses version 2 of the AWS signature protocol:
I know it won't work in GAE, but might be useful for anyone just looking for AWS authentication examples like I was.

I use this one using pycrypto to generate a custom policy:
import json
import time
from Crypto.Hash import SHA
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from base64 import b64encode
url = "http://*"
expires = int(time.time() + 3600)
pem = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"""
key_pair_id = 'APK.....'
policy = {}
policy['Statement'] = [{}]
policy['Statement'][0]['Resource'] = url
policy['Statement'][0]['Condition'] = {}
policy['Statement'][0]['Condition']['DateLessThan'] = {}
policy['Statement'][0]['Condition']['DateLessThan']['AWS:EpochTime'] = expires
policy = json.dumps(policy)
private_key = RSA.importKey(pem)
policy_hash =
signer =
signature = b64encode(signer.sign(policy_hash))
print '?Policy=%s&Signature=%s&Key-Pair-Id=%s' % (b64encode(policy),
This allows me to use one key for multiple items, something like:
Don't forget to enable pycrypto by adding this lines to the app.yaml
- name: pycrypto
version: latest


Saving image file on filesystem on Google App Engine with Python Flask

I have a Flask app where a user can upload an image and the image is saved on a static folder on the filesystem.
Currently, I'm using Google App Engine for hosting and found that it's not possible to save to the static folder on the standard environment. Here is the code
def save_picture(form_picture,name):
picture_fn = name + '.jpg'
picture_path = os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'static/image/'+ picture_fn)
output_size = (1000,1000)
i =
return picture_path
#app.route('/image/add', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def addimage():
form = Form()
if form.validate_on_submit():
name = 'randomname'
picture_file = save_picture(,name)
return redirect(url_for('addimage'))
return redirect(url_for('addimage'))
My question is if I change from standard to flex environment would it be possible to save to a static folder? If not what are the other hosting options that I should consider? Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
following your's advice I'm changing to use Cloud Storage. i'm wondering what should i use from upload_from_file(), upload_from_filename() or upload_from_string(). the source_file takes data from from flask-wtform. i'm not successfully saving on the cloud storage yet. this is my code:
def upload_blob(bucket_name, source_file, destination_blob_name):
storage_client = storage.Client()
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name)
return destination_blob_name
#app.route('/image/add', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def addimage():
form = Form()
if form.validate_on_submit():
name = 'randomname'
filename = 'foldername/'+ name + '.jpg'
picture_file = upload_blob('mybucketname',, filename)
return redirect(url_for('addimage'))
return redirect(url_for('addimage'))
I have successfully able to save file on google cloud storage by changing the save_picture function just in case anyone have trouble with this in the future:
app.config['BUCKET'] = 'yourbucket'
app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = '/tmp'
def save_picture(form_picture,name):
picture_fn = secure_filename(name + '.jpg')
picture_path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], picture_fn)
output_size = (1000,1000)
i =
storage_client = storage.Client()
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(app.config['BUCKET'])
blob = bucket.blob('static/image/'+ picture_fn)
return picture_path
The problem with storing it to some folder is that it would live on that one instance and other instances would not be able to access it. Furthermore, instances in GAE come and go, so you would lose the image eventually.
You should use Google Cloud Storage for this:
from import storage
client = storage.Client()
bucket = client.get_bucket('bucket-id-here')
blob = bucket.get_blob('remote/path/to/file.txt')
blob.upload_from_string('New contents!')
With Flask and Appengine, Python3.7, I save files to a bucket in the following way, because I want to loop it for many files:
for key, upload in request.files.items():
file_storage = upload
content_type = None
identity = str(uuid.uuid4()) # or uuid.uuid4().hex
upload_blob("", request.files[key], identity, content_type=upload.content_type)
The helper function:
from import storage
def upload_blob(bucket_name, source_file_name, destination_blob_name, content_type="application/octet-stream"):
"""Uploads a file to the bucket."""
storage_client = storage.Client()
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name)
blob.upload_from_file(source_file_name, content_type=content_type)
print('File {} uploaded to {}.'.format(
Changing from Google App Engine Standard Environment to Google App Engine Flexible Environment will allow you to write to disk, as well as to choose a Compute Engine machine type with more memory for your specific application [1]. If you are interested on following this path find all the relevant documentation from migrating a Python app here.
Nonetheless, as it was explained by user #Alex on his provided answer as instances are created (the number of instances is scaled up) or deleted (the number of instances is scaled down) according to your load, the better option in your particular case would be to use Cloud Storage. Find an example for uploading objects to Cloud Storage with Python here.

google cloud online glossary creation returning "empty resource name" error

I am following the EXACT steps indicated here
to create a online glossary.
I am getting the following error
madan#cloudshell:~ (focused-pipe-251317)$ ./rungcglossary
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Empty resource name.; Resource type: glossary",
Here is the body of my request.json
"languageCodesSet": {
"languageCodes": ["en", "en-GB", "ru", "fr", "pt-BR", "pt-PT", "es"]
"inputConfig": {
"gcsSource": {
"inputUri": "gs://focused-pipe-251317-vcm/testgc.csv"
The inputUri path i copied from the google cloud bucket file URI box.
I am not able to understand what the issue is. All I know is something is wrong with the inputUri string.
Please help.
I am a Google Cloud Technical Support Representative and we know that, for the moment, there is an issue with the REST API which is on track. I tried to reproduce your situation and while trying to create the glossary using directly the API I got the same issue as you.
After that, I have tried to create the glossary programmatically using a HTTP Triggered Python Cloud Function and everything went just right. In this manner your API will be called with the Cloud Functions service account.
I will attach the code of my Python Cloud function:
from import translate_v3beta1 as translate
def create_glossary(request):
request_json = request.get_json()
client = translate.TranslationServiceClient()
## Set your project name
project_id = 'your-project-id'
## Set your wished glossary-id
glossary_id = 'your-glossary-id'
## Set your location
location = 'your-location' # The location of the glossary
name = client.glossary_path(
language_codes_set = translate.types.Glossary.LanguageCodesSet(
language_codes=['en', 'es'])
gcs_source = translate.types.GcsSource(
input_config = translate.types.GlossaryInputConfig(
glossary = translate.types.Glossary(
parent = client.location_path(project_id, location)
operation = client.create_glossary(parent=parent, glossary=glossary)
result = operation.result(timeout=90)
print('Created: {}'.format(
print('Input Uri: {}'.format(result.input_config.gcs_source.input_uri))
The requirements.txt should include the following dependencies:
Do not forget to modify the code with your parameters
Basically, I have just followed the same tutorial as you, but for Python and I used Cloud Functions. My guess is that you can use App Engine Standard, as well.This may be an issue regarding the service account that are used to call this API. In case this doesn´t work for you let me know and I will try to edit my comment.

Upload to Amazon S3 using Boto3 and return public url

Iam trying to upload files to s3 using Boto3 and make that uploaded file public and return it as a url.
class UtilResource(BaseZMPResource):
class Meta(BaseZMPResource.Meta):
queryset = Configuration.objects.none()
resource_name = 'util_resource'
allowed_methods = ['get']
def post_list(self, request, **kwargs):
fileToUpload = request.FILES
# write code to upload to amazone s3
# see:
self.session = Session(aws_access_key_id=settings.AWS_KEY_ID,
client = self.session.client('s3')
url = "some/test/url"
return self.create_response(request, {
'url': url // return's public url of uploaded file
I searched whole documentation I couldn't find any links which describes how to do this can someone explain or provide any resource where I can find the soultion?
I'm in the same situation.
Not able to find anything in the Boto3 docs beyond generate_presigned_url which is not what I need in my case since I have public readable S3 Objects.
The best I came up with is:
bucket_location = boto3.client('s3').get_bucket_location(Bucket=s3_bucket_name)
object_url = "https://s3-{0}{1}/{2}".format(
You might try posting on the boto3 github issues list for a better solution.
I had the same issue.
Assuming you know the bucket name where you want to store your data, you can then use the following:
import boto3
from boto3.s3.transfer import S3Transfer
credentials = {
'aws_access_key_id': aws_access_key_id,
'aws_secret_access_key': aws_secret_access_key
client = boto3.client('s3', 'us-west-2', **credentials)
transfer = S3Transfer(client)
transfer.upload_file('/tmp/myfile', bucket, key,
extra_args={'ACL': 'public-read'})
file_url = '%s/%s/%s' % (client.meta.endpoint_url, bucket, key)
The best solution I found is still to use the generate_presigned_url, just that the Client.Config.signature_version needs to be set to botocore.UNSIGNED.
The following returns the public link without the signing stuff.
config = Config(signature_version=botocore.UNSIGNED)
config.signature_version = botocore.UNSIGNED
boto3.client('s3', config=config).generate_presigned_url('get_object', ExpiresIn=0, Params={'Bucket': bucket, 'Key': key})
The relevant discussions on the boto3 repository are:
Somebody who wants to build up a direct URL for the public accessible object to avoid using generate_presigned_url for some reason.
Please build URL with urllib.parse.quote_plus considering whitespace and special character issue.
My object key: 2018-11-26 16:34:48.351890+09:00.jpg
please note whitespace and ':'
S3 public link in aws console:
Below code was OK for me
import boto3
s3_client = boto3.client
bucket_location = s3_client.get_bucket_location(Bucket='my_bucket_name')
url = "https://s3.{0}{1}/{2}".format(bucket_location['LocationConstraint'], 'my_bucket_name', quote_plus('2018-11-26 16:34:48.351890+09:00.jpg')
Going through the existing answers and their comments, I did the following and works well for special cases of file names like having whitespaces, having special characters (ASCII), corner cases. E.g. file names of the form: "key=value.txt"
import boto3
import botocore
config = botocore.client.Config(signature_version=botocore.UNSIGNED)
object_url = boto3.client('s3', config=config).generate_presigned_url('get_object', ExpiresIn=0, Params={'Bucket': s3_bucket_name, 'Key': key_name})
For Django, if you use Django storages with boto3 the code below does exactly what you want:
I used an f-string for the same
import boto3
#s3_client = boto3.session.Session(profile_name='sssss').client('s3')
s3_bucket_name = 'xxxxx'
s3_website_URL= f"http://{s3_bucket_name}.s3-website.{s3_client.get_bucket_location(Bucket=s3_bucket_name)['LocationConstraint']}"

App Engine Endpoint: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL

Following is my App Engine Endpoint. I annotate it as ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET because I want to be able to make a get call through the browser. The class itself has a few dozen methods understandably. Some of them using POST. But getItems is annotated with GET. When I try to call the url through a browser, I get a 405 error
Error: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL
The code:
#Api(name = "myserver",
namespace = #ApiNamespace(ownerDomain = "", ownerName = "thecompany", packagePath = ""),
version = "1", description = "thecompany myserver", defaultVersion = AnnotationBoolean.TRUE


 public class myserver {
#ApiMethod(name = "getItems", httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET)
public CollectionResponse<Item> getItems(#Named("paramId") Long paramId) {
return CollectionResponse.<Item>builder().setItems(ItemList).build();
This is not for localhost, it’s for the real server. Perhaps I am forming the url incorrectly. I have tried a few urls such as
The proper path for this is /_ah/api/myserver/1/getItems. /_ah/spi refers to the backend path, which only takes POST requests of a different format.
Side note: API versions are typical "vX" instead of just "X".
You can use the api explorer to find out whether you're using the correct url. Go to
this works on the devserver as well:
Also if you're not planning to use the google javascript api client you should add path="..." to your #ApiMethods, so you are sure about what the path actually is.

Google Cloud Storage: download a file with a different name

I'm wondering if it's possible to download a file from Google Cloud Storage with a different name than the one that has in the bucket.
For example, in Google Cloud Storage I have stored a file named 123-file.txt but when I download it I would like choose a different name, let's say file.txt
I've noticed that the link for download it is like:;%20filename=123-file.txt
So I've tried to change it to:;%20filename=file.txt
But it still keeps downloading as 123-file.txt instead of file.txt
The response-content-disposition parameter can only be used by authorized requests. Anonymous links don't work with it. You have a few options:
The content-disposition of a particular object is part of its metadata and can be permanently set. If you always want a specific file to be downloaded with a specific name, you can just permanently set the content-disposition metadata for the object.
You can also generate signed URLs that include the response-content-disposition query parameter. Then the users will be making authorized requests to download the resource.
example (first option Brandon Yarbrough) with javascript library:
const storage = new Storage()
const fileBucket = storage.bucket('myBucket')
const file = fileBucket.file('MyOriginalFile.txt')
const newName = "NewName.txt"
await, {
metadata: {
contentDisposition: `inline; filename="${newName}"`
the following is a part of a python script i've used to remove the forward slashes - added by google cloud buckets when to represent directories - from multiple objects, it's based on this blog post, please keep in mind the double quotes around the content position "file name"
def update_blob_download_name(bucket_name):
""" update the download name of blobs and remove
the path.
:returns: None
:rtype: None
# Storage client, not added to the code for brevity
client = initialize_google_storage_client()
bucket = client.bucket(bucket_name)
for blob in bucket.list_blobs():
if "/" in
remove_path =["/") + 1:] # rfind gives that last occurence of the char
ext = pathlib.Path(remove_path).suffix
remove_id = remove_path[:remove_path.rfind("_id_")]
new_name = remove_id + ext
blob.content_disposition = f'attachment; filename="{new_name}"'
