Access front-end, SQL Server back-end skipping autonumber IDs - sql-server

Question title is the crux of the problem. I have an Access 2007 (2003 format) front-end with a SQL Server 2008 Express back-end. The input form has a subform linked to another table. When adding a record in the main form, the PK field of the table (set to auto increment) is skipping about four IDs (I say about because sometimes it's three, sometimes five, sometimes 4).
To illustrate, if the last ID is 1234, the ID of the new record might be 1238.
I've stepped through the code, but haven't found anything that would indicate multiple saves or deletes. This problem manifests regardless of whether any records are added to the subform.
I realize this could be anything, but I'm hoping someone might have some insight or suggestions of avenues to investigate.

It could be that some INSERTs in the table are being done within a transaction and the transaction is then rolled back - this would use up IDs, leaving gaps.

Check the Identity specification on the database to see what the Identity Increment is. It may be incrementing at an interval greater than 1, though that wouldn't explain your odd numbering. It's a good starting point.
Also, you could be having people start a record and then deleting it ala the transactions being rolled back and the incrementer being increased.

fire up sql profiler and observer the RPC:Completed and SqlStmt:Completed events to see what exactly is getting executed.
SQL Server doesn't just skip numbers for no reason. it looks like it's inserting something and rolling it back or inserting rows fail.


Access Linked to SQL: Wrong data shown for a newly created record, autonumber primary keys

This is similar to another question and I have given it the same name. But my situation is a bit different.
The first question for reference: Access Linked to SQL: Wrong data shown for a newly created record
I have an Access front end linked to tables in SQL Server. For all relevant tables, there is an autonumber (int with Identity Specification) as Primary Key. About half of the linked tables have the following issue, the others do not, despite being set up similarly:
When adding a new record to the table, the record is inserted in the SQL database, but then in the access front end view, be it a table or form, the added record is filled up with data of another record.
In the other question, it was explained that Access is querying SQL Server with ##IDENTITY. I saw the same thing in a trace. In my case it tries SELECT ##IDENTITY twice, then attempts to pull the new record with a sp_prepexec generated SQL that I can't read, and consistently gets the wrong one, in certain tables, not in others, which are set up basically the same.
The wrong record being returned seems to be an earlier autonumber in the table, and if I do it several times in a row, it returns a series of autonumbers in sequence, for instance, 18347, 18348, 18349. (These are the incorrect autonumbers being displayed, along with all data from their records, instead of the newly created record.) But if I wait a few minutes, there will be a gap, it might return 18456 next, for instance.
Refreshing does bring the correct record into view.
The autonumber fields do show up in Access design view as Primary Keys.
The Access front end is an .mdb file. We are using Access for Microsoft 365 MSO 64 bit.
As a general rule, this issue should not show up.
However, there are two cases to keep in mind.
First case:
Access when you START typing in a record, with a Access back end (BE), then the auto number is generated, and displayed instant, and this occurs EVEN before the record save.
And in fact if the record is not saved (user hits Esc key, or un-do from menu, or even ctrl-z). At that point, the record is not dirty and will not be saved. And of course this means gaps will and can appear in the autonumber.
WHEN using a linked table to sql server? You can start typing, and the record becomes dirty, but the AUTONUMBER will NOT display, and has NOT yet been generated. And thus your code cannot use the autonumber quite yet. The record has to be saved first before you can get/grab/use the autonumber.
Now for a form + sub form? Well, they work because access (for sql or access tables) ALWAYS does a record save of the main form when focus moves to the child form. So these setups should continue to work.
I note, and mention the above since SOME code that uses or requires use of the autonumber during a record add process MIGHT exist in your application. That code will have to be changed. Now to be fair, even in a fair large application, I tend to find few places where this occurs.
Often the simple solution is to modify the code, and simply force the record to be written, and then you have use of the autonumber.
You can do this:
if me.IsNewReocrd = True then
if me.dirty = true then me.Dirty = false
end if
' code here that needs the PK autonumber
lngNewID = me!id ' the autonumber is now generated and available for use.
The next common issue (and likely YOUR issue).
The table(s) in question have triggers. You have to modify the store procedures to re-select the PK id, and if you don't, then you see/find the symptoms you see. If the store procedure updates other tables, then it can work, but the last line of the store procedure will need to re-select the PK id.
So, in the last line of your store procedure that is attached to the table? you need to re-select the existing PK value.

Ghost data rows added into Firebird database table?

I faced today strange case when receiving customer database for investigation.
System settings:
Firebird server v
Firebird client v 2.6.5
Database file is accessed directly by the application, i.e., it is NOT registered via aliases.conf.
When I first looked into database, everything seemed to be pretty consistent. However, during the first startup there are two rows added in certain table without any detected SQL execution. I have confirmed with debugger that the application is not adding these rows. I also used Audit and Trace inferface (fbtracemgr) and saw in log file that there are not such rows added to the database.
There is one hint that something is wrong in the original database. The table that contains the problem is using INSERT trigger to set the table row's ID column value from generator. Now the generator value seem to be one too high in the original database. This leads me to think that the "ghost data" has already been entered in the file in some sort of cache as the generator is already increment by one.
The result is that after these the two ghost rows are added, the next real addition to the table leads into exception:
FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbException (0x80004005): violation of
PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "INTEG_275" on table "DATALOG" --->
violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "INTEG_275" on table
as there already exist row with equal ID that the generator suggests.
Is there persistent "unsaved data cache" that could contain row data entered during the previous application runs? What could lead to this situation? Power break during database writing or backuping?
Any thoughts?
Firebird server v
There is no such version released.
Basically u seem to use some destabilized FB developers internal build, which can have any number of strange averse effects.
So I would advice to use standard released verison or if using snapshot builds is required for some untold reasons - to ask developers in firebird-support mail list -
Though don't hold your breath for much of support over exotic Firebird builds.
UPD. Thanks to Mark, here it is:
2.5.0 - was the first release after a significant reworking of the engine. Not the most stable, obviously. For example there was an issue with indices right in the next 2.5.1 version.
if the behavior would be repeated on standard 2.5.8 Firebird, then i would suggest exporting all the database (at least all the meta-data, but maybe the data as well) into a long text file, SQL script, and then searching for the said table name in it. For example there might be on-database-connect triggers adding some data. Or stored procedures. Or views made on triggers. Or something yet else. For example - though malpractice - even UDF function may make it's own database connection and do things, though this should be shown in FBTrace.
However, during the first startup there are two rows added in certain table
startup of what ?
will those rows still be added if you use standard tools like iSQL/FlameRobin/IBExpert/etc just to connect and then disconnect from the database?
as there already exist row with equal ID that the generator suggests
Generator can not suggest things like that. It can only suggest that once such a number was reserved for possibly being added to one or another table. It does not mean the row was actually inserted, was inserted into that table, was not deleted later.
You may try to search with indices prohibited, in case index corruption could occur, something like
select id+0, count(*) from tableName group by 1
when receiving customer database for investigation
BTW, how exactly did they created a copy of the database to give you?
Did they made back-up (FBK) ? If not, did they stopped Firebird server before making copies?

Add DATE column to store when last read

We want to know what rows in a certain table is used frequently, and which are never used. We could add an extra column for this, but then we'd get an UPDATE for every SELECT, which sounds expensive? (The table contains 80k+ rows, some of which are used very often.)
Is there a better and perhaps faster way to do this? We're using some old version of Microsoft's SQL Server.
This kind of logging/tracking is the classical application server's task. If you want to realize your own architecture (there tracking architecture) do it on your own layer.
And in any case you will need application server there. You are not going to update tracking field it in the same transaction with select, isn't it? what about rollbacks? so you have some manager who first run select than write track information. And what is the point to save tracking information together with entity info sending it back to DB? Save it into application server file.
You could either update the column in the table as you suggested, but if it was me I'd log the event to another table, i.e. id of the record, datetime, userid (maybe ip address etc, browser version etc), just about anything else I could capture and that was even possibly relevant. (For example, 6 months from now your manager decides not only does s/he want to know which records were used the most, s/he wants to know which users are using the most records, or what time of day that usage pattern is etc).
This type of information can be useful for things you've never even thought of down the road, and if it starts to grow large you can always roll-up and prune the table to a smaller one if performance becomes an issue. When possible, I log everything I can. You may never use some of this information, but you'll never wish you didn't have it available down the road and will be impossible to re-create historically.
In terms of making sure the application doesn't slow down, you may want to 'select' the data from within a stored procedure, that also issues the logging command, so that the client is not doing two roundtrips (one for the select, one for the update/insert).
Alternatively, if this is a web application, you could use an async ajax call to issue the logging action which wouldn't slow down the users experience at all.
Adding new column to track SELECT is not a practice, because it may affect database performance, and the database performance is one of major critical issue as per Database Server Administration.
So here you can use one very good feature of database called Auditing, this is very easy and put less stress on Database.
Find more info: Here or From Here
Or Search for Database Auditing For Select Statement
Use another table as a key/value pair with two columns(e.g. id_selected, times) for storing the ids of the records you select in your standard table, and increment the times value by 1 every time the records are selected.
To do this you'd have to do a mass insert/update of the selected ids from your select query in the counting table. E.g. as a quick example:
SELECT id, stuff1, stuff2 FROM myTable WHERE stuff1='somevalue';
INSERT INTO countTable(id_selected, times)
SELECT id, 1 FROM myTable mt WHERE mt.stuff1='somevalue' # or just build a list of ids as values from your last result
UPDATE times=times+1
The ON DUPLICATE KEY is right from the top of my head in MySQL. For conditionally inserting or updating in MSSQL you would need to use MERGE instead

Does every record has an unique field in SQL Server?

I'm working in Visual Studio - VB.NET.
My problem is that I want to delete a specific row in SQL Server but the only unique column I have is an Identity that increments automatically.
My process of work:
1. I add a row in the column (the identity is being incremented, but I don't know the number)
2. I want to delete the previous row
Is there a sort of unique ID that every new record has?
It's possible that my table has 2 exactly the same records, just the sequence (identity) is different.
Any ideas how to handle this problem?
SQL Server has a few functions that return the generated ID for the last rows, each with it's own specific strengths and weaknesses.
##IDENTITY works if you do not use triggers
SCOPE_IDENTITY() works for the code you explicitly called.
IDENT_CURRENT(‘tablename’) works for a specific table, across all scopes.
In almost all scenarios SCOPE_IDENTITY() is what you need, and it's a good habit to use it, opposed to the other options.
A good discussion on the pros and cons of the approaches is also available here.
I want to delete the previous row
And that is your problem. There is no such concept in SQL as a 'previous row'. The word previous implies order and order applies only to queries, where is achieved by adding an ORDER BY clause. Tables have no order. You need to rephrase this in terms of "I need to delete the record that satisfies <this> condition.". This may sound to you like pedantic gibberish, but you will never find a solution until you acknowledged the problem.
Searching for a way to interpret the value of the inserted identity column and then subtracting 1 from it is flawed with many many many problems. It is incorrect under concurrency. It is incorrect in presence of rollbacks. It is incorrect after ETL jobs. Overall, never expect monotonically increasing identities, they're free to jump gaps and your code should be correct in presence of gaps.

How to find the next SQL Server Replication Statement

I am debugging my database and I am finding that the replication is failing on a delete statement.
I look at the source and destination tables and they are the same. So someone deleted a row from the source and then put it back in. (The delete fails because of a FK reference to some manual data that I don't want to cascade delete.)
Is there a way to find out the PK of the row it is trying to delete?
(All Replication monitor will tell me is the name of the FK that is causing the delete statement to fail.)
There are a couple of ways. I'll tell you the easy one (because I'm lazy). Put a trace on your subscriber for non-successful stored procedure executions. You should get a hit for one called something like sp_MSdel_table (where table is the name of your table). The argument(s) to that procedure will be the primary key of the record that it's trying to delete.
Easy way number two is to modify the sproc identified in the previous method not to be angry at a missing row (after all, it's just going to delete it so the fact that's it's now missing isn't that big a deal). You might have other non-convergence issues, but at least you can get your commands flowing again. (EDIT: Just noticed the reason for your issue. I'd advise not having FK constraints at the subscriber since any referential integrity should be taken care of at the publisher. I'll make your replication faster when SQL doesn't have to check that each time it does an applicable insert, update, or delete).
Hard way number one involves looking at the error in replication monitor an noting that there's a transaction id and sequence number specified. You then use a sproc in the distribution database to get the text of the command being executed.
Hard way number two involved diffing the tables either with tablediff.exe, something like RedGate's SQLCompare, or a roll-your-own join over linked servers to show the difference. Keep this in your back pocket just in case one of the other one-row-at-a-time methods mentioned above doesn't do it for you. My threshold for such things is about three. YMMV.
