Disable Transaction Log - sql-server

Oracle has SQL commands that one can issue so that a transaction does not get logged. Is there something similar for SQL Server 2008?
My scenario: We need Tx logs on servers (Dev, QA, Prod), but maybe we can do without them on developer machines.

You can't do without transaction logs in SQL Server, under any circumstances. The engine simply won't function.
You CAN set your recovery model to SIMPLE on your dev machines - that will prevent transaction log bloating when tran log backups aren't done.

There is a third recovery mode not mentioned above. The recovery mode ultimately determines how large the LDF files become and how ofter they are written to. In cases where you are going to be doing any type of bulk inserts, you should set the DB to be in "BULK/LOGGED". This makes bulk inserts move speedily along and can be changed on the fly.
To do so,
USE master ;
To change it back:
USE master ;
In the spirit of adding to the conversation about why someone would not want an LDF, I add this: We do multi-dimensional modelling. Essentially we use the DB as a large store of variables that are processed in bulk using external programs. We do not EVER require rollbacks. If we could get a performance boost by turning of ALL logging, we'd take it in a heart beat.

SQL Server requires a transaction log in order to function.
That said there are two modes of operation for the transaction log:
In Full mode the transaction log keeps growing until you back up the database. In Simple mode: space in the transaction log is 'recycled' every Checkpoint.
Very few people have a need to run their databases in the Full recovery model. The only point in using the Full model is if you want to backup the database multiple times per day, and backing up the whole database takes too long - so you just backup the transaction log.
The transaction log keeps growing all day, and you keep backing just it up. That night you do your full backup, and SQL Server then truncates the transaction log, begins to reuse the space allocated in the transaction log file.
If you only ever do full database backups, you don't want the Full recovery mode.

What's your problem with Tx logs? They grow? Then just set truncate on checkpoint option.
From Microsoft documentation:
In SQL Server 2000 or in SQL Server
2005, the "Simple" recovery model is
equivalent to "truncate log on
checkpoint" in earlier versions of SQL
Server. If the transaction log is
truncated every time a checkpoint is
performed on the server, this prevents
you from using the log for database
recovery. You can only use full
database backups to restore your data.
Backups of the transaction log are
disabled when the "Simple" recovery
model is used.

If this is only for dev machines in order to save space then just go with simple recovery mode and you’ll be doing fine.
On production machines though I’d strongly recommend that you keep the databases in full recovery mode. This will ensure you can do point in time recovery if needed.
Also – having databases in full recovery mode can help you to undo accidental updates and deletes by reading transaction log. See below or more details.
How can I rollback an UPDATE query in SQL server 2005?
Read the log file (*.LDF) in sql server 2008
If space is an issue on production machines then just create frequent transaction log backups.


it is possible to backup sql server database in runtime

Can I use the "backup" transact sql command (sql-server 2008)
when my database is used (read/write) by other users.
Or I must switch to single_user mode before doing this?
Yes, it will let you do that. There are considerations though, regarding full and precise restoration of the data should a restore operation become necessary.
Best you read up on the whole thing so you can choose the best back-up method for your situation.
Yes, you can use the "backup" T-SQL command even the database is used (read/write) by other users.
For example, you are going to make a full database backup by T-SQL command:
Suppose someone is working with the table at this moment. So, the transaction "A" started before the full backup began, made some changes after the checkpoint and committed before the backup completed.
In this case, the full backup includes all transaction log records starting from the latest active transaction. This implies that the full backup includes the whole transaction "A" with all changes that were made after the checkpoint to apply those changes during the database recovery process.

Recovering deleted transaction data from SQL Server database and log in Simple Recovery Model

We have a SQL Server 2005 database whose reovery model is Simple. One of the users has deleted few important records from few tables accidentally. It is not possible to recover the data from SQL Server transaction logs when the recovery modle is Simple. I have heard that there are recovery tools like EnCase, Evidence Eliminator etc., using which one can recover the deleted files from the hard disk. Can it be possible to restore the state of disk files at any point in time? Please provide your inputs.
Thanks in Advance
As shown in this link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189275.aspx with simple recovery model there are no log backups, you should restore from a previous backup

SQL Server 2008 Backup Transaction Logs

I understand that the transaction logs keep a record of historical transactions in order to facilitate a restore if needed. However do I need to keep creating transaction log backups for inactive databases that are hanging around on the server? No DDL statements are run against them and they are just used for reference.
I am just a bit worried that I might run out of log space if I get this wrong.
Have you considered changing the recovery model of your databases to the SIMPLE recovery model? Doing so would negate the need to backup the transaction log as it would be automatically re-used in the "unlikely" event that you need it to be.
I would still advise that regular FULL database backups be taken.
Also, if these database are indeed true read only databases then why not consider setting them to be so. This action would have the advantage of immediately highlighting any queries/users that are "still" issuing DML operations when you believe there to be none.
Other options for identifying queries that are performing more than just READ operations include running a Profiler Trace of activity on your database server and also an aggressive option would be to revoke all data modification rights from the relevant database Users.
Transaction logs are actually truncated when they're backed up. So, if these databases are actually inactive, you shouldn't be backing up any transaction logs for them since the logs would be empty.
Also, common practice for "inactive" databases would be to make them READ ONLY with a SIMPLE recovery model.

Transaction log back up when recovery of data is not important

We have a database that has configuration data in. When the applications are run against it, they basically do lots of calculations and then write some data to file. Unlike normal installations, we do not really need the transaction log. What I mean here is that we could take a backup of the database and use it without applying transaction logs to it to get it up to date.
Since the transaction logs are not that important to us, what should be the best backup strategy? Currently the transaction log is enormous (10 GB where as the database is about 50 MB, this was over a few months).
Could we just do an initial backup of the database and then each few days or less backup the transaction log, overwriting the current one? Or could we just delete the transaction log all together and have a new one started?
Ensure the database is running in the Simple Recovery Model.
Doing so negates the need for you to perform transaction log backups.
This recovery model automatically ensures that the inactive portions of the transaction log can become immediately available for reuse.
No longer concerned with the Transaction Log management, you can focus your attention on your backup strategy.
A weekly FULL Database Backup, perhaps with daily Differential Backups may suit your requirements.
Recovery Model Overview
As I understand, you do not write any data to your database. And for this reason the best backup strategy for you will be:
1. Change recovery model to simple and shrink the transaction log, using DBCC SHRINKFILE.
2. Make one full backup of your database.

SQL Server Recovery States

When restoring a SQL Server Database, I notice that there are 3 different Recovery States to choose from:
Restore with Recovery
Restore with No Recovery
Restore with Standby
I've always left it at it's default value, but what do they all mean?
(Preferably in layman's terms)
In simple terms (and not a copy-paste out of the SQLBOL) so you can understand the concepts:
RESTORE WITH RECOVERY uses the backup media file (eg. fulldata.bak) to restore the database to back to the time that backup file was created. This is great if you want to go back in time to restore the database to an earlier state - like when developing a system.
If you want to restore the database TO THE VERY LATEST DATA, (i.e. like if your doing a system Disaster Recovery and you cannot lose any data) then you want to restore that backup AND THEN all the transaction logs created since that backup. This is when you use RESTORE NORECOVERY. It will allow you to restore the later transaction logs right up to the point of failure (as long as you have them).
RECOVERY WITH STANDBY is the ability to restore the database up to a parital date (like NORECOVERY above) but to allow the database still to be used READONLY. New transaction logs can still be applied to the database to keep it up to date (a standby server). Use this when it would take too long to restore a full database in order to Return To Operations the system. (ie. if you have a multi TB database that would take 16 hours to restore, but could receive transaction log updates every 15 minutes).
This is a bit like a mirror server - but without having "every single transaction" send to the backup server in real time.
You can set a Microsoft SQL Server database to be in NORECOVERY, RECOVERY or STANDBY mode.
RECOVERY is the normal and usual status of the database where users can connect and access the database (given that they have the proper permissions set up).
NORECOVERY allows the Database Administrator to restore additional backup files such as Differential or Transactional backups. While the database is in this state then users are not able to connect or access this database.
STANDBY is pretty much the same as NORECOVERY status however it allows users to connect or access database in a READONLY access. So the users are able to run only SELECT command against the database. This is used in Log Shipping quite often for reporting purposes. The only drawback is that while there are users in the database running queries SQL Server or a DBA is not able to restore additional backup files. Therefore if you have many users accessing the database all the time then the replication could fall behind.
From Books On line, i think it is pretty clear after you read it
Instructs the restore operation to not roll back any uncommitted transactions. Either the NORECOVERY or STANDBY option must be specified if another transaction log has to be applied. If neither NORECOVERY, RECOVERY, or STANDBY is specified, RECOVERY is the default.
SQL Server requires that the WITH NORECOVERY option be used on all but the final RESTORE statement when restoring a database backup and multiple transaction logs, or when multiple RESTORE statements are needed (for example, a full database backup followed by a differential database backup).
Note When specifying the NORECOVERY option, the database is not usable in this intermediate, nonrecovered state.
When used with a file or filegroup restore operation, NORECOVERY forces the database to remain in the restoring state after the restore operation. This is useful in either of these situations:
A restore script is being run and the log is always being applied.
A sequence of file restores is used and the database is not intended to be usable between two of the restore operations.
Instructs the restore operation to roll back any uncommitted transactions. After the recovery process, the database is ready for use.
If subsequent RESTORE operations (RESTORE LOG, or RESTORE DATABASE from differential) are planned, NORECOVERY or STANDBY should be specified instead.
If neither NORECOVERY, RECOVERY, or STANDBY is specified, RECOVERY is the default. When restoring backup sets from an earlier version of SQL Server, a database upgrade may be required. This upgrade is performed automatically when WITH RECOVERY is specified. For more information, see Transaction Log Backups .
STANDBY = undo_file_name
Specifies the undo file name so the recovery effects can be undone. The size required for the undo file depends on the volume of undo actions resulting from uncommitted transactions. If neither NORECOVERY, RECOVERY, or STANDBY is specified, RECOVERY is the default.
STANDBY allows a database to be brought up for read-only access between transaction log restores and can be used with either warm standby server situations or special recovery situations in which it is useful to inspect the database between log restores.
If the specified undo file name does not exist, SQL Server creates it. If the file does exist, SQL Server overwrites it.
The same undo file can be used for consecutive restores of the same database. For more information, see Using Standby Servers.
Important If free disk space is exhausted on the drive containing the specified undo file name, the restore operation stops.
STANDBY is not allowed when a database upgrade is necessary.
