Transaction log back up when recovery of data is not important - sql-server

We have a database that has configuration data in. When the applications are run against it, they basically do lots of calculations and then write some data to file. Unlike normal installations, we do not really need the transaction log. What I mean here is that we could take a backup of the database and use it without applying transaction logs to it to get it up to date.
Since the transaction logs are not that important to us, what should be the best backup strategy? Currently the transaction log is enormous (10 GB where as the database is about 50 MB, this was over a few months).
Could we just do an initial backup of the database and then each few days or less backup the transaction log, overwriting the current one? Or could we just delete the transaction log all together and have a new one started?

Ensure the database is running in the Simple Recovery Model.
Doing so negates the need for you to perform transaction log backups.
This recovery model automatically ensures that the inactive portions of the transaction log can become immediately available for reuse.
No longer concerned with the Transaction Log management, you can focus your attention on your backup strategy.
A weekly FULL Database Backup, perhaps with daily Differential Backups may suit your requirements.
Recovery Model Overview

As I understand, you do not write any data to your database. And for this reason the best backup strategy for you will be:
1. Change recovery model to simple and shrink the transaction log, using DBCC SHRINKFILE.
2. Make one full backup of your database.


SQL Server 2008 log file size is large and growing quickly

Most of the time users will hit the database to read news. There are very few number of queries executed under transactions. 95% of the database hits would be for read-only purposes.
My database log files size is growing 1 GB per day. Even if I shrink the database, the log file size is not decreasing. What could be the reason for growing the log file size more and more? How can I control this? As per my knowledge log file does not increase when we read data from tables.
Any suggestions on how to deal with the log file growing? How can it be kept a manageable or reasonable size? Does this effect performance in any way?
There are couple of things to consider. What type of backups you do, and what type of backups you need. If you will have the answer to this question you can either switch Recovery Mode to simple or leave it full but then you need to make incremental backups on a daily basis (or whatever makes you happy with log size).
To set your database logging to simple (but only if you do Full Backups of your database!).
Right click on your database
Choose Properties
Choose Options
Set Recovery mode to simple
This will work and is best if your backup schedule is Full Backup every day. Because in such scenario your log won't be trimmed and it will skyrocket (just like in your case).
If you would be using Grandfather&Father&Son backup technique, which means Monthly Full backup, Weekly Full backup, and then every day incremental backup. Then for that you need Full Recovery Mode. If 1GB of log per day is still too much you can enable incremental backup per hour or per 15 minutes. This should fix the problem of log growing more and more.
If you run Full Backup every day you can switch it to simple recovery mode and you should be fine without risking your data (if you can leave with possible 1 day of data being lost). If you plan to use incremental then leave it at Recovery Mode Full.
Full backups will not help, you must regularly backup the transaction log (as well as the regular database full and differential backups) for it to be emptied. If you are not backing up the log and you are not in simple recovery mode, then your transaction log has every transaction in it since the database was set up. If you have enough action that you are growing by a gig a day, then you may also have large imports or updates affecting many records at once. It is possible you need to be in simple recovery mode where transactions are not recorded individually. Do NOT do that however if you have a mix of data from imports and users. In that case you need to back up the transaction log frequently to be able to keep the size manageable and to a point in time. We backup our transaction log every 15 minutes.
Read about transaction log backups in BOL to see how to fix the mess you have right now. Then get your backups set up and running properly. You need to read and understand this stuff thoroughly before attempting to fix. Right now, you would probably be in a world of hurt if your server failed and you had to recover the database. Transaction log backups are critical to being able to recover properly from a failure.
Do you backup your database frequently? You need to perform full- and/or transaction log- backups in order for SQL Server to consider shrinking your log file.
The major reason for the log file large size is due to bulk transaction in DB. To reduce the log file size best option to take the transaction log backup after certain interval of time.

Disable Transaction Log

Oracle has SQL commands that one can issue so that a transaction does not get logged. Is there something similar for SQL Server 2008?
My scenario: We need Tx logs on servers (Dev, QA, Prod), but maybe we can do without them on developer machines.
You can't do without transaction logs in SQL Server, under any circumstances. The engine simply won't function.
You CAN set your recovery model to SIMPLE on your dev machines - that will prevent transaction log bloating when tran log backups aren't done.
There is a third recovery mode not mentioned above. The recovery mode ultimately determines how large the LDF files become and how ofter they are written to. In cases where you are going to be doing any type of bulk inserts, you should set the DB to be in "BULK/LOGGED". This makes bulk inserts move speedily along and can be changed on the fly.
To do so,
USE master ;
To change it back:
USE master ;
In the spirit of adding to the conversation about why someone would not want an LDF, I add this: We do multi-dimensional modelling. Essentially we use the DB as a large store of variables that are processed in bulk using external programs. We do not EVER require rollbacks. If we could get a performance boost by turning of ALL logging, we'd take it in a heart beat.
SQL Server requires a transaction log in order to function.
That said there are two modes of operation for the transaction log:
In Full mode the transaction log keeps growing until you back up the database. In Simple mode: space in the transaction log is 'recycled' every Checkpoint.
Very few people have a need to run their databases in the Full recovery model. The only point in using the Full model is if you want to backup the database multiple times per day, and backing up the whole database takes too long - so you just backup the transaction log.
The transaction log keeps growing all day, and you keep backing just it up. That night you do your full backup, and SQL Server then truncates the transaction log, begins to reuse the space allocated in the transaction log file.
If you only ever do full database backups, you don't want the Full recovery mode.
What's your problem with Tx logs? They grow? Then just set truncate on checkpoint option.
From Microsoft documentation:
In SQL Server 2000 or in SQL Server
2005, the "Simple" recovery model is
equivalent to "truncate log on
checkpoint" in earlier versions of SQL
Server. If the transaction log is
truncated every time a checkpoint is
performed on the server, this prevents
you from using the log for database
recovery. You can only use full
database backups to restore your data.
Backups of the transaction log are
disabled when the "Simple" recovery
model is used.
If this is only for dev machines in order to save space then just go with simple recovery mode and you’ll be doing fine.
On production machines though I’d strongly recommend that you keep the databases in full recovery mode. This will ensure you can do point in time recovery if needed.
Also – having databases in full recovery mode can help you to undo accidental updates and deletes by reading transaction log. See below or more details.
How can I rollback an UPDATE query in SQL server 2005?
Read the log file (*.LDF) in sql server 2008
If space is an issue on production machines then just create frequent transaction log backups.

My log file is too large

My log file in SQL Server used up all the space on my disk. I run full backups every night, but the log file keeps growing. What can I do?
In some cases you might find the the logfile will not properly truncate even though a log backup is run. You can do a backup with TRUNCATE_ONLY to check it. When you run this it should truncate the transaction log:
The cause of this problem is an open transaction in an earlier part of the log. SQL will not truncate the log past this transaction, potentially causing a large, ever increasing log. You need to find out which transactions are left open and why. You can monitor your log space with:
Information on long running transactions can be found using:
select * from sys.dm_tran_database_transactions
On most busy systems, you need to look at scheduling log backups throughout the day, and then your nightly full backup. This is pretty common practice.
If you have a job scheduled to conduct full backups this is good and should be your starting point however, you also need to be carrying out regular transaction log backups.
Backing up the transaction log causes the space to be relcaimed. Once you have defined your regular transaction log backup schedule, you will likely be in a potition to consider shrinking the transaction log to a more apporpriate size. As it will no longer be growing indefinately.
The backup strategy for full recovery consists of:
* Database backups.
* Differential backups (optional).
* Transaction log backups.
I suggest you consult the following Microsoft reference.
You have to backup up your logs as well as the main database
You could use some kind of log-rotation, and keep only log of a fixed amount of time, say the last 7 days. This should be more than enough. Or you could reset the log every night, because you should have it in your backup.
This should shrink it:
dbcc shrinkfile('databasename_log', 0)
try this:
dump transaction <dbname> with no_log
and then shrink the logfile by setting the autoshrink option in the sql server settings or by.
I think you can use dbcc to shrink it too, but i dont remember the syntax.
It is better to add transaction log backups to your schedule.
BACKUP LOG database TO DISK = 'D:/database_log.bak'
Keep in mind that in full or bulk-logged recovery models transaction log is truncated when the transaction log backup is made, it is necessary to backup the log regularly in order to manage the size of the transaction log. Otherwise, the transaction log file will grow until there's no more space left.
If there is no need in the point-in-time recovery and database changes are infrequent it is better to use a simple recovery model (without transaction logs).
In this case, the transaction log is automatically truncated to remove any inactive virtual log files. In the simple recovery model, the transaction log truncation takes place after each checkpoint.
Delete the log file?
Edit: Apparently deleting the log file is bad, it's just just a log to SQL server. I'm leaving this up to reiterate what not to do.

Does the Full Recovery Model Generate Additional Transaction Logs?

I read some Books Online about recovery/backup, one stupid question, if I use full database backup/full recovery model, for backup operation itself, will it generate any additional transaction log to source database server? Will full recovery operation generate additional transaction log to destination database?
A more useful view of this might be to say that Full Recovery prevents the contents of the transaction log from being overwritten without some other action allowing them to be overwritten
SQL Server will log most transactions (e.g. bulk load and a few others aside) and when running in simple recovery mode, effectively discard the newly created log contents at the end of the transaction associated with the creation of the same. When running in Full Recovery mode the contents of the trans log are retained until marked as available to be overwritten. To mark them as available to be overwritten one normally performs a backup (either Full or Trans Log).
If there is no space in the trans log and no logs contents marked as available to be overwritten then SQL Server will attempt to increase the size of the logs.
In practical terms Full Recovery requires you to manage your transaction logs, generally by performing a trans log backup every so often (every 1 hour is probably a good rule of thumb if you have no SLA to work to or other driver to determine how often to do this)
I'm not sure I completely understand your question, but here goes. Keeping your DB in Full Recovery mode can make your transaction logs grow to be very large. The trade off is that you can restore to the point of recovery.
The reason that the transaction logs are larger than normal is ALL transactions are fully logged. This can include bulk-logged operations, index creation, etc.
If drive space is not a concern (and with drives being so inexpensive, it shouldn't be), this is the recommended backup approach.

SQL Server database backup plan and log truncation

I have a SQL Server 2005 database that is backed up nightly. There backup consists of:
FULL backup of the database.
backup of the transaction log.
These are currently two separate jobs.
The log is huge and I'd like to set things up so that:
the database is backed up in full nightly
the log is set such that I can recover the database from any point between one backup and the next.
How can I set this up so that the log files are manageable? I suspect that the log has never been shrunk, as the log is huge.
You are currently implementing the FULL Recovery Model from the sound of things. This will allow you to restore to a point in time provided that you have a transaction log backup that covers the desired point in time (post full backup).
In order to reduce the size of your required transaction log file, you should look to increase the frequency of your transaction log backups. I would suggest hourly. Once you have gauged the actual usage of your log file, you can then look to shrink it to a more suitable size. The key point to note here is that once a transaction log backup has been completed, the inactive portion of the log file becomes available for use once again. The reason why a transaction log file grows continuously is if the transaction log backups are either, not being taken at all or their frequency is not sufficient.
I would also suggest that you consider performing a mix of DIFFERENTIAL and FULL Backups in order to reduce the collective size of your backed up data. An example schedule would be a weekly FULL Backup, say every Sunday, with daily DIFFERENTIAL backups.
I hope what I have detailed makes sense. Please feel free to contact me directly and I will happily assist you in deploying an appropriate backup strategy for your environment.
Essential References:
How to stop the transaction log
file from growing enexpectedly
Backup and Restoring Databases in
SQL Server
One of the things I find with backups is that people typically don't run them frequently enough - especially when it comes to log file backups. And it sounds like you're correct, that the log file isn't being truncated regularly (which means you're likely wasting premium disk space [1]). More importantly though, that's leaving you completely exposed from a recoverability standpoint.)
Happily though, getting things up and running as you need them isn't so hard. In fact, I'd recommend the following three videos as they should give you the background info you need, and then the step-by-step instructions you'll want to follow to get everything working correctly:
1 Maximize Storage Performance:
What you are doing is effectively a SIMPLE mode backup with bonus disadvantage of not shrinking the log. There is no point to back up both at the same time. If you're doing a full backup, you can just truncate the log.
If you're going to be able to restore to any point of time, you will have to do a full backup once a day (say) and back up the log few times during the day. See
