Determine which user deleted a SQL Server database? - sql-server

I have a SQL Server 2005 database that has been deleted, and I need to discover who deleted it. Is there a way of obtaining this user name?
Thanks, MagicAndi.

If there has been little or no activity since the deletion, then the out-of-the-box trace may be of help. Try running:
DECLARE #path varchar(256)
SELECT #path = path
FROM sys.traces
where id = 1
FROM fn_trace_gettable(#path, 1)
[In addition to the out-of-the-box trace, there is also the less well-known 'black box' trace, which is useful for diagnosing intermittent server crashes. This post, SQL Server’s Built-in Traces, shows you how to configure it.]

I would first ask everyone who has admin access to the Sql Server if they deleted it.

The best way to retrieve the information is to restore the latest backup.
Now to discuss how to avoid such problems in the future.
First make sure your backup process is running correctly and frequently. Make transaction log baclup evey 15 mintues or half an hour if it is a higly transactional database. Then the most you lose is a half an hour's worht of work. Practice restoring the database until you can easily do it under stress.
In SQL Server 2008 you can add DDL triggers (not sure if you can do this in 2005) which allow you to log who did changes to structure. It might be worth your time to look into this.
Do NOT allow more than two people admin access to your production database - a dba and a backup person for when the dba is out. These people should load all changes to the database structure and code and all of the changes should be scripted out, code reviewed and tested first on QA. No unscripted, "run by the seat of your pants" code should ever be run on prod.

Here is bit more precise TSQL
SELECT DatabaseID,NTUserName,HostName,LoginName,StartTime
FROM sys.fn_trace_getinfo(NULL) f
JOIN sys.trace_events TE ON T.EventClass = TE.trace_event_id
WHERE TE.trace_event_id =47 AND T.DatabaseName = 'delete'
-- 47 Represents event for deleting objects.
This can be used in the both events of knowing or not knowing the database/object name. Results look like this:


Why sys.conversation_endpoints can be empty?

I have started using Service Broker. After reading article i have tried reuse conversation via selecting existing one from sys.conversation_endpoints:
select top 1
#Handle = CEP.conversation_handle
from sys.conversation_endpoints CEP with(nolock)
where CEP.far_service = 'EventService'
and CEP.state = 'CO'
and CEP.is_initiator = 1
order by CEP.lifetime desc
and it worked nice on stage. But after releasing to prod problem was found with selecting sys.conversation_endpoints - sometime it was empty, even with nolock, although there a lot of records when selecting in monitoring script. After spending several hours in google i can't found answer how it can be. Please, help me to understand how it can be to avoid it.
PS Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (RTM-CU17) (KB4515579) - 14.0.3238.1 (X64)
The problem is in user who call my stored procedure, he does not have permissions to see some metadata info.

Cannot delete "system" partition schemes created by FullText catalogs

So we've got a bunch of apps running on our SQL servers, and today we realised that a number of them had a bunch of Partition Schemes/Functions that we didn't create.
The partition schemes and functions were called ifts_comp_fragment_data_space_{hash} and ifts_comp_fragment_partition_function_{hash} respectively.
Digging deeper, we realised that they are marked as system entries (is_system set to 1 in sys.partition_schemes) which means we can't even delete them.
After some research we found out that SQL server will create them to partition the fulltext catalogs if they become too large, or something like that see here. The problem is - we just deleted all the catalogs, and these were left abandoned, with NO way of clearing them out.
I wouldn't worry too much, except I NEED to delete them, since I'm trying to export our DB as a .bacpac file, and that crashes complaining that the DB contains partition schemes/functions and they're not supported.
Is there ANY way of forcing the SQL server to drop those objects, or any other alternative that I could do?
You can change that is_system flag from 1 to 0 and then drop the partition scheme like any other. To do this:
First allow updates on your server:
exec sp_configure 'allow updates', 1
reconfigure with override
Shutdown your SQL server
Start it back up in Single User mode by running "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe -m" from a console with elevated privs.
Login to the server using the SQL Server DAC
If we do an SP_HELPTEXT on the sys.partition_schemes view, you'll see that the is_system column is based on a status flag in the sys.sysclsobjs table. "sysconv(bit, o.status & 0x4) AS is_system,"
So to change the flag, we have to look at what the current value of the status is and unmark the 4 bit. My value was 4 so I updated it to 0.
update sys.sysclsobjs set status = 0 where name =
Now you can shutdown the single user mode SQL Server process by just closing your console window and start your sql server windows service. Then just login as you normally would and drop the partition scheme.
Finally, set your 'allow updates' setting back to 0.
This might need to be planned downtime for a production server.
DISCLAIMER This probably isn't a Microsoft supported way of doing this, you may want to test on some non-prod servers before diving in.

Why does SQL Server say "Starting Up Database" in the event log, twice per second?

I have a SQL Server [2012 Express with Advanced Services] database, with not much in it. I'm developing an application using EF Code First, and since my model is still in a state of flux, the database is getting dropped and re-created several times per day.
This morning, my application failed to connect to the database the first time I ran it. On investigation, it seems that the database is in "Recovery Pending" mode.
Looking in the event log, I can see that SQL Server has logged:
Starting up database (my database)
...roughly twice per second all night long. (The event log filled up, so I can't see beyond yesterday evening).
Those "information" log entries stop at about 6am this morning, and are immediately followed by an "error" log entry saying:
There is insufficient memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query
What the heck happened to my database?
Note: it's just possible that I left my web application running in "debug" mode overnight - although without anyone "driving" it I can't imagine that there would be much database traffic, if any.
It's also worth mentioning that I have a full-text catalog in the database (though as I say, there's hardly any actual content in the DB at present).
I have to say, this is worrying - I would not be happy if this were to happen to my production database!
With AUTO_CLOSE ON the database will be closed as soon as there are no connections to it, and re-open (run recovery, albeit a fast paced one) every time a connection is established to it. So you were seeing the message because every 2 second your application would connect to the database. You probably always had this behavior and never noticed before. Now that your database crashed, you investigated the log and discovered this problem. While is good that now you know and will likely fix it, this does not address you real problem, namely the availability of the database.
So now you have a database that won't come out of recovery, what do you do? You restore from you last backup and apply your disaster recovery plan. Really, that's all there is to it. And there is no alternative.
If you want to understand why the crash happened (it can be any of about 1 myriad reasons...) then you need to contact CSS (Product Support). They have the means to guide you through investigation.
If you wanted to turn off this message in event log.
Just goto SQL Server Management Studio,
Right click on your database
Select Options (from left panel)
Look into "Automatic" section, and change "Auto Close" to "False"
Click okay
That's All :)
I had a similar problem with a sql express database stuck in recovery. After investigating the log it transpired that the database was starting up every couple of minutes. Running the script
select name, state_desc, is_auto_close_on from sys.databases where name = 'mydb'
revealed that auto close was set to on.
So it appears that the database is in always in recovery but is actually coming online for a brief second before going offline again because there are no client connections.
I solved this with following script.
Declare #state varchar(20)
while 1=1
Select #state = state_desc from sys.databases where name='mydb';
If #state = 'ONLINE'
Alter database MyDb
Print 'Online'
waitfor delay '00:00:02'

weird error using SQL-Server2005 SPROCs from MS Access 2000: ";1" in name --> not found

I have a weird problem here.
In short to the environment we have:
There is a (newly set up) Win2003 Server with a SQL Server 2005 Express database. I connect to it via a MS Access application.
Since I switched to the new server (restored a backup from the former server on it) all SPROCs (only in Access) have a ;1 after their name, hence cannot be found.
If I try to open a SPROC in Access (dbl click in overview), it asks for the parameter, then says cannot be found.
If I try to open, say, a report based on it, same result. If I change the name of the SPROC the report is based on to the name shown in the overview ( [sprocnam];1 ) it says "cannot be found" (of course, because the names did not change as one can see in Management Studio).
keep in mind that the Access-application worked fine with the database that I backed up on another server and restored to the newly set up server ...
Your help is greatly appreciated!
edit: I found a thread on with someone experiencing the same problem, but without a solution:
I can't tell why you have got this issue, but in In SQL Server you have the ability to create Numbered stored procedures. The procedures have the same name but may contain completely different code, look at this:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTest];2
SELECT ##version
EXEC spTest;1
EXEC spTest;2
I resolved the issue with an update of the clients office-installation to the latest service pack.
The one employee that notified me of the problem and me got new computers last week, and thus did not have the latest updates.

Grouping sys.dm_exec_connections by database (it's not quite like sys.sysprocesses)

Following on from my last question:
I've written some code to upgrade a SQL Server database. Before I upgrade the database, I plan to limit access to the database with the following statement:
Before running this code, I'll give the user an opportunity to opt out. At the time of prompting the user, I thought it would be nice to show the list of active connections (continuously polled at a set interval); providing the user with a tool to identify applications/users they would like to boot off the server before proceeding.
In SQL 2000, you can use the sys.sysprocesses table to see all connections that apply to a database. This includes connections that have no active request (like when you open a Query Analyser window and select a database).
However, using:
sys.dm_exec_sessions; and
I couldn't figure out a way to achieve the same outcome. It appears that these views only tie connections to a database through a request. Is there a way to mimic the behaviour of sys.sysprocesses? I'd prefer not to use this table for SQL Server 2005/2008 databases.
Er... I recommended these for your other question.
Sorry, but, I've found out that you still have to use sysprocesses
It's logged as a bug in Microsoft Connect 144515 to be fixed, I found it here
Personally, I still use sysprocesses because I'm comfortable with it, however lazy and luddite that may be...
