Grouping sys.dm_exec_connections by database (it's not quite like sys.sysprocesses) - sql-server

Following on from my last question:
I've written some code to upgrade a SQL Server database. Before I upgrade the database, I plan to limit access to the database with the following statement:
Before running this code, I'll give the user an opportunity to opt out. At the time of prompting the user, I thought it would be nice to show the list of active connections (continuously polled at a set interval); providing the user with a tool to identify applications/users they would like to boot off the server before proceeding.
In SQL 2000, you can use the sys.sysprocesses table to see all connections that apply to a database. This includes connections that have no active request (like when you open a Query Analyser window and select a database).
However, using:
sys.dm_exec_sessions; and
I couldn't figure out a way to achieve the same outcome. It appears that these views only tie connections to a database through a request. Is there a way to mimic the behaviour of sys.sysprocesses? I'd prefer not to use this table for SQL Server 2005/2008 databases.

Er... I recommended these for your other question.
Sorry, but, I've found out that you still have to use sysprocesses
It's logged as a bug in Microsoft Connect 144515 to be fixed, I found it here
Personally, I still use sysprocesses because I'm comfortable with it, however lazy and luddite that may be...


Azure SQL Database - change user permissions on a read-only database for cross-database queries

We use Azure SQL Database, and therefore had to jump through some hoops to get cross-database queries set up. We achieved this following this great article: Things are working great for most of our databases.
The problem comes in for one of our databases which is read-only. The reason it's read-only is b/c it is being synced from another Azure SQL Server to derive its content. This is being achieved via the Geo-Replication function in Azure SQL Database. When attempting to run the query GRANT SELECT ON [RemoteTable] TO RemoteLogger as seen in the linked article, I of course get the error "Failed to update because the database is read-only."
I have been trying to come up with a workaround for this. It appears user permissions are one of the things that do NOT sync as part of the geo-replication, as I've created this user and granted the SELECT permission on the origin database, but it doesn't carry over.
Has anyone run into this or something similar and found a workaround/solution? Is it safe/feasible to temporarily set the database to read/write, update the permission, then put it back to read-only? I don't know if this is even possible - I was told by one colleague that they think it will throw an error along the lines of "this database can't be set to read/write b/c it's syncing from another database..."
I figured out a work-around: Create a remote connection to the database on the ORIGIN server. So simple, yet it escaped me until now. Everything working great now.

Restricting a user to only have access in a ssis package

We are running SQL Server 2016. For in-house political reasons, I can't restrict access the way I want to. Assume that I can't change the premise.
We have a user that is used in SSIS packages. Unfortunately, some devs are logging directly into the db with ssms using this user. I need to prevent this without changing the password or something. What I need is to be able to allow a user access to the database ONLY if it is running from an SSIS package and NOT if it is coming in any other way.
I am not looking for other suggestions of how to fix this issue. I understand most of them already, I am stuck because of management decisions that I cannot change.
Can anyone tell me how to restrict a user in such a way?
An approach is to use a LOGON trigger
A first blush approach might be to reject any process that look's like the SSMS application
CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER logon_developer_check
IF (ORIGINAL_LOGIN() = 'triskydeveloper'
sys.sysprocesses AS S
S.spid = ##SPID
AND S.program_name LIKE 'Microsoft SQL Server Management%'
But developers, being devious little buggers, will then write their own .NET application or use SQLCMD so you'd fall into a rat race trying to identify all the program_names that might show up.
I would instead look at the hostname column on sys.sysprocesses - if the connection isn't coming from the server itself, just reject it. Unless you have to deal with developers able to RDP onto the server.
Oh and if you mangle the logon trigger and it's rejecting everything, use SQLCMD and the dedicated admin console, DAC, and
sqlcmd.exe -S localhost -d master -Q "DISABLE TRIGGER ALL ON SERVER" -A

SQL Server Profiler showing EF queries against master database?

What am I missing here? The queries I see in SQL Server Profiler are all targeted against the master database, which makes it difficult to filter by database name ... which event or events should I be watching so I can filter by database name.
The bigger question, what exactly is going on here?
You should remove this 'MultipleActiveResultSets=True' from your EntityFramework connection
after that, you can see the target database name show in the Profiler , instead of master.
In my option, maybe ADO.NET team want to make use the MultipleActiveResultSets feature to get
data from DB, so they have to access master.
MultipleActiveResultSets is about raise one query and don't return all its result (like in foreach statement in LINQ) , and in the same time ,raise another query to get another data in the same session.
By default, this behavior is not allowed by DB. SO.....
I was able to get around this issue, including leaving MARS active by adding an application name to my connection string:
Data Source=database_server;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Trusted Connection=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Application Name=MyDatabase;
Then you can filter on application name.
If this is for SQL Server 2008 R2, in your trace properties, on the 'Events Selection' tab, check 'Show all columns'. You should then be able to create a column filter based on DatabaseName.
I believe you'll have to pause or stop your trace to make these changes.
As K Ivanov pointed out, having MARS (MultipleActiveResultSets) enabled will show the DatabaseName as master in SQL Profiler. By setting this to false, it'll show the proper DatabaseName, but then you lose the ability to have MultipleActiveResults.
you can use LoginName or HostName to filter in the profiler
For some reason, if I select the SP:CacheHit event, it now shows the queries against the correct database and I am able to filter by it. What is that event exactly?

Determine which user deleted a SQL Server database?

I have a SQL Server 2005 database that has been deleted, and I need to discover who deleted it. Is there a way of obtaining this user name?
Thanks, MagicAndi.
If there has been little or no activity since the deletion, then the out-of-the-box trace may be of help. Try running:
DECLARE #path varchar(256)
SELECT #path = path
FROM sys.traces
where id = 1
FROM fn_trace_gettable(#path, 1)
[In addition to the out-of-the-box trace, there is also the less well-known 'black box' trace, which is useful for diagnosing intermittent server crashes. This post, SQL Server’s Built-in Traces, shows you how to configure it.]
I would first ask everyone who has admin access to the Sql Server if they deleted it.
The best way to retrieve the information is to restore the latest backup.
Now to discuss how to avoid such problems in the future.
First make sure your backup process is running correctly and frequently. Make transaction log baclup evey 15 mintues or half an hour if it is a higly transactional database. Then the most you lose is a half an hour's worht of work. Practice restoring the database until you can easily do it under stress.
In SQL Server 2008 you can add DDL triggers (not sure if you can do this in 2005) which allow you to log who did changes to structure. It might be worth your time to look into this.
Do NOT allow more than two people admin access to your production database - a dba and a backup person for when the dba is out. These people should load all changes to the database structure and code and all of the changes should be scripted out, code reviewed and tested first on QA. No unscripted, "run by the seat of your pants" code should ever be run on prod.
Here is bit more precise TSQL
SELECT DatabaseID,NTUserName,HostName,LoginName,StartTime
FROM sys.fn_trace_getinfo(NULL) f
JOIN sys.trace_events TE ON T.EventClass = TE.trace_event_id
WHERE TE.trace_event_id =47 AND T.DatabaseName = 'delete'
-- 47 Represents event for deleting objects.
This can be used in the both events of knowing or not knowing the database/object name. Results look like this:

How to change MS SQLServer authenticated login without closing and reopening the connection?

I have a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server and want the change the connection authenticated user. Is it possible to do it without closing and reopening the connection?
The ideal is something like Oracle set role feature.
I'd love if the solution also works for SQL Server 2000.
You might want to take a look at app roles (sp_setapprole), but you must be aware of consequences being that once the context is changed (e.g. the role is set), it can't be reverted with SQL Server 2000 (it's possible with 2005). The result of this is that the connection is effectively useless when closed in your code, e.g. it can't be returned to the pool and reused, which leads to scalability issues.
Otherwise it is not possible to change the security context once it has been established.
As far as I know SQL Server is very distinct on the account that is passed is the authenticated context. Take Enterprise Manager and other tools for example you must disconnect and re-connect to change users.
Plus looking at the way connection pooling works, it indicates that the connection itself is cached user specific, so if you changed executing parties part way through it would cause major problems with security.
So the short answer, no, it isn't possible as far as I know.
Depending on what you are doing, EXECUTE AS may help you out here. This allows you to execute SQL in the context of another user in a similar fashion to the RUN AS available from the Windows shell. The profiler and audit tracing in SQL Server allows you to see both the original user and which context a statement is run under.
EXECUTE AS USER = 'newuser';
SELECT ... <-- SQL code from under the context of newuser
Note: This is not available under SQL Server 2000 and was added because of requests like yours.
