Can I use one model inside of a different model in CakePHP? - cakephp

Can I use another Model inside one model?
class Form extends AppModel
var $name='Form';
var $helpers=array('Html','Ajax','Javascript','Form');
var $components = array( 'RequestHandler','Email');
function saveFormName($data)
function saveFieldname($data)

Old thread but I'm going to chime in because I believe the answers to be incomplete and lacking in "why". CakePHP has three ways to load models. Though only two methods work outside of a Controller, I'll mention all three. I'm not sure about version availability but this is core stuff so I believe they'll work.
App::import() only finds and require()s the file and you'll need to instantiate the class to use it. You can tell import() the type of class, the name and file path details.
ClassRegistry::init() loads the file, adds the instance to the object map and returns the instance. This is the better way to load something because it sets up "Cake" things as would happen if you loaded the class through normal means. You can also set an alias for the class name which I've found useful.
Controller::loadModel() uses ClassRegistry::init() as well as adds the Model as a property of the controller. It also allows $persistModel for model caching on future requests. This only works in a Controller and, if that's your situation, I'd use this method before the others.

You can create instances of other models from within any model/controller using one of these two methods.
If you're using Cake 1.2:
$attr = new Attribute();
If you're using Cake 1.1:
$attr = new Attribute();

An obvious solution everyone missed is to create an association between two models, if appropriate. You can use it to be able to reference one model from inside another.
class Creation extends AppModel {
public $belongsTo = array(
'Inventor' => array(
'className' => 'Inventor',
'foreignKey' => 'inventor_id',
public function whoIsMyMaker() {
$this->Inventor->id = $this->field('inventor_id');
return $this->Inventor->field('name');

In CakePHP 1.2, it's better to use:

This will do simply
class Form extends AppModel
$another_model = ClassRegistry::init('AnotherModel');

In CakePHP 3 we may use TableRegistry::get(modelName)
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
$itemsOb = TableRegistry::get('Items');
$items = $itemsOb->find("all");

If you want to use Model_B inside Model_A, add this line at the beginning of Model_A file:
App::uses('Model_B_ClassName', 'Model');
and then you will be able to use it inside Model_A. For example:
$Model_B = new Model_B_ClassName();
$result = $Model_B->findById($some_id);

var $uses = array('ModeloneName','ModeltwoName');
By using $uses property, you can use multiple models in controller instead of using loadModel('Model Name').
is way to use one model into other model. Best way will be to used association.


Extend Helper, use by original name

I have a helper we use in all our CakePHP apps that I am trying to extend to include an app-specific method. However, I'd like to refer to the helper by its original name.
e.g., instead of
I want to have my child class referred to by the base class name:
in the view.
Is there a way to do that? This is specifically in Cake 1.2, but the app will be upgraded to Cake 2 or possibly 3 next year, and I'd like to know the solution for any/all version(s).
Found the answer in the docs:
One common setting to use is the className option, which allows you to create aliased helpers in your views. This feature is useful when you want to replace $this->Html or another common Helper reference with a custom implementation:
// app/Controller/PostsController.php
class PostsController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array(
'Html' => array(
'className' => 'MyHtml'
// app/View/Helper/MyHtmlHelper.php
App::uses('HtmlHelper', 'View/Helper');
class MyHtmlHelper extends HtmlHelper {
// Add your code to override the core HtmlHelper

Paginate With and Without Contain Key CakePHP 2

I am using CakePHP 2.x and would like to apply pagination in my controller but I would like it to be available in one case with a contain key and the other case without the contain key. As an example consider this example:
class BlogController extends AppController {
public $name = "Blog";
public $paginate = array(
function just_posts() {
// I want to paginate Post as it is
function posts_with_comments() {
// I want paginate Post with 'contain'=>'comments'
In my real life case the purpose in doing this is for performance, to reduce the query time. But I am at a loss how to implement this. The $this->paginate(...) will only accept an argument to filter records. Is there a way to make two paginators available for the same model in a controller?
You should be able to modify your controller's paginate property within the relevant action to include the contain before doing the paginate:-
$this->paginate['Post']['contain'] = 'Comment';
This would extend the controller's defaults for the specific action.

use unassociate model in another model with condition in cakephp [duplicate]

Can I use another Model inside one model?
class Form extends AppModel
var $name='Form';
var $helpers=array('Html','Ajax','Javascript','Form');
var $components = array( 'RequestHandler','Email');
function saveFormName($data)
function saveFieldname($data)
Old thread but I'm going to chime in because I believe the answers to be incomplete and lacking in "why". CakePHP has three ways to load models. Though only two methods work outside of a Controller, I'll mention all three. I'm not sure about version availability but this is core stuff so I believe they'll work.
App::import() only finds and require()s the file and you'll need to instantiate the class to use it. You can tell import() the type of class, the name and file path details.
ClassRegistry::init() loads the file, adds the instance to the object map and returns the instance. This is the better way to load something because it sets up "Cake" things as would happen if you loaded the class through normal means. You can also set an alias for the class name which I've found useful.
Controller::loadModel() uses ClassRegistry::init() as well as adds the Model as a property of the controller. It also allows $persistModel for model caching on future requests. This only works in a Controller and, if that's your situation, I'd use this method before the others.
You can create instances of other models from within any model/controller using one of these two methods.
If you're using Cake 1.2:
$attr = new Attribute();
If you're using Cake 1.1:
$attr = new Attribute();
An obvious solution everyone missed is to create an association between two models, if appropriate. You can use it to be able to reference one model from inside another.
class Creation extends AppModel {
public $belongsTo = array(
'Inventor' => array(
'className' => 'Inventor',
'foreignKey' => 'inventor_id',
public function whoIsMyMaker() {
$this->Inventor->id = $this->field('inventor_id');
return $this->Inventor->field('name');
In CakePHP 1.2, it's better to use:
This will do simply
class Form extends AppModel
$another_model = ClassRegistry::init('AnotherModel');
In CakePHP 3 we may use TableRegistry::get(modelName)
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
$itemsOb = TableRegistry::get('Items');
$items = $itemsOb->find("all");
If you want to use Model_B inside Model_A, add this line at the beginning of Model_A file:
App::uses('Model_B_ClassName', 'Model');
and then you will be able to use it inside Model_A. For example:
$Model_B = new Model_B_ClassName();
$result = $Model_B->findById($some_id);
var $uses = array('ModeloneName','ModeltwoName');
By using $uses property, you can use multiple models in controller instead of using loadModel('Model Name').
is way to use one model into other model. Best way will be to used association.

CakePHP update public $uses = false; in action from same Controller

I'm writing an installation script for my CakePHP web application. I have a InstallController with 6 actions: step1, step2, step3, etc.
At step1 I'm handling Config/database.php creation. Because this file is empty and no datasource is available I have to set public $uses = false; in the InstallController.
At step2 the Config/database.php file is set so I should be able to make a connection to the datasource. This is also necessary because I want to update some database fields in the following steps.
Is it possible to update the public $uses = false; in every following steps after step1?
I'm using CakePHP version 2.3.5
Have you considered loading the model within the actions? So, something like:
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class InstallController extends AppController {
public $uses = false;
public function step1() {
public function step2() {
In CakePHP 2.x models are lazy loaded, so as long as your step1 action doesn't try to make use of a model, you can safely declare the models in your controllers $uses property, they are not being constructed until your code actually makes use of them.
However, if for some reason you'd actually need to modify $uses, well then just do it, as mentioned models are lazy loaded, so you can modify $uses whenever you want and then access the models afterwards via magic properties on the controller.

cakephp behavior afterFind not called on related models

I am using an afterFind function to modify data from a find function. It works fine. If I move the afterFind function into a behavior (in a plugin) it still works, but only when the model of interest is the primary model, i.e. it isn't called when the model belongsTo another model. Is there any way round this? I'm using cake 1.3.4. This is a simplified version of the behavior:
class ChemicalStructureBehavior extends ModelBehavior {
function afterFind(&$model, $results, $primary) {
foreach ($results as &$unit) {
// format chemical formula (with subscripts)
$unit[$model->alias]['chemical_formula_formatted'] = preg_replace('/([0-9]+)/i', '<sub>$1</sub>', $unit[$model->alias]['chemical_formula']);
return $results;
I guess I'd do one of 2 things depending on how generically the code block applies:
Universal version: not use a behavior, but include your method block in AppModel::afterFind
Surgical version: use a behavior and attach it to each model that needs to share the functionality.
A behavior isn't supposed to work on related models, for example, if you have this two models:
class Product extends AppModel{
var $belongsTo = array('Category');
var $actsAs = array('SomeBehavior');
class Category extends AppModel {
var $hasMany = array('Product');
SomeBehavior will only be executed when calling methods for Product, because the behavior isn't associated with Category
Set up an event that does the formatting - trigger that event however you need to. Easy as Cake.
