Detecting for Pessimistic lock in VB6 - database

I have a database system developed in VB6, and we have a scenario where more than one user may register at the same time triggering an insert in the database. I have used normal sqlconnection and recordset to make the insert and i initialize it with a pessimistic lock. Now how can i check in my application before inserting a record, if the table has been locked or not, thus if the table being inserted to has been locked currently i can alert the user that the table is in use or i can store his data temporarily and insert it once the lock is released. The underlying database is Access and the application is across multiple systems with database on a server.

You might want to read through Locking Shared Data by Using Recordset Objects in VBA. Most of it applies to VB6 as well as VBA.
It isn't really "normal" to lock a whole table, and you can't even do it via ADO and the Jet OLE DB Provider. Your question doesn't provide enough information to suggest any specific course of action.
You don't "check before inserting" either. Applications should be designed to stumble over locks relatively rarely. When they do, you deal with this as an exception. This is reflected in both the DAO and ADO APIs.


Faster SQL temp table and table variable by using memory optimization

Scenario C in This Microsoft Doc describes how temp tables scoped to a connection can be replaced with Memory-Optimized Tables. The scheme uses a Filter Security Policy which calls a function to determine if ##spid matches the SpidFilter column in the Memory-Optimized table.
Will this work with .NET connection pooling? I would expect ##spid will return the same number as a connection is re-used over and over again. .NET clears the session scoped temp tables by calling sp_reset_connection, but that will not clear Memory-Optimized tables, or change ##spid. Maybe sys.dm_exec_sessions's session_id could be added to make it work in a connection pooling environment?
With the help of Microsoft Support, I was able to get the necessary details about ASP.NET Connection Pooling to answer this concern. It is true that ASP.NET threads will share the same SPID, but never at the same time. A thread gets assigned a connection only after the connection is no longer being used by the previous thread. Connection Pooling does not reduce the number of connections needed, it only reduces the number of times connections need to be opened and closed.
This is good documentation on Connection Pooling, although it does not make that distinction.
Notice that Scenario C has special note: "Replace the CREATE TABLE #tempSessionC statements in your code with DELETE FROM dbo.soSessionC, to ensure a session is not exposed to table contents inserted by a previous session with the same session_id." – i-one
Since only one thread will be using the connection at a time, this is sufficient. If the table is not also deleted after being used, it will continue consuming memory (especially precious in Azure) until another thread happens to use a connection with the same SPID.

Synchronize data b/w two data stores

I have two different databases, one's an old legacy one which I'll be decommissioning due to the old service not being used anymore. The other one's is a new service and will eventually replace the old system. Before that happens we need both services running for a while.
Both have two tables for users for storing the email address, password and the other table is for simple user related data (addresses.)
I need to synchronize data between these two databases. The old one is a MS SQL Server DB and the new one's a NoSQL DB, (DynamoDB.)
My strategy would be that before going live, copy all the users from the old DB to the new one and then once the new system is running then synchronize the users between each DB.
I'll do this by having a tool run periodically to check any users added after last run by querying the users table something like this WHERE CreationDate >= LastRunTime and then for each user query it if it exists in the other database. I'll do this two way i.e. from old DB -> new DB and from new DB -> old DB.
Is this a good way of doing this? Any other better, fast solutions to achieve this?
How can I detect changes to existing user's data? Is there any better solution than checking & matching every user's record in both systems' tables and then taking the one that's last modified (by checking at the LastModifiedDate timestamp for each record) and updating it in the other system's table?
Solution 1 (My Recommended): Whenever system insert/update a record in either of the databases you add/update a record data in the database and add that information in a Queue.
A sperate reader will read from the queue and replicate the data to respective database periodically this way your data will get sync between the databases.
Note: Another advantage of using the queue would be that you don't have to set very high throughput in your DynamoDB table.
Solution 2: What you had suggested in your question, you can add a CRON job that will replicate the databases by checking the record based on timestamp.
I've executed several table migrations from Oracle / MySQL to DynamoDB with no downtime and the approach I used was a little different than what you described. This approach ends up requiring more coding but I would consider it a lower risk approach than the hard cutover you described.
This approach requires multiple phases as described below:
Phase 1
Create the new DynamoDB table(s) for the data in your legacy system.
Phase 2
Update your application to write/update data in both the legacy database and in DynamoDB. Your application will still read and write to the legacy system so this should be a low risk change.
Immediately before deploying this code load DynamoDB up with all of the old data.
Immediately after deploying audit the database to make sure they are in sync.
Phase 3
Update your application to start reading from DynamoDB. This should be low risk because your application will have been maintaining data in DynamoDB for some time.
Keep your application writing to the legacy database so you can cut back if you identify any problems in the new implementation. This ensures the cutover is low risk and you can easily roll back.
Phase 4
Remove the code from your application that reads and writes to the legacy database and deploy this to production.
You can now decommission the legacy database!
This is definitely more steps and will take more time than just taking the application down, migrating all of the data, and then deploying a new version of the application to read/write from DynamoDB. However, the main benefit to this approach is that it not only requires no downtime but is lower risk as it tests the change in phases and allows for easy rollback if any issues are encountered.
On high level, a sync job could be 1> cron job based or 2> notification based.
The cron job could do sync as well as auditing if you have "creation time" and "last_updated_by time". In this case the master DB (from where the data should be synced from) is normally a SQL Db since it's much easier to do table scan in SQL than in NoSQL (like in DynamoDB you need to use its scan function and it's limited by the table's hash key).
The second option is to build a notification machenism and this could be based on DynamoDB's stream It's a mature feature for DynamoDB, it guarantees event order and could achieve near real time event deliver. What you need to do is to build a listen for those events.
Lastly, you could take a look at AWS Database Migration Service to see if it satisfies your requirement.

MS Access holds locks on table rows indefinitely

We're using MS Access as the GUI for one of our systems, but we've run into an issue where Access is holding locks on the underlying tables or rows, which prevents SQL server from running any update queries on this data. This is problematic because while our Access frontend only requires read only access to this data, we have systems in place that are refreshing the data at regular intervals. These refresh operations fail (or are delayed indefinitely) due to Access already holding locks on the data.
This problem is illustrated by opening the Access frontend and using the sys.dm_tran_locks DMV to show locks on the data. The steps I take to reproduce the problem are:
Open the Access frontend. This shows a scrollable form with several thousand records
Use SQL server DMVs to show locks on the data. This shows 5 "object" type locks with request mode of "IS" (Intent shared). Using sys.dm_exec_requests shows the command status as "suspended" and the wait type as "ASYNC_NETWORK_IO". These locks are held as long as the user has the Access frontend open, and prevent any update/delete/truncate operations on the tables involved. Now if the user scrolls to the end of the record set in Access, the locks are released!
The second issue occurs when the user clicks through to show a single record in the frontend. When a single record is displayed onscreen, the SQL server DMVs show these locks: 3x object, 1x key, 1x page. The key is a shared lock, others are intent shared. Again, command status is suspended and wait type is ASYNC_NETWORK_IO. And these locks are held as long as the user is viewing the record
We need to stop access from holding these locks on an indefinite basis. Unfortunately MS Access is not part of my skill set so I don't know what needs to be done to fix this.
I didn't solve this problem, but a colleague did. What was done is that instead of creating linked tables to SQL Server tables he created linked tables to views. The views looked like this:
CREATE VIEW dbo.acc_tblMyTable
No locking, and as a bonus Access treated the data as read-only.
Make sure you understand what can happen when you use NOLOCK, however.
Unfortunately MS Access is not part of my skill set so I don't know what needs to be done to fix this.
Get rid of Access :)
Been developing applications that use SQL Server as the backend for years mostly .NET. Never ran into the locking (blocking) issues you are discussing. And a properly designed database should be using SQL Servers' default row level locking on update.
It is Access that is the issue. Since once upon a time it had an internal database that it had full control of it continues to think that is what is has and the behavior is what it thinks is correct. Effectively it has end run the SQL Server to do what it thinks is correct. Not really a good thing since Access is a file based product and a less than production ready one at that. Good for phone books or recipes and that is about all. Doesn't scale either.

Opening database connections in parallel

If a MySQL database connection is already open from a script (say PHP), is it advisable for another script (say python) to access the same database table at the the same time?
If not, what should be the alternative?
Database systems like MySQL are designed to accommodate this kind of multi-user access. They do this by employing locking mechanisms, most of which work in the background. The locking mechanisms prevent one user from trying to read a record while someone else is writing it, or two users from writing the same record at once.

Viewing database records realtime in WPF application

disclaimer: I must use a microsoft access database and I cannot connect my app to a server to subscribe to any service.
I am using to create a WPF application. I am populating a listview based on records from an access database which I query one time when the application loads and I fill a dataset. I then use LINQ to dataset to display data to the user depending on filters and whatnot.
However.. the access table is modified many times throughout the day which means the user will have "old data" as the day progresses if they do not reload the application. Is there a way to connect the access database to the application such that it can raise an event when a record is added, removed, or modified in the database? I am fine with any code required IN the event handler.. I just need to figure out a way to trigger a application event from the access table.
Think of what I am trying to do as viewing real-time edits to a database table, but within the application.. any help is MUCH appreciated and let me know if you require any clarification - I just need a general direction and I am happy to research more.
My solution idea:
Create audit table for ms access change
Create separate worker thread within the users application to query
the audit table for changes every 60 seconds
if changes are found it will modify the affected dataset records
Raise event on dataset record update to refresh any affected
Couple of ways to do what you want, but you are basically right in your process.
As far as I know, there is no direct way to get events from the database drivers to let you know that something changed, so polling is the only solution.
I the MS Access database is an Access 2010 ACCDB database, and you are using the ACE drivers for it (if Access is not installed on the machine where the app is running) you can use the new data macro triggers to record changes to the tables in the database automatically to an audit table that would record new inserts of updates, deletes, etc as needed.
This approach is the best since these happen at the ACE database driver level, so they will be as efficient as possible and transparent.
If you are using older versions of Access, then you will have to implement the auditing yourself. Allen Browne has a good article on that. A bit of search will bring other solutions as well.
You can also just run some query on the tables you need to monitor
In any case, you will need to monitor your audit or data table as you mentioned.
You can monitor for changes much frequently than 60s, depending on the load on the database, number of clients, etc, you could easily check ever few seconds.
I would recommend though that you:
Keep a permanent connection to the database while your app is running: open a dummy table for reading, and don't close it until you shutdown your app. This has no performance cost to anyone, but it will ensure that the expensive lock file creation is done only once, and not for every query you run. This can have a huge performance import. See this article for more information on why.
Make it easy for your audit table (or for your data table) to be monitored: include a timestamp column that records when a record was created and last modified. This makes checking for changes very quick and efficient: you just need to check if the most recent record modified date matches the last one you read.
With Access 2010, it's easy to add the trigger to do that. With older versions, you'll need to do that at the level of the form.
If you are using SQL Server
Up to SQL 2005 you could use Notification Services
Since SQL Server 2008 R2 it has been replaced by StreamInsight
Other database management systems and alternatives
Handle changes in a middle tier and signal the client
Or poll. This requires you to configure the interval so you do not miss out on a change too long.
In general
When a server has to be able to send messages to clients it needs to keep a channel/socket open to the clients this can become very expensive when there are a lot of clients. I would advise against a server push and try to do intelligent polling. Intelligent polling means an interval that is as big as possible and appropriate caching on the server to prevent hitting the database to many times for the same data.
