Leading DotNetNuke news and forum modules? [closed] - dotnetnuke

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm in the position of having to either recommend an existing or develop a custom news and forum module for a DotNetNuke installation. Both modules need to have the features you'd expect from such a module. Quite an open set of requirement, but that's all I have so far.
I've been brought in to rescue an Intranet redevelopment project which already uses DNN, so that's non-negotiable.
I've never developed for DNN before, so I don't know how easy module development is.
Those with experience in the area, please can you tell me:
The best news and forum modules you know of
How easy custom module development is
Would you recommend custom module development, or to use existing products.
Version 3 of DNN is currently in use, but a newer version can be installed if required.

"News module" is pretty open, but the best simple news module is probably Ventrian's News Articles module. My company, Engage Software, makes another article management system, Engage: Publish, that is more full featured in some areas.
Active Forums is generally considered the cream of the crop for DNN forums.
DNN module development takes a little getting used to, so that you're familiar with your options and what DNN offers, but it's fairly simple once you know what you're doing. Engage offers a number of training options if you end up deciding to go that route.
I think your best bet is to evaluate the existing modules, take them for a spin, and see if you can get them to meet your needs before you go creating something on your own. All of the modules I've mentioned will be able to support you if you run into any issues or need any help figuring out if they have a way to meet your needs.

If you are looking for a free news/article management system, try allnewsmanager.NET
A good forum that works in dnn is yetanotherforum.NET

Peter please list your client's requirements. Maybe you don't need a news module at all.
As for Forums, ActiveForum is good. The free DNN Forum module that comes with DNN is pretty good too.


Backbone.js documentation sources [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are there any good documentation for backbone.js? I am trying to learn it, however reading the official page is not convenient for me because it is not structured well.
For example reading about Models has some explanation considering the Collections, which are described later. So if there is a well structured documentation which describe everything in a convenient for understanding order, please suggest it.
I can tell you what are the resources that I used to get a grasp of Backbone (I am a backend developer turned frontend for necessity on a personal project).
This website has nice examples, from basic to advanced, and was pretty easy for me to follow them. Also these videos are exceptional and proved to be useful for me. Needless to say I am not affiliated to the owners of these resources, I am only bringing my own experience.
Having said that, my current resources for Backbone, now that I "got" it (and delivered a non-trivial project based on it) are the official website and the source code. It is true that the website is non-linear but that will not be a problem when you have digested all its pieces (you will find yourself go there just for a reference). Another story are the little caveats and details that are not written anywhere (official or unofficial docs). For that you need the source code that is well documented. Backbone, at least for me, had a steep learning curve. All the concepts are known if you did development before, but getting them right with Backbone and JS has been another story. The single most important resource to learn it has been starting to play with it! Seriously, you start with a small UI and try to play with events and collections (I used Chrome dev tools directly, no need to set up a real project). Then you grow organically from there.
But I agree that you kinda have to go and look for informations on multiple places...

Cakephp Shopping Cart [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was wondering which php based carts will be the easiest to integrate with cakephp.
I've heard about bakesale but I have no info on it whether is up to par with magento, cubecart or other carts out there. It's been a while since they have updated info on bakesale (August 2008). So if anyone has any info how reliable and secure bakesale is or is it better to use other php carts any info wil be appreciated.
That depends on how tightly you want the cart integrated with the rest of your Cakephp app.
I have tried Bakesale for online store, and I ended up dumping it for ZenCart after too many complaints from the client. I tried bakesale because it seemed simple, but it was too simple. It is does not have all of the features of a Magento or ZenCart. Some parts of it are unfinished or just plain broken.
Bakesale is a nice Cakephp app but really misses the mark as an ecommerce solution.
The development on both bakesale and phpshop seem pretty dead. I would suggest building your cake app separate and then setting up something like store.mydomain.com using magento. There are still ways of getting them to talk to one another.
Recent, I've released a shopping cart plugin for CakePHP called Kaching found at http://code.google.com/p/kaching-php/. It's a middle ground between Magento and Bakesale. I found Magento tried to make every store fit into the same mold and Bakesale lacked features.
With Kaching you create the store's look and feel by interacting with Kaching's controllers. There is no need to build a store administration because one is provided.
I heard phpshop was being re-written as a Cake app - not sure how far along they are... or why they aren't writing it as a plugin!
Given that Magento is written in Zend, which like CakePHP is MVC framework, you might be better off writing the site in Zend. I've coded in both frameworks and they have a lot in common due to the MVC nature, though CakePHP certainly has more automagic functionality.
Cart plugin for CakePHP 2.0. Still in development but already useable, it follows coding standards and has unit tests. https://github.com/burzum/cart

Motorcycle Database (make/model/prod year) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This is more of a resource question rather than technical one.
I am building a website for a client who needs to categorize photos (motorcycles) and I am looking for a database of models/years/production year.
If anyone knows where I can find such database please let me know.
Here is a database I put together for a Motorcycle website I was working on.
Motorcycle & Scooter Database, Years 1970-2010, 16,000+ records
Here is a link that I was able to find for you. From my experience, it's really hard to find anything free that deals with vehicle database references because of the ever changing makes and models.
If the above website doesn't work out for you, then another possiblity would be to see if you can find some of the old VIN lookup books out there and see if there is someway to get a download link or a CD copy of their information.
Good luck on your project.
You can automate an image search (through google image for example) for every make and model you got in the database. This method is error prone and the images have to be checked also manually to see that they are correct. But its an idea.
Also note copyright material and other things like that.
I have found another make-model-year database from here: http://allmotodatabase.com
Not perfect, but very good if you need moto make-model-year DB for some project, plus it contains some additional info (not available for all models though)
This came up when I was searching for one, I decided to scrape bikez.com, it's not complete (atm) but the scraper can be found https://github.com/ibash/bikez_scraper

releasing a javascript library for the first time [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm almost finished working on a useful (at least, in my opinion) JavaScript plugin. Having seen and used many JavaScript packages, both freely licensed (JQuery, YUI, etc) and partly or fully commercially licensed I'm not sure what other factors dictate which license I should release my own under and how to support the plugin.
Some background information on my JavaScript plugin:
Similar audience and plugin size/impact to addthis.com, although slightly more niche. My plugin doesn't provide any analytics though.
Uses JQueryUI for user interface, can be expanded upon with there themeing components, etc.
No other similar tool out there (at least that has become popular).
Can be easily integrated in to a website.
Questions I have:
Should I launch a dedicated website for the plugin, or use something similar to Google Groups? Would a dedicated website bring more kudos perhaps?
Would a Creative Commons Non-Commercial license be a suitable license considering I'm a young developer and perhaps reputation building is more important than my bank managers happiness?
These are the 2 big questions that have been puzzling me for a while now, and I don't know anyone who has been in a similar situation :(
Thanks for any advice.
Considering you seem community, rather than cash driven .. the community will hold the key to what they find best, simplest and acceptable (and what works)
What do other plugin developers do? Take their lead. They set the convention and it determines how other people find your plugin. If a Firefox extension only had it's own site then I probably wouldn't find it.
What do others use? GPL? LGPL? What does jQuery use? Ask them why?
It might be worth using an online revision control tool like github or launchpad so people can contribute bug reports and help your development.
If I were you I would definitely use something like launchpad or google code.
You get integrated (community enabled):
source version control
bug tracking
for free.
Considering this library is aimed at other (web) developers a shiny website seems a lot less important then the convenient features above (in a known format).
And: congratulations on your first release, of course ;-)
About running site:
For me running dedicated website gives your product more professional look. Hosting on Google groups isn't good choice for all products: you can't build screenshots gallery, own blog, etc. You can build forum by youself if you need it.

DotNetNuke Pros and cons for community blogging site [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm evaluating DotNetNuke for a project in which an offshore team is going to be doing the development. In short, the application will be a community blogging platform with many similarities to stackoverflow except no questions, just posts. Posts may include an image or video, tags, use info, title, body, community vote (up or down) comments, hotness, and a few other details. They should be taggable, sortable, categorizeable (beyond what a single set of tags provide) In the future the site will carry forums, a calendar, and a couple of other features for which there are modules available for DotNetNuke. Additionally, this site will incorporate a user experience that will include a lot of custom skinning.
Using a web application framework (such as DotNetNuke) has a ton of benefits to help you get up and running faster and do less work when creating custom functionality.
However, you have to realize that you're basically incorporating tons of code into your project that you may not be familiar with. No matter how good the code is and how easy the framework is to learn, there's still going to be a significant learning curve for you and your team.
Your decision making process (if you're still deciding whether or not to use DotNetNuke), should include (in addition to reading, talking and other general investigation):
Downloading the application from Codeplex and checking out the source.
Investigating the third party modules that are out there.
Downloading a free module or two that comes with source, and try to reverse engineer the creator's development process. How did she integrate with the framework, what features did she take advantage of, what was written from scratch?
One place where DotNetNuke (or any other framework with tons of extensions) available can really shine is taking existing extensions that are available and customize them. If you need to implement a given feature, check out the solutions in the third party extension community first. You can probably find one that gets you a good percentage of the way there and use it as a foundation for your feature.
For example, if you want a photo gallery on your site, you probably don't want to write it from scratch. There are three major photo galleries out there that sell the source code. The core gallery module is free, simple gallery is cheap, and the source for ultra media gallery is available for a reasonable amount compared to writing it yourself. Any of these could give you a good head start in implementing your features.
