WPF doesn't honor Textbox.MinLines for Auto height calculation - wpf

I want to have a TextBox which Height grows as Iam entering lines of Text.
I've set the Height property to "Auto", and so far the growing works.
Now I want that the TextBox's Height should be at least 5 lines.
Now I've set the MinLines property to "5" but if I start the app the TextBox's height is still one line.

Try setting the MinHeight property.

A hack to make the MinLines property work
public class TextBoxAdv : TextBox
bool loaded = false;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
public TextBoxAdv()
Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler( Control_Loaded );
SetResourceReference( StyleProperty, typeof( TextBox ) );
void Control_Loaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
if( !loaded )
loaded = true;
string text = Text;
Text = "Text";
Text = text;

I propose a different solution that properly respects the MinLines property, rather than forcing you to use MinHeight.
First, start with a convenience method to allow you to Post an action to the window loop. (I'm including both one where you need to pass state and one where you don't.)
public static class Globals {
public static void Post(Action callback){
if(SynchronizationContext.Current is SynchronizationContext currentContext)
currentContext.Post( _ => callback(), null);
public static void Post<TState>(TState state, Action<TState> callback){
if(SynchronizationContext.Current is SynchronizationContext currentContext)
currentContext.Post(_ => callback(state), null);
Next, create an extension method for TextBox to 'initialize' the proper size based on MinLines. I put this in a Hacks class because to me, that's what this is and it clearly identifies the code as such.
public static void FixInitialMinLines(this TextBox textBox) {
Globals.Post(() => {
var textBinding = textBox.GetBindingExpression(TextBox.TextProperty)?.ParentBinding;
if (textBinding != null) {
BindingOperations.ClearBinding(textBox, TextBox.TextProperty);
BindingOperations.SetBinding(textBox, TextBox.TextProperty, textBinding);
else {
var lastValue = textBox.Text;
textBox.Text = lastValue + "a";
textBox.Text = lastValue;
The above code handles both bound and unbound TextBox controls, but rather than simply changing the value like other controls which may cascade that change down through the bindings, it first disconnects the binding, forces layout, then reconnects the binding, thus triggering the proper layout in the UI. This avoids unintentionally changing your bound sources should the binding be two-way.
Finally, simply call the extension method for every TextBox where MinLines is set. Thanks to the Post call in the extension method, You can call this immediately after InitializeComponent and it will still be executed after all other events have fired, including all layout and the Loaded event.
public partial class Main : Window {
public Main() {
// Fix initial MinLines issue
Add the above code to your 'library' of functions and you can address the issue with a single line of code in all of your windows and controls. Enjoy!


Force Propagation of Coerced Value

tl;dr: Coerced values are not propagated across data bindings. How can I force the update across the data binding when code-behind doesn't know the other side of the binding?
I'm using a CoerceValueCallback on a WPF dependency property and I'm stuck at the issue that coerced values don't get propagated through to bindings.
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace CoerceValueTest
public class SomeControl : UserControl
public SomeControl()
StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();
Button bUp = new Button();
bUp.Content = "+";
bUp.Click += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
Value += 2;
Button bDown = new Button();
bDown.Content = "-";
bDown.Click += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
Value -= 2;
TextBlock tbValue = new TextBlock();
new Binding("Value") {
Source = this
this.Content = sp;
public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value",
new PropertyMetadata(0, ProcessValueChanged, CoerceValue));
private static object CoerceValue(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
if ((int)baseValue % 2 == 0) {
return baseValue;
} else {
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
private static void ProcessValueChanged(object source, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
private void ProcessValueChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
protected virtual void OnValueChanged(EventArgs e)
if (e == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("e");
if (ValueChanged != null) {
ValueChanged(this, e);
public event EventHandler ValueChanged;
public int Value {
get {
return (int)GetValue(ValueProperty);
set {
SetValue(ValueProperty, value);
public class SomeBiggerControl : UserControl
public SomeBiggerControl()
Border parent = new Border();
parent.BorderThickness = new Thickness(2);
parent.Margin = new Thickness(2);
parent.Padding = new Thickness(3);
parent.BorderBrush = Brushes.DarkRed;
SomeControl ctl = new SomeControl();
new Binding("Value") {
Source = this,
Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay
parent.Child = ctl;
this.Content = parent;
public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value",
new PropertyMetadata(0));
public int Value {
get {
return (int)GetValue(ValueProperty);
set {
SetValue(ValueProperty, value);
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
<Window x:Class="CoerceValueTest.Window1"
Title="CoerceValueTest" Height="300" Width="300"
<local:SomeBiggerControl x:Name="sc"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Value, ElementName=sc, Mode=TwoWay}" Name="tb"/>
<Button Content=" "/>
i.e. two user controls, one nested inside the other, and the outer one of those in a window. The inner user control has a Value dependency property that is bound to a Value dependency property of the outer control. In the window, a TextBox.Text property is bound to the Value property of the outer control.
The inner control has a CoerceValueCallback registered with its Value property whose effect is that this Value property can only be assigned even numbers.
Note that this code is simplified for demonstration purposes. The real version doesn't initialize anything in the constructor; the two controls actually have control templates that do everything that's done in the respective constructors here. That is, in the real code, the outer control doesn't know the inner control.
When writing an even number into the text box and changing the focus (e.g. by focusing the dummy button below the text box), both Value properties get duly updated. When writing an odd number into the text box, however, the Value property of the inner control doesn't change, while the Value property of the outer control, as well as the TextBox.Text property, show the odd number.
My question is: How can I force an update in the text box (and ideally also in the outer control's Value property, while we're at it)?
I have found an SO question on the same problem, but doesn't really provide a solution. It alludes to using a property changed event handler to reset the value, but as far as I can see, that would mean duplicating the evaluation code to the outer control ... which is not really viable, as my actual evaluation code relies on some information basically only known (without much effort) to the inner control.
Moreover, this blogpost suggests invoking UpdateTarget on the binding in TextBox.Text in the CoerceValueCallback, but first, as implied above, my inner control cannot possibly have any knowledge about the text box, and second, I would probably have to call UpdateSource first on the binding of the Value property of the inner control. I don't see where to do that, though, as within the CoerceValue method, the coerced value has not yet been set (so it's too early to update the binding), while in the case that the value is reset by CoerceValue, the property value will just remain what it was, hence a property changed callback will not get invoked (as also implied in this discussion).
One possible workaround I had thought of was replacing the dependency property in SomeControl with a conventional property and an INotifyPropertyChanged implementation (so I can manually trigger the PropertyChanged event even if the value has been coerced). However, this would mean that I cannot declare a binding on that property any more, so it's not a really useful solution.
I have been looking for an answer to this rather nasty bug myself for a while.
One way to do it, without the need to force an UpdateTarget on the bindings is this:
Remove your CoerceValue callback.
Shift the logic of the CoerceValue callback into your ProcessValueChanged callback.
Assign your coerced value to your Value property, when applicable (when the number is odd)
You will end up with the ProcessValueChanged callback being hit twice, but your coerced value will end up being effectively pushed to your binding.
Base on your code, your dependency property declaration would become this:
public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(0, ProcessValueChanged, null));
And then, your ProcessValueChanged would become this:
private static void ProcessValueChanged(object source, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
int baseValue = (int) e.NewValue;
SomeControl someControl = source as SomeControl;
if (baseValue % 2 != 0)
someControl.Value = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
I slightly modified your logic, to prevent raising the event when the value needs to be coerced. As mentionned before, assigning to someControl.Value the coerced value will cause your ProcessValueChanged to be called twice in a row. Putting the else statement would only raise the events with valid values once.
I hope this helps!

Dependecy properties that depend on other properties

Class C implements INotifyPropertyChanged.
Assume the C has Length, Width and Area propreties, where Area = Length * Width. A change in either might cause a change in area. All three are bound, i.e. the UI expects all three to notify of changes in their values.
When either Length or Width change, their setters call NotifyPropertyChanged.
How should I treat the calculated Area property? Currently the pattern I can think of is detecting in NotifyPropertyChanged whether the changed property is either Length or Width and, if such is the case, initiate an addional PropertyChanged notification for Area. This, however, requires that I maintain inside NotifyPropertyChanged the dependencies graph, which I feel is an anti-pattern.
So, my question is: How should I code dependency properties that depend on other dependency properties?
edit: People here suggested that Length and Width also call NotifyPropertyChanged for Area. Again, I think this is an anti-pattern. A property (IMHO) shouldn't be aware of who depends on it, as shouldn't NotifyPropertyChanged. Only the property should be aware of who it depends on.
This issue kept on bugging me, so I re-opened it.
First, I'd like to appologize for anyone taking my "anti-pattern" comment personally. The solutions offered here were, indeed, how-it's-done in WPF. However, still, IMHO they're bad practices caused, deficiencies in ther framework.
My claim is that the information hiding guide dictates that when B depeneds on A, A should not be aware of B. For exmaple, when B derives from A, A should not have code saying: "If my runtime type is really a B, then do this and that". Simiarily, when B uses A, A should not have code saying: "If the object calling this method is a B, then ..."
So it follows that if property B depends on property A, A shouldn't be the one who's responsible to alert B directly.
Conversely, maintaining (as I currently do) the dependencies graph inside NotifyPropertyChanged is also an anti-pattern. That method should be lightweight and do what it name states, not maintain dependency relationships between properties.
So, I think the solution needed is through aspect oriented programming: Peroperty B should use an "I-depend-on(Property A)" attribute, and some code-rewriter should create the dependency graph and modify NotifyPropertyChanged transparently.
Today, I'm a single programmer working on a single product, so I can't justify dvelving with this any more, but this, I feel, is the correct solution.
Here is an article describing how to create a custom attribute that automatically calls PropertyChanged for properties depending on another property: http://www.redmountainsw.com/wordpress/2012/01/17/a-nicer-way-to-handle-dependent-values-on-propertychanged/
The code will look like this:
public int Total
get { return A + B; }
public int A
get { return m_A; }
set { m_A = value; RaisePropertyChanged("A"); }
public int B
get { return m_B: }
set { m_B = value; RaisePropertyChanged("B"); }
I haven't tried it myself but I like the idea
When the Length or Width properties are changed you fire PropertyChanged for Area in addition to firing it for either Length or Width.
Here is a very simple implementation based on backing fields and the method OnPropertyChanged to fire the PropertyChanged event:
public Double Length {
get { return this.length; }
set {
this.length = value;
public Double Width {
get { return this.width; }
set {
this.width = value;
public Double Area {
get { return this.length*this.width; }
Doing it like this is certainly not an anti-pattern. That is exactly the pattern for doing it. You as the implementer of the class knows that when Length is changed then Area is also changed and you encode it by raising the appropriate event.
Then you should raise twice, in Length and Width property setters. One for the actual property and one for the Area property.
for example:
private int _width;
public int Width
get { return _width; }
if (_width == value) return;
_width = value;
People here suggested that Length and Width also call
NotifyPropertyChanged for Area. Again, I think this is an
anti-pattern. A property (IMHO) shouldn't be aware of who depends on
it, as shouldn't NotifyPropertyChanged. Only the property should be
aware of who it depends on.
This is not an anti-pattern. Actually, your data encapsulated inside this class, so this class knows when and what changed. You shouldn't know outside of this class that Area depends on Width and Length. So the most logical place to notify listeners about Area is the Width and Length setter.
A property (IMHO) shouldn't be aware of who depends on it, as
shouldn't NotifyPropertyChanged.
It does not break encapsulation, because you are in the same class, in the same data structure.
An extra information is that knockout.js (a javascript mvvm library) has a concept which accessing this problem: Computed Observables. So I believe this is absolutely acceptable.
Here is a possible implementation of an attribute:
public class DependentPropertiesAttribute : Attribute
private readonly string[] properties;
public DependentPropertiesAttribute(params string[] dp)
properties = dp;
public string[] Properties
return properties;
Then in the Base View Model, we handle the mechanism of calling property dependencies:
public class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ViewModelBase()
private readonly Dictionary<string, List<string>> _dependencies = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
private void DetectPropertiesDependencies()
var propertyInfoWithDependencies = GetType().GetProperties().Where(
prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(DependentPropertiesAttribute))).ToArray();
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfoWithDependencies)
var ca = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<DependentPropertiesAttribute>().Single();
if (ca.Properties != null)
foreach (string prop in ca.Properties)
if (!_dependencies.ContainsKey(prop))
_dependencies.Add(prop, new List<string>());
protected void OnPropertyChanged(params Expression<Func<object>>[] expressions)
expressions.Select(expr => ReflectionHelper.GetPropertyName(expr)).ToList().ForEach(p => {
RaiseDependentProperties(p, new List<string>() { p });
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };
protected virtual void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
protected void RaiseDependentProperties(string propertyName, List<string> calledProperties = null)
if (!_dependencies.Any() || !_dependencies.ContainsKey(propertyName))
if (calledProperties == null)
calledProperties = new List<string>();
List<string> dependentProperties = _dependencies[propertyName];
foreach (var dependentProperty in dependentProperties)
if (!calledProperties.Contains(dependentProperty))
RaiseDependentProperties(dependentProperty, calledProperties);
Finally we define dependencies in our ViewModel
[DependentProperties("Prop1", "Prop2")]
public bool SomeCalculatedProperty
return Prop1 + Prop2;

Silvelright -set tabindex of UIElements in MVVM

I am trying to set the tab index of two UIElements within a user control. The user control contains a text box and button. I have focus currently being applied to the textbox via an attached property however I would like to have the ability to press the tab key and navigate from the textblock to the button or detect the key press (Enter key) and trigger the command on the button(I know separate question)
The main focus is accomplishing the tab index first.
Thanks for any pointers or suggestions.
I've since tried to employ an attached property to handle the tabbing order
public static DependencyProperty TabIndexProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("TabIndex", typeof(int), typeof(AttachedProperties), null);
public static void SetTabIndex(UIElement element, int value)
Control c = element as Control;
if (c != null)
RoutedEventHandler loadedEventHandler = null;
loadedEventHandler = new RoutedEventHandler(delegate
c.Loaded -= loadedEventHandler;
c.Loaded += loadedEventHandler;
However when this I attempt to compile I receive errors that the TabIndex property does not exist for the button control. Any ideas why this is failing?
This is a view specific concern and, as such, even in MVVM should be handled at the ViewLevel. MVVM doesn't stipulate that you remove all code from code behind. It simply means you should have a view specific concern when you do put code there. This is one of those cases, imo.
It is late in the day... I resolved this using an attached property. in the above solution I had copied an earlier DP that I created and did not change the code before I tested.
Below is the working solution
I created a attached properties class and then added the following code:
#region Search Field Focus
public static DependencyProperty InitialFocusProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("InitialFocus", typeof(bool), typeof(AttachedProperties), null);
public static void SetInitialFocus(UIElement element, bool value)
Control c = element as Control;
if (c != null && value)
RoutedEventHandler loadedEventHandler = null;
//set focus on control
loadedEventHandler = new RoutedEventHandler(delegate
c.Loaded -= loadedEventHandler;
c.Loaded += loadedEventHandler;
public static bool GetInitialFocus(UIElement element)
return false;
#region Tabbing Order of Elements
public static DependencyProperty TabIndexProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("TabIndex", typeof(int), typeof(AttachedProperties), null);
public static void SetTabIndex(UIElement element, int value)
element.SetValue(TabIndexProperty, value);
public static int GetTabIndex(UIElement element)
return (int)element.GetValue(TabIndexProperty);
The first DP sets the focus of a textblock so that when the user control is loaded you see the cursor placed within the text field.
DP 2 sets the tabbing order. Since the focus is already applied to the current control tabbing falls into place normally. If you did not have focus on the control you would need to set this first.
then finally within the xaml declare your class in the xmlns and add away to the controls.

Programmatically create ItemsPanelTemplate for Silverlight ComboBox?

I am trying to create a Blend behavior related to ComboBoxes. In order to get the effect I want, the ItemsPanel of the ComboBox has to have a certain element added to it. I don't want to do this in every ComboBox that uses the behavior, so I want the Behavior to be able to inject the ItemsPanelTemplate programmatically. However, I can't seem to find a way to do this. ItemsPanelTemplate does not seem to have a property/method that lets me set the visual tree. WPF ItemsPanelTemplate has the VisualTree but Silverlight does not.
Basically, what is the programmatic equivalent of this XAML?
Okay apparently that is not an easy question, so I started a bounty and I'm going to give some more background in case there is another way to go about this. I want to provide keyboard support for the Silverlight ComoboBox. Out of the box it only supports the up and down arrows but I also want it to work so that when the user hits a letter, the ComboBox jumps to the first item of that letter, similar to how ComboBoxes work in a browser or Windows app.
I found this blog post, which got me half way. Adapting that behavior code, the ComboBox will change selection based on letter input. However, it does not work when the ComboBox is opened. The reason for this, according to this blog post is that when the ComboBox is opened, you are now interacting with its ItemsPanel and not the ComboBox itself. So according to that post I actually need to add a StackPanel to the ItemsPanelTemplate and subscribe to the StackPanel's KeyDown event, in order to take action when the ComboBox is opened.
So that is what prompted my question of how to get a StackPanel into the ItemsPanelTemplate of a ComboBox, from a behavior. If that is not possible, are there alternative ways of getting this to work? Yes, I know I could go to each ComboBox in the application and add a StackPanel and the event. But I want to do this through a behavior so that I don't have to modify every ComboBox in the app, and so I can reuse this logic across applications.
AnthonyWJones' answer below using XamlReader gets me part way, in that I can create the StackPanel and get it into the template. However, I need to be able to get at that SP programmatically in order to subscribe to the event.
This should work. I've shown how you can change the orientation below. You can add additional SetValue calls to modify other properties.
cb.ItemsPanel = new ItemsPanelTemplate();
var stackPanelFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof (StackPanel));
// Modify it like this:
stackPanelFactory.SetValue(StackPanel.OrientationProperty, Orientation.Horizontal);
// Set the root of the template to the stack panel factory:
cb.ItemsPanel.VisualTree = stackPanelFactory;
You can find more detailed information in this article: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WPF/codeVsXAML.aspx
What you actually want to build programmatically is this:-
<StackPanel />
Your behaviour will then assign this to the ItemsPanel property of the ComboBox it is attached to. Currently your behaviour is pure code but there is no way to create the above purely in code.
Since this is such a small piece for of Xaml the easiest approach is to use the XamlReader:-
ItemsPanelTemplate itemsPanelTemplate = XamlReader.Load("<ItemsPanelTemplate><StackPanel /></ItemsPanelTemplate>");
I think, best way for you - extend combobox functionality not via behavior but using inheritance.
So, you can create own control MyComboBox:ComboBox. Create style for it - get default ComboBox Style
And write instead (look for ScrollViewer by name):
< ScrollViewer x:Name="ScrollViewer" BorderThickness="0" Padding="1" >
< ItemsPresenter />
< /ScrollViewer >
< ScrollViewer x:Name="ScrollViewer" BorderThickness="0" Padding="1" >
< StackPanel x:Name="StackPanel" >
< ItemsPresenter />
< /StackPanel >
< /ScrollViewer >
This StackPanel you can get in code:
public class MyComboBox: ComboBox{
public CM()
DefaultStyleKey = typeof (MyComboBox);
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
StackPanel stackPanel = (StackPanel)GetTemplateChild("StackPanel");
stackPanel.KeyUp += (s, e) => { /*do something*/ };
Inheritance is more powerful. It's allow work with template elements.
If you decided to inject ItemsPanel, you must understand that:
1)it's impossible from code with keeping reference on injected panel.
2)to get reference to injected panel, this panel must registered itself in some storage, e.g.
< ComboBox>
< ComboBox.ItemsPanel>
< ItemsPanelTemplate>
< StackPanel>
< i:Interaction.EventTriggers>
< i:EventTrigger EventName="Loaded">
< RegisterMyInstanceInAccessibleFromCodePlaceAction/>
< /i:EventTrigger>
< /i:Interaction.EventTriggers>
< /StackPanel>
< /ItemsPanelTemplate>
< /ComboBox.ItemsPanel>
< /ComboBox>
Good luck!
I found your post while trying to set the ItemsPanel from code so that I can implement a VirtualizingStackPanel. When there are hundreds of items in my list, performance sucks. Anyway .. here's how I did it.
1) Custom control
2) Custom Behavior
-- you could also just apply this behavior to the normal ComboBox - either at each instance, or through a style.
-- you might also expose the timeout value so that can be overridden in xaml ..
-- also, it seems this doesn't work when the dropdown itself is open. not sure why exactly .. never looked into it
public class KeyPressSelectionComboBox : ComboBox
private BindingExpression _bindingExpression;
public KeyPressSelectionComboBox()
: base()
Interaction.GetBehaviors(this).Add(new KeyPressSelectionBehavior());
Height = 22;
this.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(KeyPressSelectionComboBox_SelectionChanged);
void KeyPressSelectionComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (_bindingExpression == null)
_bindingExpression = this.GetBindingExpression(ComboBox.SelectedValueProperty);
if (this.GetBindingExpression(ComboBox.SelectedValueProperty) == null)
this.SetBinding(ComboBox.SelectedValueProperty, _bindingExpression.ParentBinding);
/// <summary>
/// This behavior can be attached to a ListBox or ComboBox to
/// add keyboard selection
/// </summary>
public class KeyPressSelectionBehavior : Behavior<Selector>
private string keyDownHistory = string.Empty;
private double _keyDownTimeout = 2500;
private DateTime _lastKeyDownTime;
private DateTime LastKeyDownTime
if (this._lastKeyDownTime == null)
this._lastKeyDownTime = DateTime.Now;
return this._lastKeyDownTime;
set { _lastKeyDownTime = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the Path used to select the text
/// </summary>
public string SelectionMemberPath { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the Timeout (ms) used to reset the KeyDownHistory item search string
/// </summary>
public double KeyDownTimeout
get { return _keyDownTimeout; }
set { _keyDownTimeout = value; }
public KeyPressSelectionBehavior() { }
/// <summary>
/// Attaches to the specified object: subscribe on KeyDown event
/// </summary>
protected override void OnAttached()
this.AssociatedObject.KeyDown += DoKeyDown;
void DoKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
// Create a list of strings and indexes
int index = 0;
IEnumerable<Item> list = null;
var path = SelectionMemberPath ??
var evaluator = new BindingEvaluator();
if (path != null)
list = this.AssociatedObject.Items.OfType<object>()
.Select(item =>
// retrieve the value using the supplied Path
var binding = new Binding();
binding.Path = new PropertyPath(path);
binding.Source = item;
BindingEvaluator.TargetProperty, binding);
var value = evaluator.Target;
return new Item
Index = index++,
Text = Convert.ToString(value)
list = this.AssociatedObject.Items.OfType<ListBoxItem>()
.Select(item => new Item
Index = index++,
Text = Convert.ToString(item.Content)
// Sort the list starting at next selectedIndex to the end and
// then from the beginning
list = list.OrderBy(item => item.Index <=
this.AssociatedObject.SelectedIndex ?
item.Index + this.AssociatedObject.Items.Count : item.Index);
// calculate how long has passed since the user typed a letter
var elapsedTime = DateTime.Now - this.LastKeyDownTime;
if (elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds <= this.KeyDownTimeout)
{ /* if it's less than the timeout, add to the search string */
this.keyDownHistory += GetKeyValue(e);
{ /* otherwise replace it */
this.keyDownHistory = GetKeyValue(e);
// Find first starting with the search string
var searchText = this.keyDownHistory;
var first = list.FirstOrDefault(item =>
item.Text.StartsWith(searchText, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
if (first != null)
{ /* found */
this.AssociatedObject.SelectedIndex = first.Index;
{ /* not found - so reset the KeyDownHistory */
this.keyDownHistory = string.Empty;
// reset the last time a key was pressed
this.LastKeyDownTime = DateTime.Now;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the pressed key,
/// specifically converting number keys from their "Dx" value to their expected "x" value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string GetKeyValue(KeyEventArgs e)
string rValue = string.Empty;
switch (e.Key)
rValue = e.Key.ToString();
case Key.D0:
case Key.NumPad0:
rValue = (0).ToString();
case Key.D1:
case Key.NumPad1:
rValue = (1).ToString();
case Key.D2:
case Key.NumPad2:
rValue = (2).ToString();
case Key.D3:
case Key.NumPad3:
rValue = (3).ToString();
case Key.D4:
case Key.NumPad4:
rValue = (4).ToString();
case Key.D5:
case Key.NumPad5:
rValue = (5).ToString();
case Key.D6:
case Key.NumPad6:
rValue = (6).ToString();
case Key.D7:
case Key.NumPad7:
rValue = (7).ToString();
case Key.D8:
case Key.NumPad8:
rValue = (8).ToString();
case Key.D9:
case Key.NumPad9:
rValue = (9).ToString();
return rValue;
/// <summary>
/// Helper class
/// </summary>
private class Item
public int Index;
public string Text;
/// <summary>
/// Helper class used for property path value retrieval
/// </summary>
private class BindingEvaluator : FrameworkElement
public static readonly DependencyProperty TargetProperty =
typeof(BindingEvaluator), null);
public object Target
get { return GetValue(TargetProperty); }
set { SetValue(TargetProperty, value); }

How to create input gesture for page/window from an user control

I have a reusable usercontrol that uses a few commands and corresponding keyboard gestures,
(specifically Escape and Ctrl+1...Ctrl+9)
Now as I use this usercontrol in multiple locations I'd like to define the input gestures in the usercontrol, which works fine as long as the focus is within the usercontrol. However, I'd need it to work as long as focus is within the current page/window.
How can I do it, or do I really have to do command/input bindings on every page?
You could handle the Loaded event of the UserControl and walk up the logical tree to find the owning page/window, then you can add the bindings there.
public partial class Bogus : UserControl
public Bogus()
Loaded += (s, e) => { HookIntoWindow(); };
private void HookIntoWindow()
var current = this.Parent;
while (!(current is Window) && current is FrameworkElement)
current = ((FrameworkElement)current).Parent;
if (current != null)
var window = current as Window;
// Add input bindings
var command = new AlertCommand();
window.InputBindings.Add(new InputBinding(command, new KeyGesture(Key.D1, ModifierKeys.Control)));
