Launch SMS from a mobile browser [duplicate] - mobile

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Sending an SMS from mobile browser
Is it possible to launch SMS/Texting application from a link in a website on a mobile browser? I doubt it's possible globally, but maybe it's possilbe for certain subsets (Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Google Android, etc etc), which we can detect and display.

You can use wap wtai primite: Send SMS. It runs on great majority of browsers.

I don't think it comes out of the box but you might be able to install a webkit widget on a recent series60 phone (samsung innov8, nokia n85...) to link the browser with the messaging application.

iOS specific docs:
examples on other platforms such as Android here:


Building a mobille phone app with webview

I am willing to write a very simple mobile phone app (Android and iPhone). It is so generic that it should already exists. Only 2 pages : one for choosing the URL of the server and one with only webview. It already works in a browser. I looked at tools for this purpose (Android studio and Ionics) but they are quite difficult to start with. Any hint to get this done quickly ?
Thanks in advance.
You can do it with a simple ionic app and the in-app-browser plugin:

Ionic App crashes when focus lost [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed)
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Im not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but the App I am building crashes on Android when it loses focus. Its a basic time recording App using angular-timer. I have handled it so when the app loads it checks to see if a timer was in progress and resumes, but I thought I would see if anyone else out there has seen this happen.
I can recreate the issue by opening the App, then opening Google Play while the app is running in the background. When I return to the Ionic App the splash screen is shown and the App loads from start again.
It's not "crashing", it's simply just not running in the background. See the many related questions here on StackOverflow:
Can phonegap app work in background?
Creating an Android service with Phonegap?
Background service plugin on GitHub

Can you use the Ionic framework to build Mac apps?

The title pretty much says it all. I was asked this question today and really didn't know the answer.
Ionic is not intended to build desktop, or even desktop browser based applications.
From the official docs :
Ionic is focused on building native/hybrid mobile apps rather than
mobile websites.
As such, our browser support tends to be whatever Web View API is
available to native apps on a given platform. For Ionic 1.0.0
"uranium-unicorn", that means UIWebView for iOS 7+, and Android 4.1
and up. Windows Phone and FirefoxOS support is on our roadmap.
Even if you implement a browser website using ionic, the rendered output would rather weird.
Infact, Ionic has itself implemented it's website using bootstrap ;)

SMS , flashlight, vibrate not working on codename one android build

I have made an android app using codename one
I tried the following with codename one:
1) Display.getInstance().flashBacklight(10);
All these API worked properly for the J2me build.
However, for android none of them worked. Why could this be happening? I tried it on motorolla atrix 2.
flashBacklight isn't supported on Android, if I remember correctly that functionality wasn't available on older Android versions it might be available now. You can file an issue on that and we can look into it again.
Vibrate should work its possible vibration was disabled on that specific device but I haven't tried it. You can file an issue on that as well and we can have a look.
Send SMS works for me, it opens up the SMS intent on Android and passes the text/number to which the SMS should be sent. This is different behavior than the J2ME version of sending SMS.

coverting existing flash with cakephp website into mobile version

How to convert the existing flash site into mobile version existing site in form of the cakephp frame work. We thought that html ,css,php,javascript may work all mobiles.We dont know exactly. Please tell us how many possible way to develop existing site into mobile version and also need to detect the from which browser the request is coming whether mobile browser or pc browser.
The existing site link is :This site convert into mobile version
Take a look at this post. PHP is handled on the server. No browser needs to support it. CSS and XHTML are supported pretty well by mobile browsers. Javascript support is limited.
