Styling Sylverlight Telerik Radupload - silverlight

At the moment I'm using Silverlight RadControls from Telerik. In my site I've implemented the RadUpload control. Because the control is not styled the way I want, I'm restyling it for my site. The way I'm doing this is as follows: Right click on xRadUpload > Edit Template > Edit a Copy. After doing this I'm able to style almost everything, except for one thing.
During runtime of the Silverlight application, the xRadUpload enables users to upload files. Those files that are selected using the browse button, show up in the application in several bars. I want to restyle those specific bars.
The problem is, I can't find those bars using Expression Blend.
I've already looked at the Telerik help documentation. It says that if you want to restyle the control you need to edit the following control templates: RadUpload and UploadItem.
After reading this I think I need to edit UploadItem, but I cannot find it, while my application works correctly. Has anyone encountered this problem before, who can help me?

Looks like Telerik has listed the items that are required in the UploadItem control. If you want to get the control template you can open the Telerik dll in Reflector and in Reflector look in the Resources folder for the dll. You should see the generic.xaml in there and you can double click it to open the file. In that file you should see the control templates.

My problem is solved, for the solution go to


WPF Ribbon Window

I am creating WPF application, I want ribbon menu like this link. I am using MahApps Metro style window. How to add a ribbon menu in the metro window. I tried lot of codings, but didn't work. So please kindly send a procedure or coding for the ribbon window. Thanks..
You could try to use Fluent.Ribbon.
It's open source, should work well with MahApp.Metro and the showcase application shows both being used together.
Just download the showcase application, unzip it, run it and have a look at the tab below the ribbon which has the "Test" header. Said tab contains a button "Open MahMetro-Window" which you just have to click.
The most recent showcase application can be downloaded from appveyor. Please note that there is no separate zip package for the showcase application. There is only one zip package containing everything you need.
Disclaimer: I am the current maintainer of Fluent.Ribbon.
Ribbon control which is similar to the Microsoft Office Ribbon Bar is available in WPF.
Check this.
See this also.

DevExpress PivotGrid (Silverlight) : Popup Menus don't popup

We are using DevExpress Silverlight PivotGrid (11.2.7). The problem is that none of the popups work as one would expect.
Here is the xaml code (note that all of these properties are True by default and don't need to be set)
... data bindings ...
Once the host control for the grid is shown and the data is loaded right-clicking on any of the relevant areas doesn't bring either of the popups (there are 3).
Strangely (or not so strangely) in the sample SL project provided by devex everything works as it should.
The one (significant) difference between the sample app and our project is that we are using MEF and relevant .xaps are loaded dynamically based on which user logged in and some other stuff.
We have tried a lot stuff to figure out what is wrong but haven't managed to find anything even remotely relevant. Here is what we have tried :
Adding the pivotgrid to the host tabpage in codebehind after imports have been satisfied;
Setting / resetting properties mentioned above after imports from codebehind;
Adding the control to the startup page of the project before the MEF madness kicks in;
We also tried to popup the menus manually by inheriting from the pivotgrid control, but that has not yielded much;
Enabled RedrawRegions to make sure the popup is not popping 'under'. It's not;
Any pointers or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
It appears that this was some bug in the version we were using at the time.
After updating to 12.1 everything works like it should without any tinkering from our side.
Looks like devex guys have bugs too...who knew right :)

Custom Wpf ListBox Control

I'm new to wpf and have just been given a project to create a set of custom controls which will be used to make a previous windows forms application more manageable and current. However I cannot seem to find much info with regards to customising the built in Listbox, this would involve preferably replacing the scroll bar and the +/- buttons with custom images etc..
Just wondered if anyone knows how to get at these ?
Thanks in advance.
Check here for the default control template of the listbox.You can customize the scrollviewer there to do what you are looking for.Check the below article to get started
Using Templates to Customize WPF Controls
Learn about WPF styling and templating. Other than that, the question is too generic for SO. Read the article (and perhaps google some more articles on the topic), try to style the listbox and come back with specific issues. WPF is not easy to get into, but it is definitely worth the time.

Silverlight 3: How to implement Textblock copy/paste functionality?

Silverlight is awesome, most of my application users are giving positive feedback about silverlight. However some of the users are not able to live without copy/paste functionality. They are very much used to copy/paste functionality provided by HTML page out of the box.
How can I implement such a context menu as well as copy/paste functionality?
PS: Windows only solution is fine too.
Aside from using TextBox with IsReadOnly=true, you'll have a pretty hard time trying to simulate selection and copy/paste in a TextBlock. I would identify the areas they wish to copy/paste the most and use TextBox's there. You could even remove the border and make a transparent background and it should look nearly identical to adjacent TextBlock's.
If you do that then you will get the selection and copy functionality provided by TextBox and it works across browsers.
Otherwise you will need to go through the browser's DOM to put stuff on the clipboard and that will be a pain because of cross-browser concerns. Silverlight 4 adds a Clipboard API if you're able to start development with a beta version.
As Josh has answered, style a TextBox to look like a TextBlock. In terms of copy and paste:
Assuming the users aren't content with just CTRL+C, CTRL+X or CTRL+V - you can now access the clipboard in Silverlight 4:
string content = Clipboard.GetText();
Clipboard.SetText("hello world");
A context menu can be done in various ways, and in Silverlight 4 it is actually properly supported cross browser instead of just IE. You could do it with a Popup or a ChildWindow or just use one from the Vectorlight library:
This open source project on Codeplex contains a demo that does just that and much more:

silverlight wrappanel

I want to create/design the similar to above site/url using silverlight.
For this I have created separate user controls(Xaml files). Please advice me the steps/way to proceed in silveright. I am using silverlight versin 2.
I am thinking to use Wrappanel to adjust all the xmal files in Home page/default page. so that I can navigate to any page.
You can grab the XAP from your internet cache, open it with any zip tool and then use something like reflector to look in the DLLs to get the XAML out, should you desire to see how they did it themselves.
There's actually a project on codeplex which demonstrates how to do this dashpart effect with full source code called blacklight, so the above is probably not necessary.
