Using Cygwin to Compile a C program; Execution error - c

I'm enrolled in a masters computer science course. The course is using C and the instructor wants us to use Cygwin to compile programs if we are using windows.
I've downloaded and installed Cygwin and I've ensured that I've installed the GCC compiler.
But I don't know where to go from here. I need to compile a single source file that has a basic include.
#include <stdio.h>
Lets assume the file is on my desktop (it is not, but for the sake of argument). How do I navigate to the desktop from the bash shell? I assume once I've navigated to the correct location in bash, I simply execute:
gcc myProgram.c -o myProgram
Update: Following different instructions posted below, I was able to compile the program; I thank you for that. But when I execute the resulting binary I get the following. How can I compile or execute this program so I don't get the error? Again, thank you.
This application has failed to start because cygwin1.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

when you start in cygwin, you are in your $HOME, like in unix generally, which maps to c:/cygwin/home/$YOURNAME by default. So you could put everything there.
You can also access the c: drive from cygwin through /cygdrive/c/ (e.g. /cygdrive/c/Documents anb Settings/yourname/Desktop).

Regarding your updated question about the missing cygwin1.dll.
From the Cygwin terminal check,
ls /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
If it is not present (I doubt that), your installation is not properly done.
Then, check your path with,
echo $PATH
This will give : separated list of paths. It MUST contain /usr/bin. If you find that missing add it with,
export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
I hope you are using Cygwin from the cygwin terminal (the little green+black icon installed with Cygwin), or MinTTY (if you installed that).
And, you have not moved the compiled EXE to a different machine which does not have Cygwin installed (if you do that, you will need to carry the cygwin1.dll to that machine -- keep it in the same folder as the compiled EXE).

Just to summarize, here are some commands that navigate to a directory and compile code using Cygwin and Windows Vista:
Start a Cygwin shell.
At the prompt, use cd to change to the appropriate directory:
$ cd /cygdrive/c/Users/nate/Desktop
Use ls to list the files in the directory:
$ ls
Use the gcc command to compile a file in this directory:
$ gcc prog.c -o prog
If you don't see any errors, you should be able to run the resulting program:
$ ./prog
For the "Cygwin1.dll not found" error, I like Nik's answer. You might also check out this related post about cygwin1.dll not found, which suggests adding c:\cygwin\bin\ to your Windows PATH.
There are instructions on how to change the Windows PATH variable for Windows XP, and on Vista I think it's similar.
Go to Control Panel -> System
Select Advanced System Settings
Click on the Advanced tab
Click on Environment Variables
Under System Variables, find the Path entry and click Edit
Add c:\cygwin\bin to the list, making sure to separate it from any previous items with a semicolon

Look for (that is, cd to)
that will usually be your C:\
Also look at Using Cygwin, the Lifehacker introduction (June/2006) and, this biomed page at PhysioNet.

Regarding the cygwin1.dll not found error, a solution I have used for at least 8 years is to add the Cygwin bin directories to the end of my %PATH% in My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables. I add them to the end of the path so in my normal work, they are searched last, minimizing the possibility of conflicts (in fact, I have had no problems with conflicts in all this time).
When you invoke the Cygwin Bash Shell, those directories get prepended to the %PATH% so everything works as intended in that environment as well.
When not running in Cygwin shell, my %PATH% is:
Path=c:\opt\perl\bin; \
C:\opt\cygwin\bin; \
C:\opt\cygwin\usr\bin; \
This way, for example, ActiveState Perl's perl is found first when I am not in a Cygwin Shell, but the Cygwin perl is found when I am working in the Cygwin Shell.

If you are not comfortable with bash, you can continue to work in a standard windows command (i.e. DOS) shell.
For this to work you must add C:\cygwin\bin (or your local alternative) to the Windows PATH variable.
With this done, you may:
1) Open a command (DOS) shell
2) Change the directory to the location of your code (c:, then cd path\to\file)
3) gcc myProgram.c -o myProgram
As mentioned in nik's response, the "Using Cygwin" documentation is a great place to learn more.

If you just do gcc program.c -o program -mno-cygwin it will compile just fine and you won't need to add cygwin1.dll to your path and you can just go ahead and distribute your executable to a computer which doesn't have cygwin installed and it will still run. Hope this helps

Windows path C:\src under cygwin becomes /cygdrive/c/src

Compiling your C program using Cygwin
We will be using the gcc compiler on Cygwin to compile programs.
1) Launch Cygwin
2) Change to the directory you created for this class by typing
cd c:/windows/desktop
3) Compile the program by typing
gcc myProgram.c -o myProgram
the command gcc invokes the gcc compiler to compile your C program.

You might be better off editing a file inside of cygwin shell. Normally it has default user directory when you start it up. You can edit a file from the shell doing something like "vi somefile.c" or "emacs somefile.c". That's assuming vi or emacs are installed in cygwin.
If you want to file on your desktop, you'll have to go to a path similar (on XP) to "/cygwindrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/Frank/Desktop" (If memory serves correctly). Just cd to that path, and run your command on the file.

Cygwin is very cool! You can compile programs from other systems (Linux, for example), and they will work. I'm talking communications programs, or web servers, even.
Here is one trick. If you are looking at your file in the Windows File Explorer, you can type "cd " in your bash windows, then drag from explorer's address bar into the cygwin window, and the full path will be copied! This works in the Windows command shell as well, by the way.
Also: While "cd /cygdrive/c" is the formal path, it will also accept "cd c:" as a shortcut. You may need to do this before you drag in the rest of the path.
The stdio.h file should be found automatically, as it would be on a conventional system.

This file (cygwin1.dll) is cygwin dependency similar to qt must copy this file and similar files that appear in such messages error, from "cygwin/bin" to folder of the your program .Also this is necessary to run in another computer that have NOT cygwin!


Not able to execute the .exe file generated from GCC compiler

I am working on creating a system in C language and I have installed GCC compiler via MinGW Installer. After this, I created a basic Hello World program to check if the compiler is working properly. I compiled my code using the command gcc hello.c -o hello and then tried to run the executable file thus created by typing hello into the command prompt. But the system is not running my .exe file and giving an error - The system cannot execute the specified program.
I repeated the whole process on my second system, step by step, and I was able to see the output for the same program on the command prompt without any error.
I am not able to understand the exact reason behind this but I suspect it has something to do with the permission to execute a .exe file.
Open your .exe file with Dependancy Walker ( It will tell you if there is something wrong with the file.
Also you should be able to see there if it's 32-bit or 64-bit. In case of 64-bit it won't run on your system if you're on a 32-bit Windows.
You could also try with MinGW-w64 built from (try the 32-bit version first) and follow the hello world instructions on that site.

New to C: Compiling in Visual Studio Code... error: gcc not recognized?

I am very new to coding (trying to teach myself C). I have some experience with MatLab, but I understand it is very different from C. I have Windows 10 with the newest version of Visual Studio Code (VSC) with the Run Code Extension and git extension (not sure what git does, but VSC prompted me to install). I am now familiar with the text editor, but do not know how to compile/run my code (apologies if I'm butchering the terminology, again, a newby). One friend recommended I determine the location in which the desired text file is located, type "gcc filename.c", enter, type "./a.out", and then the program should run. (Said friend has a Mac and I supposed the execution commands are different?) Regardless, I encountered "Run Code" extension on my google adventures and follow the steps I've seen online, but I am still getting the error pictured.
I can see how this would be an especially basic question, but if anyone can offer assistance/advice, I would be extremely grateful!
Thanks, All.
P.S. In case the image doesn't load/work for whatever reason, this is the error:
"'gcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
Works perfect in Visual Code. You need the following:
C/C++ extension in Visual Code.
msys64 installed in C:\
Add path to msys64 bin folder in environment variable
Important the msys64 path doesn't contain spaces so don't install it in Program Files.
You can search "Edit system environment variables" from the windows button, press button Environment Variables, and then add it as a System variable "Path". For me its located in
It will work for you I believe
First: open the link:
Go to the installation and download the installer .. install the exe file.
search mingw in windows search(windows start)
there is an app named--> MSYS2 MinGW {64/32}-bit
run it as administrator
Found command shell ---> type: pacman -Syu
Will ask you for some installation click on Y
Then again go to the same app MSYS2 MinGW {64/32}-bit and run as admin
and write--> pacman -Ss gcc (in shell that opend after click)
after clicking there will be bunch of things and now you have to care about your windows arch.. if it is 64 bit then write---> pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc (and if its 32 you will find something like that where 64 will replaced by 32 in bunch of commands that are showing in your shell)
after executing this command gcc will be installed in your system to check write: gcc --version || g++ --version
After that to install the debugger write pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb
to check write: gdb --version
**Every thing got installed in your system now find the mingW file or mysys2 file on C drive(whereever you r mingW file got saved) go the the minGW 64 || 32 accroding to your operating system there is a bin folder click on that and copy the path inside the bin folder and save it in environment variables path **
Enjoy vs code
My recommendation
You are on Windows right? So you can just install Visual Studio IDE (follow this tutorial). Which is better than vs code. This tutorial is for C++ but it works for C as well. Because C++ uses the same compiler as C but with some more things(simple explanation).
The solution for your problem
You are getting the massage 'gcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file because you do not have the gcc compiler installed on your computer. But if you want to install it, you can follow this tutorial. But I highly recommend you use Visual Studio IDE which I mentioned above.
Type gcc --version in the command prompt to check whether the C compiler is installed in your machine.
If it is installed then try adding gcc to the environment variables using this link:
If it is not installed then install it using instructions using this link:
and then add it to the environment variables using the link above.
If it is installed and not recognized by VSCode then try to run VSCode from CMD by typing code in CMD.

C Codelite compile error

I just installed CodeLite onto a brand new PC and I am not able to compile anything. I want to write a console application in C
Simple Executable (gcc)
Compiler: gnu gcc
Debugger: GNU gdb debugger
However, I can't even build a default "hello world" application. All I get is this error:
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f Makefile
'mingw32-make.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Now I "googled" this and found out, I have to set up mingw32-make, (which I didn't have to do on 3 other computers) but I can't find a tutorial on how to do that.
Any advice will be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
CodeLite does not install MinGW for you. You need to do it for yourself.
Obviously, CodeLite does not know where to find mingw32-make.exe otherwise, it wouldn't use just mingw32-make.exe instead it uses the full path to mingw32-make, something like C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin\mingw32-make.exe
What you need to do is:
Run CodeLite setup wizard again from Help->Run the Setup Wizard
Follow the steps (5 in total), pay close attention to the Setup Compilers step
If you have installed MinGW before, just click on the Scan button
If you don't have, click the Install button
Open your project settings->General page and select the compiler you just installed in the Compiler field
Make enables the end user to build and install your package without knowing the details of how that is done -- because these details are recorded in the makefile that you supply.
Make figures out automatically which files it needs to update, based on which source files have changed. It also automatically determines the proper order for updating files, in case one non-source file depends on another non-source http://file.As a result, if you change a few source files and then run Make, it does not need to recompile all of your program. It updates only those non-source files that depend directly or indirectly on the source files that you changed.
Make is not limited to any particular language. For each non-source file in the program, the makefile specifies the shell commands to compute it. These shell commands can run a compiler to produce an object file, the linker to produce an executable, ar to update a library, or TeX or Makeinfo to format documentation.

How can I stop gcc under Cygwin from adding ".exe" to compiled executables?

I would like to know how I can prevent gcc under Cygwin from automatically adding the .exe extension to compiled files, because I just caused myself a lot of confusion with "missing files". For context, I am working on a C project for university and I usually work in the labs which run Ubuntu (dual-boot with Windows), but to work from home I prefer using my Windows machine, ergo Cygwin. If I just remove the extension it still works just fine on either system, but it is rather frustrating to have to change the command to include the extension whenever I've just compiled it under Cygwin.
I looked up the FAQ from Cygwin to find that it is probably an issue related to an environment variable in .bashrc or .bash_profile (see here), but I am no command-line ninja and am not very familiar with editing configuration files... I found two related questions as well that show the same behaviour, but have nothing to do with trying to change it:
Compiling with gcc (cygwin on windows)
Executable file generated using gcc under cygwin
Any ideas?
It is actually for an MPI in C project so I have a Makefile that calls mpicc but that is not really relevant to the problem, since I just tried with gcc as well and both do the same thing. For the purpose of this question, the commands and outputs I get are:
$ gcc -o hello hello.c
$ ls
hello.c hello.exe
Hello, world!
Hello, world!
Note that running with or without the extension does the same thing in the shell, but it does not with mpirun which is why I want to change this behaviour.
I eventually decided that Windows is not the programming environment for me. From now on all work that can be done in Linux will be.
7 years and no one to tell ?
My answer : Yes it's possible to produce an executable without .exe extension under Cygwin GCC. By telling the linker how to name its output.
$ echo -e "#include <stdio.h>\nint main(int nbargs, char *args[]) {
printf(\"Hello \\\n\");
}" | gcc -pipe -x c - -Wl,-oess2
This will produce an ess PE32 / PE32+ executable file, not a ess.exe.
The -pipe option instructs the GCC build chain to not write temporary files but use pipe between stages instead. The -Wl,-o option inhibits the default --force-exe-suffix.
And this way you can really nullify Cygwin GCC output with -Wl,-o/dev/null, the linker will fail when trying to close the output but you can trap the error message. If you get it, you can be assured that GCC reaches the link stage far enough to produce an output, which means that GCC can build an executable with this code.
From the ld man page :
--noinhibit-exec Retain the executable output file whenever it is still usable. Normally, the linker will not produce an output file if
it encounters errors during the link process; it exits without writing
an output file when it issues any error whatsoever.
DO NOT USE -Wl,-o/dev/stdout under Cygwin. Under Cygwin, /dev/stdout is a symlink, and if the linker fails it will DELETE /dev/stdout.
On the other end, -Wl,-o/proc/self/fd/1 will do no harm, but the linker will fail and will produce only an error message on stdout. Currently, it seems there is no direct way under Cygwin to pipe the linker output, even with named pipes.
The automatic exe extension for executables is there for a reason (Windows requires it). You should deconfuse (aka educate :-) yourself and accept the way Cygwin works. This is a feature rooted so deeply in the Cygwin/Windows guts that it is almost impossible to make it run without it.
For a "Unix feeling on Windows" with a different approach you want to check out AT&T's UWin.

How can I use gcc by installing Cygwin on a Windows machine?

i have installed the cygwin package for my netbeans IDE. I can use that in netBeans project. But now I want to use the gcc compiler from a cmd prompt. How can I do that?
In Linux we open a terminal and type
gcc filename.c
and it compiles. Now I want to do the same thing in Windows with Cygwin's gcc. Can I type gcc filename.c in cmd and it compiles? If so, how?
Edit :
by writing in cmd
gcc --version
I get Access is denied
Edit 1:
In the C: drive I have a folder named Cygwin that contains Cygwin.bat.
When I run that, a new prompt is opened and inside that when I type gcc filename.c, it works.
In that .bat file :
#echo off
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
bash --login -i
I don't understand what that means.
I see from your latest comment that it works when you run gcc from the Cygwin bash shell.
The Access is denied message was appearing when you tried to run gcc from the Windows cmd prompt. I don't know why you'd get that particular message.
My advice is just to use the bash shell. (It also has a lot of nice features that the Windows command shell lacks.) If that's a good solution for you, feel free to stop reading now.
But if you really want to use Cygwin tools (such as gcc) from a Windows prompt, you need to update your Windows %PATH% to include the Cygwin bin directory. As seen from bash, the directory is /usr/bin/; from Windows, it's going to be something like C:\cygwin\bin (assuming you installed Cygwin in C:\cygwin, which is the default).
To permanently add C:\cygwin\bin to your Windows %PATH%, open System Properties in the Control Panel, tap the "Environment variables" button, and adjust the value of Path in "System variables". Once you've done that, newly opened cmd windows should have the new %PATH% setting. (The user interface for modifying environment variables isn't exactly use-friendly; maybe somebody else can suggest a better way.)
The cygwin.bat batch file changes the current director to C:\cygwin\bin and then launches the Cywgwin bash shell in a new window. That gives you an environment in which gcc works by default, since your $PATH is already set up correctly. The windows command shell and the Cygwin bash shell are quite different environments.
If you installed the gcc package for cygwin, you should be able to do simply gcc filename.c.
The setup.exe file of Cygwin lets you choose any additional package you want to add when installing. If you skipped it, simply rerun the setup.exe.
Packages can be also found on the Cygwin website.
does your cmd recognizes gcc as an installed application?
if so, try this
gcc -c filename.c -o filename.o
gcc is actually a link (which the Command Prompt does not understand). Use gcc-3 or gcc-4 if you need to use the Command Prompt.
