How do I bring an Oracle BLOB into SQL Server? - sql-server

I have two databases: Oracle 10G and SQL Server 2000.
Inside the Oracle database, I have several MS Word documents stored as BLOBs. What I need to do is extract the files from Oracle and place them into SQL Server. I am curious as to how I do this?
I have heard something about DTS but not sure if that is something to look into.

In sql server 2000, your choices for blob storages is either binary/varbinary or image.
binary/varbinary can be used if the blob is <=8000bytes and image should be use when blob is larger than 8000 bytes.
Personally I would use perl DBI to extract the files from oracle and insert them into sql server since I'm comfortable with perl.
You can also use oracle's hsodbc to make a link between oracle and the sql server and attempt to insert data from one to the other.
If you are more comfortable in sql server then DTS is a option. I'm not sql server person so I would favor a different approach.


Compare SQL Server Database Schema with Oracle Database Schema

in my development environment we support the application both on MSSQL Server as well as Oracle. The database schema of both of these RDBMS are same.
while development we found that the developer made a mistake and forgot to change the oracle database for the last 1 yr. therfore the oracle script is quite behind in term of schema from SQL Server schema script.
now the question is how i can compare the two RDBMS systems to find the difference and make the oracle script updated
If there are no track log from which it's possible to find and reproduce all changes applied to SQL Server since first detected inconsistency with Oracle version, or that changes was applied, but only partially, you really need to compare objects presented in both databases.
In this case setup a link between databases on any side and use system dictionary views to compare table structures and other objects to find differences and, possible, to generate script for Oracle scheme rollup.
If you want to act from MS SQL Server side:
Install and configure Oracle Instant Client
Install Oracle ODAC
Follow Microsoft recomendations (64-bit version)
Connect as any user with dba role (or use same Oracle schema where object resides) to Oracle from MS SQL database
If you want to act from Oracle Server side:
Install and configure Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server.
Create database link to MS SQL Server.
After successful configuration you may join Information schema views on SQL Server side with Data dictionary views on Oracle side to find differences.
Of course there are many troubles at this way like different data types, but it gives a chance to automate at least part of work.

How to Import Oracle .DMP file into SQL Server?

I have a .dmp file (oracle data) and I have to import this file into SQL Server 2008 R2. I tried google but get no clear solution. Oracle is on other machine and SQL Server is on other machine. This .DMP file has only tables and data only nothing else.
Any body has any idea?
You can't get there from here. The files that the Oracle export utility (classic or DataPump) generate (which, by convention, frequently use the DMP extension) are proprietary binary files. They can only be consumed by the Oracle import utility (classic or DataPump) which will only allow you to load the data into another Oracle database.
You could load the DMP file into a new Oracle database but then you'll still need to move the data from Oracle to SQL Server. It may well be easier to ignore the DMP file and pull directly from the original Oracle database. There are a variety of tools that can be used to move data from an Oracle database to a SQL Server database. If you want SQL Server to control the process, you could SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). You could also create a linked server in SQL Server that references the Oracle database and write queries against the Oracle database via that connection. If you wanted Oracle to push the data, you could also use the Oracle Transparent Gateway with Heterogeneous Services to create a database link from Oracle to SQL Server and issue SQL against the remote SQL Server database.
There is a nice StackOverflow thread on moving data from Oracle to SQL Server. The SSIS logic is extremely similar if you're pulling from Oracle to SQL Server or pushing from SQL Server to Oracle.
Oracle Dumps is not readable by SQL.
Simply it cannot be, But you have different solutions
SQL server integration services (SSIS)
Link between oracle and SQL (Oracle Gateway) but it works with SQL Ent.
Export the data from oracle in a delimited format and insert it into SQL, but it will takes time if data is huge.
When I faced with the same problem, I tried to investigate the format manually (in my case the dump file was generated by Oracle EXP). I found that:
Table definitions come as Oracle CREATE TABLE statement that can be converted into MS SQL format easily
Most kind of data ca be extracted quite easy (text goes "as is", numeric values are stored according to IEEE 754 format)
LOBs are stored in quite complicated way, I failed to recognize it
Then I found the tool that was able to do my migration task:
Vendor said that it can migrate both exp and expdp to sql server, but I have tested it on EXP format only.

Insert rows into a SQL Server table from Oracle

I have an Oracle 10G database running on a Unix environmnent and have a requirement to write a PL/SQL job that will be running on the Oracle database that will populate tables in another database which is a microsoft SQL Server database running on a Windows platform.
Having looked around, it looks like this is possible via database links. Has anyone got any more information on this? For example how reliable is the connection and are there any disadvantages in having such a setup?
Chances are that i would have limited access to the SQL Server database. Is the above possible without having to make any changes to the SQL server database? (Assuming the DBA on the SQL server has configured the database to be accessed from other databases)
Use the Oracle feature DG4ODBC, it is as reliable as any normal DBLINK setup, to the SQL Server side it will look like any other sort of client connection. You only need to do anything more elaborate if you are planning to do distributed transactions between Oracle and SQL Server (i.e. 2 Phase Commit). You will probably also want UnixODBC and FreeTDS.

How Do I Update A Table From A Different SQL Server

I have a table in a database on my development(local workstation) SQL Server 2008 Express that I have added some records to. Now, I would like to deploy this table to the production SQL Server 2000 located on a server. What is the best was to accomplish this? I want to retain the data from the development instance. Both tables have the exact same structure. Can I use the DTS Import/Export wizard from the production SQL Server 2000 through the SQL Server Enterprise Manager? Does it overwrite tables when importing? Will it handle the different versions of SQL Server?
One technique is to create a linked server. Check the msdn link Linked server - msdn
Then you can write a single query to do the Update or whatever that has access to tables on both servers.
You development work should result in scripts, not in bits in the database. There are many advantages in doing so. When you deploy, you run the developed scripts on the productions database. Now that you let the cat out of the bag, your best option is to use export the table and then import it, see FAQ: How do I import/export data with SQL Express. SQL's own import/export wizard requires SSIS (see Importing and Exporting Data by Using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard), which is not part of Express editions.
If the table is reasonable small you can use a distributed query (ie. linked server), but that will require MSDTC because it will be an update, and you may need to configure it.
If you have SqlServer Management Studio (not express). You can use the import and export options to quickly transfer data in and out. This assumes you can connect to the database from your local machine though.

Copying Data from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Express

I would like to copy a database (tables, it’s data, stored procs & views) from SQL Server 2008 database to SQL Server Express. Is it possible? If so, would you please let me know how to do it? When I tried, it is giving some error.
Please note that I have only few records in SQL Server 2008 database tables.
Thanks and Regards..
Shruthi Keerthi..
The quickest way is to "detach" the source database from its server, copy the (2) files to a new name/location and (re)attach each database to the appropriate server.
Attach/detach is available as a command or via the SQL Visual Studio.
You can create a backup of the database and them restore that backup into the Express instance.
Another option, since you said you didn't have very many records in the DB, is to generate the SQL statements (right click on the database --> tasks -> generate scripts) and then run that on the Express instance. Then just copy over the tuples you want.
I prefer to use Backup/Restore when moving a database from one server to another. As long as your SQL Server and SQL Express are the same version, or the one you are moving to is newer than the one you are moving from (SQL 2005 to SQL Express 2008), it should work without a hitch.
If copying the entire database, I usually find it easiest to stop the source service, copy the *.mdf file to the appropriate new data directory, and just mount the MDF in the new service. As long as there aren't any changes in the setup (like FILESHARE), then this is the easiest way to clone a database.
And yes, this is possible. I just did this earlier today.
You could also try using the Microsoft Database Publishing Wizard.
It's simple to use and will create a SQL script that you can run to rebuild tables (including data), stored procs, views, etc...
You can download it here:
