Oracle Backup Database with sqlplus it's possible? - database

I need to do some structural changes to a database (alter tables, add new columns, change some rows etc) but I need to make sure that if something goes wrong i can rollback to initial state:
All needed changes are inside a SQL script file.
I don't have administrative access to database.
I really need to ensure the backup is done on server side since the BD has more than 30 GB of data.
I need to use sqlplus (under a ssh dedicated session over a vpn)
Its not possible to use "flashback database"! It's off and i can't stop the database.
Am i in really deep $#$%?
Any ideas how to backup the database using sqlplus and leaving the backup on db server?

better than exp/imp, you should use rman. it's built specifically for this purpose, it can do hot backup/restore and if you completely screw up, you're still OK.
One 'gotcha' is that you have to backup the $ORACLE_HOME directory too (in my experience) because you need that locally stored information to recover the control files.
a search of rman on google gives some VERY good information on the first page.

An alternate approach might be to create a new schema that contains your modified structures and data and actually test with that. That presumes you have enough space on your DB server to hold all the test data. You really should have a pretty good idea your changes are going to work before dumping them on a production environment.
I wouldn't use sqlplus to do this. Take a look at export/import. The export utility will grab the definitions and data for your database (can be done in read consistent mode). The import utility will read this file and create the database structures from it. However, access to these utilities does require permissions to be granted, particularly if you need to backup the whole database, not just a schema.
That said, it's somewhat troubling that you're expected to perform the tasks of a DBA (alter tables, backup database, etc) without administrative rights. I think I would be at least asking for the help of a DBA to oversee your approach before you start, if not insisting that the DBA (or someone with appropriate privileges and knowledge) actually perform the modifications to the database and help recover if necessary.

Trying to back up 30GB of data through sqlplus is insane, It will take several hours to do and require 3x to 5x as much disk space, and may not be possible to restore without more testing.
You need to use exp and imp. These are command line tools designed to backup and restore the database. They are command line tools, which if you have access to sqlplus via your ssh, you have access to imp/exp. You don't need administrator access to use them. They will dump the database (with al tables, triggers, views, procedures) for the user(s) you have access to.


copy Azure SQL database (PaaS) to IaaS (SQL server on VM)

Is it possible to use Create Database [] as copy of [] to create a copy of database that is hosted as Azure SQL database (PaaS) towards IaaS (SQL server on VM)?
Can you recommend an alternative of Import/Export that can limit the downtime of such transition?
Reason for this migration is the restriction of cross databases queries in PaaS mode that complicate one-time migration towards new database used in newer application version process
The answer depends on whether you want to copy database schema, data, or both.
As Jaxidian said, ApexSQL tools can do the job but as far I know DataDiff will only synchronize database data, while Diff will synchronize schema.
Here is the article describing processes of copying database data:
If you want to copy both schema and data, process is described here:
There are lots of tools available that can accomplish this. Which one is best for you depends on your needs. However, the "Copy" feature in the Azure Portal will not accomplish this for you but can be a partial solution to the approach you finalize on.
I'll make the following assumptions:
You have an always-on 24/7 production load so there are no regularly/nightly/weekly/monthly maintenance windows
You can schedule a maintenance window but you wish to keep it as small as possible
You can easily configure your applications' connectionstrings
Your database isn't huge. Gigabytes is fine.
Your database is mostly static data (i.e. an incremental approach is much faster than a dump-and-fill)
If I were to do this today/right now, my approach would be like this (this is only one option):
Use the Copy feature to make a copy of the database that I can use this as a staging area/reference point while minimizing the load on the Production database
Create a backup (bacpac file) from the copied database
Restore the bacpac file onto your IaaS-hosted SQL Server to form your base deployment
Start your maintenance window and effectively put your database into read-only mode so the data is now no longer changing (lots of strategies on how to do this whether you turn applications off, revoke permissions, etc.)
Use a tool such as ApexSQL Data Diff (Redgate and others have options) to compare data between the two databases and sync the data over to the new IaaS DB. Be careful - depending on your data needs you may have to tweak the generated scripts that sync the data.
Verify that the new DB is now indeed a duplicate copy of your old DB (ApexSQL Data Diff can also help with this - several options exist here)
Change connectionstrings on your apps to point to the new DB
Turn applications back on and end your maintenance window.
So of course, if you do something like this, practice it numerous times and test the results numerous times well before your maintenance window. Get a good idea of the timing for everything, especially how long it will take for you to generate and restore the bacpac file. This is because you want to do that as late as possible before your maintenance window to minimize the time it takes to generate and run the final "Data Diff" script that you'll use. The longer that script takes, the longer your outage will be.

export a large db with terabytes of data

what's the best way to dump a large(terabytes) db? are there other faster/efficient way besides mysqldump? this is intended to be zipped, unzipped, and then reimported into another mysql db on another server.
If it's possible for you to stop the database server, the best way is probably for you to:
Stop the database
Do a file copy of the files (including appropriate transaction logs, etc) to a new file system.
Restart the database.
Then move the copied files to the new server and bring up the database on top of the files. It's a bit complicated to do this, but it's by far the fastest way.
I used to be a DBA for a terabyte+ database in MySQL and this is one of the ways we'd do nightly backups of the database. mysqldump would've never worked for data that large. We'd stop the database each night and file copy the underlying files.
Since your intent seems to be having two copies of the DB, why not set up replication to do this?
That will ensure that both copies of the DB remain in an identical state (in terms of data anyway).
And, if you want a snapshot to be exported, you can:
wait for a quiet time.
disable replication.
back up the slave copy.
re-enable replication.

Restart log shipping when out of sync

The scenario is. A database secondary server are for different reason out of sync or is suspected that is not sync. Someone has made the secondary databases online by mistake or other mishaps. If you now want to make sure that they are set back on track. How do you do that? Preferably swiftly and for many databases at once.
When you set up a log shipping between two servers using the guide it takes care of the initial backup and copying of backup file and then the initial restore.
If I have to redo that I have to unable/enble and redo the loghipping and fill all the parameters again. Is there an other way? Can I use sqllogship application?
I there a "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqllogship.exe" -Restart -server SQLServ\PROD2
Or is there something that could be done easily with powershell and SQL Server Management Objects - SMO?
I want to use all the parameters that are already in tables like log_shipping_secondary.
I have not found any scripts for doing this. I looked at the generated script when I used the guide but that does not contain the inital backup and copy. I can write my own script. I am just afraid someone will say: Why did you not just run: $smoLogShipping.Redo
If you bring a standby database on-line (i.e.) restore it with_recovery then this will break the log-shipping. The only way to re-establish log shipping is to restore the standby database from a full backup of the source again and use no_recovery / standby mode.
I do not know of any community supported script to do what you ask but it can be scripted easy enough. The GUI can handle most of the process, you would then just need to tweak it be parameterized and customized to the work flow that you are after. The link below gives an example of what I'm talking about.
Scripting Log Shipping Automation

Replicating / Cloning data from one MS SQL Server to another

I am trying to get the content of one MSSQL database to a second MSSQL database. There is no conflict management required, no schema updating. It is just a plain copy and replace data. The data of the destination database would be overwritten, in case somebody would have had changed something there.
Obviously, there are many ways to do that
SQL Server Replication: Well established, but using old protocols. Besides that, a lot of developers keep telling me that the devil is in the details and the replication might not always work as expected and that is this best choice for an administrator, but not for a developer.
MS Sync Framework: MSF is said to be the cool, new technology. Yes, it is this new stuff, you love to get, because it sounds so innovative. There is the generic approach for synchronisation, this sounds like: Learn one technology and how to integrate data source, you will never have to learn how to develop syncing again. But on the other hand, you can read that the main usage scenario seems to be to synchronize MSSQL Compact databases with MSSQL.
SQL Server Integration Services: This sounds like an emergency plannable solution. In case the firewall is not working, we have a package that can be executed again and again... until the firewall drops down or the authentication is fixed.
Brute Force copy and replace of database files: Probably not the best choice.
Of course, when looking on the Microsoft websites, I read that every technology (apart from brute force of course) is said to be a solid solution that can be applied in many scenarios. But that is, of course, not the stuff I wanted to hear.
So what is your opinion about this? Which technology would you suggest.
Thank you!
The easiest mechanism is log shipping. The primary server can put the log backups on any UNC path, and then you can use any file sync tools to manage getting the logs from one server to another. The subscriber just automatically restores any transaction log backups it finds in its local folder. This automatically handles not just data, but schema changes too.
The subscriber will be read-only, but that's exactly what you want - otherwise, if someone can update records on the subscriber, you're going to be in a world of hurt.
I'd add two techniques to your list.
Write T-SQL scripts to INSERT...SELECT the data directly
Create a full backup of the database and restore it onto the new server
If it's a big database and you're not going to be doing this too often, then I'd go for the backup and restore option. It does most of the work for you and is guaranteed to copy all the objects.
I've not heard of anyone using Sync Framework, so I'd be interested to hear if anyone has used it successfully.

Nightly importable or attachable copies of production database

We would like to be able to nightly make a copy/backup/snapshot of a production database so that we can import it in the dev environment.
We don't want to log ship to the dev environment because it needs to be something we can reset whenever we like to the last taken copy of the production database.
We need to be able to clear certain logging and/or otherwise useless or heavy tables that would just bloat the copy.
We prefer the attach/detach method as opposed to something like sql server publishing wizard because of how much faster an attach is than an import.
I should mention we only have SQL Server Standard, so some features won't be available.
What's the best way to do this?
I'd say use those procedures inside a SQL Agent job (use master.xp_cmdshell to perform the copy).
You might want to put the big huge tables on their own partition and have this partition belong to a different file group. You would backup then backup and restore the main file group.
You might want to also consider doing incremental backups. Say, a full backup every weekend and an incremental every night. I haven't done file group backups, so I don't know if these work well together.
I'm guessing that you are already doing regular backups of your production database? If you aren't, stop reading this reply and go set it up right now.
I'd recommend that you write a script that automatically runs, say once a day, that:
Drops your current test database.
Restores your current production backup to your test environment.
You can write a simple script to do this and execute it using the isql.exe command line tool.
