ActiveRecord for Erlang - database

I am continuing to delve into Erlang. I am thinking of starting my next web project using Erlang, and at this stage the only thing I will really miss from Ruby on Rails is ActiveRecord.
Is there a good alternative technology for Erlang?
The closest I have come to a solution is to ErlyDB, a component of ErlyWeb.
ErlyDB is a database abstraction layer
generator for Erlang. ErlyDB combines
database metadata and user-provided
metadata to generate functions that
let you perform common data access
operations in an intuitive manner. It
also provides a single API for working
with different database engines
(although currently, only MySQL is
supported), letting you write portable
data access code.

Well, the major advantages of ActiveRecord (as I see it) are:
You can persist your objects in a relational database nearly transparently.
You can search the database by any attribute of your objects.
You can validate objects when persisting them.
You can have callbacks on deleting, updating, or inserting objects.
With Mnesia:
You can persist any Erlang data absolutely transparently.
Using pattern matching, you can search the database by any attribute of your data or their combination.
QLC gives you a nice query interface for cases when pattern matching isn't enough.
No solutions for validating and callbacks, however...
So, what else do you have in ActiveRecord that is lacking in Mnesia?

I don't think there really is at the time of this writing. That may be because the kinds of systems being written in erlang and the type of people writing them don't really call for Relational Databases. I see much more code using mnesia, CouchDB, Tokyo Cabinet and other such alternative database technologies.
That's not to say someone might not want to create something like active record. It's just hasn't really been a need yet. Maybe you will be the first? :-)

You might be interested in Chicago Boss's "BossRecords":
They are quite explicitly modeled on the Active Record pattern, and use a lot of compiler magic to make the syntax squeaky clean. BossRecords support save/validate as well as has_many/belongs_to associations. Attributes in your data model are made available through generated functions (e.g. "Employee:first_name()").

Some googling reveals libs / clients / wrappers for Couchdb described "ActiveRecord like libraries like CouchFoo", and advise to steer clear:
as to your comment on "not suited for web apps yet", I think the pieces are there: mochiweb, couch, yaws, nitrogen, erlyweb. There's some powerful tools, very different paradigm, certainly, from rails, django and PHP.


Is there a database like this?

Background: Okay, so I'm looking for what I guess is an object database. However, the (admittedly few) object databases that I've looked at have been simple persistence layers, and not full-blown DBMSs. I don't know if what I'm looking for is even considered an object database, so really any help in pointing me in the right direction would be very appreciated.
I don't want to give you two pages describing what I'm looking for so I'll use an example to illustrate my point. Let's say I have a "BlogPost" object that I need to store. Something like this, in pseudocode:
class BlogPost
(Assume Comment is its own class.)
Now, in a relational database, author would be stored as a foreign key pointing to a, and the tags and comments would be stored as one-to-many or many-to-many relationships using a separate table to store the relationships. What I'd like is a database engine that does the following:
Stores related objects (author, tags, etc.) with a direct reference instead of using foreign keys, which require an additional lookup; in other words, objects on top of each other should be natively supported by the database
Allows me to add a comment or a tag to the blog post without retrieving the entire object, updating it, and then putting it back into the database (like a document-oriented database -- CouchDB being an example)
I guess what I'm looking for is a navigational database, but I don't know. Is there anything even remotely similar to what I'm thinking of? If so, what is it called? (Or better yet, give me an actual working database.) Or am I being too picky?
Just to clarify, I am NOT looking for an ORM or an abstraction layer or anything like that. I am looking for an actual database that does this internally. Sorry if I'm being difficult, but I've searched and I couldn't find anything.
Also, something for the JVM would be excellent, but at this point I really don't care what platform it runs on.
I think what you are describing could easily be modeled in a graph database. Then you get the benefit of navigating to the nodes/edges where you want to make changes without any need to retrieve anything else. For the JVM there's the Neo4j open source graph database (where I'm part of the team). You can read about it over at High Scalability, as part of an overview at thinkvitamin or in this stackoverflow thread. As for the tags, I think storing them in a graph database can give you some extra advantages if you want to find related tags and similar stuff. Just drop a line on the mailing list, and I'm sure the community will help you out.
You could try out db4o which is available in C# and Java.
I think our looking for this: This site has some good info on Object Databases, including Objectivity, which is a pretty good object database.
Elephant does this:
Exactly what you've described can be done with (N)Hibernate running on an ordinary RDBMS.
The advantage of using such a persistence layer with an ordinary database is that you have a standard database system combined with convenient programming. You declare your classes in a very natural way, and (N)Hibernate provides a way to translate betweeen references/lists and foreign key relationships.
Java tutorial:
.NET tutorial:
If you insist that you don't want to use a well-supported standard RDBMS and would rather trust your data to something more exotic and less heavily tested, you're looking for an Object Relational Database.
However, such a product would probably be best implemented by making it be a layer over a standard RDBMS anyway. This is probably why ORMs like (N)Hibernate are the most popular solution - they allow standard RDBMS software (and widely available management/user skills) to be applied, and yet the programming experience is 99% object-based.
This is exactly what LINQ was designed for.
Microsoft LINQ defines a set of proprietary query operators that can be used to query, project and filter data in arrays, enumerable classes, XML (XLINQ), relational database, and third party data sources. While it allows any data source to be queried, it requires that the data be encapsulated as objects. So, if the data source does not natively store data as objects, the data must be mapped to the object domain. Queries written using the query operators are executed either by the LINQ query processing engine or, via an extension mechanism, handed over to LINQ providers which either implement a separate query processing engine or translate to a different format to be executed on a separate data store (such as on a database server as SQL queries (DLINQ)). The results of a query are returned as a collection of in-memory objects that can be enumerated using a standard iterator function such as C#'s foreach.
There's a variety of terms, all linked to Object-Relational Mapping, aka ORM, which is probably going to be the most useful one for you to look up. ORM libraries exist for many programming languages.
Oracle's nested tables provide some part of that functionality, though in updates, you cannot just add a row to the nested table - you have to replace the whole nested table.
I guess you're looking for an ORM with "EntityFirst" approach.
In EntityFirst approach the developer is least[not-at-all] concerned with Database. You just have to build your entities or objects. The ORM then takes care of storing the entities in Database and retrieving them at your will.
The only EntityFirst ORM witihn my knowledge "Signum". It's a wonderful framework built on top of .net. I recommend you to go thrgouh some videos on the SignumFramework website and I'm sure you'll find it useful.
Link Text:
ZODB perhaps?
good introduction find here:
You could try out STSdb, DB4O, Perst ... which is available in C# and Java.

Data Dictionary or ORM?

I am in the processes of replacing the framework for a fairly complex business web application. Our application runs on a LAMP platform and the new framework will be an extension of CodeIgniter. In my research for framework design I decided to look into ORM, I have never done ORM before and I wanted to know if it would be valuable for our application. Then I stumbled on a very interesting blog post entitled "Why I Do Not Use ORM." This blog seemed to confirm many of my worries about using ORM and it also presented a solution similar to what I was already planning.
By "data dictionary" I plan to use this definition from "The Database Programmer" blog:
The term "data dictionary" is used by many, including myself, to denote a separate set of tables that describes the application tables. The Data Dictionary contains such information as column names, types, and sizes, but also descriptive information such as titles, captions, primary keys, foreign keys, and hints to the user interface about how to display the field.
So in choosing a "data dictionary" over ORM I may be exhibiting confirmation bias, regardless here are my reasons for being weary of ORM:
I have never used ORM before, I don't know much about it.
This framework needs to be built rather quickly, my boss has little time and I need to produce a working application that will allow for a smooth upgrade to a more modern framework.
My boss already thinks that I am over engineering this framework (trust me, I am no where close to that) and is paranoid about the framework preventing us from being able to do things that we need to, and creating bugs that we can't solve in the required amount of time. So far I have done a poor job of convincing him that change is good, I am not a very effective salesman and while the other developers can help me the boss still needs a lot of assurance.
Our old framework is procedural, our code is PHP, and our developers know SQL very well. ORM would be a big change.
Our database has dozens of tables, many with hundreds of thousands of entries running on a fairly old server. In the past we have been burned by code that repeated polls the database in a loop instead of doing one query to pull all of the needed data at once. Avoiding this problem with hand coded SQL is rather straight forward. Ensuring that this always happens where necessary with ORM is a huge unknown to me and appears to be risky.
Regardless, the solution of the data dictionary seems very promising to me as this blog post "Using A Data Dictionary" seems to provide a lot of useful features and some that are requirements of the new framework. Here are my reasons for preferring the data dictionary solution:
Implementing access control rules on the table rows themselves would be invaluable.
Auto-generating database changes, documentation, and schema checking would also be useful.
One requirement of the framework is a generic data history/auditing feature that can be applied to any sub-feature within our application. A data dictionary or an equivalent is essentially required to provide such a feature. The history must have detailed information about the structure and data types within the database.
Our systems hold a wide variety of data types that would more properly addressed if they treated as formal types within the application. For one, HTML fragments (of which we have many in our data, they are required) need to be encoded as entities in some cases, decoded as HTML in others, parsed for links and images in some cases, and always validated for correctness. Then there are dates, measurements, currency, and various other fields that could benefit from having a clear definition in the code of how this data should be manipulated.
The data dictionary idea that I would like to implement would be series of objects in separate PHP files, and there will be plenty of OOP, however it will be used as in a manner very similar to the data dictionary concept presented in "The Database Programmer" blog. It would be the single source definition of the complete database schema for the entire framework.
Now my question is, am I overlooking the value of ORM or is this a case where a data dictionary is the right tool for the job?
I think your question would be more interesting if you were making an initial architectural decision rather than refactoring an existing application. I don't see a single assertion in your question that suggests a problem that designing in an ORM would address; but several it would create. If two major stakeholder groups (owner and other developers are more comfortable with a more conventional design, it seems to me that an ORM would be swimming upstream.
I can imagine the (possibly undeserved) approbation that would be associated with the ORM as soon as a query is slow or transaction locking problems start emerging. Not to mention the impact on the development schedule. Why create an unquantified risk factor?
Do you have a framework which supports building applications using a "Data Dictionary"? If so, give it a try, it might solve your problems. If you haven't, then there are lots of good and working ORM frameworks out there which have large communities, which come with source (so you can fix bugs yourself even if the "vendor" refuses to help you).
If you want to get a quick glance at a nice web based ORM framework, I suggest Django or TurboGears. They are based on Python which will be a nice change after using PHP. I usually prefer TurboGears but Django seems to be more smooth at the moment. Both are easy to set up and you should be able to build a prototype in a day or two. That will give you an idea of the odds.
PS: I also don't think ORM tools are TEH SOLUT10N. I use Hibernate or SQL Alchemy when it makes sense but I often roll my own simple mappers.
I think that you have made a very good analysis for you situation. You know why you choose the Data Dictionary approach. So go for it.
Later on you might reconsider. If so, then there should be not a problem to use the Data Dictionary and a ORM for new developments in parallel. Both technologies are not mutual exclusive.
If you don't like the idea of mixing different technologies: Stick to a solid OOP design and separate concerns between domain logic and data access cleanly, then switching to an ORM shouldn't be that painful or at least possible.
Good luck!

How to encapsulate database access?

I am developing a transactional application in .NET and would like to get some input on how to properly encapsulate database access so that:
I don't have connection strings all
over the place
Multiple calls to the same stored
procedure from different functions
or WORSE, multiple stored
procedures that are different by a
single column
I am interested in knowing if using an ORM like NHibernate is useful, as it may just add another layer of complexity to a rapidly changing data model, and artifacts need to be produced on a tight schedule.
I am more interested in methods or patterns OTHER than ORM packages.
There are at least two widely accepted design patterns used to encapsulate data access:
repository (DDD)
DAO (Data Access Object)
For the sake of completeness I suggest you these books:
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Fowler)
Domain Driven Design (Evans)
If, as it appears, this is an important project and the DAL is a major risk factor, get someone involved who has done it before. You're exactly right that there are too many ways to run off the rails by trying to get this right the first time without solid experience.
There are any number of patterns for accomplishing this, but I'd look for someone who has a simple set of well-defined patterns they are fully comfortable with.
as stated above, check out the repository and unit of work patterns. the books by fowler and evans are highly recommended. so is karl seguin's reader which gave me a cooler introduction to the just mentioned books. grab it at
As Java Developer, i could suggest to read about jdbc templates, despite of it s'n not .NET you could learn how Spring framework encapsulates data access tier and get some ideas.

What is the best practice for persistence right now?

I come from a java background.
But I would like a cross-platform perspective on what is considered best practice for persisting objects.
The way I see it, there are 3 camps:
ORM camp
direct query camp e.g. JDBC/DAO, iBatis
LINQ camp
Do people still handcode queries (bypassing ORM) ? Why, considering the options available via JPA, Django, Rails.
There is no one best practice for persistence (although the number of people screaming that ORM is best practice might lead you to believe otherwise). The only best practice is to use the method that is most appropriate for your team and your project.
We use ADO.NET and stored procedures for data access (though we do have some helpers that make it very fast to write such as SP class wrapper generators, an IDataRecord to object translator, and some higher order procedures encapsulating common patterns and error handling).
There are a bunch of reasons for this which I won't go into here, but suffice to say that they are decisions that work for our team and that our team agrees with. Which, at the end of the day, is what matters.
I am currently reading up on persisting objects in .net. As such I cannot offer a best practice, but maybe my insights can bring you some benefit. Up until a few months ago I have always used handcoded queries, a bad habit from my ASP.classic days.
Linq2SQL - Very lightweight and easy to get up to speed. I love the strongly typed querying possibilities and the fact that the SQL is not executed at once. Instead it is executed when your query is ready (all the filters applied) thus you can split the data access from the filtering of the data. Also Linq2SQL lets me use domain objects that are separate from the data objects which are dynamically generated. I have not tried Linq2SQL on a larger project but so far it seems promising. Oh it only supports MS SQL which is a shame.
Entity Framework - I played around with it a little bit and did not like it. It seems to want to do everything for me and it does not work well with stored procedures. EF supports Linq2Entities which again allows strongly typed queries. I think it is limited to MS SQL but I could be wrong.
SubSonic 3.0 (Alpha) - This is a newer version of SubSonic which supports Linq. The cool thing about SubSonic is that it is based on template files (T4 templates, written in C#) which you can easily modify. Thus if you want the auto-generated code to look different you just change it :). I have only tried a preview so far but will look at the Alpha today. Take a look here SubSonic 3 Alpha. Supports MS SQL but will support Oracle, MySql etc. soon.
So far my conclusion is to use Linq2SQL until SubSonic is ready and then switch to that since SubSonics templates allows much more customization.
There is at least another one: System Prevalence.
As far as I can tell, what is optimal for you depends a lot on your circumstances. I could see how for very simple systems, using direct queries still could be a good idea. Also, I have seen Hibernate fail to work well with complex, legacy database schemata, so using an ORM might not always be a valid option. System Prevalence is supposed to unbeatingly fast, if you have enough memory to fit all your objects into RAM. Don't know about LINQ, but I suppose it has its uses, too.
So, as so often, the answer is: know a variety of tools for the job, so that you are able to use the one that's most appropriate for your specific situation.
The best practice depends on your situation.
If you need database objects in table structures with some sort of meaningful structure (so one column per field, one row per entity and so on) you need some sort of translation layer inbetween objects and the database. These fall into two camps:
If there's no logic in the database (just storage) and tables map to objects well, then an ORM solution can provide a quick and reliable persistence system. Java systems like Toplink and Hibernate are mature technologies for this.
If there is database logic involved in persistence, or your database schema has drifted from your object model significantly, stored procedures wrapped by Data Access Objects (with further patterns as you like) is a little more involved than ORM but more flexible.
If you don't need structured storage (and you need to be really sure that you don't, as introducing it to existing data is not fun), you can store serialized object graphs directly in the database, bypassing a lot of complexity.
I prefer to write my own SQL, but I apply all my refactoring techniques and other "good stuff" when I do so.
I have written data access layers, ORM code generators, persistence layers, UnitOfWork transaction management, and LOTS of SQL. I've done that in systems of all shapes and sizes, including extremely high-performance data feeds (forty thousand files totaling forty million transactions per day, each loaded within two minutes of real-time).
The most important criteria is destiny, as in control thereof. Don't ever let your ORM tool be an obstacle to getting your work done, or an excuse for not doing it right. Ultimately, all good SQL is hand-written and hand-tuned, but some decent tools can help you get a good first draft quickly.
I treat this issue the same way that I do my UI design. I write all my UIs directly in code, but I might use a visual designer to prototype some essential elements that I have in mind, then I tear apart the code it generates in order to kickstart my own.
So, use an ORM tool in any of its manifestations as a way to get a decent example--look at how it solves many of the issues that arise (key generation, associations, navigation, etc.). Tear apart its output, make it your own, then reuse the heck out of it.

What are the pros and cons of object databases?

There is a lot of information out there on object-relational mappers and how to best avoid impedance mismatch, all of which seem to be moot points if one were to use an object database. My question is why isn't this used more frequently? Is it because of performance reasons or because object databases cause your data to become proprietary to your application or is it due to something else?
Familiarity. The administrators of databases know relational concepts; object ones, not so much.
Performance. Relational databases have been proven to scale far better.
Maturity. SQL is a powerful, long-developed language.
Vendor support. You can pick between many more first-party (SQL servers) and third-party (administrative interfaces, mappings and other kinds of integration) tools than is the case with OODBMSs.
Naturally, the object-oriented model is more familiar to the developer, and, as you point out, would spare one of ORM. But thus far, the relational model has proven to be the more workable option.
See also the recent question, Object Orientated vs Relational Databases.
I've been using db4o which is an OODB and it solves most of the cons listed:
Familiarity - Programmers know their language better then SQL (see Native queries)
Performance - this one is highly subjective but you can take a look at PolePosition
Vendor support and maturity - can change over time
Cannot be used by programs that don't also use the same framework - There are OODB standards and you can use different frameworks
Versioning is probably a bit of a bitch - Versioning is actually easier!
The pros I'm interested in are:
Native queries - Db4o lets you write queries in your static typed language so you don't have to worry about mistyping a string and finding data missing at runtime,
Ease of use - Defining buissiness logic in the domain layer, persistence layer (mapping) and finally the SQL database is certainly violation of DRY. With OODB you define your domain where it belongs.
I agree - OODB have a long way to go but they are going. And there are domain problems out there that are better solved by OODB,
One objection to object databases is that it creates a tight coupling between the data and your code. For certain apps this may be OK, but not for others. One nice thing that a relational database gives you is the possibility to put many views on your data.
Ted Neward explains this and a lot more about OODBMSs a lot better than this.
It has nothing to do with performance. That is to say, basically all applications would perform better with an OODB. But that would also put lots of DBA's out of work/having to learn a new technology. Even more people would be out of work correcting errors in the data. That's unlikely to make OODBs popular with established companies. Gavin seems to be totally clueless, a better link would be Kirk
Cannot be used by programs that
don't also use the same framework
for accessing the data store, making
it more difficult to use across the
Less resources available online for
non SQL-based database
No compatibility across database
types (can't swap to a different db
provider without changing all the
Versioning is probably a bit of a
bitch. I'd guess adding a new
property to an object isn't quite as
easy as adding a new column to a
All of the reasons you stated are valid, but I see the problem with OODBMS is the logical data model. The object-model (or rather the network model of the 70s) is not as simple as the relational one, and is therefore inferior.
jodonnel, i dont' see how use of object databases couples application code to the data. You can still abstract your application from the OODB through using a Repository pattern and replace with an ORM backed SQL database if you design things properly.
For an OO application, an OO database will provide a more natural fit for persisting objects.
What's probably true is that you tie your data to your domain model, but then that's the crux!
Wouldn't it be good to have a single way of looking at both data, business rules and processes using a domain centric view?
So, a big pro is that an OODB matches how most modern, enterprise level object orientated software applications are designed, there is no extra effort to design a data layer using a different (relational) design. Cheaper to build and maintain, and in many cases general higher performance.
Cons, just general lack of maturity and adoption i reckon...
