Font graphics routines - c

How do you do your own fonts? I don't want a heavyweight algorithm (freetype, truetype, adobe, etc) and would be fine with pre-rendered bitmap fonts.
I do want anti-aliasing, and would like proportional fonts if possible.
I've heard I can use Gimp to do the rendering (with some post processing?)
I'm developing for an embedded device with an LCD. It's got a 32 bit processor, but I don't want to run Linux (overkill - too much code/data space for too little functionality that I would use)
C. C++ if necessary, but C is preferred. Algorithms and ideas/concepts are fine in any language...

In my old demo-scene days I often drew all characters in the font in one big bitmap image. In the code, I stored the (X,Y) coordinates of each character in the font, as well as the width of each character. The height was usually constant throughout the font. If space isn't an issue, you can put all characters in a grid, that is - have a constant distance between the top-left corner of each character.
Rendering the text then becomes a matter of copying one letter at a time to the destination position. At that time, I usually reserved one color as being the "transparent" color, but you could definitely use an alpha-channel for this today.
A simpler approach, that can be used for small b/w fonts, is to define the characters directly in code:
LetterA db 01111100b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 11111110b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
The XPM file format is actually a file format with C syntax that can be used as a hybrid solution for storing the characters.

Pre-rendered bitmap fonts are probably the way to go. Render your font using whatever, arrange the characters in a grid, and save the image in a simple uncompressed format like PPM, BMP or TGA. If you want antialiasing, make sure to use a format that supports transparency (BMP and TGA do; PPM does not).
In order to support proportional widths, you'll need to extract the widths of each character from the grid. There's no simple way to do this, it depends on how you generate the grid. You could probably write some short little program to analyze each character and find the minimal bounding box. Once you have the width data, you put it in an auxiliary file which contains the coordinates and sizes of each character.
Finally, to render a string, you look up each character and bitblit its rectangle from the font bitmap onto your frame buffer, advancing the raster position by the width of the character.

We have successfully used the SRGP package for fonts. We did use fixed-pitch fonts, so I'm not sure if it can proportional fonts.

We're using bitmap fonts generated by anglecode#s bitmap font generator :
This is very usable as it has XML output which will be easy to convert to any data format you need.
Angel Code's bmfont also adds kerning and better packing to the old alternative that was MudFont.


Cairo glyph caching

I'm using Cairo for text rendering on an embedded device. I've evaluated the 'toy' text API (i.e. cairo_show_text) and it works very well and is efficient. Unforunately it only supports the most basic operations and always discards the shape immediately.
What I need to do is draw simple text with fill and stroke. When I do this using the slightly more complicated API (cairo_text_path) it works but performance drops to unacceptable levels.
It's a bit difficult to find documentation but I did find this hint:
Be aware cairo_show_text() caches glyphs so is much more efficient if you work with a lot of text.
Where can I read about this glyph caching and how to it also for cairo_text_path? Ideally, is there a code example of this being done? I only need to support this simple use case.
cairo_text_path converts a text with all glyphs to a path and adds him to the context. Rendering this path is expensive because of many segments - dozens of moves, lines, curves for every single glyph.
Glyphs caching by cairo_show_text means that repeating glyphs/characters get rendered once and saved in a much cheaper format (like scanlines, triangles or bitmap) for later occurrences. Because the font doesn't change in-between, this recycling isn't a problem.
You could do this caching by yourself, rendering glyphs on image surfaces and using them as pattern, or simply use bitmap fonts from the beginning.

OpenGL - Add text without using GLUT

I want to add characters (x/y/z.., not even strings) to a window using OpenGL, WITHOUT using GLUT. I know about glutBitmapString(), but I want to avoid glut. Any suggestions...?
Last time I did this for a retro-style game, I created a bitmap font and wrote a small routine that would draw a quad with the specific character as a texture on it. Another option is to draw every pixel of the bitmap font in a seperate quad.
You can find example code here:
More specifically:
void Interface::createFont() initiates a bitmap font as a display list for each character
void Interface::drawText(const std::string& text) lets OpenGL call the display lists according to the string's characters
In this specific example, I wanted textured "pixels" within the characters, so each bitmap entry results in its own quad with a stock texture on it. Display lists are nowadays less favored as newer OpenGL features like FBOs and VBOs replace their functionality. I don't know if at some point display lists got deprecated as well.
The text in createFont() was created by The Gimp ( export functionality.
Screenshot to celebrate the 20k:
I would suggest using a glyph map, which basically boils down to a bitmap texture with a bunch of letters distributed over it. Load in the texture and draw quads with texture coordinates mapped to the location of the glyph you want in the texture.
There are some drawbacks in a naive implementation that can be partially alleviated. For example, rather than drawing a ton of quads in separate draw calls, you could take a cue from Java and make immutable strings that tie to a GPU buffer and pack all the vertices and uvs you need to draw the word into that buffer. (They don't have to be immutable, just know that if you need to make a word longer or shorter, you'll have to reallocate the buffer or leave extra space to put the new letters).
The site that I used whenever I was trying to learn how to do this can be found here:
Bitmap Fonts
I have used this method with a WebGL implementation and it has worked quite well. I even have wrote a tool to generate the texture from a <canvas> element on the fly.

Best framework for new application which handle text(fonts,characters)

I need to create application, using which user can handle text in graphical interface.
User can move text objects inside parent panel/canvas or something, change fonts, change size of characters (height, width), spacing between characters and so on.
Target of application:
in the end of handling text (or while handling) user will get a position of every character, height and width of characters, distance between characters (spacing). And all those measures must be in same unit of measure (pixels, points).
So question is: What kind of framework (.NET, Silverlight, XNA, Flash, Java, HTML 5, Javascript and so on) can be used for this.
I am “sold my soul” to Microsoft (worked before only with .NET), but have some experience in Flash, HTML, Javascript, Java. So all proposals are welcome
Trying to approach with Silverlight, but only problem was with spacing (dynamically change), when trying used Glyphs it worked in some way,
only problem was: when with Glyphs spacing was changed(same for all characters), in visual spacing was different for all characters. So spacing problem is biggest for right now.
Another approach can be a handle text as a collection of characters, and calculate by myself distance between characters. But in application every user can use own custom fonts (here my knowledge not enough). So i afraid that we will need to create (draw) every character of font before can use custom fonts.
I found in Internet some applications which doing almost same thing (done in Javascript), but before start want to get more information about other possibilities.
With nobody give some advices about this,I decide to answer own question, because found already a solution how will approach to this project.
So I found a new(for me at least) version of Silverlight hav a new Property CharachterSpacing for Elements which handling with text(TextBox, Label and so on). Using this property I can change dynamically a text spacing.
Documents tell us that this property use as a unit integer which is 1000s of font's em unit. About em:
"Em size is a typographical measure that specifies the approximate width of the capital letter "M" in the Roman alphabet, measured in the units that are prevalent in a particular technology. Silverlight em sizes are given in pixels. The apparent visual size of the em size varies per font.”
So this give a very good basement for counting a real distance between charachters.

Low level C - Display text, pixel by pixel

I am working on a small project where I have to write a low level app. I'd like to display text in that app, and I would even like it to be anti aliased (à la ClearType). No libraries allowed, I have to draw each char pixel by pixel.
What is the best way to do this? Can you recommend some known algorithms? How should I store/read the fonts?
You mean you just want to smooth the edges of an existing bitmapped font? This is easy if your original font is 16x32 and you want to render it at 8x16 or something like that, but if you don't have a higher-resolution bitmap to begin with, smoothing is a highly nontrivial operation involving a lot of guesswork. In that case, I would lookup the 2xsai algorithm (which gives visually-pleasing results for this kind of thing) and first perform it to upscale the font to double resolution, then scale it back down with a area-averaging algorithm (i.e. take each destination pixel from the average of a 4-pixel square).
I would also recommend saving your final "anti-aliased" bitmap font and simply using it in your program, rather than performing all this work at runtime.
Putting all together:
There are two main types of fonts:
1) Monospaced: all the characters have fixed size, and you define a bitmap for each. No need for Anti Aliasing (you can hardcode the grey levels in the bitmap). Look horrible when resized.
2) True Type: each letter is defined by a set of parameters for Bezier curves. Can be easily scaled to any size, but requires lots of program logic (and processing power!) for that. Anti Aliasing is useful here (and especially the sub-pixel rendering techniquies).
As I see you want to use bitmapped font and rescaling? You could just precompute several of them, thus avoiding complex runtime logic.
As R. suggested, keeping the bitmaps at higher resolution in greyscale instead of BW will help. I'd suggest using size that is divisible by most small numbers, so that the bitmap can be downscaled easily. Also, if this resolution is high enough, then you can keep it in BW and downscale to greyscale (using surface integral).
EDIT: feel free to edit it and please don't vote. Just put all those commentaries together.
It is hard to build a good font engine, especially if you need to do scaling and anti-aliasing. So I suggest you take the easy path:
Decide on the fonts and sizes you want to use.
Generate a bitmap font for every font/size combination you need to use. This can be done with a tool like Bitmap Font Generator.
Use the bitmap fonts in your program. Blitting bitmaps should be relatively easy.
If you want more features, I suggest you look into using an engine like FreeType before trying to make your own solution.
Well, reading a TTF (or any other) font and rendering some glyph into the bitmap isnt that hard, given you know some stuff about rasterization and bezier curves. The bad point is that if you want the text to look good, it's gonna take a huge amount of code. Aliased font is pretty hard to render, I'm not talking about hinting. There needs to be a routine for kerning, multi-character sequences, something that decides which glyphs map to your characters and also encoding stuff, ...
You might want to use a bitmap font, which comes pre-rendered - then the whole rendering operation is a simple image copy, eventually with some resampling or rotation; but well, you lose the vector font features.
My advice is to take FreeType and live with it, it's a nice library just for this, and can be statically linked and stripped of unnecessary bloat very easily.

How can I manage a cache texture in OpenGL?

I am writing a text renderer for an OpenGL application. Size, colour, font face, and anti-aliasing can be twiddled at run time (and so multiple font faces can appear on the screen at once). There are too many combinations to allocate one texture to each combination of string and attributes. However, only a small subset of the entire database of strings will be on the screen at any given time.
This leads me into the opportunity to create a cache for the strings that are being printed frame after frame. It has been mandated that I use only one texture for the entire operation, as creating a cache of many textures would incur a texture swapping penalty for every different string printed from the cache.
So I have before me a 2048x2048 texture, into which I can place whatever strings I can fit as they are being requested by the application for caching purposes. I have quickly realized that tracking the free space available in a two dimensional space is not trivial.
I have been looking at things like Best Fit and Next fit, but those seem to be suitable for 1d spaces.
How can I manage this cache texture in OpenGL?
Edit: I have since learned that this is an instance of a "2d packing problem".
What you have is the bin-packing problem.
Bad news first: It's NP-hard, so it's worth to find the optimal solution.
I've done such texture-caching for fonts as well. I didn't cached entire words but just the glyph images. That makes things a lot easier because all your images are roughly square-shaped. A simple grid based approach to keep track of the texture-memory worked pretty good.
In case I got glyphs that are larger than one of my grid-boxes I just allocated two or more boxes using brute force search (it didn't happend that often). In case I didn't found any suitable block I just randomly removed some glyphs from the cache to make free space.
That was much easier than keeping things in a last recently used cache and performed nearly as good.
Btw - you will always have some waste on texture memory for such a cache. Unless you're very tight on memory that shouldn't be a problem. You should use a small texture-format (8 bit alpha works well for fonts).
Also: If you make your grid-blocks a multiple of 8 pixels, and you can drop your antialiasing to 4 bits you can compress the glyphs into one of the compressed DXT or S3TC formats on the fly. The wasted texture-space becomes a non-issue that way.
If you are short on texture memory you could take a look at "Distance Field" or "Signed Distance Field" font rendering technique. You could use 512x512 texture per font family and you could render perfectly antialiased text of any size.
For that algorithm you need to generate a special texture, which contains distance from the texel to the edge of the texture. Take a look at original paper by Valve guys: . There are some frameworks which utilize this. For instance latest version of Qt uses signed distance field for text rendering.
I have opted to use a simple approach. Divide the texture into variable height rows. The first texture to be placed in a row decides the height of the row. If a texture can fit into an existing row by height, check to see if there is enough width remaining and place it there. Otherwise start a new row. If a new row cannot be started, do not cache the string.
