Best framework for new application which handle text(fonts,characters) - silverlight

I need to create application, using which user can handle text in graphical interface.
User can move text objects inside parent panel/canvas or something, change fonts, change size of characters (height, width), spacing between characters and so on.
Target of application:
in the end of handling text (or while handling) user will get a position of every character, height and width of characters, distance between characters (spacing). And all those measures must be in same unit of measure (pixels, points).
So question is: What kind of framework (.NET, Silverlight, XNA, Flash, Java, HTML 5, Javascript and so on) can be used for this.
I am “sold my soul” to Microsoft (worked before only with .NET), but have some experience in Flash, HTML, Javascript, Java. So all proposals are welcome
Trying to approach with Silverlight, but only problem was with spacing (dynamically change), when trying used Glyphs it worked in some way,
only problem was: when with Glyphs spacing was changed(same for all characters), in visual spacing was different for all characters. So spacing problem is biggest for right now.
Another approach can be a handle text as a collection of characters, and calculate by myself distance between characters. But in application every user can use own custom fonts (here my knowledge not enough). So i afraid that we will need to create (draw) every character of font before can use custom fonts.
I found in Internet some applications which doing almost same thing (done in Javascript), but before start want to get more information about other possibilities.

With nobody give some advices about this,I decide to answer own question, because found already a solution how will approach to this project.
So I found a new(for me at least) version of Silverlight hav a new Property CharachterSpacing for Elements which handling with text(TextBox, Label and so on). Using this property I can change dynamically a text spacing.
Documents tell us that this property use as a unit integer which is 1000s of font's em unit. About em:
"Em size is a typographical measure that specifies the approximate width of the capital letter "M" in the Roman alphabet, measured in the units that are prevalent in a particular technology. Silverlight em sizes are given in pixels. The apparent visual size of the em size varies per font.”
So this give a very good basement for counting a real distance between charachters.


Is there some standards for character bitmaps?

I have tried to solve this graphical character problem several days.
I use AVR chip and st7789 240x240 tft screen. And I dont want use the comprehensive Adafruit-GFX library or similar functionality, the font constants are still welcome. I use C.
I found the ASCII organized font from:
The problem is the character sizing, its 7x13 and it is too small.
- If I will try e.g double the size, the accuracy and the character aspect ratio is not good.
- I have tried to find some resources about the sizing kind of this simple character bitmaps, but find not any.
I read some resources the notation as adafruit-GFX font oranizations can fit more flexible sizes.
- But the problem is the usage of those font resources when it includes Bitmaps and Glyphs in different arrays.
For example:
If you have more skills to handling graphical fonts, would you give me tips or resources?
the best option is: write your own char display function. Then you will not tight to the adafruit fonts.
Then you can generate the font you want

WPF dynamically scale TextBlock Text without filling a container

I have a set of pages that look like this:
I have the content in grids with * Heights and Widths so the grid correctly scales when the entire window resizes. I would like the text to resize with the grid. Basically I would like the user to resize from this:
To this:
(preserving white space)
One way to do this would be to wrap the TextBlock in a ViewBox with margins on the right and bottom (for Grid.Row="3") to account for white space. But because I have several pages with different lengths and line counts I would have to set the margin specifically for each page otherwise the text sizes would differ on each page. Is there a better way to do this??
I don't think there is a better way to do this. There are different ways. But, I think it isn't just a matter of opinion that they would not be better.
Ways I can think of.
Render your text offscreen, rendertargetbitmap that so you've got a picture. Change your textblocks on screen to images and stretch them.
Work out the size your text wants to be. Then do some calculation comes up with a different fontsize which is "better". This is a lot easier to write a description of than do.
In my opinion.
A viewbox is easier to implement. Way less error prone than calculations. Will give at least as good results as rendering to a picture.
I just want to add one more solution to the ones suggested by Andy, which is more of a scientific approach and takes a bit of practice to master.
Suppose you have to find a function F, which maps one or more variables to a desired single value. In your case that would be a function F, which takes aspect ratio of the window as input and outputs an appropriate font size.
How can you find such a function?
Well... you don't need to do any math yourself!
First, you need some data to begin with:
1. Resize the window randomly
2. Calculate aspect ration (X)
3. Pick an appropriate font size that looks good enough (Y)
4. Repeat the measurement 7 to 10 times (sorry data scientists)
5. Enter the data in Excel - one column for X and another one for Y
6. Insert a scatter chart
7. Choose the best trendline for your data, but avoid the polynomial one
8. Display the trendline equation and use the expression in your code
Now I should mention the pros and cons of this regression technique.
1. It can solve a wide range of tricky problems:
"I use this 3rd party control, but when the text is too long it overlaps the title bar. How to trim it so it doesn't go beyond the top border?. Deadline is coming!"
2. Even if it doesn't solve the problem perfectly, the results are often acceptable
3. It takes minutes to try out unlike spending a day refreshing your math skills
1. The biggest problem is that to keep it simple, you often lower the number of
variables by assuming some of them to be constant. In this post I've assumed that
the font family won't change for example, neither the font weight.
2. If any of the assumptions does not hold the final result could be even worse
This technique is fragile, but powerful. Use it as your last weapon and never leave magic expression like
fontSize = (int)(0.76 + 1.2 * aspectRation) without documenting how it came to be.

How to convince WPF (Blend) designer to user panels and layouts?

In Blend, as soon as you insert a control (like Button) and start dragging it onto Window/Grid/whatever you get hard-coded margins and width/height.
Thus designer that I work with ends up creating beautiful static pictures that, on my side, fall apart as soon as one data-bound string is longer than the sample ones. Or if font size gets increased. Text ends up clipped or otherwise unreadable.
Blends makes it so easy to make rigid, but pretty designs, that I have a hard time selling the need for a more complex design work, using styles and panels, to my designer. By now I see only one option - let design eventually fail at customer's site and have designer learn the lesson from that failure. Of course, it is not a great solution to use customer's bad experience just to educate designer.
What are your experiences and suggestions in this area?
If it would make sense, clip long strings with '...'
Otherwise, change the sample data to be the same length as maximum allowed values.
You can even use multiple sample data sources: one for minimum lengths, one for average lengths, and one for maximum lengths. Ask the designer to check the layout using each one.

Detect whether a font supports variants (like superscript and subscript)

WPF has the Typography.Variants attached property that lets you do superscript and subscript. However, it only works for some fonts. For other fonts, the variant is utterly ignored, and the text is shown normally. (Code sample and screenshot here)
Since it silently falls back to a no-op, I have no idea that anything went wrong; but my user will see lousy behavior.
Is there any way that I can programmatically detect whether a given font supports Typography.Variants? If so, I could provide more meaningful behavior if the user selected a non-variant-supporting font for something that needs superscripts/subscripts.
I looked at GlyphTypeface, since it's the one you use to query whether a font can be embedded, but I didn't see anything there about variants. I also didn't see anything obvious on FontFamily, and the only thing I could find on Typography was the Variants attached property itself (and its getters and setters).
As far as I can tell, WPF provides no information about the available GSUB tables (which tell you this information). Everything is hidden deep within private classes of PresentationCore.
One way would be to use the advanced text services of WPF to create a TextFormatter, and then retrieve the GlyphRuns created by a piece of text with the variants on, and one with the variants off, and then compare the glyph indexes used.
Another way would be to physically examine a font's data through GlyphTypeFace.GetFontStream(). The TrueType font format is not very complicated, so you'll probably find some information on the net on how to parse the binary font data to find information on the GSUB tables.
Note that simply asking wither a variant is supported is also a little ambiguous. A font can say it supports a variant, but nothing requires it to actually provide any meaningful substitutions. Most Adobe fonts provide only a few alphabetical lowercase characters for things like superscript and subscript (not even the entire Latin alphabet, mind you). Which is pretty useless, IMHO, since you can't ask WPF to fake subscripts or superscripts like Word and other word processors do.
Still, it would have been nice if you could simply ask TypeFace.GetSupportedOpenTypeFeatures().

Font graphics routines

How do you do your own fonts? I don't want a heavyweight algorithm (freetype, truetype, adobe, etc) and would be fine with pre-rendered bitmap fonts.
I do want anti-aliasing, and would like proportional fonts if possible.
I've heard I can use Gimp to do the rendering (with some post processing?)
I'm developing for an embedded device with an LCD. It's got a 32 bit processor, but I don't want to run Linux (overkill - too much code/data space for too little functionality that I would use)
C. C++ if necessary, but C is preferred. Algorithms and ideas/concepts are fine in any language...
In my old demo-scene days I often drew all characters in the font in one big bitmap image. In the code, I stored the (X,Y) coordinates of each character in the font, as well as the width of each character. The height was usually constant throughout the font. If space isn't an issue, you can put all characters in a grid, that is - have a constant distance between the top-left corner of each character.
Rendering the text then becomes a matter of copying one letter at a time to the destination position. At that time, I usually reserved one color as being the "transparent" color, but you could definitely use an alpha-channel for this today.
A simpler approach, that can be used for small b/w fonts, is to define the characters directly in code:
LetterA db 01111100b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 11111110b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
The XPM file format is actually a file format with C syntax that can be used as a hybrid solution for storing the characters.
Pre-rendered bitmap fonts are probably the way to go. Render your font using whatever, arrange the characters in a grid, and save the image in a simple uncompressed format like PPM, BMP or TGA. If you want antialiasing, make sure to use a format that supports transparency (BMP and TGA do; PPM does not).
In order to support proportional widths, you'll need to extract the widths of each character from the grid. There's no simple way to do this, it depends on how you generate the grid. You could probably write some short little program to analyze each character and find the minimal bounding box. Once you have the width data, you put it in an auxiliary file which contains the coordinates and sizes of each character.
Finally, to render a string, you look up each character and bitblit its rectangle from the font bitmap onto your frame buffer, advancing the raster position by the width of the character.
We have successfully used the SRGP package for fonts. We did use fixed-pitch fonts, so I'm not sure if it can proportional fonts.
We're using bitmap fonts generated by anglecode#s bitmap font generator :
This is very usable as it has XML output which will be easy to convert to any data format you need.
Angel Code's bmfont also adds kerning and better packing to the old alternative that was MudFont.
