Detect whether a font supports variants (like superscript and subscript) - wpf

WPF has the Typography.Variants attached property that lets you do superscript and subscript. However, it only works for some fonts. For other fonts, the variant is utterly ignored, and the text is shown normally. (Code sample and screenshot here)
Since it silently falls back to a no-op, I have no idea that anything went wrong; but my user will see lousy behavior.
Is there any way that I can programmatically detect whether a given font supports Typography.Variants? If so, I could provide more meaningful behavior if the user selected a non-variant-supporting font for something that needs superscripts/subscripts.
I looked at GlyphTypeface, since it's the one you use to query whether a font can be embedded, but I didn't see anything there about variants. I also didn't see anything obvious on FontFamily, and the only thing I could find on Typography was the Variants attached property itself (and its getters and setters).

As far as I can tell, WPF provides no information about the available GSUB tables (which tell you this information). Everything is hidden deep within private classes of PresentationCore.
One way would be to use the advanced text services of WPF to create a TextFormatter, and then retrieve the GlyphRuns created by a piece of text with the variants on, and one with the variants off, and then compare the glyph indexes used.
Another way would be to physically examine a font's data through GlyphTypeFace.GetFontStream(). The TrueType font format is not very complicated, so you'll probably find some information on the net on how to parse the binary font data to find information on the GSUB tables.
Note that simply asking wither a variant is supported is also a little ambiguous. A font can say it supports a variant, but nothing requires it to actually provide any meaningful substitutions. Most Adobe fonts provide only a few alphabetical lowercase characters for things like superscript and subscript (not even the entire Latin alphabet, mind you). Which is pretty useless, IMHO, since you can't ask WPF to fake subscripts or superscripts like Word and other word processors do.
Still, it would have been nice if you could simply ask TypeFace.GetSupportedOpenTypeFeatures().


Query Windows' Color and Appearance

I am writing a small GUI library in OpenGL for fun and profit. When it comes to font handling, so far I require the client application to explicitly load all fonts and set them on the widgets. So far this is ok, I also have a means to set them once as a default for all widgets of a certain type.
Although this is feasible, I though, would it not be dandy to use the system's default font as a default instead. In the case of Windows this would be the fonts that are configured though the Color and Appearance dialog.
After warming up my rusted Win32 programming knowledge and souring the MSDN I can't find an awnser to this question. I can load a font by name and set it on any widget, but figuring out what font Win32 would use as a default eludes me.
So far the best I have found is the SystemParametersInfo function with SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS. But these are just the settings for the "non client" area, such as window title bar and such.
DEFAULT_GUI_FONT is not your solution. The name certainly sounds good, and indeed it was the default GUI font at some point in history, but that font hasn't been used in years.
You already stumbled upon the correct solution: calling SystemParametersInfo with the SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS option. This will fill in a NONCLIENTMETRICS structure with information about the standard system fonts.
The "standard UI font" in that structure is called lfMessageFont. It is the one used for text in message boxes, dialog boxes, and elsewhere in the client area of windows. It is the same one configurable in the "Appearance" properties.
I wrote out a very detailed answer about fonts in Windows applications a few years ago. That one kind of focuses on MFC, so I've chosen not to mark this question as a duplicate of that other one and compose a separate answer, but really all of the information you need is there.
For fun, I'll throw in that you can get the system colors by calling the GetSysColor function. Pass one of the COLOR_* values to indicate which color you want; you'll get back a COLORREF value (typedefed as a 32-bit unsigned integer into which are packed the red, green, and blue component values of the color). Use the GetRValue, GetGValue, and GetBValue macros to extract the individual components; I doubt OpenGL wants COLORREF values.

RichTextBox SelectionFont is unexpectedly *not* null

I'd like to change the font size of a chunk of RTF without erasing the bold / italic / underline formatting (an issue similar to the one in this question). The accepted answer is to modify the selection of the text box until the SelectionFont propery is null in order to find runs of consistently formatted text which can be modified individually. Sounds reasonable. However the actual behavior of the RichTextBox control seems to be inconsistent with the documentation.
In the documentation for RichTextBox.SelectionFont MSDN states:
If the current text selection has more than one font specified, this
property is null.
However, this code which uses mixed bold / regular text doesn't behave as you'd expect:
var rtb = new RichTextBox {
Rtf = #"{\rtf1 This is \b bold\b0.}"
// Now you'd expect rtb.SelectionFont to be null,
// but it actually returns a Font object
Is there any other reliable way of formatting the text so that I can change the font size without clobbering the other formatting. (Manipulating the RTF directly is OK, I'm not absolutely set on using WinForms to achieve this).
I've given up on trying to go through Winforms to fix this. As I'm applying the change to a whole document (rather than just one portion), it turns out that it's not too hard to modify the RTF directly.
In this case I'm interested in the font size, which is represented by the \fs command. So to replace all the 8.5pt text with 10pt text, you can replace \fs17 with \fs20. (Yes, RTF font sizes come in units of half a point, apparently).
This seems to work well enough, although it does feel like one of those "let's mangle our HTML using regular expressions" type solutions, so I'm not convinced that it's very robust.
Take a look at this:
Changing font for richtextbox without losing formatting
I think it's the same issue. LarsTech's solution is working perfectly for me.

Best framework for new application which handle text(fonts,characters)

I need to create application, using which user can handle text in graphical interface.
User can move text objects inside parent panel/canvas or something, change fonts, change size of characters (height, width), spacing between characters and so on.
Target of application:
in the end of handling text (or while handling) user will get a position of every character, height and width of characters, distance between characters (spacing). And all those measures must be in same unit of measure (pixels, points).
So question is: What kind of framework (.NET, Silverlight, XNA, Flash, Java, HTML 5, Javascript and so on) can be used for this.
I am “sold my soul” to Microsoft (worked before only with .NET), but have some experience in Flash, HTML, Javascript, Java. So all proposals are welcome
Trying to approach with Silverlight, but only problem was with spacing (dynamically change), when trying used Glyphs it worked in some way,
only problem was: when with Glyphs spacing was changed(same for all characters), in visual spacing was different for all characters. So spacing problem is biggest for right now.
Another approach can be a handle text as a collection of characters, and calculate by myself distance between characters. But in application every user can use own custom fonts (here my knowledge not enough). So i afraid that we will need to create (draw) every character of font before can use custom fonts.
I found in Internet some applications which doing almost same thing (done in Javascript), but before start want to get more information about other possibilities.
With nobody give some advices about this,I decide to answer own question, because found already a solution how will approach to this project.
So I found a new(for me at least) version of Silverlight hav a new Property CharachterSpacing for Elements which handling with text(TextBox, Label and so on). Using this property I can change dynamically a text spacing.
Documents tell us that this property use as a unit integer which is 1000s of font's em unit. About em:
"Em size is a typographical measure that specifies the approximate width of the capital letter "M" in the Roman alphabet, measured in the units that are prevalent in a particular technology. Silverlight em sizes are given in pixels. The apparent visual size of the em size varies per font.”
So this give a very good basement for counting a real distance between charachters.

How to convince WPF (Blend) designer to user panels and layouts?

In Blend, as soon as you insert a control (like Button) and start dragging it onto Window/Grid/whatever you get hard-coded margins and width/height.
Thus designer that I work with ends up creating beautiful static pictures that, on my side, fall apart as soon as one data-bound string is longer than the sample ones. Or if font size gets increased. Text ends up clipped or otherwise unreadable.
Blends makes it so easy to make rigid, but pretty designs, that I have a hard time selling the need for a more complex design work, using styles and panels, to my designer. By now I see only one option - let design eventually fail at customer's site and have designer learn the lesson from that failure. Of course, it is not a great solution to use customer's bad experience just to educate designer.
What are your experiences and suggestions in this area?
If it would make sense, clip long strings with '...'
Otherwise, change the sample data to be the same length as maximum allowed values.
You can even use multiple sample data sources: one for minimum lengths, one for average lengths, and one for maximum lengths. Ask the designer to check the layout using each one.

Bullets and Numbering in Silverlight

I'm looking for some comprehensive library for Silverlight on bullets/numbering. I've found a few, like Vector Light's RTB control, but most are lacking extended features of bullets/numbering that word processing programs have, like having the First Line Indent of a great value than the Hanging Indent (e.g. first line indent is 1 inch and hanging indent is .5 inch). Another example is customizing the size of the bullet/number Anyone know of good libaries for this for Silverlight?
Check out the ordered/unordered list controls explained in this link. You can extend its functionality to acheive what you intend to do. I have used it to show hierarchical data using nested lists and found it fairly easy to modify it to my needs.
that implementation works for read-only content only.
What if you need to apply bullets/numbering/indent to selected-text in a RichTextBox?
You have to programmatically find Paragraph elements inside selected-text and insert the corresponding character (bullet or number of tab) at the start of each Paragraph element.
Check out here for detailed explanation:
