Update Label while processing in Windows Forms - winforms

What is the best way to update a label on a Windows Forms application while processing?
I have a loop that does some processing to files on the user's system when the user clicks a button.
foreach (System.IO.FileInfo f in dir.GetFiles("*.txt"))
// Do processing
// Show progress bar
// Update Label on Form, "f.Name is done processing, now processing..."
What would be some sample code?
What exactly is this called? Is it threading or delegates?

A quick fix for you would be:
Label1.Text = f.Name + " is done processing, now processing...";
You really want to avoid DoEvents, otherwise you'll have problems if your user repeatedly presses buttons on your form.

You should be doing this on another thread, and then updating your UI thread from that thread. You are blocking further processing by performing this work on the UI thread.
If you can't move this code to the UI thread, then you could always call Application.DoEvents, but I strongly suggest you explore these options first:
System.Threading.Tasks namespace

You'll need to get your data from one thread to the other. This can be done in a couple of ways...
First, your "background" thread could update some kind of "CurrentStatus" string variable that it changes as it goes along. You could then put a timer on your form that would then grab the CurrentStatus variable and update the label with it.
Second, you could simply invoke the operation from the background thread to the UI thread with a delegate using the InvokeRequired property of the label control. So for example...
private delegate void UpdateStatusDelegate(string status);
private void UpdateStatus(string status)
if (this.label1.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new UpdateStatusDelegate(this.UpdateStatus), new object[] { status });
this.label1.Text = status;
You can call that UpdateStatus() method from any thread (UI or background), and it will detect whether or not it needs to invoke the operation on the main UI thread (and if so, does it).
To actually set up the thread, you can do so like this:
private void StartProcessing()
System.Threading.Thread procThread = new System.Threading.Thread(this.Process);
private void Process() // This is the actual method of the thread
foreach (System.IO.FileInfo f in dir.GetFiles("*.txt"))
// Do processing
// Show progress bar
// Update Label on Form, "f.Name is done processing, now processing..."
UpdateStatus("Processing " + f.Name + "...");
Then when the user clicks the "GO" button you'll simply call StartProcessing().

If your processing is lengthy do it in a backgroundworker thread.

I also recommend to use :
Processes all Windows messages currently in the message queue.


Closing the New Window on a new Thread (WPF)

Hi I had posted a question along these lines recently but this is now a little more specific to my requirements. So, I have an Application where the user needs to log in. The log in process can take some time so I decided to put up a little animated GIF to show it is doing something. Sounds simple...!!??
I noticed soon that the login process was freezing the animation so I thought, I will put the login process on its own thread. I had countless instances of it referencing objects on the UI Thread so thought I would try the other way round and have the Image display on a new thread. Same issue - so I decided to create a new window containing the image, format it accordingly and display this as a new thread! Simple! That (bit) worked... I click to login, animation appears and disappears onces login is complete. So the Thread variable is set as global one:
Friend g_thLoading As Thread
And when the Login button is clicked I have the following:
g_thLoading = New Thread(AddressOf LoginSplashScreen)
g_thLoading.IsBackground = True
g_thLoading.Name = "LoginThread"
VerifyLogin() 'Process that takes a while...
Then the method that is called in the new thread:
Sub LoginSplashScreen()
Dim SplashScreenWin As New SplashScreen()
Catch ex As Exception
SplashScreenWin = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
This works - but not if I have to click the button more than once. However If (for example) the user enters the wrong credentials, clicks login (the above processes and completes) they are prompted to re-enter - click the login button again... but this time, the window doesnt display (but oddly does appear in the Task Bar)... Then the application is forced to close (nothing in debug on why that is).
I am confident that the Dialogue Window is closing correctly after the first instance as i) it is no longer in the Task Bar and secondly I have put some checks on the Windows Close event. I am fairly confident that the created Thread is closed after the first instance as I can see it drop off from the Thread Window in Visual Studio... So - I am at a total loss. I have also tried the Join function on the thread but this just hangs the process before it gets to g_thLoading.Abort()
I am open to any advice on how I can go about achieving my end goal... whether it is expanding on what I have done here or another suggestion altogether. I have messed around with the Background Worker but not had much more luck there.
Use the BackgroundWorker class to implement your long running processes. The class allows you to specify code that will run on a background thread (in the DoWork event handler), code that will run during "updates" on the thread that created the BackgroundWorker in the ProgressChanged event handler, and code that will run when the process completes, again on the thread that created the BackgroundWorker in the RunWorkerCompleted event handler.
Using it goes something like this:
private class LoginParameters {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
// Any other properties needed
// Make this a property of your form.
BackgroundWorker LoginWorker { get; set; }
// Somewhere in your UI code after the user clicks the "login button"
LoginWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
LoginWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
LoginWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; // Can set to false if you don't allow the operation to be cancelled.
LoginWorker.DoWorker += DoLogin;
LoginWorker.ProgressChanged += ReportProgress;
LoginWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += LoginFinished;
LoginParameters login = new LoginParameters {
// Code to initialize everything here
// Put this in the click event handler for the Cancel button, if you have one
if ( LoginWorker != null )
private void DoLogin(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {
BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker) sender;
LoginParameters login = (LoginParameters) e.Argument;
// Your logic to process the login goes here. It should periodically do the following to check to see if the user clicked the cancel button:
if ( worker.CancellationPending ) {
e.Cancel = true;
// When you want to update the UI, do this:
worker.ReportProgress( percentComplete, objectWithOtherDataToWriteToTheUI );
// When you're done, just return.
private void ReportProgress(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) {
// Your code to extract the data you need to update the display from the arguments & to then update the display goes here. Remember, this runs on the UI thread
private void LoginFinished( object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e ) {
if (e.Cancelled == true)
// Your code to inform the user of the cancellation here
else if (e.Error != null)
// All unhadgled exceptions throws by the DoWork event handler end up here
// Your code to inform the user of the error here
else {
// Your code to inform the user of the success goes here.
// Remember, this runs on the UI thread.
// I recommend you set the form BackgroundWorker property to null after its finished, as you can't reuse it after its finished.
LoginWorker = null;
Sorry this is in C# if you're looking for VB.NET, but it shouldn't be hard to translate.

WPF - How to model a loop operation in the UI

I am creating a quick'n'dirty utility that will enable editing of data read sequentially from a set of files. Here's a very simplified explanation of what will happen in a single iteration of a loop:
Read a line from the input stream
Parse it and use the parsed results to populate form controls
Allow user editing and await a confirmation button click
Retrieve the updated form control values and write to the output stream
What I can't figure out is how to integrate the processing loop with the event-driven UI. For example, how do I suspend operation of the loop while waiting for user input.
I understand that this is possible by launching the loop operation on its own thread and writing code to manage its interaction with the UI thread, but I am wondering if there is a simpler approach that works out of the box.
Thanks for any ideas you may be able to offer.
I can think of 2 approaches to do that:
The easiest is probably to use a modal dialog: when your worker thread needs input from the user, display a dialog, which is a blocking operation. Something like that:
// Worker thread loop
// prompt user for data (invoke synchronously on UI thread)
UserData data = (UserData)window.Invoke(PromptUserData);
UserData PromptUserData()
UserInputDialog dlg = new UserInputDialog();
return dlg.UserData;
The other option, if you don't want to use a modal dialog, is to use a wait handle to synchronize the worker thread and the UI:
private readonly AutoResetWaitHandle _userInputWaitHandle = new AutoResetWaitHandle(false);
// Worker thread loop
// Setup the UI to allow user input
// Wait for the input to be validated
void SetupUIForInput()
// Enable the UI
inputForm.Enabled = true;
// Whatever else you need to do...
void buttonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Signal the worker thread to continue
You wouldn't really implement a loop in the narrow sense.
You would do something like this (pseudo code):
No need for a separate thread, given that reading and parsing the line doesn't take long.

Complex multi-threaded interface

First of all its not a splash-screen what i want... just to be clear... ok... lets go to the description of the problem:
i have a form that fire N number of threads (i dont know how many, the user must choose)... each thread has a object, and during several moments the objects may fire a event to signal some change... there must be a form for each thread to "report" the messages that the events are sending...
my problem is: the threads create the forms perfectally... but the desappear... out of nowhere... they appear on the screen... and vanish... poof.... gone! how can i avoid that undesired "disposing"?!?!
Your threads must either
use proper InvokeRequired + Invoke logic
or run their own MessagePump (Application.Run)
Which one did you (not) do?
If you create a form in a thread, the form will vanish when the thread is done. If you want the form to survive longer than that you need to either keep the thread alive, or create the form on the application's main thread. The latter would be preferable. Just make sure that each to hook up event listener for the object in the corresponding form, and use Invoke or BeginInvoke as needed when updating the form.
A simple example:
First a worker:
class Worker
public event EventHandler SomethingHappened;
protected void OnSomethingHappened(EventArgs e)
var evnt = SomethingHappened;
if (evnt != null)
evnt(this, e);
public void Work()
// do lots of work, occasionally calling
// OnSomethingHappened
Then, in a form we have an event handler for the SomethingHappened event:
public void SomethingHappenedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new Action(() => SomethingHappenedHandler(sender, e)));
// update gui here
Then it's really just a matter of wiring it all together:
Worker w = new Worker();
ProgressForm f = new ProgressForm;
w.SomethingHappened += f.SomethingHappenedHandler;
Thread t = new Thread(w.Work);
Disclaimer: this sample is quickly tossed together and somewhat untested (sitting on the train, about to get off ;) ).
A Form must be hosted on a thread with a message loop. You can create a message loop by either calling Application.Run or Form.ShowDialog. However, unless you have really good reason for doing so I would avoid having more than one thread with a windows message loop.
I would also avoid creating N threads. There are better ways to parallelize N operations other than creating one thread per operation. To name only two: 1) queue a work item in the ThreadPool or 2) use the Task Parallel Library via the Task class. The problem with creating N threads is that each thread consumes a certain amount of resources. More threads means more resources will be consumed and more context switching will occur. More is not always better in the world of multithreading.

The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it

i have a problem whenever i Refresh the prograss bar i get the error The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it
how can i remove it
backgroundWorker12 = new BackgroundWorker();
timer1.Enabled = true;
//cancel any async processes running for the background worker
backgroundWorker12.DoWork += (s, args) =>
BackgroundWorker worker2 = s as BackgroundWorker;
worker2.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
float percentageDone = 20f;
//check if the user status and update the password in xml
//call the function to sync the wall chart data
//call the function to sync event relate data
percentageDone = 100f;
ValidateLogin2(txtUserID.Text.Trim(), txtPassword.Password.Trim(), -1);
This bit looks like it's using UI controls from the wrong thread:
ValidateLogin2(txtUserID.Text.Trim(), txtPassword.Password.Trim(), -1);
I suggest you capture the user and password in local string variables above the code which adds the event handler - you can use those captured variables within your delegate. That way everything should be on the right thread:
backgroundWorker12 = new BackgroundWorker();
timer1.Enabled = true;
string user = txtUserID.Text.Trim();
string password = txtPassword.Password.Trim();
backgroundWorker12.DoWork += (s, args) =>
// ... same code as before up to here
ValidateLogin2(user, password, -1);
See if you can use the RunWorkerCompleted event of the BackgroundWorker, since you're accessing the UI only after progress is 100% i.e. done..
Then you wouldn't have to worry about thread-affinity of WPF UI controls - since the event handler is invoked again on the right/ UI Thread.
The other option (if you need to access the UI controls before the work is complete) is to cache the object
returned by Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher on the UI Thread before the work starts and then use object.Invoke to marshal to the right thread from the thread pool thread that is executing your DoWork handler. See some code here.
Have you tried invoking ValidateLogin2
you can either do it directly from your code shown, or in ValidateLogin2 check if the method itself requires invoking. If not, go ahead and validate, but if it does, then have it invoke itself
void ValidateLogin2(...)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
//Invokes itself if required
BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate(){ValidateLogin2(...);}));
//validate login here

Updating a Progress Bar from Another Thread

I have a windows form on the main thread and another thread that does some calculations. I'd like to update the status bar on my form from the work being done in the other thread. What's the best way to do this?
So far everything I've tried just makes things run really slowly. I'm using Visual Studio 2005.
You can use the marshaling techniques like Control.Invoke to execute a delegate on the UI thread where UI elements can be safely manipulated, but that approach is not very good. Actually, it is a terrible approach if all you want to do is update simple progress information.
By far the best method for doing this is:
Have your worker thread publish progress information to a shared variable.
Have your UI thread poll for it via a System.Windows.Forms.Timers on an interval that works well for you.
Here is what it might look like.
public class Example : Form
private volatile int percentComplete = 0;
private void StartThreadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
StatusBarUpdateTimer.Enabled = true;
new Thread(
() =>
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
percentComplete = i;
private void StatusBarUpdateTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs args)
yourStatusBarPanel.Text = percentComplete.ToString() + "%";
StatusBarUpdateTimer.Enabled = percentComplete < 100;
This works well because:
The percentComplete field is declared 'volatile' ensuring its value can be reliably read from multiple threads.
The UI thread gets to dictate when and how often the UI gets updated...the way it should be!
The worker thread does not have to wait for a response from the UI thread before it can proceed as would be the case with Invoke.
It breaks the tight coupling between the UI and worker threads that Invoke would impose.
It is more efficient...considerably.
You get more throughput on both the UI and worker threads.
There is no chance of saturating the UI message queue as could be the case with BeginInvoke.
You do not have to litter you code with Invoke calls everytime you need to update the UI from the worker thread.
Make sure that you only update the user interface from the main thread or else you will have problems. You can switch your thread context by calling Invoke. There's a good post here on that.
You can send messages to the main thread and get it to update the progress bar, although you then need to check for the messages. You could also do the same sort of thing as a polling function.
