Queues against Tables in messaging systems [closed] - database

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Closed 11 years ago.
I've been experiencing the good and the bad sides of messaging systems in real production environments, and I must admit that a well organized table or schema of tables simply beats every time any other form of messaging queue, because:
Data are permanently stored on a table. I've seen so many java (jms) applications that lose or vanish messages on their way for uncaught exceptions or other bugs.
Queues tend to fill up. Db storage is virtually infinite, instead.
Tables are easily accessible, while you have to use esotic instruments to read from a queue.
What's your opinion on each approach?

The phrase beats every time totally depends on what your requirements were to begin with. Certainly its not going to beat every time for everyone.
If you are building a single system which is already using a database, you don't have very high performance throughput requirements and you don't have to communicate with any other teams or systems then you're probably right.
For simple, low thoughput, mostly single threaded stuff, database are a totally fine alternative to message queues.
Where a message queue shines is when
you want a high performance, highly concurrent and scalable load balancer so you can process tens of thousands of messages per second concurrently across many servers/processes (using a database table you'd be lucky to process a few hundred a second and processing with multiple threads is pretty hard as one process will tend to lock the message queue table)
you need to communicate between different systems using different databases (so don't have to hand out write access to your systems database to other folks in different teams etc)
For simple systems with a single database, team and fairly modest performance requirements - sure use a database. Use the right tool for the job etc.
However where message queues shine is in large organisations where there are lots of systems that need to communicate with each other (and so you don't want a business database to be a central point of failure or place of version hell) or when you have high performance requirements.
In terms of performance a message queue will always beat a database table - as message queues are specifically designed for the job and don't rely on pessimistic table locks (which are required for a database implementation of a queue - to do the load balancing) and good message queues will perform eager loading of messages to queues to avoid the network overhead of a database.
Similarly - you'd never use a database to do load balancing of HTTP requests across your web servers - as it'd be too slow - if you have high performance requirements for your load balancer you'd not use a database either.

I've used tables first, then refactor to a full-fledged msg queue when (and if) there's reason - which is trivial if your design is reasonable.
The biggest benefits are a.) it's easier, (b. it's a better audit trail because you have the other tables to join to, c.) if you know the database tools really well, they are easier to use than the Message Queue tools, d.) it's generally a bit easier to set up a test/dev environment in a context that already exists for your app (if same familiarity applies).
Oh, and e.) for perhaps you and others, it's not another product to learn, install, configure, administer, and support.
IMPE, it's just as reliable, disconnectable, and you can convert if it needs more scalable.

Data are permanently stored on a table. I've seen so many java (jms) applications that loose or vanish messages on their way for uncaught exceptions or other bugs.
Which JMS implementation? Sun sells reliable queue which can't lose messages. Perhaps you just purchased a cheesy JMS-compliant product. IBM's MQ is extremely reliable, and there are JMS libraries to access it.
Queues tend to fill up. Db storage is virtually infinite, instead.
Ummm... If your queue fills up, it sounds like something is broken. If your apps crash, that's not a good thing, and queues have little to do with that. If you've purchased a really poor JMS implementation, I can see where you might be unhappy with it. It's a competitive market-place. Find a better queue manager. Sun's JCAPS has a really good queue manager, formerly the SeeBeyond message queue.
Tables are easily accessible, while you have to use esotic instruments to read from a queue.
That doesn't fit with my experience. Tables are accessed through this peculiar "other language" (SQL), and requires that I be aware of structure mappings from tables to objects and data type mappings from VARCHAR2 to String. Further, I have to use some kind of access layer (JDBC or an ORM which uses JDBC). That seems very, very complex. A queue is accessed through MessageConsumers and MessageProducers using simple sends and receives.

It sounds as though the problems you've experienced are not inherent to messaging, but rather are artifacts of poorly-implemented messaging systems. Is building messaging systems harder than building database systems? Yes, if all you ever do is build database systems.
Losing messages to uncaught exceptions? That's hardly the fault of the message queue. The applications you're using are poorly engineered. They're removing messages from the queue before processing completes. They're not using transactions, or journalling.
Message queues fill up while DB storage is "virtually infinite"? You talk as though managing disk space were something that databases didn't require. Message queue servers require administration, just like database servers do.
Esoteric instruments to read from a queue? Maybe if you find asynchronous methods esoteric. Maybe if you find serialization and deserialization esoteric. (At least, those are the things I found esoteric when I was learning messaging. Like many seemingly-esoteric technologies, they're actually quite mundane once you understand them, and understanding them is an important part of the seasoned developer's education.)
Aspects of messaging that make it superior to databases:
Asynchronous processing. Message queues notify waiting processes when new messages arrive. To accomplish this functionality in a database, the waiting processes have to poll the database.
Separation of concerns. The communications channel is decoupled from the implementation details of the message content. Only the sender and the receiver need to know anything about the format of the data stream within a given message.
Fault-tolerance.. Messaging can function when connections between servers are intermittent. Message queues can store messages locally and only forward them to remote servers when the connection is live.
Systems integration. In the Windows world, at least, messaging is built into the operating system. It uses the OS's security model, it's managed through the OS's tools, etc.
If you don't need these things, you probably don't need messaging.
Here's a simple example of an application for messaging: I'm building a system right now where users, distributed across multiple networks, are entering fairly intricate sets of transactions that are used to produce printed output. Output generation is computationally expensive and not part of their workflow; i.e. the users don't care when the output gets generated, just that it does.
So we serialize the transactions into a message and drop it in a queue. A process running on a server grabs messages from the queue, produces the output, and stores the output in an imaging system.
If we used a database as our message store, we'd have to come up with a schema to store a transaction format that right now only the sender and receiver care about, we'd need to make sure every workstation on the network had permanent persistent connections to the database server, we'd have no capacity to distribute this transaction load across multiple servers, and our output server would have to query the database thousands of times a day waiting to see if there were new jobs to process.

Queues provide reliable messaging. The store-and-forward, disconnected nature of queueing make it much more scalable than databases, not to mention more robust.
And queues shouldn't really be used for permanent storage of information - it is best to think of them as temporary inboxes, unlike databases.


Message queue with conditional processing and consensus between workers

I'm implementing workflow engine, where a job request is received first and executed later by a pool of workers. Sounds like a typical message queue use case.
However, there are some restrictions for parallel processing. For example, it's not allowed to run concurrent jobs for the same customer. In other words, there must be some sort of consensus between workers.
I'm currently using database table with business identifiers, status flags, row locking and conditional queries to store and poll available jobs according to spec. It works, but using database for asynchronous processing feels counterintuitive. Does messaging systems support my requirements of conditional processing?
As an author of a few workflow engines, I believe that the persistence component for maintaining state is essential. I cannot imagine a workflow engine that only uses queues.
Unless you are just doing it just for fun implementing your own is a weird idea. A fully featured workflow engine is an extremely complex piece of software comparable to a database. I would recommend looking into existing ones instead of building your own if it is for production use. You can start from my open source project temporal.io :). It is used by thousands of companies for mission-critical applications and can scale to almost any rate given enough DB capacity.

Consistency effects in distributed (NoSQL) databases

Whenever I read something about NoSQL distributed databases they mention the CAP theorem and that it means that in a partitioned system you can either have full consistency, full availability, or a little bit of both, but never both entirely.
What is not really clear to me is what type of consistency they are talking about:
Is it consistency in data freshness, where some clients may get older data than others?
Or is it consistency in the sense that transactions may complete only partially and this may bring the data in an inconsistent state?
The second interpretation sounds quite dangerous to me and not really acceptable. The first interpretation sounds acceptable but how can you prevent that a client that requests a set of data is not served with partly outdated data and partly fresh data?
How dangerous is it to only offer partial consistency and what are the possible negative effects?
Consistency in distributed databases is a huge problem, and it means both of your options: stale data in some places, and partially completed transactions. I'm not going to write an essay about it because it is a huge problem and the solutions are not easy. However, here are some key phrases.
Eventual Consistency is the solution to this, but implementing it sounds like a big job. The key to the implementation is Idempotent Messages. Lets say a complete transaction involves updating data on machines A, B, and C. How do you actually do that? You start sending messages around the place, and keep sending them until you receive an acknowledgement of receipt and successful processing. You may send the message to B twice either because B never got the message, or because B's ack never got received. If you sent it twice because you never got the ack, then B had better do the right thing when it gets it again (which may be to ignore it), and send you an ack so you stop bothering it.
This is a pretty good article, it looks like, and its from a NoSQL point of view. There are loads of links about Idempotent Messages hidden in any search engine, so I'll let you root around.
Final note: Pat Helland who worked on Distributed Databases for many years (at Microsoft and Google among other places) eventually came to the conclusion that consistency for Distributed DBs was impossible, and that you'd better settle for Eventual Consistency via Idempotent Messages.

Distributed transactions - why do we save tranlogs to file system?

All transaction managers (Atomikos, Bitronix, IBM WebSphere TM etc) save some "transaction logs" into 'tranlogs' folder to file system.
When something terrible happens and server gets down sometimes tranlogs become broken.
They require some manual recovery procedure.
I've been told that by simply clearing broken tranlogs folder I risk to have an inconsistent state of resources that participated in transactions.
As a "dumb" developer I feel more comfortable with simple concepts. I want to think that distributed transaction management should be alike the regular transaction management:
If something went wrong at any party (network, app error, timeout) - I expect the whole multi-resource transaction not to be committed in any part of it. All leftovers should be cleaned up sooner or later automatically.
If transaction managers fails (file system fault, power supply fault) - I expect all the transactions under this TM to be rollbacked (apparently, at DB timeout level).
File storage for tranlogs is optional if I don't want to have any automatic TX recovery (whatever it would mean).
Why can't I think like this? What's so complicated about 2PC?
What are the exact risks when I clear broken tranlogs?
If I am wrong and I really need all the mess with 2PC file system state. Don't you feel sick about the fact that TX manager can actually break storage state in an easy and ugly manner?
When I was first confronted with 2 phase commit in real life in 1994 (initially on a larger Oracle7 environment), I had a similar initial reaction. What a bloody shame that it is not generally possible to make it simple. But looking back at algorithm books of university, it become clear that there is no general solution for 2PC.
See for instance how to come to consensus in a distributed environment
Of course, there are many specific cases where a 2PC commit of a transaction can be resolved more easy to either complete or roll back completely and with less impact. But the general problem stays and can not be solved.
In this case, a transaction manager has to decide at some time what to do; a transaction can not remain open forever. Therefor, as an ultimate solution they will always need to have go back to their own transaction logs, since one or more of the other parties may not be able to reliably communicate status now and in the near future. Some transaction managers might be more advanced and know how to resolve some cases more easily, but the need for an ultimate fallback stays.
I am sorry for you. Fixing it generally seems to be identical to "Falsity implies anything" in binary logic.
On Why can't I think like this? and What's so complicated about 2PC: See above. This algorithmetic problem can't be solved universally.
On What are the exact risks when I clear broken tranlogs?: the transaction manager has some database backing it. Deleting translogs is the same problem in general relational database software; you loose information on the transactions in process. Some db platforms can still have somewhat or largely integer files. For background and some database theory, see Wikipedia.
On Don't you feel sick about the fact that TX manager can actually break storage state in an easy and ugly manner?: yes, sometimes when I have to get a lot of work done by the team, I really hate it. But well, it keeps me having a job :-)
Addition: to 2PC or not
From your addition I understand that you are thinking whether or not to include 2PC in your projects.
In my opinion, your mileage may vary. Our company has as policy for 2PC: avoid it whenever possible. However, in some environments and especially with legacy systems and complex environments such a found in banking you can not work around it. The customer requires it and they may be not willing to allow you to perform a major change in other infrastructural components.
When you must do 2PC: do it well. I like a clean architecture of the software and infrastructure, and something that is so simple that even 5 years from now it is clear how it works.
For all other cases, we stay away from two phase commit. We have our own framework (Invantive Producer) from client, to application server to database backend. In this framework we have chosen to sacrifice elements of ACID when normally working in a distributed environment. The application developer must take care himself of for instance atomicity. Often that is possible with little effort or even doesn't require thinking about. For instance, all software must be safe for restart. Even with atomicity of transactions this requires some thinking to do it well in a massive multi user environment (for instance locking issues).
In general this stupid approach is very easy to understand and maintain. In cases where we have been required to do two phase commit, we have been able to just replace some plug-ins on the framework and make some changes to client-side code.
So my advice would be:
Try to avoid 2PC.
But encapsulate your transaction logic nicely.
Allowing to do 2PC without a complete rebuild, but only changing things where needed.
I hope this helps you. If you can tell me more about your typical environments (size in #tables, size in GB persistent data, size in #concurrent users, typical transaction mgmt software and platform) may be i can make some additions or improvements.
Addition: Email and avoiding message loss in 2PC
Regarding whether suggesting DB combining with JMS: No, combining DB with JMS is normally of little use; it will itself already have some db, therefor the original question on transaction logs.
Regarding your business case: I understand that per event an email is sent from a template and that the outgoing mail is registered as an event in the database.
This is a hard nut to crack; I've been enjoying doing security audits and one of the easiest security issues to score was checking use of email.
Email - besides not being confidential and tampersafe in most situations like a postcard - has no guarantees for delivery and/or reading without additional measures. For instance, even when email is delivered directly between your mail transfer agent and the recipient, data loss can occur without the transaction monitor being informed. That even gets worse when multiple hops are involved. For instance, each MTA has it's own queueing mechanism on which a "bomb can be dropped" leading to data loss. But you can also think of spam measures, bad configuration, mail loops, pressing delete file by accident, etc. Even when you can register the sending of the email without any loss of transaction information using 2PC, this gives absolutely no clue on whether the email will arrive at all or even make it across the first hop.
The company I work for sells a large software package for project-driven businesses. This package has an integrated queueing mechanism, which also handles email events. Typically combined in most implementation with Exchange nowadays. A few months we've had a nice problem: transaction started, opened mail channel, mail delivered to Exchange as MTA, register that mail was handled... transaction aborted, since Oracle tablespace full. On the next run, the mail was delivered again to Exchange, again abort, etc. The algorithm has been enhanced now, but from this simple example you can see that you need all endpoints to cooperate in your 2PC, even when some of the endpoints are far away in an organisation receiving and displaying your email.
If you need measures to ensure that an email is delivered or read, you will need to supplement it by additional measures. Please pick one of application controls, user controls and process controls from literature.

Akka Actors: Handling DB Failures Without Losing Data

The DB for an application has gone down. This results in any actor responsible for committing important data to the DB failing to get a connection
Preferred Behaviour
The important data is written to the db when it comes back up sometime in the future.
Current Implementation
The actor catches the DBException, wraps the data in a DBWriteFailed case class, and sends the message to its supervisor. The supervisor then schedules another write for sometime in the future (e.g. 1 minute) using system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(...) so that we don't spin in circles too much while waiting for the DB to come back up.
This implementation certainly works but I feel there might be a better way.
The protocol gets a bit messier when the committing actor has to respond to the original sender after a successful commit.
The regular flow of messages to the committing actor is not throttled in any way and the actor will happily process the new messages, likely failing to connect to the DB for each and every one of them.
If messages get caught in this retry loop for too long, the mailboxes of the committing actors will start to balloon. It is important that this data be committed, but none of it matters if the application crawls to a halt or crashes due to excessive memory usage.
I am an akka novice and I am largely inexperienced when it comes to supervisor strategies, but I feel as though I may be able to leverage one of those to handle some of this retry logic.
Is there a common approach in akka for solving a problem like this? Am I on the right track or should I be heading in a different direction?
Any help is appreciated.
You can use Akka Circuit Breaker to reduce connection attempts. Instead of using the scheduler as retry queue I would use a buffer (with max size limit) inside the actor and retry those when circuit breaker becomes closed again (onClose callback should send message to self actor). An alternative could be to combine the circuit breaker with a stashing mailbox.
If you're planning to implement full failover in your app
Do not bubble database failover responsibility up into the app layer. As far as your app is concerned, the database should just be up and ready to accept reads and writes.
If your database goes down often, spend time making your database more robust (there's a multitude of resources on the web already for this: search the web for terms like 'replication', 'high availability', 'load-balancing' and 'clustering', and learn from the war stories of others at highscalability.com). It all really depends on what the cause of your DB outages are (e.g. I once maxed out the NIC on the DB master, and "fixed" the problem intermittently by enabling GZIP on the wire).
You'll be glad you adhered to a separation of concerns if you go down this route.
If you're planning to implement the odd sprinkling of retry logic and handling DB brown-outs
If you're not expecting your app to become a replacement database, then Patrik's answer is the best way to go.

Is RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Service Broker or something similar an appropriate solution for creating a high availability database webservice?

I have a CRUD webservice, and have been tasked with trying to figure out a way to ensure that we don't lose data when the database goes down. Everyone is aware that if the database goes down we won't be able to get "reads" but for a specific subset of the operations we want to make sure that we don't lose data.
I've been given the impression that this is something that is covered by services like 0MQ, RabbitMQ, or one of the Microsoft MQ services. Although after a few days of reading and research, I'm not even certain that the messages we're talking about in MQ services include database operations. I am however 100% certain that I can queue up as many hello worlds as I could ever hope for.
If I can use a message queue for adding a layer of protection to the database, I'd lean towards Rabbit (because it appears to persist through crashes) but since the target is a Microsoft SQL server databse, perhaps one of their solutions (such as SQL Service Broker, or MSMQ) is more appropriate.
The real fundamental question that I'm not yet sure of though is whether I'm even playing with the right deck of cards (so to speak).
With the desire for a high-availablity webservice, that continues to function if the database goes down, does it make sense to put a Rabbit MQ instance "between" the webservice and the database? Maybe the right link in the chain is to have RabbitMQ send messages to the webserver?
Or is there some other solution for achieving this? There are a number of lose ideas at the moment around finding a way to roll up weblogs in the event of database outage or something... but we're still in early enough stages that (at least I) have no idea what I'm going to do.
Is message queue the right solution?
Introducing message queuing in between a service and it's database operations is certainly one way of improving service availability. Writing to a local temporary queue in a store-and-forward scenario will always be more available than writing to a remote database server, simply by being a local operation.
Additionally by using queuing you gain greater control over the volume and nature of database traffic your database has to handle at peak. Database writes can be queued, routed, and even committed in a different order.
However, in order to do this you need to be aware that when a database write is performed it is processed off-line. Even under conditions where this happens almost instantaneously, you are losing a benefit that the synchronous nature of your current service gives you, which is that your service consumers can always know if the database write operation is successful or not.
I have written about this subject before here. The user posting the question had similar concerns to you. Whether you do this or not is a decision you have to make based on whether this is something your consumers care about or not.
As for the technology stacks you are thinking of this off-line model is implementable with any of them pretty much, with the possible exception of Service broker, which doesn't integrate well with code (see my answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45690344/569662).
If you're using Windows and unlikely to need to migrate, I would go for MSMQ (which supports durable messaging via transactional queues) as it's lightweight and part of Windows.
