React-snap and register service worker - reactjs

I've been attempting to integrate react-snap with my create-react-app project. The issue I'm running into seems to stem from the registerServiceWorker() line in the index.js file.
The behaviors I'm observing is that when the registerServiceWorker() line is present, the app builds and I'm able to navigate normally, but the prerendered files are only filled with:
And the console is filled with:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
When I comment out the registerServiceWorker() line in index.js react-snap runs with no errors and prerenders everything as it should, but I'm unable to navigate off of the '/' route. Attempting to go to any other route automtically re-routes me.
I have a feeling there is some adjustments I might need to make with the registerServiceWorker.js file that comes with create-react-app or option changes with react-snap.
I've been using version 1.21 of react-snap for reference.
Any ideas with direction on where to go with this would be wonderful.

registerServiceWorker, most likely, has nothing to do with your error, because react-snap by default uses HTTP (not HTTPS) and serviceWorkers don't work over HTTP.
UPD: actually serviceWorker will work over HTTP for localhost. react-snap probably should disable serviceWorkers by default


If I refresh the browser my react app are being page not supported error message

I'm new in react app development, I just build my practice app and deployed it through Netlify. I can visit my app and everything is fine till I refresh my window. Refreshing the window comes with an error page not found. what should I do to solve this problem?
You may need to look at providing a _redirects file in your root directory. See
For example,
/* /index.html 200
As cra is single page application, you need server setting to redirect everytime to index.html,
You might want to check this link

Getting an "Access Denied" error when I reload my React app on AWS Amplify

I am working on a React app that's running on AWS Amplify. My React app is using the react-router-dom library to route to different components. After running amplify publish in the CLI, at the root of the app ( everything is fine in the browser, I can also route to other components in the app just fine as well. But when I refresh my browser while I am on a route (, I get an Access Denied error message.
I have found other posts about similar issues regarding rewrites and redirects in Amplify, but the solutions given do not work for me.
Here is an image of the error:
My Amplify app rewrites & redirects :
Again, the error only displays when I refresh on a route ( or not on Is the issue being caused by the react-router-dom library or is it an issue with Amplify settings? I am not sure where to go from here.
I have been facing the same error since days.The error is being caused by the amplify settings. The solution is simple,
Edit your Rewrites and redirects by adding a new rule.
source address = </^[^.]+$|.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf|map|json)$)([^.]+$)/>
target address = /index.html
status = 200 (Rewrite)
Country code can be left blank
Save and try refreshing your app again. It should probably work.
use this for reference:
Then you can just put in (as Dhruv Godambe posted above)
as the Source address and
/index.html as your target address
You can navigate to 'rewrites and redirects' in your app from AWS Amplify console and click on edit and select open text editor, and add this piece of code in your array(if present) else put the array braces around it.
"source": "</^[^.]+$|\\.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf)$)([^.]+$)/>",
"target": "/index.html",
"status": "200",
"condition": null
I have faced the same problem.
I was using Manual Zip File (Compressed) download (wrong).
Here is how to deploy manually correctely:
Run this command
npm run build
Now a build folder will be created.
2. Compress the content of this folder
Not the content of the whole project.
You chnage directory to the build folder and Compress the content in side.
3. Upload that compressed file Inside the build directory
Now this should work just fine.
The correct rule should be like this:
Source address: </^[^.]+$|\.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf)$)([^.]+$)/>
Target address: /index.html
Status: 200
I was getting the an Access Denied error message too. The error went away when I followed the documentation described in the answer above, but then I got the white screen problem described above too.
Reviewing the steps I noticed the auto-complete for the "Destination Address" listed in the "Rewrites and redirects" settings was /. When I tried using / as the "Destination Address" instead of /index.html I no longer got the white screen and got the expected page content.
Sharing what I found in case this helps others who are seeing a white screen after fixing the error with the rewrite rule described in the answers above. (Note as of Nov 2022 the "Rewrites and redirects" setting page uses the wording "Target Address" instead of "Destination Address".)
I have faced the same problem. I was zipping build folder, but not the contents within the zip folder.
Here is how I fixed it:
Run build command
npm run build
Now a build folder will be created inside your project directory.
Open build folder.
Compress the contents of build folder, and not build folder.
Now upload this new zip created from sub files and folders from build folder.
App will run fine on AWS Amplify.
I got the same error,
I zipped the build folder first then uploaded it and got that error,
but when I just uploaded the folder without zipping it, it worked fine !! weird!!
in my application I used the port 8080

Nextjs 404 error on reload/ refresh action

I'm using Nextjs for a front-end application and dotnet core 3.1 for the Web API. There are some pages that are static and other that are dynamic I followed the official documentation to achieve this. On development mode (local machine) everything works fine. Both static and dynamic routes are working properly and fetching data from the dontnet core Web API.
However, when publishing the Nextjs app following this steps:
yarn build
yarn export
An out folder is generated at the root of the project
The content of that folder is uploaded to the server
After, the deployed files are uploaded and when loging to the app, it redirects to the main page (until here is working OK), but as soon as I click on the reload page botton (Chrome) I am gettint the 404 error.
Looking at the console in the developer tools I got this:
I found this Stackoverflow link with same issue but there the answer is to use Express for server routing. In my case I am using dotnet core Web API for server requests. So, not sure how to do that.
Is there a way to fix this from the client side? Might be a configuration is missing?
The only thing I noticed while doing the export was a message saying: No "exportPathMap" found. Not sure if that would the the reason.
I had got similar issue in react when all of my pages after building and exporting had ".html" extensions. I solved it by the following code in next.config.js file.
module.exports = {
exportTrailingSlash: true,
Note: Do not work with the above code while in development. Use it just before building the project.
You can find the documentation link here:
The above code was for next.js v9.3.4 which I was using at that time. For newer versions below code should be used according to docs.
module.exports = {
trailingSlash: true,
it has been fixed update your nextjs package
npm install next#latest
based on the current version of Next js you have, visit here to see if there's any breaking change before updating what you have
I had a similar issue where after deploying the out folder created by next export all URL's would redirect me to the homepage. Everything was working fine during development and all URL's were accessible with next/link but in order to access pages with a URL I had to add a .html extension at the end of the URL.
Because I needed a quick workaround I added a useEffect block in the _app.tsx file for rerouting so that upon landing on the homepage it would act as if a Link component was clicked redirecting to the entered URL.

Managing routes in reactjs app in production

How is routing handled in a built react app?
Specifically, in a development environment, we can simply hit <host>:<port>/<some-path> and the corresponding component is loaded, but once the app is built, we get a bunch of static files and single index.html file, which are then served by some server.
Now, upon hitting the url <server-host>:<server-port>, the app works as intended, but upon entering the path, say <server-host>:<server-port>/<component-path>, a 404 error is returned.
If there is, say a button, upon clicking which, the same /<component-path> is to be redirected, the app works, but then again upon refreshing that page, 404 error occurs.
How can this be solved? What is the correct way to serve such apps having many components at different routes?
In server config you should point all urls ( http://ipaddress:port/<* any url pattern>) to index.html of react-app . this is known as fallback-mechanism.
And when any request comes,index.html of React app will take care of that automatically because it is single page application.
Use HashRouter in React app. So You will not have to configure anything.
Depending on which server you are deploying to, you should redirect all errors to the index.html look for the configuration maybe htaccess or for example if it an AWS S3 bucket you just specify the error page to the same index.html file that is served. Then you handle actual error in your code using a routing library like maybe react-router-dom to take care of actual error. Your failure is because in normal circumstances in a static host when you provide a URL like <server-port>/<component-path> the assumption the server makes is that there is a folder with name component-path in your root directory which has an index file from where to load and display but in the case of React single page application, everything is managed by the index.html. So every request has to pass via the index.html

when page refresh "404 - File or directory not found."

my react app is working locally but after the deploy, I faced the problem when I press any button there is no problem but if I want to refresh I see that problem "404 - File or directory not found."
I found this solution:
Configure Your Server
"Your server must be ready to handle real URLs. When the app first loads at / it will probably work, but as the user navigates around and then hits refresh at /accounts/23 your web server will get a request to /accounts/23. You will need it to handle that URL and include your JavaScript application in the response."
But I don't know how can I do this
I try something but it doesn't work
npm run build, this will create build folder inside your project root folder
if you want to deploy to remote server just transfer that build
npx serve -s build on windows, if you are using mac kindly see if it is still npx.
then try to refresh every path of it
hope this works, happy coding.
Since the server cannot find the static content in the directory (i.e. not found the file /tomcat/accounts/23), it will give you 404 unless you have additional route handling.
In React routing I think you can try with HashRouter
See more details here:
HashRouter vs BrowserRouter
