I'm building a Facebook messenger bot and am finding that quick reply buttons occasionally don't appear on the Messenger client for Android -- I sometimes have to quickly swipe up and down for them to appear. This doesn't happen on the Messenger clients for iOS or the browser. Has anyone else noticed this problem, or found a workaround?
Did you check your internet settings? I think it is due to poor internet connectivity. And are you using Node.js to implement the messenger bot?
I already finish the chatbot, but I have no idea of how to upload it to my website, please, help :)
I tried to look for some code to send to the IT developers, but cannot find it :( And the IT guys are too busy, so I'ld like to get the answer by myself so I can send it to them if I'm not able to apply it. Thank you. (Btw: I'm not an IT person... :( )
Where to start?
The dialog / conversation part of your Watson Assistant part chatbot is available as a REST API.
There are several deployment options available. For the more popular choices the Assistant tooling provides integrations. So if you want to access your chatbot through slack, or facebook messenger or on a word press site then look at the documentation as to how - https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/services/assistant?topic=assistant-deploy-integration-add
If you are developing your own application or web-page, then your developers will need to design the User Interface and handle the quirks of your dialog. eg. Decide how to display images, options etc., all from the API, which is essentially only message in, response out - https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/assistant-v2#send-user-input-to-assistant. There are samples available for them to base from - eg. https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/assistant-intermediate
If your website is using Wordpress, there is a very easy way to deploy the chatbot to it using a wordpress plug in - https://wordpress.org/plugins/conversation-watson/
I've been using the Messenger customer chat plugin quite often but I recently discovered that I don't receive any 'ref' tags when a mobile user tries to talk to me through the Messenger chat plugin. It does work perfectly whenever someone starts talking on desktop (Chrome, Safari,...)
Is this a known issue and are there any workarounds? I now have no clue where this user came from since I don't receive the referral webhook.
Thanks in advance!
Facebook Messenger Lite users cannot see galleries nor many of the other richer aspects of FB Messenger.
How should I identify users messaging via Facebook Messenger Lite (vs. FBM Full) so I can service them effectively without degrading the richness provided to FB Messenger Full) users?
PS someone needs to create tag "facebook-messenger-lite" - I don't have the reputation for it yet.
Identifying the user isn't supported in the webhook events currently. The only way is to look at the user-agent header in the webview.
Our team has built Facebook messenger for subscribers. We are releasing a beta version and we want to pick up 5% for getting feedback. The challenge is how can we verify which subs have Facebook Messenger installed on their devices?
Thanks in advance.
If you have phone numbers for the subscribers you can use the Customer Matching API. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/customer-matching
If you don't, you can try to get them to interact with your bot with a Send To Messenger button or one of the other web plugins. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/plugin-reference/send-to-messenger
I have configured Facebook connection thru Bot Framework, which has requested to configure one single Facebook page, app, and then token. Is it possible to indicate how to manage several Facebook pages thru the same Microsoft Bot Framework? If not possible, what are the available options?
Thx for your feedback,
If I understand your question correctly, you would like a bot that works across several Facebook pages? Do to this you'll need to create multiple registrations in the BotFramework for your bot (one for each Facebook page). Each registration can call back to the same bot (just use the same webhook).
A bot can configure on multiple fanpages. I tested it, just enter new pageId and PageToken then resubmit. It still work well.
The problem is the UI configure BotFramework not display all fanpages that authorized. When click deauthorized, it delete all pages. We can wait dev team upgrade it or create multiple registrations like Lars said . I think it will work better soon.