how to fix algolia firebase extension auto sync problem - reactjs

I have integrated my Firebase project with Algolia search engine. However, I am facing an issue where any updates or deletions made to the documents in the designated collection are not reflected in the search results. Can someone suggest a solution to address this problem?
i have enabled auto sync on the plugin but there is no chnge


How can ReactJS gets notified and update UI on Firebase database updates

I need some technical design guidance on how to do this.
I have a webapp that is build on ReactJS and I have a Firebase Database
I would like to update realtime data from Firebase Database updated to the ReactJS UI (filtered to particular user/account)
I know that we can listen to Firebase Database events from Functions using these guidance:
Can reactJS subscribe to certain events from function to get these triggers ?
I would like real-time information appearing on the ReactJS page. Can someone advise how would this be designed / architectured ? Thanks
I would like to update realtime data from Firebase Database updated to
the ReactJS UI
Both the two database services offered by Firebase, i.e. Firestore and the Realtime Database, offer the possibility to get realtime updates from the database in your front-end.
For Firestore, you'll find here in the doc the details on how to listen to a Document, a Query or an entire Collection.
For the Realtime Database you'll find here in the doc the details on how to listen to a specific node of the JSON-like data tree.
So, in the Firebase world, setting such real-time listeners is the standard way for having "real-time information appearing on the ReactJS page".
I know that we can listen to Firebase Database events from Functions
using these guidance:
This is about triggering a background Cloud Function in the Google Cloud back-end, based on some events occurring in the database (e.g. update, deletion or creation). In this framework, there is no out-of-the-box mechanism to be informed, from your front-end, that such a background Cloud Function was triggered (based on some changes in the database).

Gatsby Webhooks and how to trigger the build from Strapi

we are currently working on connecting the Strapi cms with the gatsby on the front end.
My question is - do we need to set up the Webhooks to trigger the build inside of the repo on the Bit Bucket or it needs to be triggered on a hosting?
If you know the solution I would really appreciate it if you could share the procedure with me cause I'm seeing a lot of different cases online but I wasn't able to find this specific one.
Our hosting is AWS S3, and Gatsby is fetching the data from Strapi via GraphQL.
Thank you, guys!
Here is an example that is deleted from the documentation -
That uses the model's life cycles but you can apply this logic with the new Webhook feature that is now builtin Strapi.

How do I completely delete Cloud Datastore from a project?

I want to create a Firestore in Native mode in an existing project.
I don't have any data in Cloud Datastore, but it blocks me, saying
This project uses another database service
Your current project is set up to use Cloud Datastore or Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode. You can access data for this project from the Cloud Datastore console.
when going through
Cannot enable Firestore for this project
Currently Firestore cannot be enabled in projects already using Cloud Datastore or App Engine
when going through
I've tried it with writes to datastore enabled and disabled
I just want to completely purge the Cloud Datastore product from my project.
Unfortunately, there is no way to purge the previous existence of a Cloud Datastore database to try either Cloud Firestore in native or Datastore mode. You'll have to use a new project to try Cloud Firestore in either native or Datastore mode.
You can switch using the below command
$ gcloud alpha firestore databases update --type=firestore-native
This is the response I got from Google Cloud Support today (February 16th, 2021):
Generally, we do recommend to create a new project and enable Firestore therein. Nonetheless I may submit a request to delete your existing database which may allow you to change the database to the desired mode. However, please keep in mind that I’m unable to guarantee it’s approval.
I just tried it on my end. I deleted all my entities (test project) and disabled my Datastore API, same issue as you when I visit the page.
This is likely an issue that needs to be reported either through support (if you have a support package for Google Cloud Platform), or through our issue tracker.
Still the same as of 10 June 2020.
If you have an empty Datastore database and you never executed a write to the database, you can upgrade to Firestore in Datastore mode or Native mode.
If you do not receive this option, then your database instance will be automatically upgraded at a future date.
If you upgrade from Datastore to Firestore in Datastore mode or from Datastore mode to Native mode, you cannot undo the operation.
See this page for additional details:
If you just want to lock down use the following security rule it will not delete but lock down your firestore so no one can write to it. Its not the answer you are looking for but in the same spirit.
// Deny read/write access to all users under any conditions
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if false;
Just visit by clicking on the button, if you have not added any data it will show option to switch to native

Why is Google Analytics providing data when the tracking code is not yet even in place?

I think some other website is using the Google Analytics ID of one of our websites. I recently set up a new Analytics property for a new site but have not yet put the tracking codes in place. Then when I checked our Analytics earlier today, the new property is already reporting visits. How come?
Probably someone hacked our Google Analytics ID. But then we haven't even placed the codes on site so I'm not sure if this is the case. Am I missing something (probably due to a filter set up)?
And if some other website is indeed using our Google Analytics ID, is there a way for me to trace these sites?
I just configured our Analytics to monitor visits that only involve our hostname so hopefully this will solve the issue onwards. But still, are there other possible reasons?

Deleting and changing google appengine endpoints

I have created a small project in Google apengine and like it apart from one thing: It seems virtually impossible to delete or change an endpoint, once it has been made. The API often stays the same, regardless of code changes in the java endpoint classes. I tried to delete the complete API, but that is not possible either. Is there any way to do this?
RE: Deletion
it's not currently supported, but we're working on it.
RE: API Changes
The Google APIs Explorer web app aggressively caches, so you'll need to clear your cache or force a refresh when you update your API server side to see the changes in the client.
