Next.js 13 Firebase Authentication Starter with Cloud Functions - reactjs

I'm trying to create a Next.js 13 app that uses Firebase Authentication and Cloud Functions. However, I'm having trouble finding a good starter template that uses these technologies together.
I've already tried searching on Google and GitHub, but I haven't been able to find anything that matches what I'm looking for. I'm specifically interested in a starter that uses Firebase Authentication and Cloud Functions with Next.js 13.
Does anyone know of a good starter template or tutorial that covers these technologies? Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

Take a look at
A complete Next.js 13 starter package for a full-stack site with Firebase Auth, Cloud functions, Firestore, TailwindCSS, Vercel deployment, and Stripe payments. For personal and commercial projects or learning.


New project web application

I have been doing websites using WordPress, Elementor with basic frontend code and some Python basic apps.
Now I would like to develop a "real" web application but I am lost.
I would like to know which Framework should I use o fit my new project:
Webpage (landing)
Users accounts and personal Dashboard with some analytics and data reports. Export and import capabilities.
Possible Mobile app linked to the Dashboard.
IBM cloud or some cloud environment to set up server, APIs...
I am reading about Node.js, React.js and React Native, Django...
I you could help me with some ideas or which software to use will help me a lot.
I am already creating some mockups for the frontend of the web with HTML,CSS and JavaScript using Bootstrap just to test it.
Thanks in advance.
I need some ideas to develop the fill project without having to change the framework with the project started.

How can we integrate ory kratos with django+react website

I am having a project to integrate ory kratos for auth. I don't find much of documentation on the implementation of ory with django+react website.
I have worked with jwt previously.
Does anyone know the complete working process of integrating ory with django+react application.
See this community example:
There are also a bunch of examples for react here:

Integrate AWS DynamoDB with Android

I have created my AWS account and I want to integrate DynamoDB with my Android app.
I am having a lot of problems lately with integration. I have searched all over the web for the instructions but I didn't get any answers and it is very confusing.
I would really appreciate it if someone could give me the steps/instructions to integrate AWS DynamoDB with my android app.
Check out the AWS Amplify Framework. It's a fantastic tool that can help you get starting building apps on AWS on multiple platforms. Android is one of the supported platforms, and there are several tutorials to get you started.
Good luck!

How to combine ReactJs, Auth0 and Cordova?

I've built a web app using ReactJs, with auth0 for authentication. Now, when I use Cordova to wrap it up and create a native application, I face an issue due to the redirection done by Auth0 for authentication.
I've tried creating a native app in auth0 and using the "react-cordova" package to properly build and wrap the react app into a Cordova app, but the issue still persists.
Good morning! My name is Jim Morrison and I'm a part of the Auth0 Community team. Are you seeing any breakdown in your auth0 logs? We have a this Community maintained Cordova quickstart that you could check against your current implementation to see if everything looks to be in it's place. I hope this helps but if it doesn't be sure to let us know!

converting dynamic web project with maven to a Google Web Application project

I have a dynamic web project which is also a maven project and I´d like to upload it to a cloud service. my teacher reccomended me the Google App Engine, but I´m finding it quite difficult to convert this maven dynamic web project into a Google Web Application Project. Does anyone have a tutorial that helps me or maybe give me a hint? I like to use eclipse for development.
I think this article is a great starting point.
It includes the way to install the App Engine plugin which you'll need for Eclipse, as well as importing a Maven project and some sample code to get started.
I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.
