Display continuous data from Arduino censor to textbox in C++ Winform - winforms

I have been trying to display a number from my sensor connecting to my Arduino to my computer. My loop in Arduino will send a number(int type) through my serial port each time the loop end and I want to display that value on my textbox. Do anyone knows what tool in Winforms I have to use to do that
I have tried the timer but it didn't work
private: System::Void timer1_Tick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
textBox1->Text = serialPort1->ReadLine();
Hear how I send the value through serial port


How to determine if button was clicked or touched?

Is there a way to distinguish whether a button was clicked as in with a mouse or touched using a touchscreen in WPF?
You can subscribe to PreviewMouseDown and PreviewTouchDown.
<Button PreviewMouseDown="Button_PreviewMouseDown"
PreviewTouchDown="Button_PreviewTouchDown" />
private void Button_PreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Mouse was used.");
private void Button_PreviewTouchDown(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Touchscreen was used.");
I don't believe you'll be able to access the eventargs of either in the actual click event.
If you need to perform work there as opposed to the preview events I would recommend setting an instance variable in the preview events so when you get to the click event you know where you came from.
You have to set up an event handler. In the designer, double click on the button and that will set on up for you.
Then in the code behind add what ever code you want.
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.Title = "Clicked";
You can add Touch events as well TouchDown, TouchUp, etc.
Windows 7 and its higher versions have the ability to receive input from multiple touch-sensitive devices. WPF applications can also handle touch input as other input, such as the mouse or keyboard, by raising events when a touch occurs.
WPF exposes two types of events when a touch occurs − touch events and manipulation events. Touch events provide raw data about each finger on a touchscreen and its movement. Manipulation events interpret the input as certain actions. Both types of events are discussed in this section.
WPF enables applications to respond to touch. For example, you can interact with an application by using one or more fingers on a touch-sensitive device, such as a touchscreen This walkthrough creates an application that enables the user to move, resize, or rotate a single object by using touch.
Source MSDN : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee649090.aspx
Also read this codeproject article - http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/692286/WPF-and-multi-touch

How can I get more than one character to show in a messagebox from a textbox user input?

I have made a textbox and I want the user to type in a string of numbers and hit enter. I have setup the following:
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
String UserBarcode;
UserBarcode = Console.ReadLine();
When I enter any key into the textbox, I get a message box with nothing in it. I want to have the program wait til it hears the enter key then display the contents of the textbox.
The Textbox.TextChanged event fires as soon as the text in the textbox is changed at all. If you want a message box with the full string, you probably want to consider using the Textbox.LostFocus event or a button's Click event.
So you could have something like (I'm taking a stab at this here, as I've used VB rather than C#)
private void textBox1_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
If you're using a button, the above function should work, but you'll want to substitute textBox1.Text for sender.Text.
Take a look at Focus and Validation Events
There are several events that you can handle, depending on your goals and how your application is designed. If you want to perform validation and/or are using data binding, you may want to go with handling the validating/validated events. By default data bindings update a bound property after OnValidating. If you use LostFocus and read the value from a bound object, instead of your control, you will get inconsistent results.
I was able to figure it out finally. For some reason when I manually entered the code I kept getting multiple random errors. I started a new Visual C # Windows Forms Application, Made a textbox, chose the keydown property and double clicked on it to have the program inject the code for the keydown function and then I filled in the if statement pointing to the enter key. The final code looks like this:
private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)

How to stop video replay in silverlight?

Ive used silverlight player in our internal builds and one issue we are facing is that the video is automatically replaying as soon as its over.
Does anyone know a fix?
You can try to hook up the MediaEnded event and stop the video when it finishes.
private void player_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Silverlight mediaelement drops part of a sound file

I am using Silverlight mediaelement to play narrative sound files. Sometimes it drops part of the sound
"Hallo this is something....." would sound like "allo this is something....." sometimes it happens at the begining, the middle or the end of the file !!!
Dose anyone have a clue ?
This is how I feed it the sound file:
soundStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(mediaUri, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FilesAndFolders.isoStore);
And this is the event the mediaelement uses to start playing,:
void mediaSound_MediaOpened(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Create my own Slider for multitouch application

The Slider control in WPF doesn't work properly for what I'm looking for.
I need to slide 2 different controls (Slider) at the same time (with one finger each).
When I touch the first Slider, it gets all the focus and I cannot touch anything else with my second touch device.
So I need to create my own Slider (MySlider) that inherit from Slider.
I've made 4 methods:
protected override void OnTouchDown(TouchEventArgs e)
protected override void OnTouchUp(TouchEventArgs e)
protected override void OnTouchLeave(TouchEventArgs e)
protected override void OnTouchMove(TouchEventArgs e)
But is there a way to move the Slider exactly like with the mouse? Or I need to calcule each time my touch device moved something like:
protected override void OnTouchMove(TouchEventArgs e)
if (this.Value <= this.Maximum && this.Value >= this.Minimum)
Point newPoint = e.GetTouchPoint(this).Position;
this.Value += (this.lastPoint.Y - newPoint.Y);
lastPoint = newPoint;
e.Handled = true;
And in this case the movement doesn't move at the same speed as the finger...
You might want to check out the Surface 2.0 SDK as it contains a class called SurfaceSlider, which I believe will allow for two or more sliders to be updated simultaneously. This SDK can be used to target applications built for Windows 7.
I'm not familiar with multi-touch events in WPF so will not be able to help you with that. However, for moving the mouse to the same location as your touching then you can look at this answer here.
Your problem that you're assuming that the width of the control is equivalent to the maximum value. You need to take out the factor the actual width relative to the difference between the max and min values.
This can only be done via events since no routed event or DPs for mouse position.
