tron link wont open and i receive an error - cryptocurrency

i have installed tron link extension but when i click on it an error appears this is error There has been an error loading the dashboard, please check your network connection and reload the page
and i am connected to internet
hi , i have installed tron link extension but when i click on it an error appears this is error There has been an error loading the dashboard, please check your network connection and reload the page
and i am connected to internet


Weboscket console error (eventhough not using websocket) on Chrome

Eventhough I never used or developed via websocket,
If I disconnect my project(using vsCode, liveserver, React) on localhost:3000 the following error pops up in my Chorme periodically.
WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3000/ws' failed:
console error
detail (WebSocketClient.js:16)

why am getting console error when request send 400 response?

we are using react and node for our project. after the google signup flow if the user already exists it display the console error. even after we checked there is no console printed. I have to remove the console error
By default, Google Chrome and any modern browser (tried with Firefox too) prints the network error logs in console in that way.
Check this Stack Overflow question for more information:
Suppress Chrome 'Failed to load resource' messages in console

Angular code working in Visual Studio but not in IIS

I have created a project with MVC and Angular.js
My app works fine from visual studio.
But when I Publish it in IIS i get error messages in console saying there are some issues in angular.min.js file.
Console error is : Unknown provider: nProvider <- n
I have tried to publish code both in debug and release modes. Nothing is working.
It is working fine from the visual studio.
I faced a similar problem and found that when I try to access the angular.min.js directly in the browser file then it was giving an error,
HTTP Error 404.8 - Not Found
The "request filtering module" is a feature in IIS 7 and above. When IIS rejects a request based on this feature, the error code logged is 404.8. This feature allows you to define which segments are "Servable".
If this is the error you are facing then follow these steps to resolve it.
Open the IIS Manager on your Windows server.
Click the website on which you need to modify your settings.
Double click "Request Filtering" from the IIS section and go to the "Hidden Segments" tab.
Check whether the folder containing (node_modules) angular.min.js which you are trying to access is under the "Hidden Segments".
If it is present, right-click the particular folder and then remove it.

Default Pages in DNN wont load as I deleted the 404 Error page

I was trying to solve a problem by deleting a 404 Error page in DNN (Recycle Bin was also cleaned) so that I can create a completely new page.
When I try to go back to Site Settings > Site Behavior > Default Pages, it fails to load and gives a wrong Internet Connection message which is caused by DNN not finding the default 404 Error page anymore.
I did try to RUN the following to set the 404 Error Page to a default value, but it still seems broken.
Update [dbo].[PortalLocalization] set Custom404TabID = NULL
I get the following error in the Console when trying to load Default Pages. It says the portal ID is undefined, but I checked and it is defined in PortalLocalization.
HTTP500: SERVER ERROR - The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

The requested URL was not found on this server in cordova for the facebook plugin in react?

i actually used the facebook login npm in react and i tried on my browser it works when i run on ios devices using cordova,it shows the following error
Failed to load webpage with error: The requested URL was not found on this server.
i don't know how to fix this? can anyone help my samples
textButton="Login With Facebook"/>
and i use my http://localhost:8080/ it works on browser and i ain't know about the mobile what to give and where to give
