I try to find the location of the Odoo logo on POS, but I could not find it any where in my VPS.
Search the answer online and found out that I could change it in location, but I have not found the directory yet. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.
Can you explain which logo you are referring to ?
~/odoo/addons/point_of_sale/static/src/img contains logo.png which is a white logo of the odoo brand
~/odoo/addons/point_of_sale/static/description/ contains icon.png which is the icon you see in the app list for the POS app
Anyone know why some users, specifically those using microsoft products , see a white screen for my React deployment? My deployment works and renders fine on my devices, mobile and standard. I have specified the homepage URL inside package.json ..
The error code for those experiencing the white screen is as followed
at Module.<anonymous>(index.js:13)
at l ((index):1)
at Object.(anonymous>(main.2a705d2.chunk.js:1)
at l ((index):1)
at t ((index):1)
at Array.r[as push]((index:1)
at main.2a705d2.chunk.js:1```
Its pointing right to your error index.js:13 anyone without the redux devtools installed its going to fail. That is not the correct way to add in the dev tools. https://github.com/zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension
I'm trying to upload my App to Apple Store but it's doing this error
All of my icons it's all ok. I already clean project and added icon name in info.plist.
Anyone help me, please!
Go to your Assets.xcassets, click the + in bottom left -> App Icons & Launch Images -> New iOS App Icon.
Add the correct icon sizes in their place just like normal.
Remember to change your 'App Icons and Launch Images' (in the General Settings) to the new icon set you just created.
I want to make an app which has built-in a folder with videos.
The problem is (and searching for few hours aleardy) I can't find the path for the video ("triunghi.mp4").
Here's what I have until now:
What is wrong or what is the good path I should use?
Try the following path :
The problem was at the $cordovaFileOpener2 plugin that don't have access into assets directory.
I solved it by copying the videos folder to external place (externalDataDirectory) and open them (the videos) from there.
I am using Croogo CMS in my Cakephp website, its working fine in server and all linux machines but it’s not working properly in windows machine. Please find below issue what I am facing in my local host
PHP Version:5.3.13
Croogo Version: 1.4.3
OS: Windows 7 - 32 bit
Goal: I want to use my Cakephp default layout instead of croogo theme layout and css and js from croogo theme
Cakephp Layout location:
Croogo Theme Layout
Now problem is css and images point to this directory theme/[MyTheme]/css/style.css. But this folder structure is not available, so I am getting below error
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://localentrust.dev/theme/[MyTheme]/css/style.css"
Please guide me to solve this issue. Thanks!
probably u have permissions issues, there is no logical reason for your css to not be displayed, the other thing i see is that your default view is not under Layouts folder, and your js and css folders should be under webroot folder. greetings
I am rather new to SimpleCV. I am running the newest version of SimpleCV on Windows Vista.
Question: How do I import a zip file containing images into SimpleCV?
The system works fine to import (1) single images on local drive and (2) url links, but I am not able to import a single folder (.zip) from local database into the system.
This is what I did:
machine_learning_data_set = "/Users/Arenzky/Desktop/testdataset.zip"
Can somebody please give me a clue what I am doing wrong?
At the moment we do not support loading zip files, although that could be added as a feature. We can however load a directory of images. So if you download and extract the the files, you can just load the directory by using:
from SimpleCV import ImageSet
imgs = ImageSet('/path/to/dir/images/')